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One liners :)

Fortes fortuna adiuvat [Fortune favours the bold] (Publius Terentius Afer; the playwright of the Roman Republic)
"Let us now ask this question of the Commission: if they could take Ijaz’s word that Haqqani is the author of the Memo as the gospel truth and is therefore, in the uncalled-for words of the Commission, “not loyal” to Pakistan, why can’t they also take the great man suggesting that Haqqani is a patriot who did a great job for his country while he was ambassador in Washington DC as the truth too?"

- Kamran Shafi
I find it amusing for an American to be so much worried about reputation of a ****. He was a Pakistani, a Pakistani government employee, Paid from Pakistani's tax mony, its usPakistanis who will decide what he is worth. If he was a patriot he would'nt have run away. People who sell their country for personal gain are like Mother F******. People like him must be roasted alive after their whole family has been roasted alive before their eyes.

Not sure how much your gov invested on him, but he is a bad choice for a pawn, even if MQM agreed to his name.

"Let us now ask this question of the Commission: if they could take Ijaz’s word that Haqqani is the author of the Memo as the gospel truth and is therefore, in the uncalled-for words of the Commission, “not loyal” to Pakistan, why can’t they also take the great man suggesting that Haqqani is a patriot who did a great job for his country while he was ambassador in Washington DC as the truth too?"

- Kamran Shafi
"Let us now ask this question of the Commission: if they could take Ijaz’s word that Haqqani is the author of the Memo as the gospel truth and is therefore, in the uncalled-for words of the Commission, “not loyal” to Pakistan, why can’t they also take the great man suggesting that Haqqani is a patriot who did a great job for his country while he was ambassador in Washington DC as the truth too?"

- Kamran Shafi

ahhh, one enthusiast fanboy of a true Pak Army "enthusiastic" (xeric came up with this term, im stealing it without his permissions)

a few things

a.) wrong thread

b.) you have 'wonderful' role models to look up to and be quoting

c.) Haqqani wasnt a patriot. If he was, he'd be received warmly in Pakistan instead of being spat on. There's a reason he ran away and is now filling that "empty slot" he left behind @ Boston University

he's no hero and it's good to see a slave meet his "providence"......i had a cigar blunt rolled up and enjoyed it when he was sent packin.
Courage may be taught as a child is taught to speak. (Euripides; the Greek playwright)
The Gods favour the bold. (Publius Ovidius Naso; the Roman poet)

Since most of us today believe in only one God, I have modified the proverb below to suit contemporary times.

God favours the bold. (p(-)0ENiX; the founder of Rome :woot:)
God favours the pious (Allah; the founder of the Universe)

When referring to Allah make sure that you refer to him as the creator of the universe. When claiming that Allah said the exact words that you posted, do provide us with a reference to the Quran or Hadith where these words are used in the exact order & form. Apparently, you just modified the proverb I posted, thus it isn't right to say that Allah said that. It's better for you to say that these are your own words rather than God's words.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
(Thomas Jefferson; 3rd President of the United States)
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