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what you are mocking is the term "الله" GOD, written in a symbolic way so it remains the same eve when flag is reversed. but as I described your kind in my previous comment, your brain has stopped functioning long time ago.
if you think you can shame and educate the ignorant then its ok but there is a Quranic verse in Surah Barka which states tht their hearts and minds are sealed.

Idiots like him ignore the Islamic script and the word Allah itself. going by the normal mob rule in Pakistan
he should be lynched and burnt for his blasphemy towards the word Allah.

by the way he is not the first one. there was another idiot who did that and I explained it was Khat is very old and used by the Muslim artists in pictures and Mosaics.

No habibi, im still independent XD
your shameless
I normally dont comment on religious and sectarian commentary but you crossed the line by disrespecting the word Allah on Iranian flag and also mocked the Sikh symbol as well.

criticising Iran is fine, disagreeing with their faith is also ok but dont insult the religion thats totally not allowed.

continue with your bigotry and you wont last long on the forum.
if you think you can shame and educate the ignorant then its ok but there is a Quranic verse in Surah Barka which states tht their hearts and minds are sealed.

Idiots like him ignore the Islamic script and the word Allah itself. going by the normal mob rule in Pakistan
he should be lynched and burnt for his blasphemy towards the word Allah.

by the way he is not the first one. there was another idiot who did that and I explained it was Khat is very old and used by the Muslim artists in pictures and Mosaics.

your shameless
I normally dont comment on religious and sectarian commentary but you crossed the line by disrespecting the word Allah on Iranian flag and also mocked the Sikh symbol as well.

criticising Iran is fine, disagreeing with their faith is also ok but dont insult the religion thats totally not allowed.

continue with your bigotry and you wont last long on the forum.
Wow, so i would be burned alive by a pakistani mob because i said the symbol on the irani flag looked like the sikh symbol. Guess that rules me out of visiting pakistan with crazy people like you around.
Wow, so i would be burned alive by a pakistani mob because i said the symbol on the irani flag looked like the sikh symbol. Guess that rules me out of visiting pakistan with crazy people like you around.
better still take a one way ticket to Syria and Iraq, your kind are normally going there during half terms. you will feel at home with the ISIS cannibals and rapists there.
Khomeini or his ancestors were possibly sikhs. His family name was khomeini-hendizadeh. Hendizadeh means of Indian descent.
it is because his family did migrate from India.. kashmir part to be exact.
as far as I know Kohemi was of Kashmiri descent , Sikhs are a very young and small community compared to over a billion subcontinent population. trust me, the word Allah and its font has nothing to do with Sikh faith there are many other graceful ways to express your disagreement towards the Ayatullahs this is definitely not one.
Khomeini or his ancestors were possibly sikhs. His family name was khomeini-hendizadeh. Hendizadeh means of Indian descent.
Wrong my friend:
The ancestors of Ruhollah Khomeini migrated from their original home of Nishapur in northeastern Iran to the kingdom of Awadh – a region in the modern state of Uttar Pradesh, India – whose rulers were TwelverShia Muslims of Persian origin.[30][31] During their rule they extensively invited, and received, a steady stream of Persian scholars, poets, jurists, architects, and painters.[32] The Khomeini family eventually settled in the small town of Kintoor, just outside Lucknow, the capital of Awadh.[33][34][35][36] Ayatollah Khomeini's paternal grandfather, Seyyed Ahmad Musavi Hindi, was born in Kintoor and was a contemporary and relative of the famous scholar AyatollahSyed Mir Hamid Hussain Musavi.[34][36] He left Lucknow in 1830 on a pilgrimage to the tomb of Imam Ali in Najaf, Mesopotamia (now Iraq) and never returned.[33][36] According to Moin, this migration was to escape from the spread of British power in India.[37] In 1834 Seyyed Ahmad Musavi Hindi visited Persia, and in 1839 he settled in Khomein.[34]Although he stayed and settled in Iran, he continued to be known as Hindi, indicating his stay in India, and Ruhollah Khomeini even used Hindi as a pen name in some of his ghazals.[33]

It says they are Persians from Nishabur in Iran.... It also says the HINDI suffix stayed with them for a while indicating his stay in India.... They were Twelver Shia from those days... and in no way a SIKH

criticising Iran is fine, disagreeing with their faith
How come critisizing Iranian's main symbol ALLAH is unforgivable but criticizing their FAITH which is Shia MUSLIM is right??
anybody who says Shahada and testifies of Muhammad az his messenger and last prophet is a Muslim based on both Shia and Sunni Fiqh... Shias have the same prophet...same Qiblah, same Ali, same Fatima Al Zahra and Same Ulul Azm Prophets.... same Ramadan.... Same Namaz...

If you are really of good intentions to act as counter terrorism then you need to act every where that it is something about Wahhabis openly promote wiping off Shias and masacaring them... there are many posts here and in Saudi section openly invite all to do what Takfiri ISIL and Al Nosrah asks....

It is never alright to close your eyes on beheading promoters and Takfiri agenda here in PDF and only act upset when someone insults your own faith... It is rather same old middle eastern culture than a modern fair moderation...

Remember the famous saying of Imam Ali (a.s), when heard of some Muslim troopers opened a jewelry from the foot of one Jewish woman in Al Anbar:

" If a man dies of this disgrace of giving away Khalkhal (jewelry) from the foot of that Jewish woman, I would approve him"
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How come critisizing Iranian's main symbol ALLAH is unforgivable but criticizing their FAITH which is Shia MUSLIM is right??
some petty people live to express their hatred and they call it their freedom.
I am educating them that you can criticise the sectarian pracitces or political system of a country but the fundamentals of a religion should be off limits.

my apology is that some people dont get peaceful sleep unless they vent out their political hatred, you are correct that allowing sectarian hatred while not tolerating religious one is contradictory but I was referring to more on the lines of scholarly differences of the two sects. despising the name of Muhammad PBUH and his family.
I get it there is a grey area but we do have many funny debates among the sunni Berlavis and Deobandis

any ways its irrelevant to the subject

I meant no disrespect to Iranians and their faith though

by the way my signature is very clear about where I stand. in case you dont understand then let me know
His majsesty, king Salman prays in Islam's holiest place with shoes, only problem is that he doesn't know that he shouldn't pray with shoes. 'Custodian of holy mosques'.

His majsesty, king Salman prays in Islam's holiest place with shoes, only problem is that he doesn't know that he shouldn't pray with shoes. 'Custodian of holy mosques'.

Actually not taking off your shoes is the Sunna as per Haidiths.


Also King Salman memorize the Quran.

I doubt Rouhani, the fake Mullah, does.
Come on guys, let's not have a sectarian fight over shoes :rofl:
you will be amazed.

back in the days when Halaku Khan attacks and ransacked Beghdad

2 mullahs were debating (bitching) about who will be in the guy in the front if he and another guy are running around a tree

Actually not taking off your shoes is the Sunna as per Haidiths.


Also King Salman memorize the Quran.

I doubt Rouhani, the fake Mullah, does.
please share the source because that can really help people who are on duty or have a medical condition restricting them to have a shoe on. I am not doubting you but its always good to share source.

you have shared a pleasant aspect about the Saudi king ma'shallah. but in the same breath you insulted the Iranian leader which was uncalled for.

Still looks like this to me
cant help you there.

if you look at the Perisan and Turkish art and Mughal art then you will find maybe more similarities to other scripts and fonts. does it mean that the sacredness of the text should be lost to you because it resembles something with other faiths and cultures?
get a treatment for the fat in your eyes, the bias will make you blind in life... just a suggestion.
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