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Only 24% of Britishers think Islam is compatible with British life.

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Npbody care how you live in Muslim countries, but in non Muslim countries either you embrace the host's culture or just leave the country

sorry but you guys obviously do care considering how much you like to poke you nose in the internal matters of pakistan and other muslim countries.
Dr Mr extremist first you should know the difference between Europe and north America they are two different continents before you ask the questions.

Most in North American are Christians every other religion is a minority religion including Yours but since Indians claims Hinduism it to be the oldest religion on the planet.
I have a question for you how come majority of the countries that have Islam or Christianity as their major religion then Hinduism since according to you its the oldest religion on the planet how come.

I love this part specially from Indians when describing Islams and its growth in the world they simply point towards (reproduction).

clearly you are saying Hindus don't know how to reproduce? but if thats the reason then how come out of 1.3 billion Hindus in the world (according to you) but then India a majority Hindu country has a population problem and is over populated by millions upon millions.

There are over a billion Muslims in the world who come from different backgrounds speak different languages . Majority if not all Hindus have a common back ground India professor that points towards 2 obvious conclusions .

1)Islam is growing cause more people around the world has accepted it not cause of reproduction
2)Hindus growing only cause of reproduction

As far as the surveys of western media are concerned even if a Muslims farts on far far away lands desperate reporters are ready to call it a dirty bomb attack.

what was the question actually asked and to whom and why was this question asked and why other religions excluded from this survey.

According to same western media nuclear power armed to the teeth loaded with all the top of the line weapons Israel is a victim state and has to the right to use missiles and fighter jets against fire cracker and stone throwing Palestinians.

Hindus talking about reproduction always makes me laugh because considering their religion has a near non existent conversion rate it is a wonder there are 1.3 Billion Hindus on the planet. We all know how they got their numbers. :cheesy:

Muslims are tarnishing their image all over the world. its hard to recall any place where Muslims peacefully co exist with other religion.

American Muslims.
They are talking specificaly about Africa and its people- how i know- cause i can damn well understand and speak arabic- lol-subtitles would not mention africa for obvious reasons- but you can hear the word " africi africi" which is in Arabic to describe Africa-
Feed the poor african people and you can be the leader of even a cult- with million of followers- that was the crux-

Bro this is a dirty game being played in Africa, they promise them riches and then ask them to convert. When they convert they write it down and leave for the next town, the poor Africans do not know what hit them.
Holy sht do you even know who all of them are?? :what:
Nope. Who cares. I pick according to what I feel like. For me they all are Gods, they are different and they are same.

Its a great spiritual philosophy. May be that's why even in my family, we have our fav. Gods. :enjoy:

Shri Krishna, Hanuman Ji, Ganesh Ji , Sun god, etc. etc. according to what the day, is what I like. :D

Respect everyone or revere any one. You actually revere all as all are one. :D
Who cares? Can britishers force muslims out, Muslims who have as much right to Britain as them. And why islam needs to be "compatible" with british life? What do they mean by this compatibility? Freedom of religion & speech is supposedly ingrained in british "Secular" constitution. SO muslims should not back off from spreading the message of Islam in UK & live by Islam in their personal lives.Its their duty islamically & also their basic right as british citizens as per british laws. :coffee:
Who cares? Can britishers force muslims out, Muslims who have as much right to Britain as them. And why islam needs to be "compatible" with british life? What do they mean by this compatibility? Freedom of religion & speech is supposedly ingrained in british "Secular" constitution. SO muslims should not back off in spreading the message of Islam in UK & live by Islam in their personal lives.Its their duty islamically & also their basic right as british citizens as per british laws. :coffee:

Britain is officially a Christian country.

And its the duty of British citizens to live by British constitution, not by 7th century laws.
Who cares? Can britishers force muslims out, Muslims who have as much right to Britain as them. And why islam needs to be "compatible" with british life? What do they mean by this compatibility? Freedom of religion & speech is supposedly ingrained in british "Secular" constitution. SO muslims should not back off in spreading the message of Islam in UK live by Islam in their personal lives.Its their duty islamically & also their right as per british laws. :coffee:

Nope Islam tells them to abide by the laws of the host country, if they are non Muslim. If Muslims act responsibly and as proud British citizens Islam would eventually spread with curiosity alone. By screaming for sharia like baboons they are only creating apprehension towards Islam and doing it a disservice. The Muslims who led the crazies run around unabated are just as much to blame.
Nope Islam tells them to abide by the laws of the host country, if they are non Muslim. If Muslims act responsibly and as proud British citizens Islam would eventually spread with curiosity alone. By screaming for sharia like baboons they are only creating apprehension towards Islam and doing it a disservice. The Muslims who led the crazies run around unabated are just as much to blame.

Partially agree with U. Agree with U in the sense that they shouldn't be screaming for sharia law. Whatever they do they should do it peacefully, as that is the commandment of Allah(swt).
Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided. (16:125)

Also this doesn't contradict with british laws. My question was, what do they mean by compatibility? If it means stooping muslims from practicing his/her religion & expressing their opinions, then indeed muslims shouldn't abide by such compatibility which is also their right under British laws of personal freedom, freedom of religion & freedom of speech.:)
Muslims are tarnishing their image all over the world. its hard to recall any place where Muslims peacefully co exist with other religion.

Quoted for truth!! Not only with other religions, they can not co-exist with different sects of Islam also!!
Britain is officially a Christian country.

And its the duty of British citizens to live by British constitution, not by 7th century laws.

You are a fool to think the islamic religion and laws still belong to 7th century-
The ones following the 7th century laws are the extremists- even we muslims dissent those-
I thought you were wise enough to- never mind hindu-

Probably British Muslims..

British Muslims..Intresting 24%! Does British Muslims make up 24% of the whole British population? No british Muslims Only Make up 5% of britains total Population. This figure of 24% will rise in future, Islam is the way of Life.
You are a fool to think the islamic religion and laws still belong to 7th century-
The ones following the 7th century laws are the extremists- even we muslims dissent those-
I thought you were wise enough to- never mind hindu-


Pardon me but I think the laws are part of Quaran and it was written in 7th century.. I don't think it has changed since then or are you suggesting people have stopped following Quaran?

British Muslims..Intresting 24%! Does British Muslims make up 24% of the whole British population? No british Muslims Only Make up 5% of britains total Population. This figure of 24% will rise in future, Islam is the way of Life.

The survey was not of the whole population!! Sample sizes are generally smaller and consists of people of any background/religion!! Got the point!!
its silly to claim land as hindu muslim of xtian.. these religions are less than a fwe 1000 years old.. before that for millions or billions of years there was no concept of religion which is man made.
What are you talking about? i think you are quoting the wrong person here.
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