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Only call yourself MUSLIM(Answer these qustions if you are a Muslim)

so ur saying that the quran [the guidence that allah gave us] is not perfect, and complete and not ur only source for religious guidence?
it states it itself in the quran that it is
so why object to the word of god and believe men that might or might not be wrong
as far as prophet mohammed [may peace be upon him] is concerned
he came to this world to deliver the quran and do what every other prophet in this world came to do: save people from satan's evil ways

You asked three questions in one, Qur'an is not perfect? not complete? and not the only source?

You are 17 aren't you? If age had nothing to do with wisdom and experience, then I wonder why the Prayers are not fard until the age of 7? and most of all, why certain jobs are only for certain age groups? and would you be able to explain why there's a criteria of reaching an adolescent age?

Now the answers:

- Qur'an is Perfect.
- It is complete in a sense of its completion, everything else (not covered in Qur'an) is bestowed through Prophet Muhammad (saw)
- It is the first, but not the only source of guidance in Islam. Second is being the Sunnah of Prophet (saw).

In Islam, the Arabic word sunnah has come to denote the way Prophet Muhammad (saw), the Messenger of Allah, lived his life. The Sunnah is the second source of Islamic jurisprudence, the first being the Qur'an. Both sources are indispensable; one cannot practice Islam without consulting both of them. A hadith is a narration about the life of the Prophet (saas) or what he approved - as opposed to his life itself, which is the Sunnah as already mentioned.

So if it was that easy for anyone to comprehend Qur'an, why the Prophet (saw) was sent? the entire concept of prophethood dies, if one is to follow your immature logic of "Qur'an is enough" to guide you through (which I can see it hasn't). Here, let me prove it through Qur'an that why Prophet Muhammad (Saw) Sunnah/Hadiths are second source of Islamic jurisprudence and indispensible from Qur'an.

Allah (swt) says in Qur'an and I quote:

Noble Qur'an 62:2:
It is He Who has sent among the unlettered people a Noble Messenger from themselves, who recites His verses to them and purifies them, and bestows them the knowledge of the Book and wisdom; and indeed before this, they were in open error.

You see the bold part? The tafseer al katheer (or any other) interpret this as teaching the Qur'an and "Sunnah (wisdom)" of Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Furthermore, Allah (swt) says in Qur'an and I quote:

Noble Qur'an 3:31
If you want to gain the love of Allah, follow him...

Now you tell me why follow Prophet Muhammad (saw) if Qur'an is there? And what to follow in him if Qur'an is there for guidance, as per your logic?

Allah (swt) in this verse again, emphasizes on importance of Sunnah/Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Furthermore, Allah (swt) solidifies the Prophet Muhammad (saw) Sunnah (commands) by stating in Verse 33:36:

Follow the Commands of Allah (swt) and of His Beloved Prophet (Saw)

Why would Allah (swt) will order you to follow Him and His beloved prophet (saw) if Qur'an is the only thing you needed to guide youself?

Lastly, if Sunnah/Hadith was not extremely important and second source of Islamic jurisprudence:

I wonder how would you know how to pray if it wasn't for Hadiths/Sunnah to describe the ways of worshipping Almighty?

I wonder how would you perform (Nikah) marriage and produce legal kids as a Muslim, if it wasn't for the Sunnah/Hadiths to give you the legal process in Islam to perform marriage?

I wonder how would you perform a funeral prayers to bury a Muslim, if it wasn't for Hadiths/Sunnah?

I wonder how would you perform a Ghusl? if it wasn't for the Sunnah/Hadith to describe it?

You see the importance of Sunnah/Hadiths as a second source of guidance?
there is only one Islam which Muslims should follow. and this is the Islam followed by msulims in the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). anything which came up after Hazrat Muhammd (PBUH) death, that is not a part of islam.
there is only one Islam which Muslims should follow. and this is the Islam followed by msulims in the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). anything which came up after Hazrat Muhammd (PBUH) death, that is not a part of islam.

thats what i have trying to say in this whole thread
man u r under the influence of Khalifa rushud, ok, learn some thing and then involve ur self into discussion

neither am i under the influence of him or anybody else
i practice the quran and quran only becuase thats what the quran tells us to do
i dont practice and follow some books that were written by ordinary men after prophet mohammed [may peace be upon him]
and i have recited the quran many times in arabic and english
and i studied at the mosque for 3 years
dont judge my experience if dont have any clue on it.
You asked three questions in one, Qur'an is not perfect? not complete? and not the only source?

