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Only call yourself MUSLIM(Answer these qustions if you are a Muslim)

Raquib brother.....................You know there is a vry big difference between "Muslim" and "Moeman" & Hazrat Muhammad (SAAW) is Moeman, Al Quraan mein Moeman ka lafz aya hai Muslim ya Muslamaan ka nahi, Ahadees mein Moeman ka Lafz aya hai Muslim ya Muslmaan ka nahi...........Yeh baat uss shaks se poochein Jo Allah k boht qareeb ho..........Jis ne koi Qunnah na kia ho........
If you are a Muslim answer these questions honestly.

1. Are you a Muslim?

2. What is your sect?

3. Do you know that Al Quran forbids Division in to sects like Shia Sunni or any other sects in Islam?

Read this Ayat from Al Quran.

Sura Al-An'am

[6:159] Those who divide themselves into sects do not belong with you. Their judgment rests with Allah, then He will inform them of everything they had done.

4. Isn't it Fard to follow what is in Al Quran?

Read this Hadith

Tirmidhi Hadith No. 171:

The Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said, “My Umma will be fragmented into seventy-three sects, and all of them will be in Hell fire except one group.” The companions asked Allah’s messenger which group that would be. Where upon he replied, “It is the one to which I and my companions belong.”

5. By What Sect did Prophet Muhammad (s) called himself? Shia, Sunni or any other sect?

6. By What Sect did the companions of prophet (s) used to call them self? Shia, Sunni or any other sect?

7. If we follow Prophet Muhammad (s) shouldn’t we call our self what he called himself & told us to be rather then what later people created.

8. Do you think you shuld call your self by sects like Shia, Sunni, Wahabi, or any other Sect ?

Call you self only "MUSLIM". Not by any other thing. Not by Shia, Sunni, Wahabi, or any other Sect.

Jazak Allah Khairn :) gr8 post
Salik..is this the same Dr. Tahirul Qadri, who always keeps an empty chair for Huzoore Paak to sit on when he's on a dais with chairs. He claims the Prophet visits his sermons to give his blessing.

Did he not also claim that in a dream, the Prophet told him to contest the General elections, aroudn ten years ago. And that the Prophet came to him, spoke Urdu, and then asked for the return ticket back to Arabia?

That is when he asked for chunda, and hundreds of people gave him the money.

After that, he did not win even one seat in this election? And the Prophet left Pakistan, because the people did not care about him.

This same guy used to sit side by side with Benazir Bhutto Marhoom, and cut a huge birthday cake, as I remember the picture in the Daily Jung, London

Great choice there, Salik.

I wonder how come people reach a conclusion just on mere rumors and propaganda. They don’t even try to check whether this prob. campaign has any base or not and what is the fact.

Today, we have knowledgeable people in all fields like computer sciences, politics, defense studies etc. But religion sector is the only poor sector where every second person considers its birth right to comment, not just comment but give a verdict.

Through out past centuries, this has been our attitude that we inducted our brilliant youth to school and colleges and dull ones to madrasas and now thay madrasas trained have come out in shape of finished goods and have started their play.

In fact it has become a two mouthed snake whose one end is the religious extremists and the other side is general public who hasn’t enough religious enlightenment and is dependent on the so-called madrasas qualified people.

Killing the one side won’t solve the problem. It needs two prong strategies. Stop those extremists and No.2 make general public aware of true spirit of Islam. If someone is serving the second purpose, is in fact doing great job, and this is what Dr. Tahir ul Qadri is doing. Of course it’s required to encourage such people.

False things have always been attributed to great personalities of Islam through out the history. Dr. Tahir ul Qadri is no exception to that. He emerged so quickly, and had so many accomplishments in such a short span of time, that some corners started their organized efforts to defame him. They attributed lots of things to him which either he never said, or were quoted out of context.

One must authenticate news before believing it. As said in the Holly Quran (Sura Hujrat 49:6)

O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done.

