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Only 24% of Britishers think Islam is compatible with British life.

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You are an idiot.

Neither am I Islamist nor I give a **** about Hinduism.....

Typical Muslim attitude. Disregard and disrespect for other religions. Let's be honest here not many want to move to Muslim lands. And as the Muslim lands become developed they will stop moving to non Muslim parts of the world.

East Asia is not so foolish as western nations to allow unchecked immigration. And they will remain racially and culturally homogenous. Safe from Muslim influence.
You are an idiot.

Neither am I Islamist nor I give a **** about Hinduism.....

Good for you. When nothing to argue use personal insults. Way to go :tup:

The logic is pretty simple. Respect the laws of the land. No one hates Muslims/ Hindus/ christians, etc. Everyone is same in front of rules/ laws/ etc. But, its these nutjobs that create so much anti-feelings for their respective religions. I mean, seriously, can you guys think what will happen if tomorrow the 2% minorities of Pakistan ask for Hindu/ christian laws in the country?
Indians the followers of a regional religion criticising the fastest spreading religion of the world-
The radicalism or extremism indian hindus find in islam is not effecting the no. Of people converting to it globally-
The more you criticise the more its spreading- good work in the cause of Islam-
Indians the followers of a regional religion criticising the fastest spreading religion of the world-
The radicalism or extremism indian hindus find in islam is not effecting the no. Of people converting to it globally-
The more you criticise the more its spreading- good work in the cause of Islam-
It's spreading because of reproduction only.:)
It's spreading because of reproduction only.:)

Spread by reproduction is the case of hinduism-
The number of followers of hinduism is directly proportional to the population of india- thats why its confined one region-

Most British muslims are Pakistanis.

43% of Muslims in Britain are of Pakistani origin-
11% bangladeshi-
And 8% indian-

So you need to look out for the definition of 'most' before using it any further-

There's the rub

I know who you are- a blind follower without any individuality or brain at all- what your fellow hindu has said must be true- follow it blindly even off the cliff-
6 million people are converting out of islam each year compared to 4 million people who convert to islam each year.
Europeans better learn to live with Islam.

Islamic Faith is now an inevitable part of European Fabric.

Mainland Europe has 44 million to 60 million Muslims and this number is only going to increase, as Muslims say, Inshallah and Mashallah.

West has miserably and utterly failed to counter the Islamic Ideology throughout history...now why cry? Just get along together.


What do you in the picture? The areas least "blue" are areas where Muslims are between 100,000 to 1,000,000, lets not even go any further :lol:

China alone probably has more Muslims than there are Sikhs in whole wide world!!!

Islam is now a truly global civilization/religion/ideology that is present in every single nation on the face of the planet! and their numbers are only gonna grow...and it achieved all this in less than 1450 years!!!!....so just say Mashallah to all that and get along.

To Muslims, they better become moderate and stop this radicalism madness ...the "infidels" has a tolerance upto a certain limit, you guys should hope that this limit is never crossed.:)

Npbody care how you live in Muslim countries, but in non Muslim countries either you embrace the host's culture or just leave the country
and Indians are happy on that... lanat hai!
Hmm any non evangelist source?-

According to Al-Jazeerah's interview with Sheikh Ahmad Al Katani, the president of The Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law in Libya, In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity.

Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.
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According to Al-Jazeerah's interview with Sheikh Ahmad Al Katani, the president of The Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law in Libya, In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity.

Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.

I will bookmark this reference for future use when ever some indian will say that punishment of apostasy in islam is death- if that was true then there are lot of people to kill-:lol:-

Btw on topic- i was expecting some facts and figures and not some individuals point of view- specially a mullah who you would love to disagree with on every other issue- what makes you believe him for this?-
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