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Operation Asifa: 45 Indian soldiers killed by Kashmiri resistance in Pulwama.

Irfan Bhai check out timing of attack on irans revolutionary guards and now on Indian forces , soon Afghan Taliban delegation is arriving in Pakistan for talks .. I feel it's all connected and their agencies will try to assassinate Taliban delegation to sabotage the talks .
this is why I am surprised and worried why suddenly change the venue from Doha to Pakistan when the talks were already progressing well there.
this is why I am surprised and worried why suddenly change the venue from Doha to Pakistan when the talks were already progressing well there.

As I asked elsewhere, why did Pakistan agree to such a change of venue?
The timing of both these attacks is rather suspicious. Let's see if the Indians and/or pro-Indian elements of the Establishment in the US try to tie this to the peace talks with the Taliban.
the venue of talks must remain Doha.

also Indian elections are approaching there will be much more violence to keep the Indian voters "focused" at the enemy
its a big loss for occupying force in a single incident.big moral down for them.
hope families of killed soldiers will force their gov to pull out from Kashmir.why they are losing lives for a piece of land dont belong to them.india is already very big land mass.
This way it will take you at least a million years, don't worry your misery won't last that long, will be paid with interest, and don't cry India next time something happens....
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this is why I am surprised and worried why suddenly change the venue from Doha to Pakistan when the talks were already progressing well there.
And we can't unseen the MBS visit and attack on Iranian guards , we all know Iran has a significant presence in Pakistan and Afghanistan through various agents and sleeper cells .
Indian sources are saying that 350 kg of explosives were used in this attack.
So what are we lead to believe that these were smuggled out of Afghanistan into Pakistan and then somehow entered into IOK.
But then, isn't INDIGENOUS a buzzword in India.
I think that modi will win these elections with very thin margin and with only the help of yogi type of people. Then these guys will pressurise modi to attack Pakistan. I think the year may be any from 2019 to 2021.
This way it will take you at least a million years, don't worry your misery won't last that long, will be paid with interest, and don't cry India next something happens....
india is doing what it can we already know.but why you are crying right now?
i can heard your scream from here in front of my pc.
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