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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Saudis have bombed Saada province nearly 200 times in past 4 hours. According to Saudis, every single person in Saada is now a legitimate target, a city of 800,000. Talk about terrorism and barbarism with support of western countries. These incompetent losers are too coward to launch a ground invasion, cowardly bombing civilians from the air.

I'd like to see one of those two faced hypocrites crying about Assad while defending Saudi terrorism in Yemen. As a country that inspired and created AlQaeda and ISIS, it's not surprising, neither U.S support for Saudi terrorism is surprising. They have still shut their mouth about Saudi role in 9/11.

That should give you some aspiration about what it means to have a strong air power, and much more important, what it means to have a good international relationships that permit acquiring these bloody fighter jets. Instead of you posting pictures of the Iranian junk air force under the thread "The Iranian Army Day". Your Mullahs should have placed these junk into a military museum with a short thankful prayer to Sahib Ezzaman. Also, they should work on their international relationships to get some sensible power instead of their Qaher and Hamaseh shameless propaganda.
those five killed in najran were all soldiers what's what p**** the royals off.
like your proxys islamist groups in Syria you mean ? killing innocent people
or Erdogan sending criminals in a boat to Israel to help the Hamas retards ?
oh by the way let's forget you are the number one sponsor of terrorist Hamas ...
you put terrorist in a boat to Gaza ... and then you cry like baby that Israel killed them...
have some dignity
Fist of all this guys isnt a Turk.
Secondly, Israel apologized and paid compensation to the families of victims on Gaza flotilla.
And thirdly, how delusioned one must be to forget that Iran is the biggest supporter of Hamas?

If you dont know what that is then better be quiet.


Gotta love how Iranians always act like saints, terrorist this terrorist that, even thought Iran is the biggest proven source of state sponsored terrorism.
Clean your own backyard first, all those terrorist in Syria and Iraq or anywhere else want a sunni version of Islamic republic of Iran.

Being hypocritical as far as hypocracy can go but talking about dignity...
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That should give you some aspiration about what it means to have a strong air power, and much more important, what it means to have a good international relationships that permit acquiring these bloody fighter jets. Instead of you posting pictures of the Iranian junk air force under the thread "The Iranian Army Day". Your Mullahs should have placed these junk into a military museum with a short thankful prayer to Sahib Ezzaman. Also, they should work on their international relationships to get some sensible power instead of their Qaher and Hamaseh shameless propaganda.

Strong air power?
It's understandable. Arab armies have been humiliated so much in past century alone that you consider bombing 800,000 defenseless civilians in a city as a strong air power. The funnier fact is that you try to take the higher moral position in Syria, shedding crocodile tears about civilians. If Saudi army wasn't coward, it would send in ground forces without begging and bribing other countries. It's not about airpower. You haven't reached even one single objective of this aggression, not even one.

If it is about air power, then our 'junk air force' can kill 1 million defenseless Saudis in Riyadh in a night.
Fist of all this guys isnt a Turk.
Secondly, Israel apologized and paid compensation to the families of victims on Gaza flotilla.
And thirdly, how delusioned one must be to forget that Iran is the biggest supporter of Hamas?

If you dont know what that is then better be quiet.


Gotta love how Iranians always act like saints, terrorist this terrorist that, even thought Iran is the biggest proven source of state sponsored terrorism.
Clean your own backyard first, all those terrorist in Syria and Iraq or anywhere else want a sunni version of Islamic republic of Iran.

Being hypocritical as far as hypocracy can go but talking about dignity...
i don't support Iranian regime and choice to support Hezbollah or Hamas a time ago
but people like you have such no sense of honesty that they play the little girl dignity when they support terrorism too
they were pro Hamas guys in the flotilla and they were not there to help Gaza they were there to make things worst and for a confrontation wit Israel. and then they cry like babies. no dignity.

Iran is not the biggest support of Hamas anymore. it is your country.
and for the events for flotilla for your education:
Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi Arabia says 5-day cease-fire in Yemen to start Tuesday - LA Times
why Kerry was not enough honest and said saudis killed lot of civilians and created this catastrophe?
Saudis are doing what their Israeli masters are good at .

