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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Cheap hit and run tactics by the desperate Iranian supported Houthis, these surveillance towers are at least 10 to 20 km inside the Yemeni border, your Houthis can only dream of reaching our borders, these towers work as baits to attract these Houthis and then:

They get sent to hell by the "Black Jinni" << that's the Houthi nickname for the Saudi Apache (I can't blame them).

Since day one these Houthis threatened to cross our border and invade Najran and Jizan (they claim these cities are Yemeni cities) yet nothing happened, meanwhile in Iraq and Syria poorly equipped rebels are crossing through your IRGC lines lke a hot knife through butter, while Houthis were not able to capture and "hold" these surveillance towers for 4 months let alone capture anything inside Saudi borders. That's the difference between a professional army like KSA and a bunch of noobs who couldn't do jack sh!t for almost 5 years like your IRGC or the ones you support in their, oh not to mention you got Uncle Sam on your side yet you keep failing miserably LOL


Houthis can dream of reaching your border areas? :rofl:

Man how deluded are you? In the videos above you can see them roasting your brethren on the military borders.

Sauds are bunch of incompetent cowards whom can only do aerial bombing. The saud army is getting roasted in face to face war. Just have a look at few of the videos. You see how they've entered border area and saudi military bases. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Cheap hit and run tactics by the desperate Iranian supported Houthis, these surveillance towers are at least 10 to 20 km inside the Yemeni border, your Houthis can only dream of reaching our borders, these towers work as baits to attract these Houthis and then:

They get sent to hell by the "Black Jinni" << that's the Houthi nickname for the Saudi Apache (I can't blame them).

Since day one these Houthis threatened to cross our border and invade Najran and Jizan (they claim these cities are Yemeni cities) yet nothing happened, meanwhile in Iraq and Syria poorly equipped rebels are crossing through your IRGC lines lke a hot knife through butter, while Houthis were not able to capture and "hold" these surveillance towers for 4 months let alone capture anything inside Saudi borders. That's the difference between a professional army like KSA and a bunch of noobs who couldn't do jack sh!t for almost 5 years like your IRGC or the ones you support in their, oh not to mention you got Uncle Sam on your side yet you keep failing miserably LOL

Observation towers INSIDE Houthi controlled Yemen? You Suuds, you're really something. Just keep lying and distorting.
Yep, he's a sectarian douche from a powerless little piece of desert.

sad that this thread has become a sectarian, reactionary and confused thread like the "syria civil war" thread.
sad that this thread has become a sectarian, reactionary and confused thread like the "syria civil war" thread.

These savages are bombarding innocent civlians in Yemen and do not have the guts to face the houthis. These sauds are scared $hitless of Iran. They thought Iran would turn the houthis into another one of its proxies and in that fear, they started bombing Yemen indiscriminately. Their bombs have achieved nothing of interest. The houthis, as you can see not only gained more ground but are actively controlling the border area and are roasting the sauds.

This is a sectarian battle as far as saudis are concerned. Their paranoia of Iran and their fear of Iran led the to this situation. If Iran were truly helping the houthis in the beginning, then countless more sauds would be dead. countless more.

In the end, these sauds will continue to be embarrassed as they are now. They're probably wishing for something to happen so they can run away from this conflict without loosing too much face, but frankly, they're already shown to be such incompetent bafoons :lol:
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Watch the Houthis roast more sauds here. More tanks being blown to bits :enjoy:
Ansarullah & Yemeni Offensives Over the Weekend

Video above shows

> 3.7.2015: Battle with Saudi Forces in Al Makhrouq.

> 3.7.2015: Ansarullah & Yemeni Army storm Al Makhrouq position for the 3rd time.

> 4.7.2015: Skirmishes in Al Makhrouq position.

@Daneshmand @IR-TR @JEskandari @Serpentine
@mohsen @Madali

Man these Houthis are motivated as hell. No wonder these incompetent sauds are too chiken $hit to go in via ground.
Just imagine if they were actually armed by Iran :lol:

1. what is the arabi dialect being used by the narrators??

