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Only 11% want Democracy

Karachi is not shia dominated city. Infact it has become almost free from sectarian violence, to which credit goes to MQM. It is MQM dominated city which consist of people from every sect.

Basically these types of polls are nothing but a false projection plans. The most important thing we need to look is the number of people participating in poll, which normally doesn't exceed 10K. How come such a tiny number be representative of whole population.

How many of us have participated in such kind of polls? I did never ever in my life.
opinion polls are always done with a smal number of people but people from different sections of scociety and results extrapolated.
Not accurates. These votes only came from Mullahs, sympathizers, you and other small numbers.

I don't think international NGO's perform their surveys only among the mullahs or hardcore secular figures like you!
you are American zionist,but you speak in language of Indians.
I don't follow Indian politics much. I suppose that occasionally there may be similarities. What of it?

so according to your post if our parliament got enough power that they can dismiss generals -
Parliament should control funds and confirm high commanders proposed by the executive. I'm not sure whether Parliamentary power to dismiss generals is a good idea. The ancient Athenians sure made a mess of it; having an executive in charge of such things is a surer line of continuity and responsibility. The British parliament can use attainder to deal with wayward commanders the executive doesn't want to touch; that's probably enough.

very cheap standards.
You lost me here.

make laws to have more control over army so then Pakistan will become true democratic nation?
As it stands now, a soldier cannot appeal an order that may be illegal to an authority outside Pakistani military control. That means that in the end the Army has final say; an officer can always order a soldier to lock up a judge or minister. Change the laws so soldiers have a basis to refuse such orders and democracy should be far more secure.

This is what we get from "commercial malwees". Even that insane old man wearing an Islamic cap and having a beard is sitting with ladies and lighting candles like the other "idol worshipers" around him. Let them all convert to some idol worshiping religion better than distorting the image of Muslims

If Pakistan is indeed an Islamic country he (the one prostrating to the picture) should have been hanged for doing this, whoever he may be.

But no, Pakistan is Islamic on papers only and on the grounds you see all sorts of un-Islamic things there. Well, what can we expect if the government and the politicians are not following Islam as they should be doing being "leaders of the nation" and to inspire others. Seeing things like the ones in the picture makes me feel bad to say i am a Pakistani.
none of the system is new. be it khilafat, democracy, etc.

interestingly no one knows how to establish khilafat. Even the core hardliners do not know how the khilafat can be established and how will it work. some say it will be a mix of democracy. the past khilafat was infact monarchy that is still running in saudi.

if Democracy can work in UK. it can also work anywhere provided it is allowed to work.

In our country, democracy had been killed several times and never allowed to function independently. till today the parallel setup of jihadi establishment is not allowing the democracy to work and has blackmailed and corrupted the policiticans.

you can find the videos and photos of corrupted politicians not submitting to military. But you will not see videos or photo of others or of a general or mullas and are portrayed as angels.

while saudi is loosing its position in muslims world and a new replacement for muslims with a new style of government known as khilafat can be our country Pakistan plus some areas of afghanistan. infact this is what taliban and alqaida insists. and usa too will not have any problem with it as it will only threaten china in its western muslim dominated region. so the poll to be viewed in the same perspective.

but if people think that things will improve then they are wrong. things are not going to improve in near future be it khilafat, democracy or any other system till the jihadi establishment show its mercy on people.

you dont fed up with 3 years of demoncracy of PPP.i see no innervation from military but a free hand.
People chant the mantra of democracy.tell me from where it comes?who are the modern champions of democracy?why they are insisting that every one should accept democracy?
Khilafa is not a viable or workable option. It only shows 56% of pak have no clue about reality. remember BD ran away from Pakistan Khilafat. How do you think a united Arab, persian, turki, malay country can actually be possible. each one will be accusing that the other is not muslim enough and cause all kinds of rioting and terror. first pakistanis have to convince the islamic world for a visa-less entry. If you manage that, I think you have done a good job.

First of all now our enemy will tell us what is good for us and what is bad for us?Pakistanis have no clue about there country what is good for them but our enemy has?
you people should not interfere in our internal matters.
see.. if a bad man becomes caliph then the caliphate will become bad. thats what happnedd to ottoman khilafa.

what happened to ottomans is beyond your capacity to understand.at that time our enemy completely out maneuver us.

Pakistan had electinos in 1971, when Mujibur won. Yahya khan did not give him the reins as he was supposed to. which essentially means that punjabi muslims did not want to hand over power to bangali.
yahya khan=punjabi muslims????
Also I live in Singapore, where I talk to indonesians and malaysians regularly. none of them are like what you say. they dont care about ummah and caliphate. they want to make their own lives happy and rule themselves. You need to get out of the muslim world and meet muslims from other nations. you will realise that there is NO UMMAH.
at the moment every one worship power and money.Inshallah when we have both mentality of Muslim world also changes.so should not worry about ummah thing because this thing does not belong to you at very first place.
Look up "tyrant", they were populist. Many people would prefer a single genius to a commitee of idiots. Trouble is, it usually last one generation before the idiots are smarter.
An international company, MEMRB which offers custom analysis to address special issues, conducted nationwide survey in Pakistan. They asked question about ruling system in Pakistan. Question was “Which Ruling System can solve Pakistan’s Problems?”

Options were as follows

1. Democracy

2. Dominion

3. Islamic Khilafat

4. Martial Law

5. Any other

This survey had been made on 30 cities and 60 villages from all over Pakistan. All age group took part in this survey while different level of educated people also participated in survey. The result of survey was as follows.

