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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Is your mouth dry now gypsy? Arabs from KSA/Arabia already raped all of your relatives in the millions for centuries. Almost every single one of you has Arab ancestry to a degree and those that have not claim it.:lol:

Why are you celebrating clown? Pakistan already said that if KSA is attacked they will stand behind KSA like 99% of all Islamic countries on the planet. That's how important KSA is. Your sanctioned, isolated and poor pariah state can only dream about such a thing in comparison. Pakistan has 100 times closer ties to KSA/GCC and the Arab world than to Iran.

Besides this is an internal Arab conflict and there is a reason why a joint Arab military force will be created. It's just to clean the Arab world from those few terrorist proxies of yours.
No but you got raped by al SALOOL and ethopians in habasha and you are mixture of south and East Asian slaves that's why you are so obessed:lol:
No but you got raped by al SALOOL and ethopians in habasha and you are mixture of south and East Asian slaves that's why you are so obessed:lol:

Gypsy, those are recent migrants due to hajj and umrah or former slaves. The latter is something that you should be familiar with. You have basically been raped from head to bottom by everyone in the neighborhood especially from Arabians.:lol: You are our slaves on all fronts. It's time that you realize it.

Now go flog yourself while visiting our ancestors graves you dumb Gypsy and keep licking the *** of your Kawliya Ajami masters.:lol:
Yemen conflict: Pakistan rebuffs Saudi coalition call - BBC


Many Pakistani lawmakers spoke out against sending troops to Yemen

Pakistan's parliament has decided against military involvement in the Saudi-led coalition fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen, after days of debate.

Lawmakers voted unanimously in favour of a resolution that "Pakistan should maintain neutrality" in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia had asked Pakistan last month to contribute ships, aircraft and troops to the campaign to restore President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Meanwhile, two planes have delivered relief supplies to Yemen's capital.

The aircraft were carrying medicines, bandages and surgical equipment from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the UN Children's Fund (Unicef).

The organisations had to wait days before receiving clearance from all sides in the conflict for the flights to Yemen, where the UN says basic services are unravelling, with widespread food and fuel shortages.

'Proactive role'
Pakistan's parliament began debating whether to join the coalition on Monday. Although Saudi Arabia is an ally, many lawmakers spoke out against sending troops to Yemen.

Friday's resolution backed the Pakistani government's commitment to protect Saudi territorial integrity and Islamic holy places located inside the kingdom.

"The parliament of Pakistan expresses serious concern on the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in Yemen and its implications for peace and stability of the region," the resolution said.

"[It] desires that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict so as to be able to play a proactive diplomatic role to end the crisis."


Analysis: M Ilyas Khan, BBC News, Islamabad
Saudi Arabia has been a major foreign donor to Pakistan - some say perhaps the third-largest after the US and China.

Late last year, for example, what finance minister Ishaq Dar initially described as a $3bn (£2bn) "gift from a friendly source" turned out to be Saudi largesse that was used to stabilise a free-falling rupee against the US dollar. Soon afterwards Pakistan officially backed the Saudi position on Syria.

So some resentment in Saudi quarters is to be expected from this vote. But Pakistanis have still left room for a troop deployment in Saudi Arabia if not in Yemen, which Saudis will certainly need if the conflict in Yemen drags on for longer.

There is a precedent for this. During the first Gulf War in 1991, Pakistan deployed two brigades to "defend holy sites" in Saudi Arabia.

The only other example of a Pakistani troop deployment abroad is to Jordan during the "Black September" of 1970, to help that government put down a Palestinian insurgency.


The coalition of nine mostly Sunni Arab states is seeking to "defend the legitimate government" against the Houthis, a Zaidi Shia rebel movement that the US and Saudi Arabia allege is receiving military assistance from regional Shia power Iran.

Analysts say Pakistan, which has a Sunni majority but also a sizeable Shia minority, fears being caught between the two if it sends troops to Yemen.

Earlier this week, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif travelled to Islamabad to urge Pakistan's leaders to reject the Saudi request.

'Humanitarian pause'
The rebels and allied army units loyal to Yemen's ousted former President Ali Abdullah Saleh took full control of Sanaa in January and placed Mr Hadi under house arrest.

He escaped and took refuge in Aden in February, but left the country at the end of March when the Houthis reached the outskirts of the southern port city.