You are 17 aren't you? If age had nothing to do with wisdom and experience, then I wonder why the Prayers are not fard until the age of 7? and most of all, why certain jobs are only for certain age groups? and would you be able to explain why there's a criteria of reaching an adolescent age?

Now the answers:

- Qur'an is Perfect.
- It is complete in a sense of its completion, everything else (not covered in Qur'an) is bestowed through Prophet Muhammad (saw)
- It is the first, but not the only source of guidance in Islam. Second is being the Sunnah of Prophet (saw).

In Islam, the Arabic word sunnah has come to denote the way Prophet Muhammad (saw), the Messenger of Allah, lived his life. The Sunnah is the second source of Islamic jurisprudence, the first being the Qur'an. Both sources are indispensable; one cannot practice Islam without consulting both of them. A hadith is a narration about the life of the Prophet (saas) or what he approved - as opposed to his life itself, which is the Sunnah as already mentioned.

So if it was that easy for anyone to comprehend Qur'an, why the Prophet (saw) was sent? the entire concept of prophethood dies, if one is to follow your immature logic of "Qur'an is enough" to guide you through (which I can see it hasn't). Here, let me prove it through Qur'an that why Prophet Muhammad (Saw) Sunnah/Hadiths are second source of Islamic jurisprudence and indispensible from Qur'an.

Allah (swt) says in Qur'an and I quote:

Noble Qur'an 62:2:
It is He Who has sent among the unlettered people a Noble Messenger from themselves, who recites His verses to them and purifies them, and bestows them the knowledge of the Book and wisdom; and indeed before this, they were in open error.

You see the bold part? The tafseer al katheer (or any other) interpret this as teaching the Qur'an and "Sunnah (wisdom)" of Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Furthermore, Allah (swt) says in Qur'an and I quote:

Noble Qur'an 3:31
If you want to gain the love of Allah, follow him...

Now you tell me why follow Prophet Muhammad (saw) if Qur'an is there? And what to follow in him if Qur'an is there for guidance, as per your logic?

Allah (swt) in this verse again, emphasizes on importance of Sunnah/Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Furthermore, Allah (swt) solidifies the Prophet Muhammad (saw) Sunnah (commands) by stating in Verse 33:36:

Follow the Commands of Allah (swt) and of His Beloved Prophet (Saw)

Why would Allah (swt) will order you to follow Him and His beloved prophet (saw) if Qur'an is the only thing you needed to guide youself?

Lastly, if Sunnah/Hadith was not extremely important and second source of Islamic jurisprudence:

I wonder how would you know how to pray if it wasn't for Hadiths/Sunnah to describe the ways of worshipping Almighty?

I wonder how would you perform (Nikah) marriage and produce legal kids as a Muslim, if it wasn't for the Sunnah/Hadiths to give you the legal process in Islam to perform marriage?

I wonder how would you perform a funeral prayers to bury a Muslim, if it wasn't for Hadiths/Sunnah?

I wonder how would you perform a Ghusl? if it wasn't for the Sunnah/Hadith to describe it?

You see the importance of Sunnah/Hadiths as a second source of guidance?

after a specific point in someone's life [usually around the age of 15] a person's age has nothing to do with their knowledge
there are men at the age of 43 that have a mentality of a 2 year old and yet there are men at age 15 that are much wiser and mentally stronger than them
one example is our president that believes that india was never pakistan's enemy and every pakistani has an indian in them
and how old is he? 53
and there are many teenagers in and out of pakistan that know how many times india tryed to destroy us and etc.

all im saying is that i follow the religion of islam during the prophet's time and refuse to follow books that were written by men AFTER prophet mohammed's [may peace be upon him] death that object the quran in many ways. If prophet mohammed [may peace be upon him] wanted us to follow something else with the quran he would have given us another book its as simple as that.
following hadith and sunnah [books that were written after prophet mohammed [may peace be upon him]] will ruin our religion and we will become like christians who have no true clue of their religion [as they were once muslims under prophet isa [may peace be upon him]]
how can anyone say they are muslims and follow the quran when they object to the quran's own verse that the quran is complete, perfect, and should be the only source of religious guidence. you will never be muslim if u dont follow the quran and understand it completely [thats y the taliban can never be regarded as muslims].
also check sura 1, al -fateha, the holy quran
if u dont know the meanings of those words [from the quran]
translate them somehow


