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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

It's time that Ahlus Sunnah must unite from East to West to defend the Islamic nations specially Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria Yemen etc. which is the heart of Islamic nations to defend the Islamic principles of Quran n Sunnah and destroy the deviant ideologies being imposed by the sects gone astray. It's the time to prepare and send armies of Ahlus Sunnah in Yemen, Iraq, Syria to destroy Majoos, Mulheed n Mushrik Alawites n Rafidah. It's time to understand the Persian Majoosi, Sons of Mutah conspiracy.

The suicide belt is the solution, as always. Allahu Akbar!
It's time that Ahlus Sunnah must unite from East to West to defend the Islamic nations specially Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria Yemen etc. which is the heart of Islamic nations to defend the Islamic principles of Quran n Sunnah and destroy the deviant ideologies being imposed by the sects gone astray. It's the time to prepare and send armies of Ahlus Sunnah in Yemen, Iraq, Syria to destroy Majoos, Mulheed n Mushrik Alawites n Rafidah. It's time to understand the Persian Majoosi, Sons of Mutah conspiracy.
Allahu Akbar !
GULF OF ADEN (May 9, 2015) The amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7), rear, and the amphibious dock landing ship USS Fort McHenry (LSD 43) conduct a replenishment-at-sea with the Military Sealift Command dry cargo and ammunition ship USNS Carl Brashear (T-AKE 7). Fort McHenry, part of the Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group, is participating in exercise Eager Lion 2015, a recurring multinational exercise designed to strengthen military-to-military relationships, increase interoperability between partner nations and enhance regional security and stability. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Adam Austin/Released)

GULF OF AQABA, Jordan (April 28, 2015) The Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship USS Fort McHenry (LSD 43) prepares to dock near the Royal Jordanian Naval Force Base in support of exercise Eager Lion 2015. Eager Lion is a recurring multinational exercise designed to strengthen military-to-military relationships, increase interoperability between partner nations, and enhance regional security and stability. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Arthurgwain L. Marquez/Released)

DJIBOUTI (May 6, 2015) Boatswain's Mate Seaman Corry Bowers, from Oak Boro, N.C., assigned to Assault Craft Unit (ACU) 4, directs a truck during the offload of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (24th MEU) from the amphibious transport dock ship USS New York (LPD 21). New York is a part of the Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and, with the embarked 24th MEU, is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jonathan B. Trejo/Released)

Good for some yemenis exploiting KSA inability to fight on the ground :tup:

The Yemen War
Yemen is the poorest country in the Arab world, bereft of resources, fractured by tribal divisions and religious sectarianism, and plagued by civil war. And yet this small country tucked into the bottom of the Arabian Peninsula is shattering old alliances and spurring new and surprising ones. As Saudi Arabia continues its air assault on Houthis insurgents, supporters and opponents of the Riyadh monarchy are reconfiguring the political landscape in a way that is unlikely to vanish once the fighting is over.

The Saudis have constructed what at first glance seems a formidable coalition consisting of the Arab League, the monarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Turkey and the U.S. Except that the “coalition” is not as solid as it looks and is more interesting in whom it doesn’t include than whom it does.

Initially, Egypt made noises about sending ground troops—the Saudi army can’t handle the Houthis and their allies—but pressed by Al-Monitor, Cairo’s ambassador to Yemen, Youssef al-Sharqawy, turned opaque: “I am not the one who will decide about a ground intervention in Yemen. This goes back to the estimate of the supreme authority in the country and Egyptian national security.”

Since Saudi Arabia supported the Egyptian military coup against the Muslim Brotherhood government and is propping up the regime with ******** of cash, Riyadh may eventually squeeze Cairo to put troops into the Yemen war. But the last time Egypt fought the Houthis it suffered thousands of casualties, and Egypt has its hands full with an Islamic insurrection in Sinai.

The Arab League supports the war, but only to varying degrees. Iraq opposes the Saudi attacks, and Algeria is keeping its distance by calling for an end to “all foreign intervention.” Even the normally compliant GCC, representing the oil monarchs of the Gulf, has a defector. Oman abuts Yemen, and its ruler, Sultan Qaboos, is worried the chaos will spread across its border. And while the United Arab Emirates have flown missions over Yemen, the UAE is also preparing to cash in if sanctions are removed from Teheran. “Iran is on our doorstep, we have to be there,” Marwan Shehadeh, a developer in Dubai told the Financial Times. “It could be a great game changer.”

The most conspicuous absence in the Saudi coalition, however, is Pakistan, a country that has received billions in aid from Saudi Arabia and whose current Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, was sheltered by Riyadh from the wrath of Pakistan’s military in 1999.

When the Saudi’s initially announced their intention to attack Yemen, they included Pakistan in the reported coalition, an act of hubris thatbackfired badly. Pakistan’s Parliament demanded a debate on the issue and then voted unanimously to remain neutral. While Islamabad declared its intention to “defend Saudi Arabia’s sovereignty,” no one thinks the Houthis are about to march on Jiddah.