.اے ایمان والو! اگر تمہارے پاس کوئی فاسق (شخص) کوئی خبر لائے تو خوب تحقیق کر لیا کرو (ایسا
نہ ہو) کہ تم کسی قوم کو لاعلمی میں (ناحق) تکلیف پہنچا بیٹھو، تم اپنے کئے پر پچھتاتے رہ جاؤ

In one of his speeches, Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri described a couple of his dreams i.e.

1_The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) came to my dream, when I was young. He asked me to make an Islamic center and promised me that he would come there.

2_In a dream I saw that there are a lot of people gathered in a ground. Someone told me that the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) is present there and is very angry that why people of
Pakistan have done nothing for Islam. The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) is saying that he came on the invitation of the scholars, but now he is angry with them. He (i.e. the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم)) is going to leave this country. On this I went to the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) and begged forgiveness on the behalf of my country fellows. After some time, the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم)’s anger reduced and He accepted my invitation to stay in Pakistan. He asked me to make arrangements related to his stay and travel including the arrangement of the ticket of the journey.(There is no advice to contest election in any dream.)

People came up with numerous objections on these dreams. The major objections include:

1. He is using cheap ways to win popularity and hence he talks about his dreams in every other speech.

2. The dream shows that the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) was angry with all the scholars except the Dr. himself. Does it show that there is no other good scholar in the country except him?

3. Why did the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) ask him for the arrangements of the stay or travel, including the ticket? Does the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) need such things to travel and is he dependant on Dr. Qadri for these arrangements (Na Uzu Billah)?

Very first thing is that narrating one’s dreams is the Sunnah of the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم). It has been a practice through out the history if Islam and not a means of gaining fame.
The Prophet said, “… while I was sleeping last night, the keys of the treasures of the earth were brought to me till they were put in my hand.” (Bukhari Vol. 9, Book 87, No. 127)

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani (رحمت اللہ علیھ) has mentioned his dreams in “Bahja tul Asrar” which is an account of whatever he used to describe in his sittings (in front of thousands of people).Hazrat Ali Hajvari (رحمت اللہ علیھ) has mentioned his dreams in his famous book “Kashaf ul Mahjoob”.

Imam Shairani, in his book “Tabaqat” writes that Imam Jilal ud Din Syuoti saw the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) 70 times not in his Dream but while he was awake. This shows that Imam Jilal ud Din Syuoti mentioned about his ziyara and hence others recorded this in the books.Shah Wali Ullah has written a full-fledged book (namely “Ad dur us Samin Fi Mubasharat un Nabi ul Ameen”) in which he has gathered 40 dreams seen by him or his teachers.

Secondly, if there isn’t any good scholar except Dr. Tahir ul Qadri, is a coherent statement and should be understood in that approach. Quran declares about man: “So We made him (i.e. a human being) hearer, seer” (Al-Insan 76:2), though there are millions of deaf and blind people in this world who cannot hear or see anything.So from Quran we can conclude that exceptions are there, even if they are not mentioned in the actual statement.

And the third and most important objection is” Why did the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) ask for the arrangements of the stay or travel, including the ticket? Does the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) need such things to travel and is he dependant on him for these arrangements (Na Uzu Billah)?”

The main point is this regard is that the dreams are subject to interpretation and should not be taken in their literal meanings. This is proven from Quran. Hazrat Yaqoob (علیہ السلام) says to Hazrat Yusaf (علیہ السلام): “Thus will your Lord choose you and teach you the interpretation of dreams …” (Yusuf 12:6) Hazrat Yusuf (AS) acknowledged it by saying “My Lord, You have given me the kingdom and taught me the meaning of dreams.” (Yusuf 12:101)

The Prophet said, “Whoever has seen me in a Dream, then no doubt, he has seen me, for Satan cannot imitate my shape.” (Bukhari Vol. 9, Book 87, No. 123).

Dr. Tahir ul Qadri’s dreams are interpreted as follows: _

Dream: The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) asked me to make an Islamic center (Minhaj-ul-Quran) and promised me that he would come there (in that center).
Interpretation: Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم)’s faiz (favor) would be included in that center.

