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One liners :)

lol @ jewish carpenter
i cant remember the last time i ever saw a jew doing manual labour.....but then again, cant remember the last time i saw a jew not accept money to do something :rofl:
I consider these comments anti-Semitic and hope the mod deletes them from this thread.
Do not dispute with your brother, ridicule him, nor promise him and then break your promise.” (al-Tirmidhi - Sayings of Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alehe Wassalam)
"Perhaps between the two religions the difference is great only through the animosity of those who preach it." - French King Henry IV, 1593.
There was no ridicule in the bumper sticker, only a reminder of Jesus' occupation and the loyalty of the bearer to Jesus. Amusing, but not ridicule.
i think he was not answering u , he just quoated a hadith
i m not going to hell for my deeds but devil requested me to fuel the fire.... Divya the great
"Proxy war is a messy and sometimes nasty business, but it beats propping up a terrorist-sponsoring tyrant in a blood-stained apron with a meat axe in his hand." - Michael J. Totten
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