No reason to be insulting and sarcastic to another member---there maybe men at 50 plus who may not know it all but there won't be any kids at the age of 15 who know it all---at age 15----the kid is all talk---exception may occur but we are talking about norms.
I am a Christian, not a Muslim. When I read translations of the Quran in English, there are frequently [explanatory words] in brackets like these. That is, it seems that the English translator has added some extra words to explain the actual words of the Quran which would otherwise not be understandable, in his opinion. If you read the Quran in Urdu, are such bracketed explanatory words also included? If you know Arabic well enough to read and understand the Quran in Arabic, are such "explanatory" additions also necessary to understand the meaning? I have always been confused as to who has the authority to add such "extra" words to the Quran as I see in most verses of the Quran translated into English. Do you know what I mean? Have you read the English translations of the Quran? Please advise. Thanks.
there is only one Islam which Muslims should follow. and this is the Islam followed by msulims in the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). anything which came up after Hazrat Muhammd (PBUH) death, that is not a part of islam.

and i dont get it how could people dare to create such divisions...it also lessens the Muslim unity...:hitwall:
I am a Christian, not a Muslim. When I read translations of the Quran in English, there are frequently [explanatory words] in brackets like these. That is, it seems that the English translator has added some extra words to explain the actual words of the Quran which would otherwise not be understandable, in his opinion. If you read the Quran in Urdu, are such bracketed explanatory words also included? If you know Arabic well enough to read and understand the Quran in Arabic, are such "explanatory" additions also necessary to understand the meaning? I have always been confused as to who has the authority to add such "extra" words to the Quran as I see in most verses of the Quran translated into English. Do you know what I mean? Have you read the English translations of the Quran? Please advise. Thanks.

one must learn arabic to learn the proper meaning of the verse, today muslims dont feel the need to learn the language and rely on translations. to translate the actual arabic text perfectly is like mission impossible(quran is poetry), and abt wht u asked, abt brackets, i read an urdu translation by urdu scholar "ashraf ali thanwi", and as far as i know, the "added words" r always in brackets and strict care is taken for it!!

i have also read english translation of yusuf ali, shakir and pithal. many muslims have indicated few minor errors in english translation of all three of them!!, sincerety of translators, cant be suspected, but errors happen when they find hard to give the comprehensive meaning through translations, this leads to errors!!, the difference bw the translators is, they comprehend the unclear meaning through the history and back ground and then they try their best to give the meaning through translation!!

and my personal experience is that, one cannot fully comprehend the meaning of the text. with reference and explanation, thats why the translation quranic books in any language give little back ground, little explanation in the blank corner of the page.

also u can refer to detailed explanation of quran. those books are called "tafsir", i-e explanation of the verse, with full sayings of prophet, his acts, thus explaining the verse comprehensively.the verses of quran were revealed slowing to mankind so that, they get on track, this was followed by care of prophet, to guide and patronize them!!
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and i dont get it how could people dare to create such divisions...it also lessens the Muslim unity...:hitwall:

I creat such divisions and i m proud of it!!!!!
In times of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) the act of divorce was implemented in both ways. The way Shiyas do it now and the way Sunnihs do it. Hazrat Imam AbuHanifa was a man who feared wrong dicisions a lot, so he decided that saying the word 3 times even in one sitting is enough to seperate the spouses (because he thought that deciding it is beyond our knoweledge so its better to be on the safe side). On the other hand Hazrat Imam Jaffer sadiq decided that we need 3 different instances to cause "talak". Even sunnihs say that its better to do the act in 3 differnt instances but they add that if someone does it in one sitting it will be valid. Both are right n both are acting how islam wants them to. Another example can be taken from the way we pray.

For those who say Quran is enough. I ask them one question only if Quran is enough then how will you decide which is Quran n which is Hadis. When Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) spoke he(S.A.W) identified different parts of speech as Quran and Haddis. These identifiers were haddis too. If you dont believe in haddis how will you know verses of Quran.
If Allah decided that we dont need haddis, Allah could have sent a book from heavens!!

For those who say we should follow only what was followed in the time when Prophet Muhammed(S.A.W) was alive. answer this "did people eat chargha at that time". How did you decide that Chargha is Halal:). How did you decide that using mobile phone is halal. Its countless. Especially for those who pray trawih. Trawih was first introduced by Hazrat Omer (R.A.T), so we shouldnt pray tarawih because it is a "biddat". You read Quran with all "zeers" n "zabars" they were first introduced Marwan if i m remember correctly.