Dream : The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) was going to leave this country.
Interpretation: Islamic way of life is going away from our society.

Dream: The Prophet ( صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) asked me to make arrangements of his stay.
Interpretation: The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) wanted me to start a struggle for the revival of Islam.

Dream : The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیھ وآلھ وسلم) asked me to make arrangements of travel including the ticket of the journey.
Interpretation: Ticket and other arrangements of travel are sign of excessive traveling required for the preaching of Islam.

According to authentic Hadiths, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is alive in the shrine with his sacred body as He (peace be upon him) was alive about 1400 years ago. He (the Prophet peace be upon him) is ‘HAZIR’ and ‘NAZIR’. According to Shariah, our Prophet can observe every thing in the world and can access any where with the permission of Allah Almighty.

If someone denies this fact, has no knowledge and must consent some true scholar. thanks
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ive repeated my statement over and over, it's no use now
im not a shia or a sunni, I AM JUST A MUSLIM
im just going to follow the Quran because i'd rather take Allah's word than someone elses'
and Prophet Muhammad [MPBUH] ultimately followed the Quran so whatever he did was from the Quran
Anyway my thoughts are entitled to me and your thoughts are entitled to you, hope we are all right.
End Of Discussion

Well brothers let us take a deep breath and calm down. You are actually saying the same thing as mention by other but your approach is little different.
Qur'aan is the divine word of Allah and Sunnah is the life of Nabi Karim (S.A.W). Sunnah is actually the live version of Qur'aan itself because what ever Nabi Karim (S.A.W) did in his life was nothing but implementation of Qur'aan through practices. So bottom line is if we follow sahi hadith than basically we are following Qur'aan it self or vice-versa thus only way to implement life based on qur'aan one needs to follow the life of Nabi karim(S.A.W). Now if it ever come to any point where a hadith contradict with Qur'aan than Qur'aan is the ultimate source of the truth.

As Nabi Karim(S.A.W) said in his last sermon that "I leave behind me two things, the QURAN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray".

So let us forget our petty difference and reunite once again under only banner of to reestablish our glorious past Insh'Allah. :)

When we go to our grave, the only thing that will matter is that we are Muslims and how good Muslims we were on earth, not Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Afghani, Arab, Iranian, Turkish, etc... so why are we so obsessed over nationality rather than religion today? I wish all Muslims could unite and just be one large country from Turkey all the way to Indonesia...but our enemies want us to be more divided than we already are.
It would be better if we use PBUH when we refer to our Prophet (PBUH).
Just a thought...

Thanks bro....thanks indeed. People usually do'nt care about it. But it is as important as our faith. I thought there should be an exclusive thread in theology section on this topic.

Accoridng to a Hadith, one who don't say PBUH on my name is a miser. As we know respect is the first step of love. Someone said 'adab pehla kareena hai muhabbat kay kareenon mein'. He is the one if he were'nt created, this whole world were not created. We must be careful. Thanks....just cool.
i m nor a shia or sunni............... but Please close thiz thead or it will cause trouble between shia & suni........... & its a long topic.
. .
After going through all your B.S, it seems you are sir either an zion paid troll or an arrogant lunatic fag and that's what my logic refers to, so don't talk about logic when you don't even know ho9w to use it, in fact your not even worth of a reply. there's a saying for people like you "ignore the ignorant" simple
Different sects are there because of difference in interpretation of islam. its not true just for islam but christianity and others religion. Sunni and shia boht are muslim but sunni dont believe in certain things which shia believe or practice so at least know the differences before saying we are all same
i dont see the the problem in differences but what cause problem is lack of tolerance towards those who believe different than you. you have differences or different sects dont mean you should go and kill each others. you quoted hadith that there will be 72 sects and then you say sects should not be there. you obviously dont see contradiction there
After going through all your B.S, it seems you are sir either an zion paid troll or an arrogant lunatic fag and that's what my logic refers to, so don't talk about logic when you don't even know ho9w to use it, in fact your not even worth of a reply. there's a saying for people like you "ignore the ignorant" simple

Ap kid her se tapke?

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