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Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India

I think he was stuck in 1984.
wake up gurmeet, this is 2009!

anyway, if he had any serious greviances he should have written to the only man who can make india do something about it: manmohan singh.(sikh PM of india)

I am not a supporter of Khalistan but I can atleast understand where he is coming from. I can say same thing about the BJP agenda, where they are trying to build Ram temple. Get over it was hundered of years ago when Babur destryed that temple and killed thousands of Hindus.
Don't forget the past, but let it not have an effect upon you. Thats what i believe.

That's very sad. I'm sorry to hear that. I however don't have such a history because my family never had to migrate. So, I really don't harbour any ill-feelings towards people of any religion.
Hillary is not the PM of India. The idiot guy does not have even sense that what the hell can hillary do about what ever Indian Govt. do.

And what is motive behind this thread. To mass-spread that Indian Govt. is evil?? It ill-behaves with it's minorities??

Thousands of letters are written to these people. I am sure most of them would be linked to FACTUAL problems, which needs to be discuused, and solved.

And tell this Gurmit Singh to come to India and talk about Khalistan. He for sure will be shell-shocked. Printing t-shirts in UK, Canada and AUS will not gain anything than some pay-checks from some intelligence agencies.

Sir, last man who tried to do this in India was Jaswant singh Khalra. Please google his name and find out what happned to him.
We can go on, Flint. As a lahorite, I have the baggage of what Ranjit Singh, and before him the Ghakkars did to us. Even Nadir Shah and Abdali.

What about Maharaja Ranjit Singh? I have always read he was fair towards all including his Muslim subjects. Is that not what you guys know? Who were the Ghakkars and what did they do?

As the grandson of a Jallandar migrant (grandmother), I have hear eye witness accounts of 5 siblings being butchered to death.

Really sad to know that.

I have accounts of my great great great grandmother talkign about muslim women jumping in wells when the sikh rule in PUnjab and AFghania started.

Again news to me, but I guess we all hear just the good side of ourselves!

We have issues with the Maratha horse riders who terrorised the settled populations of India and Deccan.

Again, at least about Shivaji, the story is that he was fair towards one and all.

So does that mean, I should let these histories consume me? Should I let the crusades consume me? I think not.

Don't forget the past, but let it not have an effect upon you. Thats what i believe.
Yes, I agree that is the way forward.
The temples that were targeted during early muslim attacks, were not just temples, but centers of power, prestige and above all..Finance.

Temples in Bharat held vast treasures of foreign exchange (gold) , and were closely embedded into the different state apparatus. They also lent money, even to Rajas to finance their dig vijayas and conquests.

Like today's National reserves.

and how do you justify those temples' complete demolition and construction of mosques in their place? does that not reek of religious agenda?
I have forgotten because I was not even born at that time.

But Those killed were terrorists. And don't try to play with me. I am not the one who has closed his own eyes and believe whatever is fed into.

I know what happened, why happened, and who was responsible.

The thing my Govt. did to Sikhs, was atleast not that brutal what your govt. is doing in FATA, SWAT, etc.

My heart cries in thinking of that. But is not shackled enough to let go the truth. I know who was behind all that Sikh-Khalistani thing, and guess what, I can come down to the root to ONE SINGLE PERSON RESPONSIBLE.

Word of a advice from a fellow Sikh, dont ever forget what happned to us 1984. Like I have said before I am not a supporter of Khalistan but dont ever forget because history tend to repeat itself. You probably havn't lost a friend or member of family during that time and you can say that. Plus you are right dont believe what media or other people telling you, it's a sign of mature human being but having said that to find out the facts just visit those families who lost some one during that time.
The temples that were targeted during early muslim attacks, were not just temples, but centers of power, prestige and above all..Finance.

Temples in Bharat held vast treasures of foreign exchange (gold) , and were closely embedded into the different state apparatus. They also lent money, even to Rajas to finance their dig vijayas and conquests.

Like today's National reserves.

There are even accounts of Hindu Raja's attacking each others temples, and sometimes their own when in need of hard cash.

That does not reduce the hatred that any attack on the temples by the "vidharmis" would cause in us.

They were mostly targeted for religious bigotry and nothing else by the invaders.
Agreed, but the public justification, and elucidated in the descriptions written by the conquers themselves was to spread Islam and wage war against the Infidels.

In reality, it was a mixture of both. Some were in it for religious glory, others for the money, and some for both.

But then conquests have happened throughout history, and throughout history the reasons for them have been ideological as well as monetary, and of course, to feed one's ego.

Regarding the temples, it is true that they were centers of political power as well as wealth. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that they need to be destroyed.

For example, in South India, there were always wars between rival kings and dynasties. However, the unique thing about these was that cities were not leveled to the ground. If you visit a South Indian temple, you will find that each new dynasty simply expanded the temples, and there are many temples with inscriptions in Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and Malyalam sitting besides each other.

This is why Indian civilization is famous for its syncretism. We have a long history of settled life. Unfortunately, this culture clashed badly with the nomadic tribes who periodically made their way across the Khyber pass.

The temples that were targeted during early muslim attacks, were not just temples, but centers of power, prestige and above all..Finance.

Temples in Bharat held vast treasures of foreign exchange (gold) , and were closely embedded into the different state apparatus. They also lent money, even to Rajas to finance their dig vijayas and conquests.

Like today's National reserves.
and how do you justify those temples' complete demolition and construction of mosques in their place? does that not reek of religious agenda?

For the few temples that were destroyed, many many more were left unscathed.

In those days, religion was used by conquerors to affirm subjugation of the previous polity. This should be seen in a religio political context.

