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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Chapter 7 don't mean any redneck and bully can attack the country .
Chapter 7 for use of force need UN approval .
Here chapter 7 used and clearly mentioned forr what .


Chapter 7 don't mean any redneck and bully can attack the country .
Chapter 7 for use of force need UN approval .
Here chapter 7 used and clearly mentioned forr what .

Well, deal with it honey. Iran the last that can talk about what's right and wrong because everything about it is wrong. Iran is forbidden to rescue it's brothers, and anything sent to them must be examined. Deal with it, it's the logic of the strong.
for a second it seemed that saudi soldier in the tank survived.

you would think they would have some kinda drone in the area or helicopter for over watch for these sitting duck tanks.

or snipers :guns:
Well, deal with it honey. Iran the last that can talk about what's right and wrong because everything about it is wrong. Iran is forbidden to rescue it's brothers, and anything sent to them must be examined. Deal with it, it's the logic of the strong.

Your bigger bro is fighting with one of Iran's proxy and has got nothing till now ...it's the logic of the strong.
Well, deal with it honey. Iran the last that can talk about what's right and wrong because everything about it is wrong. Iran is forbidden to rescue it's brothers, and anything sent to them must be examined. Deal with it, it's the logic of the strong.

Iran's brother? I thought the Arabs were one Amazing United Tribe.
Iran's brother? I thought the Arabs were one Amazing United Tribe.
You know, except Shiite.

Your bigger bro is fighting with one of Iran's proxy and has got nothing till now ...it's the logic of the strong.
We're doing our job till Huthis kneel down no matter how long it takes. If you think we are not strong, launch a sign petition to your regime to fulfill their thousands of vows to deliver their cargoes to Huthies without inspection.
You know, except Shiite.

We're doing our job till Huthis kneel down no matter how long it takes. If you think we are not strong, launch a sign petition to your regime to fulfill their thousands of vows to deliver their cargoes to Huthies without inspection.

With or without cargoes you still can not defeat Houthis and that's the fact ... And actually like or not it does matter how long it's gonna take , no wise commander would seek delay in scoring a victory while he has upper hand in the battlefield ... if you can do it, do it what are you waiting for? saying we are strong doesn't work like abracadabra magic words and won't change realities on the ground ...
With or without cargoes you still can not defeat Houthis and that's the fact ... And actually like or not it does matter how long it's gonna take , no wise commander would seek delay in scoring a victory while he has upper hand in the battlefield ... if you can do it, do it what are you waiting for? saying we are strong doesn't work like abracadabra magic words and won't change realities on the ground ...
It's like talking to kids. Saying the same thing since day one of the war.
Well, deal with it honey. Iran the last that can talk about what's right and wrong because everything about it is wrong. Iran is forbidden to rescue it's brothers, and anything sent to them must be examined. Deal with it, it's the logic of the strong.
Saddam was strong but how much un asked him to pay for war damage . If we did not opted to hold out asking for that war damage you think what would have happened. But here there is no problem as ksa have enough money to give to yemen .

By the way your answer is a little patethic.
Saddam was strong but how much un asked him to pay for war damage .
He didn't pay a penny to Iran. And BTW, Iran was stronger than Saddam, especially with it's air-force. Having F-14 at that time is as having F-22 now. Iran had been acting exactly as it's acting now, spreading death terrorism in the region, and when Saddam started spanking you, you started weeping and crying.
If we did not opted to hold out asking for that war damage you think what would have happened. But here there is no problem as ksa have enough money to give to yemen .

By the way your answer is a little patethic.
Saudi Arabia will never pay for any damage. If it pays, it will do so as assistance to legitimate Yemenite government to strengthen it's grip on the country as it has always done.

And you know what's really pathetic? The pathetic people are those who take terrorists side and oppose international legitimacy.
He didn't pay a penny to Iran. And BTW, Iran was stronger than Saddam, especially with it's air-force. Having F-14 at that time is as having F-22 now. Iran had been acting exactly as it's acting now, spreading death terrorism in the region, and when Saddam started spanking you, you started weeping and crying.

Saudi Arabia will never pay for any damage. If it pays, it will do so as assistance to legitimate Yemenite government to strengthen it's grip on the country as it has always done.

And you know what's really pathetic? The pathetic people are those who take terrorists side and oppose international legitimacy.
Whatever suit you .
Saudi Arabia started an illegitimate war of agression against yemen and will pay the price of it in due time and iraq didn't pay because we hold demanding the money till iraq actually have the means of paying it or we reach some other sort of agreement .
no infantry or close air support with tanks and AVs? :what:o_O

Saudis seem to be making classic mistake here of using tanks in defensive role against a guerilla infantry..as seen in chechnya, iraq and now syria ... not the best way to go..
During first chechen war russians lost a whole armoured division this way...
Tanks are only effective if used in massive offensive thrust (world war 2 germany) or as mobile artillary (world war 2 americans and on going pakistani operations in tribal areas)
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