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Open Debate | Do Bangladeshis regard India as a 'savior' ?

Do Bangladeshis today regard India as a 'savior' in the backdrop of 1971 war ?

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Saviour is too big word, I don't think many Indians think India as saviour of any country. Each country has to find her own way.
Even china cant be considered saviour of pakistan, comparatively India does not help bangladesh as much.
71 happened too long ago and and most bangladeshi find it easy on their ego to reinterpret history.
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If you allow Indians to vote then the poll is obviously going to be distorted.

Why should Indians be allowed to vote about Bangladeshi's opinion, are they Bangladeshi? I have the same question.

@Aeronaut Good thread, thanks for caring about our opinion and giving a fook as some one says.
Yes and no, part saviour and part opportunist. To the declining older generation a sort of saviour, and to the new generation a opportunist.

So a savior for the generation who has seen the condition on ground and opportunist for those who dont know the reality and falling for religious propaganda.
Indians @ other members | Please stop distorting the poll, you'd only be embarrassed.

@neehar @Assault Rifle @HariPrasad @A.Rafay

As if you dont know what would be the outcome when you ask PDF bangladeshis. :lol:

Poll is just to help you feel good about your own history of genocide, murders, defeat and imposition of superiority complex on bangladeshis.
God Bless Bangladesh & I really mean that but barring idle curiosity how does it matter to Pakistan whether Bangladeshis consider India as their savior or not ?

He is looking for some solace in finding that BD guys abhor India and India doesn't get anything out of 1971 or atleast the gains are minimised.
The question is that during the 1971 war when there was a civil strife in then East Pakistan, India decided to take advantage of the civil strige and invaded Pakistan against all international laws. Their agenda was to disintegrate Pakistan while appealing to the eastern Pakistanis as their 'saviors', hence trying to score two hits with one shot.

Since the war is over and Bangladesh is now a free nation, i am interested in asking from the Bangladeshis on this forum, if or not today in 2013, they accept India as their 'savior' for invading in a domestic conflict of a sovereign nation, or not. What role does India play in the psyche and the history of Bangladesh for the Bangladeshi youth??

Please participate in a civil debate and the poll.

Best regards.

I have only few words for this issue.

1- Every one looks for its benefits...So Bangladesh creation is an act where intrest of Bangladesh liberation people and India coincide with each other against Pakistan...So the secret diplomatic war was funded,created and supported through strong diplomatic and military level by India and war was faught on ground by Rebel people...So at last Pakistan got divided...

2- India is not a saint not too Pakistan or BD too...Why should some one be saviour of others when the other itself has started its self destruction?....

Sometime I feel surprising when i follow most of the BD pdf members here about what is point is shedding so much blood in BD independence movement when both of the nation are more less striving to be idealogically simillar in future? If you follow BD politics now...Islam is very much part and parcel and driving force...So if BD would like to grow like the same Islamic way, i personally feel Pakistan and BD being a single nation could have been a leading player in Islamic world rather than being separated .....
The question is that during the 1971 war when there was a civil strife in then East Pakistan, India decided to take advantage of the civil strige and invaded Pakistan against all international laws. Their agenda was to disintegrate Pakistan while appealing to the eastern Pakistanis as their 'saviors', hence trying to score two hits with one shot.

Since the war is over and Bangladesh is now a free nation, i am interested in asking from the Bangladeshis on this forum, if or not today in 2013, they accept India as their 'savior' for invading in a domestic conflict of a sovereign nation, or not. What role does India play in the psyche and the history of Bangladesh for the Bangladeshi youth??

Please participate in a civil debate and the poll.

Best regards.

Due to the geography of Bangladesh and India and since Myanmar/Burma was friendly with West Pakistan, the rebelling opposition or freedom fighters whatever you want to call them, had no other option but to seek help from India across the border for obvious logistical reasons. Getting help by sea was not a good option either, as we could not set up training grounds and base camps floating on the sea.

So for refugee accommodation, logistics, base camps and training camps etc., Indian help was essential and we should be grateful for that.