The Yemen war is deeply unpopular in Pakistan, and the Parliament’s actions were widely supported, one editorial writer calling for rejecting “GCC diktat.” Only the extremist Lashkar-e-Taiba organization, which planned the 2008 Mumbai massacre in India, supported the Saudis.

Pakistan has indeed relied on Saudi largesse and, in turn, provided security for Riyadh, but the relationship is wearing thin.

First, there is widespread outrage for the Saudi support of extremist Islamic groups, some of which are at war with Pakistan’s government. Last year one such organization, the Tehrik-i-Taliban, massacred 145 people, including 132 students, in Peshawar. Fighting these groups in North Waziristan has taxed the Pakistani Army, which must also pay attention to its southern neighbor, India.

The Saudis, with their support for the rigid Wahabi interpretation of Islam, are also blamed for growing Sunni-Shiite tensions in Pakistan.

Second, Islamabad is deepening its relationship with China. In mid-April, Chinese President Xi Jinping promised to invest $46 billion to finance Beijing’s new “Silk Road” from Western China to the Persian Gulf. Part of this will include a huge expansion of the port at Gwadar in Pakistan’s restive Baluchistan province, a port that Bruce Riedel says will “rival Dubai or Doha as a regional economic hub,”

China is concerned about security in Baluchistan, with its long-running insurgency against the central government, as well as the ongoing resistance by the Turkic-speaking, largely Muslim, Uyghur people in western China’s Xinjiang Province. Uyghurs, who number a little over 10 million, are being marginalized by an influx of Han Chinese, China’s dominant ethnic group.

Wealthy Saudis have helped finance some of these groups and neither Beijing or Islamabad is happy about it. Pakistan has pledged to create a 10,000-man “Special Security Division” to protect China’s investments. According to Riedel, the Chinese told the Pakistanis that Beijing would “stand by Pakistan if its ties with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates unravel.”

The U.S. has played an important, if somewhat uncomfortable, role in the Yemen War. It is feeding Saudi Arabia intelligence and targeting information and re-fueling Saudi warplanes in mid-air. It also intercepted an Iranian flotilla headed for Yemen that Washington claimed was carrying arms for the Houthis. Iran denies it and there is little hard evidence that Teheran is providing arms to the insurgents.

But while Washington supports the Saudis, it has also urged Riyadh to dial back the air attacks and look for a political solution. The U.S. is worried that the war-induced anarchy is allowing Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to florish. The embattled Houthis were the terrorist group’s principal opponents.

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is growing critical. More than a 1,000 people, many of them civilians, have been killed, and the bombing and fighting has generated 300,000 refugees. The Saudi-U.S. naval blockade and the recent destruction of Yemen’s international airport has shut down the delivery of food, water and medical supplies in a country that is largely dependent on imported food.

However, the Obama administration is unlikely to alienate the Saudis, who are already angry with Washington for negotiating a nuclear agreement with Iran. Besides aiding the Saudi attacks, the U.S. has opened the arms spigot to Riyadh.

The Iran nuclear agreement has led to what has to be one of the oddest alliances in the region: Israel and Saudi Arabia. Riyadh is on the same wavelength as the Netanyahu government when it comes to Iran, and the two are cooperating in trying to torpedo the agreement. According to investigative journalist Robert Perry, the alliance between Tel Aviv and Riyadh was sealed by a secret $16 billion gift from Riyadh to an Israeli “development” account in Europe, some of which has been used to build illegal settlements in the Occupied Territories.

The Saudis and the Israelis are on the same side in the Syrian civil war as well, and, for all Riyadh’s talk about supporting the Palestinians, the only members of the GCC that have given money to help rebuild Gaza after last summer’s Israeli attack on Gaza are Qatar and Kuwait.

How this all falls out in the end is hard to predict, except that it is clear that, for all their financial firepower, the Saudis can’t get the major regional players—Israel excepted—on board. And an alliance with Israel—a country that is more isolated today because of its occupation policies than it has been in its history—is not likely to be very stable.

Long-time Middle East correspondent for the Independent Robert Fisksays the Saudis live in “fear” of the Iranians, the Shiia, the Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, U.S. betrayal, Israeli plots, even “themselves, for where else will the revolution start in Sunni Muslim Saudi but among its own royal family?”

The Yemen War » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Thank you China :china:
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Houthis violate cease-fire 12 times | Arab News

SONS OF SOIL: Forces loyal to President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi launch rockets against Houthi positions in Marib, Yemen. (AFP)


Published — Friday 15 May 2015

The Houthis have broken the cease-fire 12 times since it started on Tuesday night, according to the Saudi-led coalition.
In a statement on Thursday, the coalition said the Houthis and their allies are violating the five-day truce to disrupt relief efforts under way for the Yemeni people.

The coalition said it has highlighted these violations to inform the international community and the general public about the behavior of the rebel militias. The coalition has exercised restraint and not carried out any operations because it wants Operation Restore Hope to succeed, the coalition stated.

“The command is keen to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people. It wants to clarify that the violations committed by the Houthi militias are aimed at undermining the humanitarian truce and hampering relief efforts for the Yemeni people,” the statement said.

The coalition said the violations on the Saudi-Yemeni border include an attempt to infiltrate Gallah village and cross into the Kingdom from Al-Fakhidha Mountain close to the border.