1. Democracy (Only 11%) :lol::lol:

2. Dominion (Only 6%)

3. Khilafat (53%) :devil:

4. Martial Law (22%) :p:P

5. Islamic Democracy (Only 2%)

Majority of Pakistan’s want Pure Islamic system in Pakistan i.e.; Khilafah, while only 11% want democracy which is current ruling system in our state.

Some people claim that only well educated people want democracy and illiterate people know nothing about real worth of pure democracy. But this survey exposed there claim, more than 56% people who favored Khilafah, either they were under primary or above Graduate. People from big cities also want Khilafat. In Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad 40% people want martial law, 39% Khilafat while 15% democracy.

This is not a single survey which showed these type of stats but many other international survey companies found same results in past. US also warned Pakistan that fundamental Islamic sentiments are very high in Pakistan which is a potential threat for modern democratic world.

Awami Web » MEMRB Survey Report About Ruling System In Pakistan

And who will head the Khilafat?

That is the issue.

If the Khilafat was feasible then it would have been done ages ago.

There was the Khilafat. But why did it collapse?

There lies the nub and the rub.

There are too many who are already great Khalifas, waiting in the wings!

These polls have contrived questions that aims to prove their point.

They never do a total survey of the issues.


Do you like country A. Answer yes or no.

They don't ask why they like or dislike country A!
Karachi is not shia dominated city. Infact it has become almost free from sectarian violence, to which credit goes to MQM. It is MQM dominated city which consist of people from every sect.

Basically these types of polls are nothing but a false projection plans. The most important thing we need to look is the number of people participating in poll, which normally doesn't exceed 10K. How come such a tiny number be representative of whole population.

How many of us have participated in such kind of polls? I did never ever in my life.

see i give that particular statement under a very particular context.
Shias are only 15-20 % of population of Pakistan.and both mqm and ppp are secular parties and are shia dominated.so if you want to rule majority you can't use religious card here but SECULAR CARD to attract the masses.By the way Altaf bai is Shia him self.

its true that people participate in these type of poles are not more than 10-15k.but sir believe me come to punjab and kp and you will see how much people are into religion.
by the way to date i also did not participated in any poll.
a question?
when other polls happen you discuss the results of poll without making much noise what is unique in this poll?
I don't follow Indian politics much. I suppose that occasionally there may be similarities. What of it?
actually you people share lot of similarities in terms of topics/subjects whom you are in agreement or disagreement.likes more civilian control on army
You lost me here.
my mistake

Parliament should control funds and confirm high commanders proposed by the executive. I'm not sure whether Parliamentary power to dismiss generals is a good idea. The ancient Athenians sure made a mess of it; having an executive in charge of such things is a surer line of continuity and responsibility. The British parliament can use attainder to deal with wayward commanders the executive doesn't want to touch; that's probably enough.

As it stands now, a soldier cannot appeal an order that may be illegal to an authority outside Pakistani military control. That means that in the end the Army has final say; an officer can always order a soldier to lock up a judge or minister. Change the laws so soldiers have a basis to refuse such orders and democracy should be far more secure.
Going into much detail i will tell you very basics.if you understand good.if no,no need to further discuss.
at the current moment our civil leadership aka Parliament is not capable enough that we put army under there control.because army controls the strategic institutes of Pakistan.putting army under civilian control means putting these institutes under parliament control.
because we people of Pakistan believe that our parliament in general and interior and foreign ministry in particular is compromised.

in short according to your own rules if democracy is rule of people so we people of Pakistan wants army to have upper hand than parliament in these matters.(that deals with national security).
we will consider your offer when we people of Pakistan thought that our parliament is capable enough to handle these matters.so untill that time chill.and dont lecture others what is good for them and what is bad for them.
you dont fed up with 3 years of demoncracy of PPP.i see no innervation from military but a free hand.
People chant the mantra of democracy.tell me from where it comes?who are the modern champions of democracy?why they are insisting that every one should accept democracy?

democracy as a sub-ordinate is not an actually democracy.

never ever there has been a free hand thru out the history of pak. currently all departments are brought to the ground and none is allowed to function smoothly.
Each province will ask for his own khalifa :cheers:

so In a country like Pakistan khilafat means civil war and bloodshed. jsut like what taliban are doing. if you do not recognize them they will kill.

also from rest of the islamic world who is going to accept a khalifa in Pakistan?

Khilafat should be established in Mecca and Madina for the muslim world.
. Many people would prefer a single genius to a commitee of idiots.
true.1000 idiots can't equate to 1 genius.
Trouble is, it usually last one generation before the idiots are smarter.

actually we programmed to believe so.
being from a nation who is champion of democracy i have some questions for you.i hope you will be generous and answer them.
-from when exactly it becomes the duty of American nation and its people to give the gift of democracy to other nations?
-apparently in democracy if every thing is so perfect and transparent why there is need of secret socities?
And who will head the Khilafat?

That is the issue.

If the Khilafat was feasible then it would have been done ages ago.
to be honest i dont know my self who will be the caliph.
but to establish khilafat there is lot of pre requisites.i shared the results of this poll in order to show that we are fed up with demon crazy.title of the thread.
please dont chose selective history.what was the situation of muslims when there was khilafat.we destroyed two super powers of that time romans and persians.why not you mention them.
ottomans always give a long stick to europe.this is the reason they still hate turks.

There was the Khilafat. But why did it collapse?

There lies the nub and the rub.

There are too many who are already great Khalifas, waiting in the wings!
our enemies out maneuvered us.
These polls have contrived questions that aims to prove their point.

They never do a total survey of the issues.


Do you like country A. Answer yes or no.

They don't ask why they like or dislike country A!

this is a simple poll just like another.which shows the thinking trend of Pakistanis.nothing more than that.

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