More than two weeks of air strikes have failed to halt the Houthi advance into Aden, as well as neighbouring southern and eastern provinces. Overnight, coalition aircraft targeted the defence ministry building in Sanaa and weapons storage sites.

On Thursday, the UN's humanitarian co-ordinator for Yemen called for a humanitarian "pause" in the bombardment and fighting on the ground to allow in urgent aid deliveries.


The Saudi-led coalition says it has only targeted rebel positions, but civilian areas have often been hit

Southern separatist militiamen and Sunni tribesmen have been unable to halt the rebel advance in Aden

Johannes van der Klaauw told reporters in Geneva that the conflict had now spread to 15 of Yemen's 22 provinces.

He described the situation in Aden in particular as "catastrophic", a descent into urban warfare, with control of the air and seaports shifting daily between rival groups. A million people in the city risked being cut off from access to clean water within a matter of days unless additional fuel is brought in, he said.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says almost 650 people have been killed and more than 2,200 have been injured since 19 March, but Mr van der Klaauw said the actual number of casualties was likely to be far higher because many were not being brought to hospital or were being buried immediately.
Gypsy, those are recent migrants due to hajj and umrah or former slaves. The latter is something that you should be familiar with. You have basically been raped from head to bottom by everyone in the neighborhood especially from Arabians.:lol: You are our slaves on all fronts. It's time that you realize it.

Now go flog yourself while visiting our ancestors graves you dumb Gypsy and keep licking the *** of your Kawliya Ajami masters.:lol:
No need to deny the fact that you are gypsy who is a loyal dog to his occupiers al SALOOL

The biggest insult to is calling you saudi because you are slaves if you weren't slaves call your selves hijazi or other thinks

You are the dogs of the iranians,British,French,turks, and Americans you are conquered and enslaved who name their country after their filthy gypsy kawlia bediuon family of al SALOOL

Just to remind you who is conquered dog
Shapur II's Arab campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are known by all arabs as filthiest people on the planet on holiest land on earth :lol:
Pakistan says no to Saudi war call | Pakistan Today


  • Joint parliamentary resolution calls for neutrality in Yemen conflict
  • Expresses ‘unequivocal support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’ and promises to ‘stand shoulder to shoulder with Saudi Arabia and its people’ if Saudi territory was violated
  • Calls on all sides to resolve their differences peacefully in a ‘deteriorating security and humanitarian situation’ which has ‘implications for peace and stability of region’
Pakistan’s parliament voted on Friday not to join the Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen, rejecting Riyadh’s call for support from outside of the region in its fight to halt the advance of Iranian-allied Houthi rebels.

A unanimous resolution passed by a special session of parliament backed the government’s commitment to protect Saudi Arabia’s territory, which has so far not been threatened by the conflict. But it said Pakistan should play a mediating role and not get involved in fighting — turning down longstanding ally Riyadh’s request for troops, ships and warplanes.

“Parliament of Pakistan… underscores the need for continued efforts by the government of Pakistan to find a peaceful resolution of the crisis,” the resolution said.

It adopted a draft resolution calling on all sides to resolve their differences peacefully in a “deteriorating security and humanitarian situation” which has “implications for peace and stability of the region”.

“[Parliament] desires that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict so as to be able to play a proactive diplomatic role to end the crisis.”

It expressed “unequivocal support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” and promising to “stand shoulder to shoulder with Saudi Arabia and its people” if Saudi territory were violated.

The motion came after five days of debate on the Yemen crisis, in which the majority of lawmakers urged Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif not to send Pakistani forces to join the fight.

The coalition led by Riyadh has been hitting Houthi rebels in Yemen with airstrikes in a bid to restore the government of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

Saudi Arabia has vowed to bomb the rebels, who it says are backed by Tehran, into surrender to prevent them establishing a pro-Iran state on its doorstep.

Islamabad found itself in an awkward position on Yemen. It has deep military and religious ties to Saudi and has long benefited from the kingdom’s support.

But it has been reluctant to become ensnared in a conflict.

Moreover, the large Pakistani military is stretched, maintaining a heavy presence on the border with arch-rival India as well as fighting against Taliban militants in the northwest.

Instead, Pakistan has pushed diplomatic efforts in the past week, holding talks with Turkish and Iranian officials to try to forge a way ahead.

