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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Wahhabi barbarism , Oil money and conventional armies don't work. Furthermore this early days when comparing to conflicts that span years. Why mention afghanistan unless somehow you ideologically relate to al Qaeda. I am 25% Afghan so this doesn't surprise. Just need more honest saudis like you admit their love of terrorists.

I meant Syria, it was a typo i fixed it, and you still haven't answered, so let me answer for you, that's because all you Mullah boys are a bunch of cowards Who can't fight, you need the "imperialist" west like you once called them to bomb your enemies for you, and even though the west is on your side you still not able to achieve victory, i pity you. :lol:
I meant Syria, it was a typo i fixed it, and you still haven't answered, so let me answer for you, that's because all you Mullah boys are a bunch of cowards Who can't fight, you need the "imperialist" west like you once called them to bomb your enemies for you, and even though the west is on your side you still not able to achieve victory, i pity you. :lol:
Are you saudi brother or do you live somewhere else?
I meant Syria, it was a typo i fixed it, and you still haven't answered, so let me answer for you, that's because all you Mullah boys are a bunch of cowards Who can't fight, you need the "imperialist" west like you once called them to bomb your enemies for you, and even though the west is on your side you still not able to achieve victory, i pity you. :lol:

Firstly I answered your questioned in the first sentence of my my reply. Secondly, you're not fooling anyone with that "typo". How could you accidentally put afghanistan there, its not middle-eastern and its there's no sect war happening solely due to it not being middle-eastern no matter how hard the saudi disciple Bin laden tried. Your al nusra who hang with the FSA is al qadea, the pakistan taliban is fighting in syria with your bros. Clearly al qaeda resonates with you, even if its a typo as you innocently proclaim, its your inner feeling your letting slip as Sigmund Freud would say.

Clearly you are an ISIS sympathiser with that Iraq reference or you are really hurt with the nuke deal. Furthermore, USA isn't your enemy who are you fooling. Your kings buy tens of billions from america, in fact your country holds the biggest arms deal in american history. USA is training your pilots and giving you logistics in this war. You were willing to pay them to bomb syria 2 years ago what changed all of a sudden. FSA is getting american aid. Heck, your royals are paying millions for saudi friendly lobbying group in USA ! You must tell your clerics about that one, they must know what your kings are doing squandering national wealth with the enemy :D
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I did in the first sentence bro
Why do you even engage to talk with them? They are still living in stone age era... the most backward country on earth...now, you try to wake them up of their nice afternoon dream of being more advanced technologically and scientifically than Iran!! while they still have issues in their country that other backward countries left behind centuries ago!! You are trying to convince a Saudi that respond Iranian space technology with claiming to have more satellites in space!!!
It is like you try to convince a tribal badou to get an engineering degree and invent something!!

Leave it right here... You are too civilized to even talk to these Berbers who ask why Houthis don't behead innocent people like their beloved ISIL and Nosrah do... who asks why houthis don't eat livers of human on camera... who asks why houthis don't act as savage as their current and ancestors used to do... btw, eating human livers is what they inherited from their ancestors... like Hind the liver-eater!! A Saudi still is a Saudi even behind a Ferrari!!

Please stop here and let them party their JAHL... this is the best for us... It is like leaving a poor homeless psycho enjoy its life of realities!!
Fighters battle Houthis in Yemen's southern city of Aden | Zee News
Saturday, May 30, 2015 - 00:31
Aden: Heavy fighting erupted in southern Yemen near Aden airport on Friday when local militia attacked Shiite Houthi rebels in a push to drive them from the district, residents and fighters said.

Saudi-led forces also made four air strikes on a military base near the airport, a source in the southern militia told Reuters.

A Saudi-led coalition began air strikes in Yemen on March 26 in a campaign to restore Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to power. He fled in March, after Iranian-backed Houthi rebels seized the capital Sanaa in September and then thrust into central and south Yemen.

Aden is Yemen`s commercial hub. Its airport has been closed since fighting began but its port provides sporadic access for desperately needed humanitarian aid to enter the country.

Houthis and forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh are concentrated around Aden`s districts of Khor Maksar, Crater and Moalla.

The fighting in Khor Maksar has killed four southern militia fighters and 15 Houthis so far, the militia source said.

Later on Friday Houthis fired shells at Saudi Arabia`s southwestern province of Jizan, according to their official Twitter account. There was no immediate information about casualties.

