>Understimation of soviet industrial and mobilization potential and capacity of the russian people to resist the genocidal campaign he wanted to wage.The soviet state lost a third to half its steel and coal production,population in the early days of the war but by redeploying its industries in the nick of time by disassembling and transporting them beyond the urals along with 17 million people evacuated,then in a tremendous effort basically replacing its whole strength twice in 6 months it stopped the germans.
I think this was in general the failure of German intelligence to gather accurate information and in credit of complete Soviet secrecy of their industrial capacity.
>Manpower.Germany didn't have the manpower for a long war of conquest on a global scale.
Well I beg to differ that it was intended to be a war of conquest on a global scale. If it were intended to be so the German economy would have been geared towards such. Neither the Germans were intending for it to be a global war of conquest nor did they have the economic capacity for it to be one.
What started out as a German-Polish border conflict, then war, in collaboration with the Soviet Union in light of the Hitler-Stalin pact on 1939 (signed in Moscow btw) spiralled out of control into a World War.
>Prefering ideology over sense/facts to answer key questions.Thus going easy on britain at dunkirk over 'racial affinity',
This is true and a major mistake, one that Hitler regretted deeply afterwards.
wastage of vast amounts of resources on killing of jews and partisans
Partisans were inflicting major losses of men and material. To put into perspective the partisan threat, Tito had 200,000 partisans in Yugoslavia alone. That is no minor problem.
Regarding the Jews, yes they were classified as a hostile minority, no different to the Japanese in America. Concerning the killings of Jews, besides alleged gas chambers, the mass shootings are indisputable, though they did not occur with Hitler's consent, mostly with Himmlers approval and even then not all of them. There are accounts of local volunteers killing Jews for their cooperation with Soviet authorities before the German arrival, particularly in the Ukraine and Baltics and often to the shock of the Germans themselves.
Refusal to evacuate territory because of fanatical belief in 'superhuman' german soldier to defy laws of warfare against inferior slavs.
Well this was mostly to delay and tie-down the opposition armies as much as possible. Was it a sound strategy? Considering the circumstances I would say it was the only sound strategy.
>Suicidal declaration of war on USA while still at war with russia and britain.Hitler on 8th december 1941(the very day russian counterattak before moscow was about to begin) thought ussr was finished.Totally understimated US industrial potential.When you casually declare war on a nation 1.5 times your population,20% of world's GDP(even after great depression,rising to nearly 40% in 1945) and an industrial capacity greater than ussr,britain,italy and japan combined you must be dumb or delusional
There were two reasons for the declaration of war:
1) The US was never really "neutral".
"We'll fire at German U-boats & merchant vessels in the Atlantic and assist the British by escorting their supply vessels. But hey! We're neutral"
"We will send a few anti-submarine aircraft to monitor German U-boats and then send that vital info over to the Brits so they don't get choked into a peace treaty with Germany. But hey! We're neutral"
2) In hopes of getting the Japanese involved against the Soviet Union.
But to the disappointment of the Germans, the Japanese actually respected their own non-aggression pact with Stalin (which he did not hesitate to violate in 1945).
>Didn't mobilize for total war until 1944.
This was indeed a big mistake. But no one considered a border war with Poland turning into a six year world war.
Also chaotic industrial organization due to internal rivalry between nazi economic czars before speer.German factories were in the smaller workshop style and suited for high quality finish of limited products.Russians and americans in chelyabinsk(tankograd) and detroit built enormous city sized complexes on an assembly line which mass produced vehicles with economics of scale.Russians were also more practical with production philosophy,building engines meant to last for 6 months only - the avg life span of a tank on the eastern front while germans built complete highly manufactured gear until the later years.
The Soviets didn't have to go through these problems because by 1941 their arms industry had already evolved into a war machine, equiped with the best American designed factories (Ford engineers designed Nizhni Novgorod on the same basis as American auto-cities Detroit and Dearborn).
Germany on the other hand was not economically prepared for a major war, which goes against the generally accepted theory that Hitler was out to conquer the world.
>Oil.Only really had ploesti in rumania,some in hungary and synthetic plants which the western allies bombed to shit.Main reason for overambitious caucasus drive in 1942.