But what India did was more than that. From the start India actually hijacked the rebellion and tried to install a friendly govt. and make Bangladesh a vassal state:

1. China leaning Bhasani (who Ayub Khan used to get close to China), I guess for geopolitical reasons, could not get China on our side, China supported West Pakistan instead
2. Bhasani crossed over to India in (April?) 1971 and was promptly arrested and kept in house arrest in a RAW facility (Dehradun?), to prevent him from taking any active role in the war
3. There were two forces, the main fighting force Mukti Bahini was the real freedom fighters, it had following components:
- former Bengali armed forces, police, border force, ansar/VDP etc.
- leftist political activists from Bhasani NAP (China leaning) and Mujaffar NAP (Russia leaning)
- everyday citizens many of whom were enthusiastic peasants
- did most of the fighting and died as martyrs
Mujib Bahini:
- headed by Tofael Ahmed and 3 others
- trained by Gen. Uban Singh of RAW
- mostly Awami League party activists
- did not do much fighting, mostly having fun in Kolkata, but swooped in with Indian Army invasion to get situation under Indian control
4. Because of Mujib Bahini led terror campaign in Dhaka, Tajuddin decided not to attend the surrender ceremony, because it was deemed unsafe, I wonder why? So India and Mujib Bahini could take credit?
5. Mujib Bahini became Rakkhi Bahini, the pro-India RAW connected personal palace guard and death squad of Sheikh Mujib when he came back. Mujib, according to some estimate, killed around 40,000 leftist (maoist and others) activists, most of whom were the real freedom fighters (can someone verify this). So the fake Freedom Fighters, AL activists in Mujib Bahini and those who were not even in Mujib Bahini got certificate as Freedom Fighters and the real Mukti Bahini's, most of them got no certificate and no govt. benefits
6. Thus India turned Bangladesh into a vassal state under Mujib, a mismanaged living hell, where approximately 1 million died in famine in 1974
7. Fortunately, some of the real Freedom Fighters in Army rose up and killed Mujib family. I do not support any killing in principle and many Bangladeshi's were disgusted with the slaughter of the whole family, but mostly people were relieved that the country now can look towards a better future free from Indian control
8. India then started planning again. A naive Zia allowed Hasina, the RAW trained witch into the country, within 6 months he was dead. Then came Ershad, a scum who many people suspect colluded with RAW to kill Zia. But RAW waited patiently, they instructed Hasina to work with Khaleda Zia to oust Ershad. The first term they allowed KZ to win, then people got tired of KZ misrule and then RAW skillfully brought Hasina to power. She was ousted again due to AL misrule. But KZ and her sons were as careless as ever. So Hasina with Gen. Moin's help came to power again. Now RAW is trying to keep Hasina in power, because they are afraid that if AL and Hasina loose power this time, it might be the end of the road for them, since people of Bangladesh may have finally figured out the close connection between India, RAW and AL.

So now, how can Bangladesh be grateful to India? I did not even mention, transit fiasco, Farakka barage and Tipaimukh dam etc. Hindutva infested India, is a land of delusional people, who float in cloud nine, the less we, the rest of humanity, deal with them, the better it is for humanity.

If India was a normal country and people and handled things like sane human beings, things could be different, but such is not our luck, unfortunately and that is true for all of India's neighbors, as well as the rest of the world who have to deal with Indians.
I can edit Wikipedia to suit my argument. And that's why only trolls quote from there. I mean, why would any one believe a bunch of old fools saying?

Come up with how that information was compiled, and then you may add some value into the debate. Otherwise, it's just numbers. They couldn't even compile the data to account for the "3 million" killed.

I don't know.
10 million it is.
I hope answer is very clear to question Aeronaut posed:

NO Bangladeshis, NOT a single one today regard India as a 'savior' in the backdrop of 1971 war ?
So a savior for the generation who has seen the condition on ground and opportunist for those who dont know the reality and falling for religious propaganda.

Savior? Read the OP, even he knows that india jumped at the chance to dismember Pakistan, it was never for the love they had for Bangladeshi's. The dislike young people have for india has nothing to do with religion, quit fooling yourself. Young Bangladeshi's see india for the regional bully it is, for its actions now, and know what indias real motives in 1971were.

Just because India helped us 40 years ago as it suited their goals don't mean we should be grateful to them forever.
Beside begairat la-hasina and raw paid Awami fasiq dalals, average Bangladeshi Muslims neither consider Bhart as friend nor savior. They are sworn enemy of Muslims. In near future, Bangladeshi will be clean of Bharti chamchas, InshAllah. It's coming-------!!!!

I would like to know the member selected option 1 (if they are Among Bangladeshi).
How many Bangladeshi's would like to see an open poll? Like @ Al-zakir I am curios to know who among Bangladeshi's consider India as their savior, option 1. So all Bangladeshi's please express your opinion and make a request to @Aeronaut to make it an open poll. Thanks in advance.
Also, it looks like I made a mistake in the poll, I should have voted option 2, but I voted option 3, because I did not notice that Yes/No option. Instead of 4 options, I think it should be 3 options, because both options 2 and 3 are same and they mean a big No to the idea that India was savior.
And option 1 and almost same as option 4, so really there are only two options:

1. Yes, India was a selfless savior
2. No, India invaded because of its own self-interest
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