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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

You're still around? Remember how you used to tell me that the conflict in Syria will end this year? This year was around 3 or 4 years ago. Remember that?

What "advisers"? Pictures? Proof?
I've never said the war in Syria will end this or that year. It will end in our favor, that's what I'm sure of. A
How is Yemen any more cutoff from Iran then Lebanon or Syria? Iran has the same access to Yemen as it does to Syria and Lebanon. It's actually easier to get to Yemen by water then it is to get to Syria and Lebanon. Look at a map blackpeshkel. It's not rocket science.
In Syria, the only forces that have been fighting Bashar are Syrians while in Yemen, ten countries with international support are fighting Huthi terrorists. In Syria, Iran has been sending arms, advisers and mercenaries. While in Yemen it's not allowed to. Huthies will die alone and nobody can give then a hand.

I've never said the war in Syria will end this or that year. It will end in our favor, that's what I'm sure of. A

In Syria, the only forces that have been fighting Bashar are Syrians while in Yemen, ten countries with international support are fighting Huthi terrorists. In Syria, Iran has been sending arms, advisers and mercenaries. While in Yemen it's not allowed to. Huthies will die alone and nobody can give then a hand.

But you said Iran and Yemen are cut off geographically. Not only Iran and Yemen aren't cut off, it's easier to get to Yemen by water then it is to get to Syria and Lebanon.

Iran uses local arabs in every conflict (local Lebanese, local Iraqis, local Syrians etc...). Arabs are very willing fighters and all they need is a little financial and military support. The rest they do themselves. Hezbollah was literally created by 1 man with a suitcase full of cash. Iran sent an Iranian Arab IRGC officer to Lebanon with a suitcase of cash and the rest is history. That's all it takes.

1st step: create a local presence and gather allies with cash and maybe some arms

2nd step: sit back and wait for the ground conditions to get worse through sustained civil war, poverty and conflict

3rd step: re-enter the conflict when previously created allies are desperate for help

Iran isn't fighting the quick war. The mullahs are waiting for ground conditions to get even worse. Once things get really nasty, that's when the bulk of the support comes in.
Apr 9, 2015, SPA -- Brig. Gen. Ahmed bin Hasan Asiri, consultant at the minister of defense's office and spokesman of the Coalition Forces, said that the operations of the coalition forces are currently focused on the air operations, stressing that the goals are being clearly achieved.

In his daily press briefing held today at Riyadh Airbase, Brig. Asiri said that a methodology of action focused on elements of the Yemeni rebel army forces supporting Houthi militias against the legitimacy, pointing out that this type of action requires accurate identification and definition of objects.

20:30 LOCAL TIME 17:30 GMT

Brig. Asiri said that the pace of action in Aden against the Houthi militias is varying from day to day because these 'isolated' elements in Aden are moving in response to the air strikes of the coalition forces. The militias moved from Dalea to Shabwa, for instance, and existing in small groups in Ateq, he disclosed.

Asiri added that these elements are trying to achieve a media victory on the scene, while the air operations targeted the Houthi militias and their loyalists of the Yemeni rebel forces against the legitimacy. The Houthi militias are storing ammunition and vehicles in populated sites with complicity of some tribal communities, he said.

Asiri said that the air operations targeted today some brigades supporting the Houthi militias, including 19th, 22nd, 21st and 33rd Brigades in Bijan, Taiz and Shabwa respectively, pointing out that the coalition worked to cut communications between Sana'a and the northern regions of Yemen, particularly in Saada in addition to some caves that were used to store ammunition.

Asiri stressed that the operations also targeted ammunition stores scattering in Yemen in addition to the Yemeni rebel gatherings against the legitimacy.

21:19 LOCAL TIME 18:19 GMT

In response to a question on whether the loyalists of former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh and the Houthis were able to drag the coalition forces to transfer the fighting inside cities, Asiri commented that moving into cities and taking refuge inside homes and using them as deterrent weapons is a basic tactic of militias anywhere to show the world that their enemies are targeting civilians and innocent people at their quiet homes.