Friday’s resolution urged the government to begin work in the UN Security Council and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) bloc to bring about a ceasefire.

The resolution noted that while the war in Yemen was not sectarian in nature, it had the potential of turning into a sectarian conflict and thereby having a critical fallout in the region, including within Pakistan.

The resolution further stated that parliamentarians appreciated the arrangements made by the government for the safe and swift evacuation of Pakistanis and nationals of many other countries from Yemen. The lawmakers also expressed their gratitude to China for its contribution in the evacuation mission.

They also appreciated the government’s efforts to call a joint sitting of parliament to consider Pakistan’s response to the crisis.
No need to deny the fact that you are gypsy who is a loyal dog to his occupiers al SALOOL

The biggest insult to is calling you saudi because you are slaves if you weren't slaves call your selves hijazi or other thinks

You are the dogs of the iranians,British,French,turks, and Americans you are conquered and enslaved who name their country after their filthy gypsy kawlia bediuon family of al SALOOL

Just to remind you who is conquered dog
Shapur II's Arab campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are known by all arabs as filthiest people on the planet on holiest land on earth :lol:

You are a clown. There are no Gypsies in KSA outside of Iraqi Gypsies like you. KSA is one of the few countries on the planet that never were an Western colony and large areas of KSA have never been conquered by any outsiders.

KSA is indeed a very diverse society (one of the most diverse) and home to Blacks (Afro-Arabs), South East Asians, South Asians, Central Asians, all Middle Eastern peoples, Whites etc. but the locals are one of the most homogenous people in the ME. DNA tests have proved this long ago.

You are just using my legitimate insults against me. That's how big your imagination is. What to expect from a professional Kawliya Ajami 24/7 sucker. I bet that the Mullah's teaching you in your little Madrassah in Lebanon have taught you well.:lol:

LOL, that was in Iraq and UAE. Nothing to do with KSA and Arabs from KSA in comparison conquered your entire shithole, killed millions, enslaved as many, changed your religion, culture, language and settled in the millions.


Now go back to worshipping our ancestors while flogging yourself.:lol:
@BLACKEAGLE @Saif al-Arab @Rakan.SA

I guess you guys do not read the news from Pakistan. Their parliament has voted UNANIMOUSLY against joining Saudi war. Do you know what does that mean? It means there was not even a single person in Pakistan's parliament who was in favor of joining this war. Not even a single person. All were against it. That says a lot.
You are a clown. There are no Gypsies in KSA outside of Iraqi Gypsies like you. KSA is one of the few countries on the planet that never were an Western colony and large areas of KSA have never been conquered by any outsiders.

KSA is indeed a very diverse society (one of the most diverse) and home to Blacks (Afro-Arabs), South East Asians, South Asians, Central Asians, all Middle Eastern peoples, Whites etc. but the locals are one of the most homogenous people in the ME. DNA tests have proved this long ago.

You are just using my legitimate insults against me. That's how big your imagination is. What to expect from a professional Kawliya Ajami 24/7 sucker. I bet that the Mullah's teaching you in your little Madrassah in Lebanon have taught you well.:lol:

LOL, that was in Iraq and UAE. Nothing to do with KSA and Arabs from KSA in comparison conquered your entire shithole, killed millions, enslaved as many, changed your religion, culture, language and settled in the millions.


Now go back to worshipping our ancestors while flogging yourself.:lol:
It's the other way around they killed millions of you and enslaved your women
They conquered you before islam and after it

Even your khalifa was dog under their feet
Even his salary was bayed by them

Buyid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't forget how they helped hulagu and timur to kill millions of

It's good to admit that you are invaders so tell your ahwazi animals invaders to get out of iran

And iran is not shit hole your land is shit hole if that so why your animal ancestors wanted to conquere iran for its wealth and natural beauty which you don't have

Tell your najdi dogs to get out from hormozgan and bandar langa and bandar abbas

Your dogs immgrated to iranian lands today these dogs claim iranian lands and forgot they are the foreign invaders and immgrants

The funny thing that they bark and they say the iranian coast is belong to them and the iranians are invaders

these dogs make the owner of the house as theif and the theif as the owner of the house:lol:
It's the other way around they killed millions of you and enslaved your women
They conquered you before islam and after it

Even your khalifa was dog under their feet
Even his salary was bayed by them

Buyid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't forget how they helped hulagu and timur to kill millions of