The Houthis also shelled a surveillance lighthouse in Najran; and fired Katyusha rockets besides deploying four snipers behind the Abu Al-Radif tower near the border in Jazan.

Close to Najran, there were also mortars fired at a concealed artillery site in Akifah village and Al-Hathlah observation post; and Katyusha rockets and mortar shells lobbed close to Alib observation.
The violations inside Yemen include sporadic firing of artillery and Katyusha rockets toward the city and homes in Dalie governorate; and heavy and sporadic bombing of targets in the city and homes in Ludar province.
In Aden, the Houthis fired artillery weapons and Katyusha rockets at Salahuddin and Al-Bariqa and attempted to march on Al-Areesh and Solban with military equipment and troops. In Taaz governorate, they shelled Siniyah city and homes with artillery and tanks that killed a large number of women and children; and in Shabwah governorate they marched on Asilan province.

Fighters of the Popular Resistance Committees rush comrades to a hospital after they were injured during clashes with Houthi fighters in Yemen's southwestern city of Taiz May 15, 2015.


ARABIAN GULF (May 14, 2015) The guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60) conducts an underway replenishment with the Military Sealift Command combat support ship USNS Arctic (T-AOE 8). Normandy is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations as part of Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group supporting Operation Inherent Resolve, strike operations in Iraq and Syria as directed, maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jackie Hart/Released)

GULF OF ADEN (May 8, 2015) The amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7) participates in a photo exercise. Iwo Jima, the flagship for the Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group, provides a versatile sea-based, expeditionary force that can be tailored to a variety of missions in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Gary Ward/Released)



AQABA, Jordan (May 11, 2015) Explosive Ordnance Disposal technicians assigned to Commander, Task Group (CTG) 56.1 take part in helicopter training in Aqaba, Jordan, during Exercise Eager Lion 2015. Eager Lion is a recurring multinational exercise designed to strengthen military-to-military relationships, increase interoperability between partner nations, and enhance regional security and stability. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Steve Hill/Released)
Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Prince Mohammed bin Salman with senior military officers during an inspection tour of the armed forces in Jazan. (SPA)

Armed Shiite Huthi rebels battling supporters of Yemen's Saudi-backed President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi mans a tank on May 14, 2015, as they try to enter the Mansoura district of the southern Yemeni port city of Aden from the northern farmland and suburbs they control.(Photo: SALEH AL-OBEIDI/AFP/Getty Image)

Fighting rages in Yemen on 4th day of humanitarian truce
SANAA, Yemen— Security and tribal officials say fighting is underway in multiple Yemeni provinces on the fourth day of a humanitarian truce between a Saudi-led coalition and Shiite rebels.

The five-day truce has been repeatedly violated, with each side blaming the other.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief journalists, reported fierce fighting Saturday in the southern city of Aden, the western city of Taiz and the province of Marib.

They say three civilians were killed in Aden by mortar shells during an exchange of fire.

The conflict pits Shiite Houthi rebels and allied military units against forces loyal to embattled President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who fled the country in March. The Saudi-led coalition, which is supporting Hadi, began the airstrikes on March 26.
Houthis violate cease-fire 12 times | Arab News

For the sake of neutrality and quality of your posts, I'd advise not to post these junks from Arab news, Al-Arabiya and other Saudi mouthpiece media. Although western sources are not neutral either, they are far better when it comes to Yemen.
For the sake of neutrality and quality of your posts, I'd advise not to post these junks from Arab news, Al-Arabiya and other Saudi mouthpiece media. Although western sources are not neutral either, they are far better when it comes to Yemen.

Military times

Fighting rages in Yemen on 4th day of humanitarian truce
SANAA, Yemen— Security and tribal officials say fighting is underway in multiple Yemeni provinces on the fourth day of a humanitarian truce between a Saudi-led coalition and Shiite rebels.

The five-day truce has been repeatedly violated, with each side blaming the other.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief journalists, reported fierce fighting Saturday in the southern city of Aden, the western city of Taiz and the province of Marib.

They say three civilians were killed in Aden by mortar shells during an exchange of fire.

The conflict pits Shiite Houthi rebels and allied military units against forces loyal to embattled President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who fled the country in March. The Saudi-led coalition, which is supporting Hadi, began the airstrikes on March 26.
Military times

Fighting rages in Yemen on 4th day of humanitarian truce
SANAA, Yemen— Security and tribal officials say fighting is underway in multiple Yemeni provinces on the fourth day of a humanitarian truce between a Saudi-led coalition and Shiite rebels.

The five-day truce has been repeatedly violated, with each side blaming the other.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief journalists, reported fierce fighting Saturday in the southern city of Aden, the western city of Taiz and the province of Marib.

They say three civilians were killed in Aden by mortar shells during an exchange of fire.

The conflict pits Shiite Houthi rebels and allied military units against forces loyal to embattled President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who fled the country in March. The Saudi-led coalition, which is supporting Hadi, began the airstrikes on March 26.

That's better. Notice the difference in tone, instead of blaming Houthis blindly, it says something differently.
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