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Only 11% want Democracy

You cannot create such a system that is fair to non-Muslims. By definition, State-promoted religion will benefit those who are of that religion, and hurt those who are not.
We already have "un-Islamic" Secular / Democratic system implemented on us which has raped our nation! Why should majority of the people "Muslims" be deprived of their rights because of minorities? Let me give you an example, under a Secular state Muslims can only exercise 10% of their religion where as in a Kalifah it can be exercised up to 100%!
When I point out that Sikhs and Hindus suffer discrimination, that Christians in the KSA cannot even build a Church, the response I get is "Those aren't real Khalifats, we'll get it right when it does happen."
Which part of "Saudi regime does not posses real Shariah" do you not understand? Even Salahuddin did not destroy any of Churches that were built by crusaders.
What advantage would a Caliphate have over a republic that guarantees absolute freedom to worship?
The best example of Khalifah is the period of Prophet Mohammed and do let me know what Christians Jews and Pagns were deprived of in terms of their religious rights. Most of Laws Saudis have created has no links with Quran and Haids. Women were allowed to ride on Camels and horses during the time of prophet mohammed and today in Saudia arabia Women are banned from driving because according to them its unIslamic. i hope you have seen the light now.
Khilafat ......mean ....... progress, Khilafat ......mean ....... Science & technology, Khilafat ......mean ....... love & respect of relations, Khilafat ......mean ....... Justice, Khilafat ......mean ....... peace, Khilafat ......mean ....... No crimes, Khilafat ......mean .......economic growth, Khilafat ......mean .......leading the world, Khilafat ......mean .......education, Khilafat ......mean .......no drugs, Khilafat ......mean .......Islamic practices, Khilafat ......mean .......creativity, Khilafat ......mean .......journey toward Allah(S.W.T), Khilafat ......mean .......Love & Adab of Rasool-allah(S.A.W.W), Khilafat ......mean .......Happiness, Khilafat ......mean .......Rule of Quran, Khilafat ......mean .......Laws of Allah(S.W.T), Khilafat ......mean .......Sunnah of Syedi Muhammad(S.A.W.W), Khilafat ......mean .......way of Islam, Khilafat ......mean .......Islamic Life style, culture, architecture, & Islamic Fashion, Khilafat ......mean .......Riba free banking, Khilafat ......mean .......wealth for everyone, Khilafat ......mean .......No load shedding, No electricity & Gas or energy problems, Khilafat ......mean .......Respect of Student Sisters & Brothers & teachers, ................Simply ........... Khilafat ......mean .......The best system of universe that Allah(S.W.T) created for mankind & blessed to Muslims by Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), Implemented by Khulfa-e-Rashedin.
Politics is old Greek System...........

Politics (from Greek politikos "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the art or science of influencing people on a civic, or individual level, when there are more than 2 people involved.

Dictatorship is old Ancient Egyptian system...........

The Firon (pharaoh) was the absolute monarch of the country and wielded complete control of the land and its resources. The king was the supreme military commander and head of the government, who relied on a bureaucracy of officials to manage his affairs.

Khilafat the modern & true system of Islam................

Hazrat Umar's ؓ general instructions to his officers were:

“ "Remember, I have not appointed you as commanders and tyrants over the people. I have sent you as leaders instead, so that the people may follow your example. Give the Muslims their rights and do not beat them lest they become abused. Do not praise them unduly, lest they fall into the error of conceit. Do not keep your doors shut in their faces, lest the more powerful of them eat up the weaker ones. And do not behave as if you were superior to them, for that is tyranny over them."
During the reign of Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakr, the state was economically weak, while during Hazrat Umar’s reign because of increase in revenues and other sources of income, the state was on its way to economic prosperity. Hence Hazrat Umar felt it necessary that the officers be treated in a strict way as to prevent the possible greed for money that may lead them to corruption. During his reign, at the time of appointment, every officer was required to make the oath:

That he would not ride a Turkic horse (which was a symbol of pride).
That he would not wear fine clothes.
That he would not eat sifted flour.
That he would not keep a porter at his door.
That he would always keep his door open to the public.

Caliph Hazrat Umar himself followed the above postulates strictly...................

these are attributes of a Muslim Leader ......... Muslims were much advance in all fields, science, technology, medical, math, philosophy, military, justice, economics & education & life style etc .............. this is Nonsense that Khilafat will drag us to dark age , when Khlafat will be established Pakistan will lead the world in all fields of life, truth, love & peace, sciences & technologies but not in sins, corruption & fake systems ............
1........ If Army will declare martial law under this anarchy, terrorism, collapse & crisis and changing situation in Afghanistan & middle east , then Army will be trapped in bloody war within its boundaries, India is in east & NATO is in west & traitors & terrorists are inside, international media will cover the campaign & NATO will enter from Afghanistan to win the war in AFPAK, & many other things, So this will be a very very dangerous scenario, this will be enough to finish Pakistan from map of world,.........................