It's good to admit that you are invaders so tell your ahwazi animals invaders to get out of iran

And iran is not shit hole your land is shit hole if that so why your animal ancestors wanted to conquere iran for its wealth and natural beauty which you don't have

Tell your najdi dogs to get out from hormozgan and bandar langa and bandar abbas

Your dogs immgrated to iranian lands today these dogs claim iranian lands and forgot they are the foreign invaders and immgrants

The funny thing that they bark and they say the iranian coast is belong to them and the iranians are invaders

these dogs make the owner of the house as theif and the theif as the owner of the house:lol:

Truly a dumb Gypsy. First learn basic English and history and then come back. We can conclude that they don't teach history in your Kawliya Ajami founded local Madrassa in impoverished Southern Lebanon full of fanatical Shia Wilayat al-Faqih retards that are treated as they deserve by their Israeli masters.

Farsis never controlled any territory in KSA nor did they kill any people to begin with.:lol:

Listen Gypsy. Arabs killed millions of you, conquered your entire shithole of a country and ruled it for centuries, changed your religion, culture, language and settled among you in the millions and had fun with your women. You have basically been an Arab colony for 1500 straight years. That's the legacy of you kawliya Farsis.

As I said go flock yourself to death while worshipping our ancestors.

The House of Saud (although I don't care about them), just 1 single member from them can buy the entire Gypsy village/caravan that you crawled out from.:lol: You probably don't even know who your great-grandfather was.:lol: Typical of your likes as you just recently adopted surnames! Pure filth. Go to Yemen so a bomb can evaporate you and turn you into pig fertilizer. Now go suck your Kawliya Ajami master dry.:lol:

I found your closest relative.:lol:

Try and speak like this about Arabs in Southern Lebanon and you would turn into tuna fish in a matter of seconds. You are probably based in the US/Canada you refugee rat.
Last edited:
It will be more fun when your parliament vote in favor of Saudi Arabia. This will definitely prove that your likes are indeed a minority in Pakistan as the parliaments are representatives of Pakistani people. Let's see..


Now that is funny.

Pakistani parliament voted UNANIMOUSLY against joining Saudi Arabia. Do you know what it means? It means there was not even a single person in Pakistani parliament in favor of joining Saudis.

So per your comment above, what does it prove? You yourself have raised this issue.
@BLACKEAGLE @Saif al-Arab @Rakan.SA

I guess you guys do not read the news from Pakistan. Their parliament has voted UNANIMOUSLY against joining Saudi war. Do you know what does that mean? It means there was not even a single person in Pakistan's parliament who was in favor of joining this war. Not even a single person. All were against it. That says a lot.
They got ships around yemen.
anyway its in or not what does that change ?! you look so desperate man! lol

Truly a dumb Gypsy. First learn basic English and history and then come back. We can conclude that they don't teach history in your Kawliya Ajami founded local Madrassa in impoverished Southern Lebanon full of fanatical Shia Wilayat al-Faqih retards that are treated as they deserve by their Israeli masters.

Farsis never controlled any territory in KSA nor did they kill any people to begin with.:lol:

Listen Gypsy. Arabs killed millions of you, conquered your entire shithole of a country and ruled it for decades, changed your religion, culture, language and settled among you in the millions and had fun with your women. You have basically been an Arab colony for 1500 straight years. That's the legacy of you kawliya Farsis.

As I said go flock yourself to death while worshipping our ancestors.

The House of Saud (although I don't care about them), just 1 single member from them can buy the entire Gypsy village/caravan that you crawled out from.:lol: You probably don't even know who your great-grandfather was.:lol: Typical of your likes as you just recently adopted surnames! Pure filth. Go to Yemen so a bomb can evaporate you and turn you into pig fertilizer.
You're wrong , Houthis have majority behind themselves because no one wants another Saudi backed dictator or separating the country into 2 .

Air strikes can't do much and have not stopped Houthis . When Aden falls which is in near future the there will be easier targets in the east resulting in Houthis full control on Yemen and bringing Saudis to negotiations because they can't keep bombing and blockading Yemen forever .
"another"?! Then who is the first? Ali Saleh? :lol:
Apr 10, 2015, SPA -- Brig. Gen. Ahmed bin Hasan Asiri, consultant at the minister of defense's office and spokesman of the Coalition Forces, said that the air operations are continued, stressing that the work methodology concentrates on supporting the People's Committees and the army elements supporting the legitimacy on the ground.

