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Only 11% want Democracy


Mar 3, 2009
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An international company, MEMRB which offers custom analysis to address special issues, conducted nationwide survey in Pakistan. They asked question about ruling system in Pakistan. Question was “Which Ruling System can solve Pakistan’s Problems?”

Options were as follows

1. Democracy

2. Dominion

3. Islamic Khilafat

4. Martial Law

5. Any other

This survey had been made on 30 cities and 60 villages from all over Pakistan. All age group took part in this survey while different level of educated people also participated in survey. The result of survey was as follows.

1. Democracy (Only 11%) :lol::lol:

2. Dominion (Only 6%)

3. Khilafat (53%) :devil:

4. Martial Law (22%) :p:P

5. Islamic Democracy (Only 2%)

Majority of Pakistan’s want Pure Islamic system in Pakistan i.e.; Khilafah, while only 11% want democracy which is current ruling system in our state.

Some people claim that only well educated people want democracy and illiterate people know nothing about real worth of pure democracy. But this survey exposed there claim, more than 56% people who favored Khilafah, either they were under primary or above Graduate. People from big cities also want Khilafat. In Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad 40% people want martial law, 39% Khilafat while 15% democracy.

This is not a single survey which showed these type of stats but many other international survey companies found same results in past. US also warned Pakistan that fundamental Islamic sentiments are very high in Pakistan which is a potential threat for modern democratic world.

Awami Web » MEMRB Survey Report About Ruling System In Pakistan
its too much wow still 11% heehehehee these are hardcore workers of political parties .lolz democracy mean load shedding poverty corruption lawless .these comes to our minds when we talk abut democracy .
looks like the democratic system the british left behind didn't stick for Pakistan

---------- Post added at 09:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 AM ----------

What is Khalifat?

The term caliphate "dominion of a caliph ('successor')" (from the Arabic خلافة or khilāfa, Turkish: Halife), refers to the first system of government established in Islam and represented the political unity of the Muslim Ummah (community). In theory, it is a theocratic constitutional republic[1] (the Constitution being the Constitution of Medina), which means that the head of state, the Caliph, and other officials are representatives of the people and of Islam and must govern according to constitutional and religious law, or Sharia. In its early days, it resembled elements of direct democracy (see shura) and an elective monarchy.
It was initially led by Muhammad's disciples as a continuation of the political and religious system the prophet established, known as the 'Rashidun caliphates'. A "caliphate" is also a state which implements such a governmental system.
Sunni Islam stiplulates that the head of state, the caliph, should be selected by Shura – elected by Muslims or their representatives.[2] Followers of Shia Islam believe the caliph should be an imam chosen by God from the Ahl al-Bayt (Muhammad's purified progeny). After the Rashidun period until 1924, caliphates, sometimes two at a single time, real and illusory, were ruled by dynasties. The first dynasty was the Umayyad. This was followed by the Abbasid, the Fatimid, and finally the Ottoman Dynasty.
The caliphate was "the core political concept of Sunni Islam, by the consensus of the Muslim majority in the early centuries."[3
assalam alaikum
if anybody doubt the survey conduct the right survey and guide us plz
i like this survey anyhow call me a terrorist or call me a common muslim

Democratic system is for educated people... who understand their rights as well their duties towards the society...
In India we have severe crisis because of that... goons are running our country on the name of democracy
Democracy, may call as enemy of state,
Time of Khalifat has gone.

True nationalist Dictator is what we need to construct country and progressive Pakistan.
If you have leaders like zardari and sharif then you will not want to be democratic


Not accurates. These votes only came from Mullahs, sympathizers, you and other small numbers.

Now tell me who is your terrorist in your avatar ? What does to do with Pakistan?
i swear i did not voted in this poll.:P
if you think survey is not acurate you can have your own.
about my avatar:even when you dont know who the person in my avatar is why you are accusing him of terrorism?his name was Ahmed Yasin,founder of hammas,very respectable person.who ever in the muslim world knows him respects him.He is shaheed.Israelis fired six missiles on his car.he is in more better place then this,and got the punishment/reward of his deeds so why you are targeting a dead person?
please dont make things personal.

@jugibaz sahib
11%? no surprise...

Our people haven't tasted real democracy yet, their idea of democracy is Zardari.
You can't blame em for not favouring democrazy.
my dear Greeks are the first people who invented democracy.what we have common with greeks?
The champion of modern democracy is America.one question for you when every thing is free,fair and transparent why there is need of secret socities?
do you really believe that American presidents are elected and not selected?

@Triq bin zayad
assalam alaikum
if anybody doubt the survey conduct the right survey and guide us plz
i like this survey anyhow call me a terrorist or call me a common muslim
walikum salam.

Democratic system is for educated people... who understand their rights as well their duties towards the society...
In India we have severe crisis because of that... goons are running our country on the name of democra
how you believe in a system where opinion of a scholar and a whore has same weight?
Democracy, may call as enemy of state,
Time of Khalifat has gone.

True nationalist Dictator is what we need to construct country and progressive Pakistan.

correct to some extent.
may be if we try presidential form of democracy we get different results.what do u say?

regarding khilafat:i don't think time of khilafat has gone i think right has not come,we are not prepared for it.may after a time when there is expansion in the borders of Pakistan.
Quiad e azam said this 70 years ago that democracy is not suitable for the east where there are alot of illiterate people who just vote blindly, and also there is no good political system here, there are the sharifs and PPP, unlike britain where there is a more wide political base. You dont have people there whining about the past like zardari who constantly moans about the fake shadatain by PPP, and all that bullsh**. Shariah if implemented is the best way to run a nation, only problem for pakistan is that these mullahs dont know the true meaning of shariah. Martial law is another option and in the current circumstances, i believe the best. Emphasis is on current situation. We need a hardline nation loving dictator who does the things in the interest of the nation and doesnt listen to all this bull media of pakistan.
Be careful what you wish for. It may just come true.

The democracy tht fails to deliver........ During Musharaf their was economic boom etc......Since ghardi came to power there has been economic downfall,electric shortfall,inflation,more taxes and the bloody price of oil has gone up!!! like a bloody rocket frm NASA!
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