2...................If Election will be held, under this anarchy, terrorism, collapse & crisis then again , sectarianism, ethnicity, energy shortage, economic, social, judicial, political collapse & corruption will sink down the ship, 5thGW can't be defeated under this system, Nation is randomly shattered, without unity we can't fight this war, So this option is also closed If elections will be held, this will be enough to finish Pakistan from map of world. ............................. the current situation is "death by thousand cuts" so we can't survive long under this situation, for Army & ISI this is painful wait for the death of nation..............................................

3............................ Only One solution, patriotic caretaker to change the system , to recreate Khilaft-e-Rashida Model, then Takmeel-e-Pakistan & United States of Islam ............ until this Azab will continue .............. there is no other option to save Pakistan, to control India, US & Israel, to defeat 5thGW, to unite Muslims under United States Of Islam, to solve all our social, military, economic, judicial, educational etc problems, to get progress, to become true & faithful Muslims, to live a Great life in Dunya & save Jannah after a comfortable death ............ there is no other solution in this universe , .... ........... Now Allah (S.W.T) has closed all other options upon this nation, who created this country in the name of Allah, see the signs, what Allah wants otherwise this Azab will continue. dye under this Azab or Stand for Allah , Solution is given to you.
Allah is bringing forces who will intervene and then those will be the days of most severe accountability ......... *this will happen......stand firm in faith* truth is unfolding ............ Khilafat-e-Rashida model, TAKMEEL-E-PAKISTAN, After accountability & cleaning process a Golden era in history of mankind......coming soon !
i'm just curious..what are the chances for musharaf this time??
An international company, MEMRB which offers custom analysis to address special issues, conducted nationwide survey in Pakistan. They asked question about ruling system in Pakistan. Question was “Which Ruling System can solve Pakistan’s Problems?”

Options were as follows

1. Democracy

2. Dominion

3. Islamic Khilafat

4. Martial Law

5. Any other

This survey had been made on 30 cities and 60 villages from all over Pakistan. All age group took part in this survey while different level of educated people also participated in survey. The result of survey was as follows.

1. Democracy (Only 11%) :lol::lol:

2. Dominion (Only 6%)

3. Khilafat (53%) :devil:

4. Martial Law (22%) :p:P

5. Islamic Democracy (Only 2%)

Majority of Pakistan’s want Pure Islamic system in Pakistan i.e.; Khilafah, while only 11% want democracy which is current ruling system in our state.

Some people claim that only well educated people want democracy and illiterate people know nothing about real worth of pure democracy. But this survey exposed there claim, more than 56% people who favored Khilafah, either they were under primary or above Graduate. People from big cities also want Khilafat. In Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad 40% people want martial law, 39% Khilafat while 15% democracy.

This is not a single survey which showed these type of stats but many other international survey companies found same results in past. US also warned Pakistan that fundamental Islamic sentiments are very high in Pakistan which is a potential threat for modern democratic world.

Awami Web » MEMRB Survey Report About Ruling System In Pakistan
The army missed the cue I guess here, by keeping their men less than wahabies in that fake survey team.
you are American zionist,but you speak in language of Indians.
so according to your post if our parliament got enough power that they can dismiss generals,make laws to have more control over army so then Pakistan will become true democratic nation?
very cheap standards.

You are a gone case buddy, dont bother to understand democracy. just keep chanting your pet lines
Its simple, a grand-marshall-revolution pushed by army,judiciary!
With rotation of command at every level?
Yes a very close setup like what we hve in great chinese democracy, with dicipline, unity,& faith!

Democracy has failed, more thn 9 times in this country, & will fail again! If tried again!
Its the common,attitude of our less educated nation, & its the reality? Which we should accept for the progress of the country!
Hehe .. Where will Indian Muslims fit in? And British Muslims? What about Arab oil , who controls it? The natural resource in Malaysia and Indonesia belongs to who?

dont be so cruel buddy, kam se kam usey sapne to man mutabik dekh lene do.
i'm just curious..what are the chances for musharaf this time??

People have their Planes & Strategies but Allah has his Plan & Allah is the best Planer.

Khilafat-e-Rashida.....coming soon !

Read about Moses & Pharaoh , Allah is the best Planer.

Moses was born into a family of Israelites living in Egypt. Of his family, Moses was born in a time when the ruling Pharaoh had enslaved the Israelites after the time of the prophet Joseph (Yusuf). Around the time of Moses' birth, the Pharaoh had a dream, in which he saw fire coming from the city of Jerusalem, which burnt everything in his kingdom except that of the Israelites.[13] When the Pharaoh described his dream to his priests and soothsayers, they predicted that the fall of the Pharaoh would be brought about by a boy from the Israelites.[14] when the Pharaoh was informed that one of the male children would grow up to overthrow him, he ordered the killing of all new-born Israelite males in order to prevent the prediction from occurring.[15] the experts of economics in Pharaoh's court advised him that killing the male infants of the Israelites, would result in loss of manpower.[16] Therefore they suggested that the male infants should be killed in one year but spared the next.[16] Aaron was born in the year in which infants were spared, while Moses was born in the year in which infants were to be killed.[17]