In his daily press briefing held today at Riyadh Airbase, Brig. Asiri said that the goals of the air phase have not changed, but the proportion of air operations is changed, 'the air operations are focused now on the Houthi brigades which are against the legitimacy,' he added.

Brig. Asiri also confirmed that the operations are focused on military communication stations inside the camps and Houthi gatherings either on military bases or in the Saada and Imran, pointing out that operations targeted 125th and 115th brigades in the vicinity of Aden.

'The coalition forces also targeted 'Glory' and 17th Brigades in the area of Bab al-Mandab and 'Al-Swadiah' in Bidhaa in addition to gatherings of personnel and vehicles in Saada,' Asiri said.

Brig. Asiri confirmed that the 'Giants' and 310th brigades in Sana'a and a municipal complex (local council) in Dar Saad were attacked, 'one of the stadiums in Aden was attacked yesterday because it was used by the Houthi militias in storing ammunitions and transferring supply materials,' Asiri added.

20:19 LOCAL TIME 17:19 GMT

Brig. Asiri said that the coalition forces received information disclosing that the Houthi militias used schools to store weapons and supply materials and they bombed sites after they are expelled, 'the Houthi aim is to harm the infrastructure and citizens through using the schools, sports stadiums and civil institutions,' he added.
Asiri added that the situation in Aden has not changed, stressing that the militia activities in the past 24 hours are decreased in Aden in comparison with Shabwa.

'The coalition forces carried out air operation in Ateq for supporting the People's Committees and the tribes in addition to operations in 'Baidhaa', Shabwa and in the vicinity of Dalea to support the resistance on the ground,' Asiri said, pointing out that food supplies and relief aid were dropped yesterday in Shabwa and Aden.

Brig. Asiri added that the coalition forces attacked directly yesterday command building in Saada and a site of anti-aircraft.

'We followed the Houthi movements in order to prevent them putting people's lives at risk. Most of the cities in Yemen now are suffering from a shortage in fuel,' Asiri said, confirming that the militias prohibit fuel to the citizens.

Brig. Asiri stressed that the Houthi militias are trying to move in rough roads because the air operations are existed continuously in the Yemeni airspace.

20:55 LOCAL TIME 17:55 GMT

We confirmed that targeting the infrastructures is not a good act and it is not among the goals of the campaign, however, military actions necessitate likewise operations to prevent the Houthi militias of using them to prolong their rebellion,' Brig. Asiri said, adding that the land operations continue as usual as all movements along the Saudi border are monitored.

'Naval operations are going as a relief lunch was given a hand in the last days in Aden while two other Red Cross aircrafts have landed in Sana'a carrying medical supplies, crews and relief shipments,' Asiri said,

Asiri added that delivering assistance to the regions under control of the People's Committee is going smoothly, 'we are in contact with relief agencies, especially the Red Cross to find safe corridors in order to deliver supplies to the Yemenis and hospitals,' he said.

21:07 LOCAL TIME 18:07 GMT

Asked to comment on reports that the Pakistani parliament has decided to take a neutral stance towards what is happening in Yemen and to what extent this decision would affect the coalition forces, Asiri said the Pakistani government has not announced this position officially, noting that the Pakistani army is known of its skillfulness, efficiency and capability. So, once it joins the coalition, it would be a credit, he said, adding that this would not degrade the skillfulness of the other members of the coalition.

Asked to cast light on the GCC version of a draft resolution currently being discussed at the UN Security Council regardless of the Russian view point, Asri stated that the political and military actions are two twins of the same objective: the security and safety of Yemen and Yemeni citizen. He added that the military operations originated from a political decision adopted by the coalition constituent countries upon a request by the Yemeni legitimate government. However, the militias and their supporters rejected to succumb to the world will and respect the efforts of peace-loving countries and opted to use the military force on the ground, Asiri said.

Asked to confirm whether the Yemeni deposed president Ali Abdullah Saleh is himself a military target, Asiri denied that the operation is targeting persons rather than military targets which will help to achieve the goals prescribed from the beginning.
22:20 LOCAL TIME 19:20 GMT
Saudis have already lost the conflict. All their primary objectives are in garbage bin now. From forcing Houthis out of the equation to forming a "Sunni" block.
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