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Open Debate | How to conduct a 'reasonable debate' between Pakistanis and Indians on PDF?

Aeronaut sirji just make me a moderator and i will make this forum a "jannat":D
Members from both sides settle down eventually
Then some over zealous newbie joins the forum and spoils the fun for everyone

Aeronaut sirji just make me a moderator and i will make this forum a "jannat":D

How by banning Webby and Aeronaut :omghaha: ?
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How by banning Webby and Aeronaut :omghaha: ?
no i was thinking about you kiddo ;)

no i was thinking about you kiddo ;)

I would love that if you ban me :police:
very difficult to have an all clean debates between indians and Pakistanis.one troll is enough to derail the thread.
as far as your points are concerned,
1.well this is an open forum, so yes many indians and Pakistanis do comment on each other's internal matter, and ya it includes trolls too.
but many good comments are also taken as troll comments, by both indo pak members.
as cherokee said you can have an internal affair section, but then it will take away the openness of the forum.
as many indians and Pakistanis do comment on each other's issues.
2.almost the same as 1.
3.well that feeling, perhaps human behaviour.
though yes ideally we should set our own standards and should pride ourselves on our achievement rather than someone's failure, but yes, I do feel good that india is doing a better progress than pakistan.
but when I look at china, let alone any other western country, I don't feel happy at all.
4 . it is very difficult to have a meaningful conversation with the members who have personal grudges against someone on a FORUM.best is to avoid them.
infact I have seen it taking toll on their posting pattern. have seen 3-4 such members.
5.need more moderators like @Aeronaut :enjoy:
6.this post of mine is perhaps bigger than any other of my posts :woot:
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the main problem in this forum is "Offtopic post" is allowed,and people could divert from the original topic and hurl abuses and poke "weak points".nobody cares whether a post is off topic or not.its not an "Indo-Pak thing".


if an Indian post a news on SCS,a Chinese member will jump and will advice us to care about IOR,that how they're making their inroads to the IOR,how other countries are helping them bla bla bla..so,the news on the SCS got lost as now,India members will be busy to negating his views and not commenting on the topic.

another eg.

make a thread on "Tamil Genocide" and Sl members will start lecturing on "Human Rights violation in Indian Kashmir"..there you go,another good thread into the drain..

I am a member of other defence forums where single liners,off topics or namecalling will earn you an immediate infraction,temporary or permanent ban.but the problem is the number of members here is massive,and number of moderators is completely insufficient.so you,moderators have only two option,recruit new mods in sizable number who can keep the forum under their total control.and second,any abusive or off topic post will be deleted immediately.

maintain these two,and you'll see the number of quality post will increase.there are many quality posters among us.but don't know why,they're getting lesser and lesser interested posting new and interesting threads.I don't see many quality posters nowadays.might be the quality is the issue.
Aeronaut sirji just make me a moderator and i will make this forum a "jannat":D

Okay :coffee:

@Spring Onion

Give this man a ......sandel on the head. :D
Ok as u wud like to think...... but WTH should there be a discussion on who's d!ck is bigger on a defence forum?? :hitwall:
Think? Lol google..

Give this man a ......sandel on the head. :D

Will a joota do :enjoy:
Back to the topic pls
The day PDF management is going to follow it policies religiously, the very day debates will get rational. :angel:

This shows the difference and b/w 2 nations and i think this is a open forum so it also reflects whats on the ground and where each nation is coming from. So even with some roles , regulations you wont be able to address the issues you mentioned.

Thats is what we have to live with and in case you apply such rules and regulations, you will put off some of members from both sides with some really great debates.

New members rules are already in place and when they become little free from the new members constraints they behave in such ways you mentioned but finally they mature to become value members with some great knowledge (some times old habits do kicks in :) )

This is the difference on this forum and other forums and i love it ...

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