Now some of that stone was used to build mosques, as good stone was as rare in South ASia in those days as it is these days.

But the allegation of delibirately building mosques on sacred Hindu sites of religious importance is completely false, and without evidence.
But the allegation of delibirately building mosques on sacred Hindu sites of religious importance is completely false, and without evidence.

Actually, sacred hindu sites were specifically targetted for mosques to be built upon them, because it was the place of worship which indicated who was incharge of the region.
So a conquering muslim emperor would find it essential to discredit the earlier king by destroying his temple, and building a mosque as a symbol of the new rule.
That's very sad. I'm sorry to hear that. I however don't have such a history because my family never had to migrate. So, I really don't harbour any ill-feelings towards people of any religion.

hold on there. Are you trying to say I harbour ill feelings towards people of other religions?

The whole piont of my post was, that even with such history, we can let go of ill feelings.

Personally, I believe that people in the Northern part of South Asia are fed a diet of subtle hate and derision for other communities right from home.
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For the few temples that were destroyed, many many more were left unscathed.

In those days, religion was used by conquerors to affirm subjugation of the previous polity. This should be seen in a religio political context.

Now some of that stone was used to build mosques, as good stone was as rare in South ASia in those days as it is these days.

But the allegation of delibirately building mosques on sacred Hindu sites of religious importance is completely false, and without evidence.

There are far too many accounts of that to be all false. You go to any place of historical importance in India and you can see the vandalism. Go to Hampi in Karnataka, a beautiful city razed to the ground so thoroughly it is yet to rise from the ashes! I went to several temples in Tamilnadu and in some of them again we were told that Muslim rulers had raided them and destroyed their statues! What does it reek of except intolerance? Loads of it.
For the few temples that were destroyed, many many more were left unscathed.

In those days, religion was used by conquerors to affirm subjugation of the previous polity. This should be seen in a religio political context.

Now some of that stone was used to build mosques, as good stone was as rare in South ASia in those days as it is these days.

But the allegation of delibirately building mosques on sacred Hindu sites of religious importance is completely false, and without evidence.

lot of temples were destroyed yet many escaped, just because there were many temples to start with. anyway, they being left unscathed, you speak that as though it was a charity. those nomadic invaders came to our country, we didnt go to their country.

as for good stone, it is just hogwash.

there were delibrate building of mosques in the very place where a temple stood previously after it was systematically destroyed. this can be validated from the fact the there exists mosques of that era near all major hindu religious sites in north india and in deccan.
the famous example of such barbarity is the construction of babari mosque after destroying the ram temple that existed there.
those rulers made their intentions clear in their admissions. they called themselves ghajis which means the destroyer of idols.
Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India

Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh reminds Hillary Clinton that her husband has condemned the murder of Sikhs during his visit to India in the year 2000, and accuses the Indian government has murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, more than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland, over 90,000 Muslims in Kashmir, tens of thousands of Christians and Muslims throughout the country.


The Honorable Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State

Government of The United States
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary of State Madam Clinton,

Congratulations on becoming the U.S. Secretary of State. Yours is a very important job, protecting the people of the United States by carrying out diplomacy and foreign policy to protect our national security.

I know that you are aware of the troubled situation in South Asia. As you know, India and Pakistan have had a longstanding dispute. You may remember when an Indian official was quoted as saying that Pakistan should be made part of India. You may also remember that it was India that set off the nuclear arms race in South Asia.

You may also have noted that India opposed your action sending Ambassador Richard Holbrooke to the region and that it publicly told President Obama to stay out of the situation in the region.

You are also aware of the repression of minorities in India. Your husband, former President Clinton, wrote in the foreword to Madeleine Albright’s book about the massacre in Chithisinghpora:

“During my visit to India in 2000, some Hindu militants decided to vent their outrage by murdering 38 Sikhs in cold blood. If I hadn’t made the trip, the victims would probably still be alive. If I hadn’t made the trip because I feared what militants might do, I couldn’t have done my job as president of the United States.”

The Indian government has murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, more than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland, over 90,000 Muslims in Kashmir, tens of thousands of Christians and Muslims throughout the country, and tens of thousands of Tamils, Assamese, Manipuris, and others.

A report issued by the Movement Against State Repression (MASR) shows that India admitted that it held 52,268 political prisoners under the repressive “Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act” (TADA) even though it expired in 1995.

Additionally, according to Amnesty International, there are tens of thousands of other minorities being held as political prisoners. MASR report quotes the Punjab Civil Magistracy as writing “if we add up the figures of the last few years the number of innocent persons killed would run into lakhs [hundreds of thousands.]”

The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government’s murders of Sikhs “worse than genocide.”

I urge you to use your influence as Secretary of State to end the repression of minorities in India.

As you know, many minorities, including the Sikhs of Khalistan, the Christians of Nagalim, the Muslims of Kashmir, and others throughout the subcontinent, are fighting for their freedom from India. In all, there are 17 freedom movements. I call for the release of all of India’s political prisoners. In addition, I respectfully urge the Administration to support a free and fair plebiscite on the issue of independence for Khalistan. There should also be similar plebiscites for Kashmir, Nagaland, and every other nation that seeks its freedom from Indian rule. It is essential that the United States use its influence to promote its ideals of freedom.

Thank you for your attention and congratulations again on becoming Secretary of State.


Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh
Council of Khalistan

CC: Secretariat, G-8 member countries.

Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India | Current Affairs, News, Breaking News, World News, Business News, Politics, Technology, Environment, Health, Education, Space, Science, Daily Jang

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