Bombing civilians day and night because in their logic the enemy has no right to defend itself or retaliate .

Killing Yemenis only unites people and lead them to slaughter every single pro Saudi and Hadi force on the ground .

Unlike Saudi backed terrorists in Syria , Houthis are neither violent and aggressive nor seek seizing power and that's why even Sunnis are fighting alongside them .

Lebanese Shias paid the same price against Israel and their puppets in Lebanon in 80s and those sacrifices were enough to bring a nightmare for Israel forever .

Lets see how Saudis who are not comparable to Israel in any field can deal with a blood thirsty enemy on their doorstep .

i don't support Iranian regime and choice to support Hezbollah or Hamas a time ago
but people like you have such no sense of honesty that they play the little girl dignity when they support terrorism too
they were pro Hamas guys in the flotilla and they were not there to help Gaza they were there to make things worst and for a confrontation wit Israel. and then they cry like babies. no dignity.

Iran is not the biggest support of Hamas anymore. it is your country.
and for the events for flotilla for your education:
Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi Arabia says 5-day cease-fire in Yemen to start Tuesday - LA Times
why Kerry was not enough honest and said saudis killed lot of civilians and created this catastrophe?

Why are you against supporting Hezbollah ?
Fist of all this guys isnt a Turk.
Secondly, Israel apologized and paid compensation to the families of victims on Gaza flotilla.
And thirdly, how delusioned one must be to forget that Iran is the biggest supporter of Hamas?

If you dont know what that is then better be quiet.


Gotta love how Iranians always act like saints, terrorist this terrorist that, even thought Iran is the biggest proven source of state sponsored terrorism.
Clean your own backyard first, all those terrorist in Syria and Iraq or anywhere else want a sunni version of Islamic republic of Iran.

Being hypocritical as far as hypocracy can go but talking about dignity...

Are you attacking Iran for supporting Hamas?

Look, here is Ayatollah Khamenei with Hamas Prime Minister...oh wait...

I don't consider Hamas an out-and-out terrorist organization. The Palestinians are an occupied people. They are permitted to fight against occupying powers under international law. Israelis living in "Israel" are all occupiers. They are all living on Palestinian territory which they gained illegally. Naturally, one would prefer limited civilian casualties. However, one cannot compare a Palestinian civilian to an Israeli civilian simply by merit of the fact that one of those civilians is an occupier whilst the other is not. Do not conflate the victim with the oppressor.

During Algeria's war of independence from colonial France, in which over a million Algerians were murdered by the French occupiers, Ahmed Ben Bella, the leader of the Algerian revolutionary movement, was asked by western media why he was placing bombs in prams and leaving them to explode amongst the French troops. His response was that "if the French would give us some of their helicopters and some of their aeroplanes then we will give them some of our baby carriages". He would today undoubtedly be described as a terrorist. The Palestinians have a moral duty to defend their historic homeland against the colonial occupying force. They should use all means available to them in order to do this. If they had access to precise weaponry then they wouldn't use imprecise weaponry. It should be the duty of all Muslim countries to provide the Palestinians with precise weaponry so that they can defend themselves and not be subjected to a mass genocide.

I don't understand why Iranians and Arabs are arguing over who supports Hamas. Surely the Palestinian struggle is one issue that should unite you. If you have any moral dignity then you would support the Palestinians in their self-determination. It pains me greatly when I see the GCC monarchs, the Turkish government or the Azerbaijan military cooperating with Israel. I should also point out that past Iranian monarchs have also cooperated with Israel. There are few countries in the region that have not cooperated with Israel on some level in the past.
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i don't support Iranian regime and choice to support Hezbollah or Hamas a time ago
but people like you have such no sense of honesty that they play the little girl dignity when they support terrorism too
they were pro Hamas guys in the flotilla and they were not there to help Gaza they were there to make things worst and for a confrontation wit Israel. and then they cry like babies. no dignity.
Name calling is pretty common among you guys i suppose, why do you think i support terrorism?

