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Open Debate | How to conduct a 'reasonable debate' between Pakistanis and Indians on PDF?

Active moderation is the only way out, early days there were immediate action on reporting something and action was taken.

Now moderators either has no time or just allowing the trolling.
Hello. I just wanted to collect ideas on how defence.pk can better conduct a reasonable debate between Pakistanis and Indians?

From our experience there are a few problems that hinder our efforts to engineer debates towards a fruitful ending.

  • Members have issues with the other nationality commenting on their nation's issues.
  • Members presume it to be an infringement of their 'internal matters'.
  • Members look at threads as a means of 'triumph' or 'defeat' to the other nationality, which is absurd.
  • Members have personal grudges against other members from another nationality
  • Trolling
  • Mine is bigger than yours
Now we want to solve this issue, so i thought that its better to put it out there for an honest session of debate on how we can improve the situation.

Please give your opinion.


There are many troll on forum who derail threads. Take strict action against them.

India bashers create most problems. They troll and bring Indian poverty in even defense related threads resulting in Indian members losing cool and leading to Trollogency and COTROLL (Counter Troll) wars. (I just invented these terms. They fit well.)

Limiting access to Seniors cafe is good decision.

Members have issues with the other nationality commenting on their nation's issues.

If the OP keeps the language civilized and polite and restrict to only debating, discussion while avoiding to hurl insults, the other nationality may not have problems.

For example, I have no problem about threads related to poverty in India. My and I am sure majority Indian member's objection is only fact that such threads are used with only aim to bash us, not discussion.

I have come across instances where I see serious thread getting instantly derailed by just 1 troll post. Trolling is I think the biggest threat to the quality of this forum. ( Im not saying im a saint.)

I personally dont have any problem with anyone commenting on any issues of my country. But discussions should be constructive.

When 1 is in an international forum, a topic cannot be exclusive to members of a single country.

I have a request to mods- rape threads should be banned or moved to Seniors Cafe.


Agreed. At least this topic should be kept away from trolls.

Aeronaut sirji just make me a moderator and i will make this forum a "jannat":D

Which means the sharing of "collection" will be legal on PDF. :cheesy:

That may reduce the enmity.
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Rational dialogue with Pakistanis - Those who believe in fate, those who believe in Baba Adam and not Charles Darwin?
How is it even possible?
Rational dialogue with Pakistanis - Those who believe in fate, those who believe in Baba Adam and not Charles Darwin?
How is it even possible?

Why not give them a chance? We can have rational debate with any member-barring trolls.
Rational dialogue with Pakistanis - Those who believe in fate, those who believe in Baba Adam and not Charles Darwin?
How is it even possible?

This is not related. If you have nothing to contribute, i suggest you stop trying to derail this thread.
The problem lies in the fact that Indians think they are the ultimate, the Chinese think they are Supreme, the Pakistanis think they are the greatest and BDs think they are the best thing to have happened in the 20th century.

Considering the above, can egos be moderated for meaningful discussions? Now that's gonna be a tough one! But it can be done with better moderation. :-)
all gud discussions/debates " happen" in seniors cafe....
members need to grow up. Mods can do only so much, its up to each and individual poster to act and behave maturely. We need to open our minds and broaden our view points and not what history book tells us about the other nationality.
I would say impartial moderation will go a long way in curbing trolling. I've seen some of the Indian trolls getting banned faster than trolls from other Nationalities. Pakistani and Chinese trolls are given a longer rope to hang in after trolling, and this confidence has led many to engage in despicable behavior here.

the main problem in this forum is "Offtopic post" is allowed,and people could divert from the original topic and hurl abuses and poke "weak points".nobody cares whether a post is off topic or not.its not an "Indo-Pak thing".


if an Indian post a news on SCS,a Chinese member will jump and will advice us to care about IOR,that how they're making their inroads to the IOR,how other countries are helping them bla bla bla..so,the news on the SCS got lost as now,India members will be busy to negating his views and not commenting on the topic.

another eg.

make a thread on "Tamil Genocide" and Sl members will start lecturing on "Human Rights violation in Indian Kashmir"..there you go,another good thread into the drain..