I am a Christian, not a Muslim. When I read translations of the Quran in English, there are frequently [explanatory words] in brackets like these. That is, it seems that the English translator has added some extra words to explain the actual words of the Quran which would otherwise not be understandable, in his opinion. If you read the Quran in Urdu, are such bracketed explanatory words also included? If you know Arabic well enough to read and understand the Quran in Arabic, are such "explanatory" additions also necessary to understand the meaning? I have always been confused as to who has the authority to add such "extra" words to the Quran as I see in most verses of the Quran translated into English. Do you know what I mean? Have you read the English translations of the Quran? Please advise. Thanks.

No one has any authority. Adding these words does not alter The Quran in any sense. These words are only included because meaning of Quran is so vast that that it becomes sometimes necessary to take reference and context into account while translating. This is why it is advisable to read different translations n not to rely on one translation. Even better learn Arabic. Qurans Arabic is simple n easy as compared to Arabic language that is spoken in Arabic countries. I plan to take a cource very soon, at home through software;).

No reason to be insulting and sarcastic to another member---there maybe men at 50 plus who may not know it all but there won't be any kids at the age of 15 who know it all---at age 15----the kid is all talk---exception may occur but we are talking about norms.

i was not being sarcastic
there are alot of people who recite the quran but do not now a meaning of a single word of arabic
thats why i asked to get a translation as it may help him
as age goes
u know in pakistan rarely anyone listens to the kids no matter how smart the kids are and how dumb the adults are
obeying your elders is a sign of respect but suppressing someone's knowledge and limiting them is just plain wrong
and i dont get it how could people dare to create such divisions...it also lessens the Muslim unity...:hitwall:

agreed my friend
that is one of the reasons the middle east is divided and very easily controlled by foreign forces and influence
If Allah decided that we dont need haddis, Allah could have sent a book from heavens!!
the quran came from god and prophet mohammed [may peace be upon him]
was sent to this earth to deliver it and to teach it to people
For those who say we should follow only what was followed in the time when Prophet Muhammed(S.A.W) was alive. answer this "did people eat chargha at that time". How did you decide that Chargha is Halal:). How did you decide that using mobile phone is halal. Its countless.
using mobile phone is haram??
how does that make any sense?!?
and does fried chicken intoxicate u?
no right
so its not haram
. .
there is only one Islam which Muslims should follow. and this is the Islam followed by msulims in the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). anything which came up after Hazrat Muhammd (PBUH) death, that is not a part of islam.

thats what i have trying to say in this whole thread

Islam is a natural religion. Whatever good you do, you’ll be actually practicing Islam. After the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), there are many things you are practicing now and even not aware of. Please note them now.

The Holly Koran you recite daily, Hajjaj Bin Yusuf, a cruel and tyrant Muslim ruler ordered for the punctuation of the Koran for easy and correct reading and understanding for the non-Arabs. It was done after the Death of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Sahabas.

Next, same in Koran, 30 Paras and 750 Rakus were not in the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) or the Sahabas’s. Who did it…unknown but neither is mentioned in the Koran itself, nor did the Prophet order.

Now come to the prayers. The taravees you offer in the Ramadan, Second Caliph Sayyedna Umer Farooq (ra) arranged for its proper jama’at and acclaimed what new he has introduced is good but not done in Prophet’s life.

And come in the Mosques now. You go in there daily, don’t you? Its ‘Mehrab’ the place for Imman was not in the life of the Prophet or the Sahabas. In fact it was introduced by Sayyedna Umer bin Abdul Aziz centuried after the Prophet(peace be upon him).

Same in the Mosques, there weren’t minarets or the dome in the Prophet’s life. Even that of Masjid al Haram. You’re now proud of those high Minarets, aren’t you? Plus there wasn’t use of loud speakers in those days.

There was one and only Kalma knows as Kalma e Tauheed. Now you say there are six Kalmas with separate names.

There was no Dars e Nizami in madresas. Now it is compulsory in Islamic teaching. There was no religious gathering with three days stay except for the Pilgrimage in Prophet’s life. Now you see it in Raiwand Ijtimah and may others.

There were gold or silver coins in those days with no picture on it. But now you pay your Zakah with paper money with picture and say it is ok. Is it really OK.

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