2. at the 6:58 mark, they chant "al-maut amrica, al-maut israel...", (1). do they call israel as "lusrael" or did i hear it wrong??, (b). what is the rest of the chant??
some times I think that this war was useless.if saudis had any issues with hothis.they could have taken the same approach as pakistan did with afghanistan.proxy war was best way.atleast it would save alote of humanity
some times I think that this war was useless.if saudis had any issues with hothis.they could have taken the same approach as pakistan did with afghanistan.proxy war was best way.atleast it would save alote of humanity

And how well did the proxy war do in the end for Pakistan? Last time I checked, you're at war with your "proxies" i.e the taliban. No offence dude, but only countries that can control their proxies should try to use them.

In any case, the saud are trying to use a proxy, i.e the Al Qaeda in Yemen to fight the Houthis but it's not going that great. When you're as incompetent as the sauds, you best just remaining a puppet for the real players.

Houthis can dream of reaching your border areas? :rofl:

Man how deluded are you? In the videos above you can see them roasting your brethren on the military borders.

Sauds are bunch of incompetent cowards whom can only do aerial bombing. The saud army is getting roasted in face to face war. Just have a look at few of the videos. You see how they've entered border area and saudi military bases. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Observation towers INSIDE Houthi controlled Yemen? You Suuds, you're really something. Just keep lying and distorting.
This is what you are trying to do::D

If KSA and their Arab allies can't face houthis on ground assault then what they will do against Iran if their would have been any direct conflict. Anyway, @Iranian members If houthis are so good at ground assault then why don't they try to take some territory of KSA and push them to ceasefire on your own terms. Their is nothing is as good as occupying your enemy territory and use it for tactical victory.
You have been using all these useless cartoons from 2012 and they have changed nothing, actually always the opposite happens. :D
The opposite where? Iraq, Syria, Bahrain or Yemen? Unless you have another definition for the "opposite".

If KSA and their Arab allies can't face houthis on ground assault then what they will do against Iran if their would have been any direct conflict. Anyway, @Iranian members If houthis are so good at ground assault then why don't they try to take some territory of KSA and push them to ceasefire on your own terms. Their is nothing is as good as occupying your enemy territory and use it for tactical victory.
Buddy, this is not a playground. Only children or simple-mined people think like that. It's like saying if the US couldn't fight the ISIL on ground how would they fight countries like Russia. Grow up.
Buddy, this is not a playground. Only children or simple-mined people think like that. It's like saying if the US couldn't fight the ISIL on ground how would they fight countries like Russia. Grow up.

actually US can easily fight ISIS on the ground as they act like a regular force , US had trouble like any other country fighting against guerrilla style tactics in Afghanistan

in Saudis case , they show lack of proper training in the front lines , if you actually watch some of the videos
you can notice lack of care among the troops and how useless they are at using their IFVs/APCs/Tanks against the enemy
actually US can easily fight ISIS on the ground as they act like a regular force , US had trouble like any other country fighting against guerrilla style tactics in Afghanistan

in Saudis case , they show lack of proper training in the front lines , if you actually watch some of the videos
you can notice lack of care among the troops and how useless they are at using their IFVs/APCs/Tanks against the enemy
That's BS, Huthis don't show the complete videos, they cut off from the videos to show you the parts they want you to see. What I'm saying is clear in the videos, non of them is free from several cut offs.

Another proof, tell me how many Saudi tanks have been destroyed in four months? And how many soldiers were killed in four months? And have the Huthis captured an inch of Saudi lands?

If you compare Saudi army performance in this war with Israeli performance in 2006, Saudi's was far better. Noting that Huthis have much more military hardware, and have 1600 km long borders as well as they have more complicated topography which all are in their favor.
That's BS, Huthis don't show the complete videos, they cut off from the videos to show you the parts they want you to see. What I'm saying is clear in the videos, non of them is free from several cut offs.

Another proof, tell me how many Saudi tanks have been destroyed in four months? And how many soldiers were killed in four months? And have the Huthis captured an inch of Saudi lands?

If you compare Saudi army performance in this war with Israeli performance in 2006, Saudi's was far better. Noting that Huthis have much more military hardware, and have 1600 km long borders as well as they have more complicated topography which all are in their favor.

Saudis performance is only due to its air force which is also supported by US , Huthis have pretty much 0 equipment to defend itself against air strikes

nor can they support big operations against Saudi Arabia , even if those are just a few losses , it still demonstrates the lack of training among Saudis and lack of care , don't get me wrong Huthis themselves have crappy training , but their will to fight makes up for it.

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