Saudi forces and the Houthis have been trading fire across the border since the Arab alliance began its military operations.

On Thursday, two Saudi border guards were killed and five wounded by shells fired from Yemen.

Intense air raids by the Arab alliance were also reported overnight by residents of Saada, a province in northwest Yemen which borders Saudi Arabia. Raids also targeted a weapons storage site in Sanaa, said residents.

On Monday, Houthi fighters suffered their first significant setback in the south in two months of civil war when local militia ejected them from much of the southern city of Dalea, about 170 km (105 miles) north of Aden.

The militias, who call themselves the Southern Resistance, are a loosely allied group of fighters who took up arms against the Houthis.

U.N.-sponsored peace talks set to be held in Geneva this week have been postponed because of the heavy fighting.

Why do you even engage to talk with these desert lizard-eaters? They are still living in stone age era... the most backward country on earth...now, you try to wake them up of their nice afternoon dream of being more advanced technologically and scientifically than Iran!! while they still have issues in their country that other backward countries left behind centuries ago!! You are trying to convince a Saudi that respond Iranian space technology with claiming to have more satellites in space!!!
It is like you try to convince a tribal badou to get an engineering degree and invent something!!

Leave it right here... You are too civilized to even talk to these Berbers who asks why Houthis don't behead innocent people light their beloved ISIL and Nosrah do... who asks why houthis don't eat livers of human on camera... who asks why houthis don't act as savage as thier current and ancestors used to do... btw, eating human livers is what they got from their ancestors... like Hind the liver-eater!!

Please stop here and let them party their JAHL... this is the best for us... It is like leaving a poor homeless psycho enjoy its life of realities!!
"desert lizard-eaters". That was deep, im reconsidering life right now, wow suicidal thoughts, such a powerful insult how could I ever show my face again. What made that worse was the stentch of your mullahs d*ck radiating from your mouth. I can't handle this. All bow down to the Irani Master race. (they act like they don't live in desert terrain either )

Yea I'm from Saudi Arabia.
Salaam to you from your Yemeni brothers.
Anti-Houthi fighters of the Southern Popular Resistance ride a military vehicle in Yemen's southern port city of Aden May 28, 2015.

An anti-Houthi fighter of the Southern Popular Resistance stands guard as comrades fire from a tank in Yemen's southern port city of Aden May 28, 2015.

Anti-Houthi fighters of the Southern Popular Resistance fire from a tank in Yemen's southern port city of Aden May 28, 2015.
Dubai (AFP) - Yemen's ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh said in an interview broadcast Friday he had rejected "millions of dollars" Saudi Arabia offered him if he stood up to the Shiite rebels.

"They told us 'we'll pay you millions of dollars if you ally with us'" against the Huthis, Saleh told the Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen television channel, adding that he rejected the offer.

"We will not let go of the Huthis," he said.

He said the former Saudi ambassador in Yemen "came to me with a message from the kingdom asking me to stand by (fugitive President Abedrabbo Mansour) Hadi and the Muslim Brotherhood... against the Huthis."

"I told them I support national unity for all political forces in Yemen," he said.
Dubai (AFP) - Yemen's ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh said in an interview broadcast Friday he had rejected "millions of dollars" Saudi Arabia offered him if he stood up to the Shiite rebels.

"They told us 'we'll pay you millions of dollars if you ally with us'" against the Huthis, Saleh told the Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen television channel, adding that he rejected the offer.

"We will not let go of the Huthis," he said.

He said the former Saudi ambassador in Yemen "came to me with a message from the kingdom asking me to stand by (fugitive President Abedrabbo Mansour) Hadi and the Muslim Brotherhood... against the Huthis."

"I told them I support national unity for all political forces in Yemen," he said.
Also when asked who is he fighting he said "the people who want south yemen independence and the muslim Brotherhood". Here is a dictator who ruled over us for 21 years, gets ousted in 2011 and yet has the army in his hands. I swear this guy is pharaoh 2.0
If your therapists says so , then it must be true .


KSA produces one more thing : highly advanced 2 legged explosive device . this technology is only at the hands of saudia as we speak .

please speak you english ? tnx

"we" produce . no you don't produce shyte . oh wait , you do . the only thing you produce is human waste .
Lol go make Qahers boy.

KSA is way more advanced than Khomenistan on all levels.
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