I believe oil was a major concern from the outset of the war and the initial strategy of ignoring Moscow and heading straight for the Caucasus was the correct one in the long run, but this strategy was overruled by Hitler's generals.
>Intelligence failure.Enigma codes got cracked and cost them the battle of the atlantic as well as confirming the attack on kursk salient.Failed to estimate the actual strength of the soviet divisions in 1941(in reality it was 3 times the estimate).Totally unaware of existence of T-34/KV tanks or katyusha rocket launchers.Fooled at Normandy as to location of landings.
Design secrets of me-109 were leaked and incorporated during design of spitfire by british intelligence,without this britain may have lost the battle of britain in 1940
Indeed this was a major victory for the allies, perhaps the single greatest one and decisive one at that.
Now of course the Germans were not aware of this so can't really blame them.
Though despite this the Germans were able to achieve the gains they made, mostly because their enemies underestimated them.
>Poor strategic decision to attack russia without taking gibraltar and north africa and securing the mediterranean and middle east .This would have given them oil,a direct invasion route into caucasus and india.Just 5-10 divisions given to rommel could have accomplished this.Britain would have been powerless to resist and the rest of the wehrmacht could guard the eastern border with russia
Given the hostile gestures of the Soviets like refusing to renew a second Hitler-Stalin pact, deploying troops too close to the Romanian border, displaying solidarity for the Yugoslavia coup which overthrew the German-alligned gov.t etc, not to mention Churchill was betting on the Soviets to open a second front, it was only a matter of time.
Also, after summer 1941 the ideal moment to attack the USSR would have been lost.
>Several poor tactical decisions of 'no retreat' style starting with stalingrad and continuing from 1943 onwards
Mostly to tie down enemy divisions and buy time for other more vital fronts to retreat behind a new defensive line.
It was the only strategy left considering the dire circumstances.
The whole debacle was the result of contradictory intelligence reports.
Also, I just want to bring up a similar historical event, the battle of Thermopylae where the famous 300 Spartans fought a futile battle which they ultimately lost due to superior enemy numbers, no one says "well, those idiots, their commander was an idiot, should've retreated elsewhere" (not accusing you of this, but the general attitude towards the stand-fast orders of Germany in WW2 is such). They knew they were going to die but they had to stand fast and fight to the end to buy their own side as much time as possible considering their own circumstances.
>Poor use of breakthrough technology.Wasted the surprise shock effect of tiger tanks by getting one isolated trial version knocked out and captured in late 1942 near leningrad instead of springing a surprise with massed battalions of the vehicle at kursk.
Certainly, surprise would have been better.
The Russians, even if they were surprised at Kursk by the tigers, could easily disable them by knocking out the tracks and the main gun with their low caliber anti-tank guns and anti-tank rifles (which they still did).
Hitlker's objections delayed deployment and mass production of STG-44 assault rifle by a year.
This is true and undisputable.
Wasted me-262 jet fighter by using it as a bomber.
The theory behind using it as a bomber was to make it versatile. Due to allied air superiority the skies over Western Europe were rendered un-flyable (if that's even a word) for the Luftwaffe and a fast fighter/ground attack aircraft was needed on an urgent basis that would be able to out-run allied fighter aircraft.
One word: oil
Maybe Germany should have gone through Turkey instead to get to the caucus oil fields and also middle east oil fields quicker and easier... rather than barbarossa and african campaign simultaneously....and splitting into two theatres to get to the oil (and I guess strategic black sea access and suez canal too)....rather than focusing on just one first.
But then again if that failed, we would be suggesting what the Germans ended up doing (all out campaign to put Russian industrial and political heartlands out of commision ASAP)
War is such a thing.
Indeed. We today, looking back, can speculate on various hypotheticals and judge Hitler and his actions because that chapter of history has already been closed. Hindsight is twenty-twenty.
But the proper way to judge someone is to put yourself in their shoes, at that time, and limit your knowledge to what was available to them at that time, and then judge their actions, free of the narrative of vested interests which I know from experience is not an easy task considering that majority of the sources are the products of these interested groups.