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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Pakistan examining Saudi request to join operation in Yemen: FO


Tasneem Aslam said that the Pakistani in Yemen mission has placed on an alert and has been asked to keep in touch with Pakistan community residing there.

Pakistan examining Saudi request to join operation in Yemen: FO - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Why should we join Arabs' filthy wars since Syria, Iraq and now Yemen??????
We are part of it most probably would not admit it and I told you the moment Saudis will get involved in any we would also be part of it
I am not really taking sides. I want this dispute between the countries to end. Iran sees itself as the defender of shias and Saudi is known to be the house of muslims. The onus on both is to end this dispute and move ahead. Unfortunately none is too keen to do that and treats each as a threat.

The Prophet said do not strike the necks of each other when I am gone... and look what we are doing. As a responsible nation and custodian of the holiest sites the onus is also on you to ensure peace and prosperity in the muslim world. Instead what are you doing? What is Iran doing? I think we have fought long enough. The time is here to work together and deal with our threats on the negotiation table.
dont make lies.
we were never the aggressors and we will not accept such accusations. we have suffered and paid a lot cuz of iran. and by we i mean all muslim and arab world. now you are either with us or against us.
and that dirty lie you made about imam mohammad bin abdulwahab shows what kind of a person you are
go screw yourself with iran
first no such thing as wahhabism you brainwashed rat
dont act nice when you spread lies
we were being attacked for 36 years by iran millions have been killed and iran has a huge responsibility for their death.
you so called muslim where were you when they are killing ppl as we speak in 4 muslim countries ?
what kind of nation send 52 kg of C4 to hajj in makka ?
what kind of ppl kill more than 600 in hajj ?
we had enough.. any pakistani wants to take iran side will only be dealt like an iranian.
you ppl here have no say on what pakistan government and its true ppl say regarding saudi. NOTHING
the sad thing that pakistan is a victim of iran as well. and some rats here still support iran
whos killing pakistanies in the border ? who is controlling the conflict between afghanistan and pakistan ? you think iran doesnt have a pakistani hezb-alshaytan ?!

No need to be so aggressive, brother. :unsure:
the game is just begin and our Takfiri friends are taking wrong steps ....

Their Iranophia leading them to make wrong decisions ...
They with their sick mind just assume that Houthis are Shia and Iran took Yemen while all things we did was making big talk with limited propaganda machine ...
till now , Zeidi refused to consider themselves as Shiia and was saying that they are "more sunni" but what will happen from now !?

Imam Housein sacrificed himself for greater good ... even Jinab Zeid did this ...

Why do you presume that Houthi's speak for all 10 million Yemeni Zaydis? Do you realize that Zaydi Islam is the oldest Shia sect in Islam and the closest to Sunni Islam, especially the Shafi'i and Hanafi madahib? Do you realize that there has been no sectarianism in Yemen historically and this is likely not to change?
Do you think that ancient sects can change just because of a few political events? What is this? A Swedish buffet?

With or without Iranian political support to the Houthi terror cult KSA/GCC would have deal with them eventually. Just like in 2009 and 2010.

They hijacked Yemen and toppled an ELECTED government. 7 million Yemenis of all sects, ethnicites and colors voted for Hadi. Who are the Houthi's to topple him and spread chaos and unrest to Yemen and kill unarmed protestors from Sana'a to Ta'izz?

They are a threat to our security and that of our beloved Arabian Peninsula. Whether you Iranians like it or not.

We will act and have done so. We have overwhelming support from our Arab and Muslim brothers and sisters and major allies. Western and non-Western alike. Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

the sooner GCC intergrates itself into a single country the better for the entire region

That's going to happen eventually. Don't rule out Jordan joining the "party".

No need to be so aggressive, brother. :unsure:

Tariq al-Ali.:lol:

both of you can come clean my "equipment".. il pay you well
it must be hard finding jobs in iran these days. but somehow they can finance wars in 4 countries.
o yes poor stooge both KSA and Iran has served Ummah very well by back stabbing it and fueling sectarian wars,let another day Isreal or Saud daddy west attacks you only we will be there to support you.......
We are part of it most probably would not admit it and I told you the moment Saudis will get involved in any we would also be part of it

You illiterate fools, we forget India borders and has own problems internal matters. Arabs has never done us any favors in return to send their troops in our country.

