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Open Mike: Is cheering for Pakistan in an Indo-Pak cricket match an act of sedition?

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You know guys...i think our leader has a habbit of not accepting the facts on the face her they try to push it further dhatown the time with expectation that time is a great healer....

I am not for sure that if Kashmir people of India is Pro India or not...but it is for sure..they are not at all anti Pakistaon...and more probably Pro Pakistan....Our congress party and all the islamist appeasing secular regional party know about it....So the next question is that at one point of time we have to make a descison about this mess...Noi one can change the behaviour of people....Our politician should ask to themselves, does india need ati indian kashmir separatist? Or we have to do something different...If we are not trying to do something different...then it is better that India and f*** Cong party should declare that India really can not do anything to anti Indian kashmir people and let us for once and all accept the reality....

Rather than doing and putting the real fact..every one is just making every one fool....Either accept people of Kashmir as they are a Islamist version of people so thait if also India people will shout for sometime but with the passage of time..they will accept it...

Or if you can not convey the same message..then just do somethindrastic...Change the demography and use brutal force to everything so make kashmir as an useless piece of land so that if also it will be independent, it will have no value..he

Bottomline is that It is not that Kashmir issue is a problem...For us...the way Indian political party react to Kashmir issue is a bigger prolem...God save this country..
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