Moses's mother suckled him secretly during this period. when they were in danger of being caught God inspired her to put him in a basket and set him adrift on the Nile.[18] She instructed her daughter to follow the course of the ark and to report back to her. As the daughter followed the ark along the riverbank, Moses was discovered by the Pharaoh's wife, Asiya, who convinced the Pharaoh to adopt him.[19] when Asiya ordered wet nurses for Moses, Moses refused to be breastfed. this was because God had forbidden Moses from being fed by any wet nurse as to reunite his mother with him.[20] His sister worried that Moses had not been fed for some time, therefore, she appeared to the Pharaoh and informed him that she knew someone, who could feed him.[21] after being questioned, she was ordered to bring the woman being discussed.[21] The sister brought their mother who fed Moses and thereafter she was appointed as the wet nurse of Moses.[22]

When Moses arrived in the court of Pharaoh, Pharaoh accused him of being mad and threatened to imprison him if he continued to proclaim that the Pharaoh was not the true God. Moses informed him that he had come with manifest signs from God.

After losing to Moses, the Pharaoh continued to plan against Moses and the Israelites, and ordered meetings of the ministers, princes and priests. the Pharaoh is reported to have ordered his minister, Haman, to build a tower so that he "may look at the God of Moses".[43] Gradually, Pharaoh began to fear that Moses may convince the people that he was not the true God, and wanted to have Moses killed. After this threat, a man from the family of Pharaoh, who had years ago warned Moses, came forth and warned the people of the punishment of God for the wrongdoers and reward for the righteous. The Pharaoh defiantly refused to allow the Israelites to leave Egypt. God decreed punishments over him and his people. These punishments came in the form of floods that demolished their dwellings, swarms of locust that destroyed the crops,[44] pestilence of lice that made their life miserable,[45] toads that croaked and sprang everywhere, and the turning of all drinking water into blood. These plagues, along with other miracles were among the ten signs shown to the Pharaoh. Each time the Pharaoh was subjected to humiliation, his defiance became greater. God instructed Moses to travel at night with the Israelites, and warned them that they would be pursued. The Pharaoh chased the Israelites with his army after realizing that they had left during the night.[46]

Having escaped and then being pursued by the Egyptians, the Israelites stopped when they reached the seafront. The Israelites exclaimed to Moses that they would be overtaken by Pharaoh and his army. God commanding Moses to strike the sea with his staff, instructing them not to fear being overtaken or drowning. Upon striking the sea, it divided into two parts, that allowed the Israelites to pass through. The Pharaoh witnessed the sea splitting alongside his army, but as they also tried to pass through, the sea closed in on them.[47][48] As he was about to die, Pharaoh claimed belief in the God of Moses and the Israelites, but his belief was rejected by God. the body of the Pharaoh was made a sign and warning for all future generations.


Allah is the best Planer.

why you are discussing Khilafat Now ????????????????????? because Khilafat Is Coming Soon......
sensing the truth that is unfolding..........................

don't think How, Who etc ? because you can not imagine ................. Just wait & see..........its happening around you

No Power in Universe Can Hid or Stop the Truth to happen & manifest .........

Khilafat-e-Rashida.....coming soon !
97 % Muslims of Pakistan want Khilafat..........No democracy.........No Dictatorship...........No Fake Mullahs.......No Secular


Khilafat ......mean ....... progress, Khilafat ......mean ....... Science & technology, Khilafat ......mean ....... love & respect of relations, Khilafat ......mean ....... Justice, Khilafat ......mean ....... peace, Khilafat ......mean ....... No crimes, Khilafat ......mean .......economic growth, Khilafat ......mean .......leading the world, Khilafat ......mean .......education, Khilafat ......mean .......no drugs, Khilafat ......mean .......Islamic practices, Khilafat ......mean .......creativity, Khilafat ......mean .......journey toward Allah(S.W.T), Khilafat ......mean .......Love & Adab of Rasool-allah(S.A.W.W), Khilafat ......mean .......Happiness, Khilafat ......mean .......Rule of Quran, Khilafat ......mean .......Laws of Allah(S.W.T), Khilafat ......mean .......Sunnah of Syedi Muhammad(S.A.W.W), Khilafat ......mean .......way of Islam, Khilafat ......mean .......Islamic Life style, culture, architecture, & Islamic Fashion, Khilafat ......mean .......Riba free banking, Khilafat ......mean .......wealth for everyone, Khilafat ......mean .......No load shedding, No electricity & Gas or energy problems, Khilafat ......mean .......Respect of Student Sisters & Brothers & teachers, ................Simply ........... Khilafat ......mean .......The best system of universe that Allah(S.W.T) created for mankind & blessed to Muslims by Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), Implemented by Khulfa-e-Rashedin.


The best system of universe that Allah(S.W.T) created for mankind & blessed to Muslims by Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), Implemented by Khulfa-e-Rashedin.

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