If there is serious problem in Middle Eastern, US will able to use Global Hawk Drones to fight militancy in both Yemen and Saudi soil, we don't need to send our expensive troops to Arab countries. Where is GCC monkeys??


Saudi and Arab allies bomb Houthi positions in Yemen

Saudi Arabia and a coalition of regional allies have launched a military operation in Yemen against the Houthi rebels, who deposed the US-backed Yemeni president last month.

Adel al-Jubair, Saudi ambassador to the US, said on Wednesday that a coalition consisting of 10 countries, including the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), had begun airstrikes at 7pm Eastern time.

"The operation is to defend and support the legitimate government of Yemen and prevent the radical Houthi movement from taking over the country," Jubair told reporters in Washington.

Saudi and Arab allies bomb Houthi positions in Yemen - Al Jazeera English

Did anyone see red/blue highlights?
it will be great service to Ummah now KSA should annex Yemen like Russia did with Crimea....

Yemen is basically the only unstable country on the Arabian Peninsula. If stability, safety and progress emerged in Yemen I would not be against such an idea. At least areas not held by Houthi's (Saada province and a few other Northern provinces).

As of now Yemen is sadly more a pain in the *** for everyone concerned than an asset.

There won't be such a thing. Yemen is like 20 times bigger than Crimea and 20 times more populous. Such operations are beyond the ability of any MENA country.
[/QUOTE]o yes poor stooge both KSA and Iran has served Ummah very well by back stabbing it and fueling sectarian wars,let another day Isreal or Saud daddy west attacks you only we will be there to support you.......[/QUOTE]
we only depend on ALLAH.
dont get too arrogant and forget yourself.
we only depend on ALLAH.
dont get too arrogant and forget yourself.
we never forget ourselves and good to know that you depend upon ALLAH,that's why i think you called US and NATO to attack Iraq kill Muslims, o wait i forget that i am dealing with a person whose countries royal house has been awarded royalty by Brits in service of back stabbing Ottoman....

Yemen is basically the only unstable country on the Arabian Peninsula. If stability, safety and progress emerged in Yemen I would not be against such an idea. At least areas not held by Houthi's (Saada province and a few other Northern provinces).

As of now Yemen is sadly more a pain in the *** for everyone concerned than an asset.
well only gun can put rest in country and as for zaid's -iran and they will be ok to live with KSA.....
You illiterate fools, we forget India borders and has own problems internal matters. Arabs has never done us any favors in return to send their troops in our country.

If there is serious problem in Middle Eastern, US will able to use Global Hawk Drones to fight militancy in both Yemen and Saudi soil, we don't need to send our expensive troops to Arab countries. Where is GCC monkeys??


Saudi and Arab allies bomb Houthi positions in Yemen

Saudi Arabia and a coalition of regional allies have launched a military operation in Yemen against the Houthi rebels, who deposed the US-backed Yemeni president last month.

Adel al-Jubair, Saudi ambassador to the US, said on Wednesday that a coalition consisting of 10 countries, including the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), had begun airstrikes at 7pm Eastern time.

"The operation is to defend and support the legitimate government of Yemen and prevent the radical Houthi movement from taking over the country," Jubair told reporters in Washington.

Saudi and Arab allies bomb Houthi positions in Yemen - Al Jazeera English

Did anyone see red/blue highlights?
hothies and the US worked together for a long time. so dont act smart.
they both would conduct attacks together. US from the skies and houthies from the ground. they had mutual interest.
so nice try but go fool someone else
Proxy terrorists !?

You call millions of Yemeni people proxy terrorists who are fighting for their rights .

Theses people have always been attacked by foreign countries .

First by Egypt and countless times by Saudi Arabia and yet they are called terrorists because they are not Sunnis .

Too many Takfiri and Anti Shia supporters here .

When millions of common Syrians are called called terrorists and being killed with no remorse in hundreds of thousands numbers by Iranians then you have no right of calling Houthi terrorists as legitimite...
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