On the remarks delivered by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that Iran's supplies and assistance to Houthi militia's has never stopped, Asiri said Kerry's statement is comprehensive and not stating the duration of the Iranian aid to Houthi militias, which as we know goes back to even more than 15 years. However, Kerry did not specify whether he was referring to the period before or current operation. Asiri added that the work is complimentary among the members of the coalition as all countries are taking part, each with its available capability.
21:44 LOCAL TIME 18:44 GMT

Asked to comment on Iran's 'extraordinary' support for Houthi militias vis-a-vis the world consensus in support of the determination storm operation, Asiri recalled that the Yemeni legitimate government has appealed to the Arab and Islamic nations as well as the world community to dispel the Houthis, who seized the legitimate power in Sanaa, from kidnapping the country, its people and government, receiving unprecedented support of peace-loving countries.

He added that it is also obvious that non-peace-loving powers stand by the side of their pairs, noting that when the militias dared to dismantle the state of Yemen, terrorist elements, including Al-Qaeda which is seen apparently active in Yemen today, came up high.

He expressed belief that all world community is interested in a safe and stable Yemen, referring to the geographical site of the country as controller of Bab Al-Mandab strait, a crucial world waterway at the southern exit/entry of the Red Sea.
Asked how the coalition forces are planning to close the way before the current movements of Houthi militias from place to place, and to pinpoint the location of Al-Qaeda as regards Shabwa, Asiri said the movement of the militias is now crippled in comparison to that at the beginning of the storm, describing the movement now as 'isolated' and that their storming the Yemeni city of Ebb today is part of the same propaganda scenario of Aden, aiming at terrifying the innocent population, and triggering chaos.

He added that TV stations, were, as everybody knows, robbed of their capabilities because the militias turned to be mere bands who lack a leadership, command or control or ability to provide its cut-off segments with supplies of any kind of logistics, a development Asiri described as a sign of good omen bringing them nearer to their fate.

Asked to cast light on sending humanitarian assistance through boats or vessels to the needy inside Aden, Asiri said the coalition forces yesterday announced that the Red Cross has reached, but remained stranded at, the port of Aden due to deteriorating security situation around the port, hindering them from reaching the city. He said the coalition forces is in contact with them to guarantee the delivery of medical support and medical equipment to reach hospitals inside Aden. He concluded that 'till now, we could not guarantee their safe departure of the port area, but are working hard to overcome this problem soon'.
22:35 LOCAL TIME 19:35 GMT
But you said Iran and Yemen are cut off geographically. Not only Iran and Yemen aren't cut off, it's easier to get to Yemen by water then it is to get to Syria and Lebanon.

Iran uses local arabs in every conflict (local Lebanese, local Iraqis, local Syrians etc...). Arabs are very willing fighters and all they need is a little financial and military support. The rest they do themselves. Hezbollah was literally created by 1 man with a suitcase full of cash. Iran sent an Iranian Arab IRGC officer to Lebanon with a suitcase of cash and the rest is history. That's all it takes.

1st step: create a local presence and gather allies with cash and maybe some arms

2nd step: sit back and wait for the ground conditions to get worse through sustained civil war, poverty and conflict

3rd step: re-enter the conflict when previously created allies are desperate for help

Iran isn't fighting the quick war. The mullahs are waiting for ground conditions to get even worse. Once things get really nasty, that's when the bulk of the support comes in.
You talk about Arabs as an ethnicity as if Iran has one ethnicity itself. Several videos show Arab and Turk Iranians support the Decisive Storm. Arabs who don't follow our interests, we don't identify them as part of us, we disown them.

Again, there is nothing to be proud of by financing and arming terror groups to destabilize countries. Any country can do that, but non can take the circumstances except Iran because it's people are subservient to the supreme ruler. There are military war, media war, economic war, diplomatic war and in most of them we won. As for the military one, we are in the process toward victory in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, noting that in the meanwhile Iranian major enemy has been flourishing and getting stronger. Saudi Arabia.
I think they should try someone other than Hadi, many dislike him as is evident on the ground, anti-Houthi fighters oppose him.

FROM For Saudis, Yemen conflict risks ‘becoming their Vietnam’ - The Washington Post

Mujahidoon fighters protect Saudi borders | Arab News
Operation Decisive Storm has again highlighted the importance of the Mujahidoon forces stationed on the borders, to help counter arms smuggling and human trafficking.

Known as the second line of defense, the Jazan Mujahidoon fighters have extensive experience in tracking intruders and smugglers along the southern border.