I am a member of other defence forums where single liners,off topics or namecalling will earn you an immediate infraction,temporary or permanent ban.but the problem is the number of members here is massive,and number of moderators is completely insufficient.so you,moderators have only two option,recruit new mods in sizable number who can keep the forum under their total control.and second,any abusive or off topic post will be deleted immediately.

maintain these two,and you'll see the number of quality post will increase.there are many quality posters among us.but don't know why,they're getting lesser and lesser interested posting new and interesting threads.I don't see many quality posters nowadays.might be the quality is the issue.

I do not completely agree with the moderators control. I think, let members decide, which post to respond and which post not to respond.

Members are now very mature. I have seen, they don't take any sort of stupidity very seriously.

So my suggestion, let the forum be like this, and let the members decide which post to reply and which post not to reply.

Good thing, i have seen is people from both countries are very mature. They don't buy the propaganda material of their establishments. That shows the maturity.
We are trying to improve overall quality.

I think the mods need to have some more powers to classify each thread and post in it and members can request Mods to classify any thread and post.

With this approach you can identity the users with the issues you mentioned. also anyone feeding the troll and other issues can be automatically reduced in ratings or ranking.. what ever suits ....

define the categories for threads and post and empower mods/ seniors to classify with members above certain no. of posts to asking for classification of that post/threads

Finally , you will be able to share some of the facts to members as a report on certain parameters to show whats going on from data point of view...

Best Regards
Hello. I just wanted to collect ideas on how defence.pk can better conduct a reasonable debate between Pakistanis and Indians?

From our experience there are a few problems that hinder our efforts to engineer debates towards a fruitful ending.

  • Members have issues with the other nationality commenting on their nation's issues.
  • Members presume it to be an infringement of their 'internal matters'.
  • Members look at threads as a means of 'triumph' or 'defeat' to the other nationality, which is absurd.
  • Members have personal grudges against other members from another nationality
  • Trolling
  • Mine is bigger than yours

Now we want to solve this issue, so i thought that its better to put it out there for an honest session of debate on how we can improve the situation.

Please give your opinion.


This is a problem for every single nationality on PDF. When a member who is waving certain flags starts trolling or insulting other members, the members of the other nationality will immediately respond and insult and troll back, alot of us, including me, are getting sucked into this flamebaiting started by other members.

However there are some members who do this and contribute positive material, at the same time, there are other members who only engaging in baiting and trolling, every single post of theirs is trolling, and they should be banned permanently. They aren't reformable, like iajj, EastSea, Rechoice. Their sole occupation on here is flamebait and insults. Not one positive contribution.
Hello. I just wanted to collect ideas on how defence.pk can better conduct a reasonable debate between Pakistanis and Indians?

From our experience there are a few problems that hinder our efforts to engineer debates towards a fruitful ending.

  • Members have issues with the other nationality commenting on their nation's issues.
  • Members presume it to be an infringement of their 'internal matters'.
  • Members look at threads as a means of 'triumph' or 'defeat' to the other nationality, which is absurd.
  • Members have personal grudges against other members from another nationality
  • Trolling
  • Mine is bigger than yours
Now we want to solve this issue, so i thought that its better to put it out there for an honest session of debate on how we can improve the situation.

Please give your opinion.


Well, for starters stop banning people because you disagree with them. You hand out infractions because you have nothing reasonable to respond to. You are one of the most one eyed mods on the forum and you open a topic to put on display your self righteousness. I have personally observed you displaying everything you just pointed out and you want to do holier than thou. Good going.

Secondly stop taking a internet forum so seriously and learn to handle some criticism.
Well, for starters stop banning people because you disagree with them. You hand out infractions because you have nothing reasonable to respond to. You are one of the most one eyed mods on the forum and you open a topic to put on display your self righteousness. I have personally observed you displaying everything you just pointed out and you want to do holier than thou. Good going.

Secondly stop taking a internet forum so seriously and learn to handle some criticism.
Says a guy with half a month of membership to his name.


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