Iran is not the biggest support of Hamas anymore. it is your country.
Those Iranian Rockets were captured by Israel a year ago, stop the BS will you?

and for the events for flotilla for your education:
Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I know probably better than you what happened there.

why Kerry was not enough honest and said saudis killed lot of civilians and created this catastrophe?
Why are you asking me this?
Are you attacking Iran for supporting Hamas?

Look, here is Ayatollah Khamenei with Hamas Prime Minister...oh wait...


Im anwering hypocracy of some members and reminding whos the biggest supporter of Hamas.
Sry but if Iranians act like saints and even blame Turkey for Hamas terrorizm then i have to remind you that AKPs support is merely political while Iran sending tons of wepons.
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Name calling is pretty common among you guys i suppose, why do you think i support terrorism?
i was not speaking to you
Those Iranian Rockets were captured by Israel a couple months ago, stop the BS will you?
Iran provided Hamas in the past it is clear. or Hezbollah did. But now, i mean now, the biggest support is not anymore Iran .
I know probably better than you what happened there.
sorry are you the same person sinan=xenon
because when i speak to sinan you answer to me like i was speaking to you ... ???
and i know some israelis they have proof Erdogan prepared the event to make it bloody

but you know , i make a big difference between Turks and islamists Turks / pro Erdogan ones i mean

Why are you asking me this?
you obviously quoted wrong. this has nothing to do with any question.
but i asked you just one question about what is for Turks "the best "solution that Turkey can be involved in
for Syria ...
and you quote me like i asked you hundred questions

No im anwering hypocracy of some members and reminding whos the biggest supporter of Hamas.
Sry but if Iranians act like saints and even blame Turkey for Hamas terrorizm then i have to remind you that AKPs support is merely political while Iran sending tons of wepons.
that's what i said . some Iranians agree with the policy. i don't and i cannot do anything to avoid it .
but i blame it .
you don't want to blame your country for sponsoring bad groups .
and you know people would easily make a difference between anti asad turks and pro erdogan policy pro islamist

Iran provided Hamas in the past it is clear. or Hezbollah did. But now, i mean now, the biggest support is not anymore Iran .
Nothing much changed, Iran needs Hamas to attack Israel since it cant attack directly.

sorry are you the same person sinan=xenon
because when i speak to sinan you answer to me like i was speaking to you ... ???
I have no clue what you are talking about...

and i know some israelis they have proof Erdogan prepared the event to make it bloody
I cant comment what the real goal behind flotilla was but what i know is that Israelis claimed they found wepons on Ship which later came out was a lie and they declared kitchen knives, which is pretty normal in a big ship, as such.
So Israelis can claim whatever they want.

you obviously quoted wrong. this has nothing to do with any question.
but i asked you just one question about what is for Turks "the best "solution that Turkey can be involved in
for Syria ...
and you quote me like i asked you hundred questions
You asked this question in another thread and i answered, stop mixing topics it creates confusion.

that's what i said . some Iranians agree with the policy. i don't and i cannot do anything to avoid it .
but i blame it .
you don't want to blame your country for sponsoring bad groups .
and you know people would easily make a difference between anti asad turks and pro erdogan policy pro islamist

I many times said that i dont agree with our Goverments FP but i cant just let such BS comments as Turkey supporting isis, Turkey biggest supporter of Hamas etc because they are plain BS.

Turkey only supported FSA and Kurds in Iraq and Syria.
Second Saudi Apache is reportedly downed and 2 pilots captured alive.

The news is yet to be officially confirmed yet.

Did you see the video above? The tomb of Badir Eddeen Al Houthi was specifically targeted and destroyed. Funny thing is that it was built on the Persian style, and it was going to be a place for "holy visit" soon. That's another relife we are proudly given to our Yemeni brothers. A grave of dead slave of the Persians was wiped out. All of your slaves will face the same result sooner or later.
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Did you see the video above? The tomb of Badir Eddeen Al Houthi was soecifically targeted and destroyed. Funny thing is that it was built on the

Yes, Saudis also bombed a 1100 year old mosque in Sadaa. I don't expect anything more. You guys are currently at the lowest point you can be. But who knows? People go even lower when they get the chance.
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