They are characterized by their fighting spirit, high morale, courage and desire to protect their homeland. Their work involves considerable danger because they have to confront armed infiltrators willing to kill.

Khaled Kuziez, spokesman of the Jazan Mujahidoon, said Decisive Storm has led to a significant drop in attempts to smuggle arms into the Kingdom.


On Thursday, the coalition targeted several groups of the Houthi militia including the 19th Brigade in Baihan, 22nd Brigade in Taiz, 21st Brigade in Shabwah and 33rd Brigade. The airstrikes completely cut off telecommunication link between Sanaa and the northern regions, specifically Saada.
You talk about Arabs as an ethnicity as if Iran has one ethnicity itself. Several videos show Arab and Turk Iranians support the Decisive Storm. Arabs who don't follow our interests, we don't identify them as part of us, we disown them.

Again, there is nothing to be proud of by financing and arming terror groups to destabilize countries. Any country can do that, but non can take the circumstances except Iran because it's people are subservient to the supreme ruler. There are military war, media war, economic war, diplomatic war and in most of them we won. As for the military one, we are in the process toward victory in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, noting that in the meanwhile Iranian major enemy has been flourishing and getting stronger. Saudi Arabia.

Iranian involvement everywhere is hugely overrated. In reality those are all local Yemeni, Iraqi, Lebanese and Syrian conflicts. The Farsi Mullah's are supporting a few terrorist groups here and there, provide a few men and try to convince those groups and their supporters to fight for their greater cause which is some Shia Muslim Ummah utopia nonsense led by the Wilayat al-Faqih cult based in Qom etc. The same people that are rulling Iranians with a harsh hand and have been rulling them for almost 40 years now. They will probably rule for at least another 40 years.

Gypsies like this clown barking from time to time is one of their supporters;

Anyway since Iran is more hated than Israel in the Arab and Muslim world (almost in the later) we can use Iran as an excuse to crush anyone that we do not like. Very simple.

Casualties are irrelevant in the wider picture and war. There are 450 million Arabs and the numbers are increasing with several million each year. The population of Iraq, Syria, Yemen etc. is growing quite quickly regardless of all the wars and conflicts.

Anyway we are talking about the North Korea of the ME whose people are poorer on average than the average Jamaican despite drawning in oil and gas.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let them live in their little deluded world where Mullahstan is the "undisputed superpower of our Milky Way". Just look at the Farsis here based in Iran. They live in a different galaxy from all the rest of us.

It's hillarious as hell but also a bit tragicomical.
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Egypt launches 1st strike against Yemen's Houthis: Coalition
09 April 2015 20:35 (Last updated 09 April 2015 20:36)
Egypt has launched its first airstrikes against positions belonging to the Shiite Houthi group in Yemen, a Saudi-led coalition said

Egypt has launched its first airstrikes against positions belonging to the Shiite Houthi group in Yemen, a Saudi-led coalition said Thursday.

"An Egyptian warplane has carried out a raid against a Houthi target," coalition spokesman Ahmed al-Asiri said in a daily briefing.

Since March 25, warplanes from Saudi Arabia and several Arab allies have pounded Houthi positions across Yemen.

Al-Asiri said that Houthi militias had been "cut off from their leadership."

He went on to assert that airstrikes were targeting communications between Houthi leaders in capital Sanaa and those in the northern Saada province.

Fractious Yemen has remained in turmoil since last September, when the Houthis overran Sanaa, from which they have sought to extend their influence to other parts of the country.

Riyadh says the anti-Houthi campaign comes in response to appeals by embattled Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi – who is currently in Saudi Arabia – to "save the [Yemeni] people from the Houthi militias."

The Houthis, for their part, have decried the offensive, describing it as unwarranted "Saudi-American aggression" against Yemen.

Some Gulf States accuse Shiite Iran of supporting Yemen's Houthi insurgency.


Friday, 10 April 2015
Several senior members of Houthi militias and forces allied to deposed Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh were killed during an air strike by the Saudi-led coalition, reported Al Arabiya News Channel on Thursday.

The air strike targeted a gathering of Houthi and Saleh militias in the governorate of Amran, just north of Sanaa.

The news comes after earlier reports that coalition jets bombed a military airport in the city of Ataq in the Shabwa province.

