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Open Discussion : Bangladesh And Myanmar Armed Force

Navy seals (SEALs) from Bangladesh – SWADS

Special unit for military diving and rescue (SWADS) is an elite special force unit of Bangladesh Navy. Special unit for military and rescue diving is specially organized an elite team of top professionals that are trained and equipped by the model of the U.S. Navy SEALs and UDT SEALs from Republic of Korea. At the beginning of the core consisted of members who were trained UDT SEALs Republic of Korea. This included officers and other ranks trained in the Republic of Korea (South Korea). The team is composed of finest members from the military who are serving in Bangladesh but also all over the world in UN peacekeeping missions.

The brigade was formed in the 1970s and has not only adopted the technique Navy SEALs U.S. but also Korean. SWADS, as they are called, is considered to offer one of the most advanced and best training programs in the world with weapons.

The selection process for SWADS

SWADS operatives are recruited from the Navy and allied services. Those who are great in the Navy, and who are considered capable of this special branch of service being proposed by their leaders to try in the selection process for SWADS.

SWADS specialization
SWADS teams are well trained to perform a variety of missions including hostage rescue, anti piracy, counterintelligence missions, anti narcotics, fight terrorism, covert insertion and extraction behind enemy lines, to collection of intelligence and underwater actions. SWADS-and the divisions in the Bangladesh Navy.
The SWADS teams are well equipped to take on several different types of challenging missions including hostage rescue, anti piracy, Counterinsurgency, counter narcotics, counterterrorism, covert Insertions and extractions, intelligence gathering raids and underwater demolition. SWADS are a division of the Navy in Bangladesh.

Famous Missions
SWADS missions are the local regional and global in nature. In addition to the name of the Bangladesh Navy Special Forces is that they have to be good in the operations on the ground, it’s also SWADS can. During national crisis, they are called to preserve peace, and to rescue the state of natural disaster. Currently, their mission is a domestic nature.However, during the global konfliakta or terrorist threats, they become sought special unit because of its good adaptation terrestrial and maritime operations.

SWADS organization’s
SWADS’s are professional soldiers are recruited from the Bangladesh Navy. Special unit for military diving and rescue (SWADS) is a well-organized, trained and trained units. They are comprised of one group in the unit. Other information about the individual units are secret, the size of the entire unit some data around 1000 members of their command center is located in the city of Chittagong as well.

Duties SWADS’s
SWADS teams are employed within Bangladesh and abroad. Their missions include, but are not limited to: teams are employed both inside Bangladesh as well as overseas. Their missions are including but not limited to:

  • Anti-piracy operations
  • Kontraobavještjane action
  • Counter narcotics operations
  • Of terror operations
  • Insertion and leaving behind enemy lines
  • Rescuing Hostages
  • Various scouting
  • Collection INTEL and that intelligence
  • Raids
  • Underwater action
Instructors SWADS’s addition to the home include instructors from the Republic of Korea, Turkey and the United States with their similar units.

Weaponry and Equipment
Range weapons for use by members SWADS’s is huge. SWADS members are not only trained to handle all types of combat weapons, but also used ballistic helmets with night optics, and underwater video equipment. One fact that makes SWADS’s unique is that they can operate in water, under water and in the air.

Some of the weapons that are used SWADS include COLT M4 Carbine SOPMOD, Daewoo K2 5.56mm assault rifle, HK MP5 9mm machine guns , sniper rifles, pistols poluatutomatski, HK M-416. A4 M16, MK19. SWADS-handling and generally speaking with more weapons than any other unit in the world. Their weapons are listed below:

Specialized weapons, night-vision devices , bulletproof vests , diving equipment and vehicles that allow SWADS-have to complete your mission. Typical SWADS operative can be armed with:

@Aung Zaya @dragunov87 8-)

Special forces of Bangladesh:

Bangladesh Army--------------------

**President Guard Regiment, presidential andVVIP security.
**Special Security Force, specops, VVIP security.
**Para Commandos (1,2,3 Para Commando Battalion) Six missions are.. DA, SR, UW, COIN, CT,MOOTW.
**SNIC -**Black Eagle Battalion sniper,HTI etcArmour/material Sniping, Long range precision sniping both AP/ AMR ...detail not yet emerged.
**Special Services Wing, details classified.

Bangladesh Air-force------------------------

**Ground force of BAF ( special force on the rise)

Bangladesh Navy---------------------

**Special Warfare Diving and Salvage, NavalSpecial Force. Consist of SEAL, UDT and Salvage,Special boat guys.
**ODD 71, details classified (possiblySubmarine launched Demolition Divers)
Border Guards Bangladesh-------------------------------

**SPEGUARDS, Special Guards (BGB's)- Nightcapable Surveillance and Special Sniper Platoons.

Bangladesh Police---------------------
**RAB, Rapid Action Battalion. An anti terroristspecial police unit under Home ministry.
**SWAT, Special Weapon and Tactics. Specialized in law enforcement interdiction.

@Aung Zaya @dragunov87

( intellegence agencies excluded)

Great..!! Mate.. How many troops of BD SF..?
BTW seem BD regular army is technically more advanced than S F except weapons.. :D
1. number unknown
2. technically advanced than SF means ? o_O

Just kidding.. Mate.. :D I mean ur army got modern gadgets like NVG and GPS while ur SF (Special Forces) seem to be with just Communicator sets.. :D I'm sure they will got a full set of modern equipments in specific operation.. Right..?
Great..!! Mate.. How many troops of BD SF..?
BTW seem BD regular army is technically more advanced than S F except weapons.. :D

Different tools for diferent jobs, you don't use a sledge hammer to crack a nut.
*Bullet Proof Ballistic Helmet = 12,000/- taka
*Hand to Hand communicator set = 45,000/- taka
*Night Vision Devise, NVG(II) = 180,000/- taka
*Global Positioning System or GPS(ডান হাতে মিনি স্ক্রিন মনিটর) = 168,000/- taka
*Kevler Bullet Proof vest = 188,000/- taka
*New BD-08 Mark II assault rifle = 32,000/- taka
*4x optical ACOG sight = 40,000/- taka
*Eye Protective Gear = 6,000/- taka
*Side Weapon = 25,000/- taka.

So, 700000 taka Gadget for one soldier.

Oh my god it would take us 2 billion dollar to upgrade at that standard for 250000 soldier. intriguing thing a soldier main component weapon cost only 32000 taka so chip .:(
Oh my god it would take us 2 billion dollar to upgrade at that standard for 250000 soldier. intriguing thing a soldier main component weapon cost only 32000 taka so chip .:(
add 100,000 more, that is the actual number :secret:
So, could we add another 1 billions in this budget of upgrading..? :D

sure i think we should increase t the similar rate of our average GDP growth of 6% each year to build a formidable armed force.
dont u think BD should make medium upgrade which cost around 5000 and the rest 1.5 billion will be in buying a new small arms like Thailand..?
sure i think we should increase t the similar rate of our average GDP growth of 6% each year to build a formidable armed force.

BD's GDP rocketed since several year ago.. that can maintain army's modernization.. :D
agree.. mate.. BD amy equipment just surprise me.. and its price differences as well.. :D

Well 2 points, less then a decade ago BD had very little disposable money to buy stuff. Now the economy has started to change, exports are growing fast, imports are growing at a slower pace with low oil prices etc and remittances are at a all time high leaving BD with a trade surplus. in essence the economy is doing well, so we can buy stuff.

Second point, if anything looks expensive it prob is, lot of prices are inflated so ministers and other people can take a huge cut.
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