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Open war in the South China Sea

Nothings wrong in earning their honesty money...and no one is envy of them (lol :lol:) they can very well write in their signatures that they are posting for their money and earning it by doing honest job on PDF..belive me we willhave no complainst with that. Just what is wrong is that for the sake of their salary, anything gets posted. as an advocate of these honest workers erning their money on PDF, i sugest you to go thorugh their posts which is no mor than crap..also do see the post against which i had posted my comment. hope you'llbe honest like your fellow honest workers and condemn such act by them :)

I found their allegedly salary based posts are 100 time higher in quality than most of your illiterate posts...

Maybe you (plural) are badly in need of 0.5 Rupee to fill your empty stomach and to fix your stunted brain due to malnutrition and get to right reasoning like a human would.

I think, this '50 cents' policy should be started in India too.....our starving population can benefit from it.....

PDF is infested with so much of them.

Haven't you sensed that?

People are more worried about Indian people then their own.....solve your problems first.....

Indians are so funny. Just talk with tongs between their cheeks...

... then why the heck Indians love to talk allegedly "50 cents" of another country instead of your own starvation and illiteracy first?
I know one thing is China has done excellent job but that does not mean you ridicule India.

I want to ask several chinese posters here who post photos of development of CHina where are poor people in CHina, where have you kidnapped them.

There are around 150 000 000 or 150 million poor people in China , It must have been good job by CCP to hide hundred million people from cities and throw them in rural backyards.

In many cases, we, at least I, don't try to ridicule India.

One time Mao Zedong said India and China were both victims of western powers, and should help each other.

"Ridiculing" India is more the cases the other people talk back to some ridiculous Indians behaviors.

For instance, I ridiculed your PM Singh's grand theory, coined in 2004, of in 4 years world forgets Shanghai, talks about Mumbai. Don't you think we, Indians and non-Indians, should all ridicule him of his baseless claims?

Now 12 years passed, Mumbai is still infested with terrorists, poverty, disorder, violence, short of electricity ... almost the same as 12 years ago, Shanghai has moved forward, leaving you further behind.

In fact I don't care how behind Mumbai is from Shanghai, I have problem with the horrible size of mouth from your fellow comrades, either your PM or internet keyboard warriors.

To address your concern, and to restore India's ancient reputation and prevent it from being a ridiculed object in modern time, let's stay together and screw some Indians' monstrously enormous, and hugely distorted big mouth to its proper and normal dimension.

BTW, about poverty. It is well known that China is still poor. But:
1) Never heard of people starved to death in China in last 30 years or so, much less in the number of millions a year.
2) Chinese government and its leaders are never saying in x years world forgets about New York (or whatever city), talks about Shanghai.

See the difference?
We should not fight an open war in the South China Sea. Take the war to the enemy's homeland. Roll over Hanoi and Saigon with tanks. Our amphibious assault vehicles work just as well on Philippines as on Taiwan.
"Yearning for big shoes but still have small feet?"?

Let's not forget China was still the big dong of the far east less than 200 years ago.
I personally think everyone should leave these islands alone if no acceptable solution can be found. Everyone at least can be happy that nature is left as it was intended.

You are mental ill, agressive chinese, let Japanese teaching you one time again.

That is awful what you're saying. Some of my family members suffered from this war. How could you be so heartless. Even if some members here frustrate you, you should not wish ill for anyone.

I will say this one last time, because you Filipinos seem quite retarded.

No one cares about words. We need PROOF. Proof means real hard PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that everyone can see, not some words you Filipinos cooked up.

Show me a Filipino shipwreck in the South China Sea that pre-dates the discovery by French oil company ELF of a 15th century Chinese galleon with tens of thousands of artifacts off the coast of Borneo.

If you can't, it proves Filipinos could not build ocean-sailing ships. You Filipinos are trespassers in the South China Sea.
Austronesian peoples have always been seafarers. We sailed to Madagascar. Isn't that enough?


Delimitation of the territorial sea between States with opposite or adjacent coasts

Where the coasts of two States are opposite or adjacent to each other, neither of the two States is entitled, failing agreement between them to the contrary, to extend its territorial sea beyond the median line every point of which is equidistant from the nearest points on the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial seas of each of the two States is measured. The above provision does not apply, however, where it is necessary by reason of historic title or other special circumstances to delimit the territorial seas of the two States in a way which is at variance therewith."

how many countries accepts UN rules and Regulation

Mostly UN is under US control.....

Nowadays UN Means....VETO Powered countries shouts other nations
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Is that what your Viet propaganda taught you? Today China is still the most powerful country in the Eastern Hemisphere as we have been for millennia, and we still burned down 6 of your provinces and inflicted 100,000 civilian casualties on you in just 28 days!
And our 7,000 soldiers destroyed your 200,000 soldiers overnight. Pity.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: A Filipino is what happens when a Polynesian native girl meets Spanish conquistadors and big black American marines. No wonder you have such an inferiority complex! Filipina still love the Spanish and Americans long time.
You bragged about causing 100,000 casualties in Vietnam in just 28 days but your 200,000 got effing demolished overnight by 7,000 Filipino soldiers and your reply was regarding our women. That's the best you got? Geesh. Sucks to be you.
You bragged about causing 100,000 casualties in Vietnam in just 28 days but your 200,000 got effing demolished overnight by 7,000 Filipino soldiers and your reply was regarding our women. That's the best you got? Geesh. Sucks to be you.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: What the heck is a "Filipino soldier"? Nobody has ever heard of that term. Everybody knows colonialists simply go to these Polynesian islands, make the local women love them long time and then leave their genes behind in the mongrel mixed gene pool called Pinoys.
He he, Mongolian, Japanese, Britain is still there in the world, Manchuria will be independence state. They were your masters.
Your ancesters was punished in Vietnam and ran away. Dirty enemy go to hell.:smokin:

Say it to Manchu people, let them slap your face.
And our 7,000 soldiers destroyed your 200,000 soldiers overnight. Pity.
thank you for telling the fact that the 7000 PLA took a meaningiul tour in the zoo down south that caused death of 200,000 of its residences``if you want the PLA does the same to the phinos please send us a nice invitation
China is the new Mongol empire. Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Russia need to start taking their defence seriously.
It smells like another "Battle of Bach Dang River (938)" to me. Could you be more specific? What's the name of the battle? When and where did it happen? What forces were involved?

LOLS. A bitter pill to swallow for these Chinese imbeciles that they lost and lost bigtime to a nobody. A solid aZs-wooping they got. 200,000 versus 7,000 and still lost? Did our soldiers fight Chinese zombies? Ah they're no zombies because the present Chinese are still mindless and stupid that is. LOLS.
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