Air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition also targeted Yemen's defense ministry and military catering buildings in the capital Sanaa which are controlled by Houthi militias and their supporters, Agence France Press cited witnesses saying earlier on Thursday.

Three explosions were heard as warplanes hit the building in central Sanaa and thick smoke billowed over the area, according to AFP.

The attack was part of raids that struck positions across the capital, including a base of the elite Republican Guards in Fajj Attan, in south Sanaa.

The Republican Guard is a force that has remained loyal to deposed president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who stepped down in 2012 following nationwide protests against his three-decade rule and who is allied with the Houthi militias against the government.

[With AFP]


Egypt launches 1st strike against Yemen's Houthis: Coalition
09 April 2015 20:35 (Last updated 09 April 2015 20:36)
Egypt has launched its first airstrikes against positions belonging to the Shiite Houthi group in Yemen, a Saudi-led coalition said

Egypt has launched its first airstrikes against positions belonging to the Shiite Houthi group in Yemen, a Saudi-led coalition said Thursday.

"An Egyptian warplane has carried out a raid against a Houthi target," coalition spokesman Ahmed al-Asiri said in a daily briefing.

Since March 25, warplanes from Saudi Arabia and several Arab allies have pounded Houthi positions across Yemen.

Al-Asiri said that Houthi militias had been "cut off from their leadership."

He went on to assert that airstrikes were targeting communications between Houthi leaders in capital Sanaa and those in the northern Saada province.

Fractious Yemen has remained in turmoil since last September, when the Houthis overran Sanaa, from which they have sought to extend their influence to other parts of the country.

Riyadh says the anti-Houthi campaign comes in response to appeals by embattled Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi – who is currently in Saudi Arabia – to "save the [Yemeni] people from the Houthi militias."

The Houthis, for their part, have decried the offensive, describing it as unwarranted "Saudi-American aggression" against Yemen.

Some Gulf States accuse Shiite Iran of supporting Yemen's Houthi insurgency.


Friday, 10 April 2015
Several senior members of Houthi militias and forces allied to deposed Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh were killed during an air strike by the Saudi-led coalition, reported Al Arabiya News Channel on Thursday.

The air strike targeted a gathering of Houthi and Saleh militias in the governorate of Amran, just north of Sanaa.

The news comes after earlier reports that coalition jets bombed a military airport in the city of Ataq in the Shabwa province.

Air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition also targeted Yemen's defense ministry and military catering buildings in the capital Sanaa which are controlled by Houthi militias and their supporters, Agence France Press cited witnesses saying earlier on Thursday.

Three explosions were heard as warplanes hit the building in central Sanaa and thick smoke billowed over the area, according to AFP.

The attack was part of raids that struck positions across the capital, including a base of the elite Republican Guards in Fajj Attan, in south Sanaa.

The Republican Guard is a force that has remained loyal to deposed president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who stepped down in 2012 following nationwide protests against his three-decade rule and who is allied with the Houthi militias against the government.

[With AFP]

Just testing.
Then why are you begging Americans?

Why did you beg Americans to protect you.

Note your king taking pride when standing alongside American Generals and presidents on Saudi soil:


Well, it is more logical than beging Sahib Ezzaman as Khaminai is doing below.

I didn't know this site was also a homosexual fantasy board. Personally, I wish you the best of luck in reaching your desire of being fellated by a man, but wouldn't geopolitical discussions be more interesting to others here?
il take one for humiliating you guys
Rakan on a rampage. I am quite sure he will be banned again...

Why are we taking it so seriously anyway. Iran nor Saudi Arabia are in any state to be the Islamic superpower they both want to be. Both have laws that degrade their own citizens and are based on outdated principles of said religion-things that have changed according to modern times. I think we muslims should increasingly look at the benefits of secular theory. And this shia sunni divide should be bridged. We should start with Ijtehad and end with stamping this hatred out of our hearts and minds.
Rakan on a rampage. I am quite sure he will be banned again...

Why are we taking it so seriously anyway. Iran nor Saudi Arabia are in any state to be the Islamic superpower they both want to be. Both have laws that degrade their own citizens and are based on outdated principles of said religion-things that have changed according to modern times. I think we muslims should increasingly look at the benefits of secular theory. And this shia sunni divide should be bridged. We should start with Ijtehad and end with stamping this hatred out of our hearts and minds.
you must be living in your own bubble! good luck
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