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One in five women raped in US: White House report

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More than half of the rape were not reported, this is acknowledged by indians in several social organization. :rofl:
The mother of all UN ranked India as the worst place for women, even Saudi ranked ahead of you :woot:

Not sure what is making the little zombi so happy. :crazy:

That is the level of their pathetic upbringing. Stupid...
Ancient Indian caste system is not the one you see today. It was not birth based distinction, but rather "guna" based, which is "innate quality." All it meant is if one has natural disposition to be a warrior, then one must be a warrior. If one has a disposition to be an artist, then that must be the line of action he must follow. Over a period of time it did get rigid and become birth based, but not as bad as portrayed. There was significant mobility across castes until the British came. There were plenty of lower caste guys who became Kings. The codification of caste structure was when it became "official" with political and economic gains to be made on preserving ones caste.
Innate quality? In the West, we call that 'difference without distinction'. Less polite would be 'bullshitting'. Anyway, we now cement the fact -- INDISPUTABLE -- that the West have nothing to do with the sorry social strata and conditions that plagues your 'glorious' India today.

Too bad Americans have not yet managed to produce a woman of quality who can lead them. South Asia, especially India seems to be doing far far better.
And yet the plight of women, particularly Dalit women, have at best got marginally better, and at worst, no better at all.

Please do not. That would be a nightmare scenario for India LOL.
Heck...The influx of American women into India would be a blessing for India. Human rights organizations modeled themselves after Western/American organizations, not Indian. Indian women would see what true freedoms are like.

It was hilarious that you brought on Hindu goddesses as proof that Indian women status is superior to the Western model. If I tell Western/American women that the Christian sects 'respects' women because the male dominated religious hierarchy portrayed angels as females, I would be laughed off the planet. But that idiocy is exactly what you have done and in the end, you and your fellow Indians looks the intellectual fools that you are.

How do you know that there is an afterlife anyway, let alone there are 'gods' and 'goddesses', male and female deities? For all your extolling superstitious nonsense as proof of superior Indian gender equality, may be those female Indian goddesses are nothing but bi-atches whose main purpose in the Indian afterlife is to service the male gods, the same way Indian women have that 'innate quality' that make them second class citizens in this life.

Almost all Americans here have done. As shown throughout this thread via various links and stats, the situation in US is far worse than in India and you seem to be in denial of it.

See more example of denial and word splitting. Considering all Americans delight in "cavity searches" by the American police which is institutionalized rape and then in the same sentence also claim that rape in America does not require penetration by penis, see the denial there?

So now there are more crimes in USA because there are more laws? Bizarre. Do you mean to say the definition of homicide in US is different than in India? And theft of course.
No better examples of intellectual failure to understand, not just statistics but also in principles.

Do you know what 'institutionalized' really mean? It mean state sanctioned and supported. Your evil caste system is exactly that -- institutionalized discrimination and bigotry.

You also demonstrated a gross failure in understanding the legislative making process. Looks like that 'innate quality' is more pernicious than feared.

Those holy men are out of the societal structure and what they do is far too complicated for you to understand.
Aaaahhh...The default 'too complicated' defense and diversion. Your 'glorious' India have a group of religious nutjobs whose diet contains rotten human flesh. And we Americans are supposed to be the 'shame to the world'.

Much of my argument is for the Indians on this forum. I have seen the despondency in them and how quite a few of them buy all the nonsense sprouted by the American media. Want to dispel that more than convince the Chinese or Americans anything.
Right...So now you are supposed to be the more 'enlightened' one over them. Given how you showed utter failure to understand basic statistics and lawmaking principles, I feel sorry for your India.

Now...Let us continue to see what else goes on in your 'glorious' India regarding rapes...

CVB NEWS- In a shocking incident, a girl is set ablaze by five youths for resisting rape attempt in Sitapur district of Uttar Pradesh; the victim is in a critical condition and being treated at the district hospital.
What a 'glorious' way of life for a class of women whose 'innate quality' have in your superior India...I wonder if the poor girl in her hospital bed thought of the Hindu goddesses as 'proof' of gender equality and superiority in India to make her burned skin and flesh more bearable.

YOU, a Dalit woman at that...Do you have the courage to face this poor girl and tell her what you told us in this little corner of the Internet? I doubt it.

What else...

India Honor Killing: Man Beheaded, Woman Beaten To Death After Eloping
A man was beheaded and his girlfriend beaten to death in an "honour killing" in northern India after they eloped, police said Thursday.

The woman's mother, father and uncle were arrested after the gruesome murders carried out in a village in the state of Haryana on Wednesday, police said.

The couple were tracked down and brought back to their village in Rohtak district after they fled to the capital New Delhi, local police chief Anil Kumar said.

The woman, 20, was allegedly beaten to death and then relatives, angry about their decision to leave, turned on her 22-year-old boyfriend, attacking him with sticks, Inspector-General Kumar told AFP.

"While murdering the boy they also beheaded him," Kumar said.

The family had tried to burn the woman's body but were stopped by police, Kumar told AFP by telephone.

The pair had been in a relationship for three years. The woman was studying to be an art teacher while her boyfriend was also a student at a local college, Kumar said.
This is not rape but related anyway. This is your 'glorious' and morally 'superior' India. Intellectual primitives. But we Americans are supposed to be the 'shame to the world'.

What else...

About us, Dalit Foundation, New Delhi

The 'Did you know' gadget made good reading about your 'glorious' and morally 'superior' India. Interesting that '...every day three Dalit women are raped...' and there exists debt bondage. But according to you, things in India is not as bad as the Western media and their Indian lackeys portrayed. A class of citizen in India have debt bondage? And we Americans are supposed to be the 'shame to the world'? YOU, a Dalit woman, is more offended by security issues motivated bodily searches in America than of your fellow Dalits in debt bondage in India? Talk about misplaced intellectual and moral priorities.

Yeah...Bring on more of those Hindu goddesses...The rest of the world are trembling with anticipation of Indian 'superiority' in gender issues. :lol:
Washington: About one in five women in the US has been raped in her life time, with nearly half of the victims subjected to sexual assault before the age of 18, a White House report said today.

Though women of all races are targeted, but some are more vulnerable than others, the report said, noting that 33.5 per cent of multiracial women have been raped, as have 27 per cent of American-Indian and Alaska Native women, compared to 15 per cent of Hispanic, 22 per cent of Black, and 19 per cent of White women.

Most victims know their assailants and the vast majority (nearly 98 per cent) of perpetrators are male, the report said.

The report released by the White House came ahead of the convening by US President Barack Obama and the Vice President Joe Biden of a meeting of the White House Council on Women and Girls at the Cabinet level along with the council representatives from each agency to examine the progress made and to renew a call to root out abuse wherever it exists, further protecting Americans from rape and sexual assault.

The report "Rape and Sexual Assault: A Renewed Call to Action" outlines the facts surrounding rape and sexual assault and identifies key areas to focus on and improve, including working to change social norms, improving criminal justice response, and protecting students from sexual assault.

To this end of building on strong steps already taken to make educational settings safer for students, Obama is scheduled to sign a new Presidential memorandum at the meeting to establish the White House Task Force on Protecting Students from Sexual Assault.

"The President believes that the prevalence of rape and sexual assault in our Nation's schools is both deeply troubling and a call to action. When 1 in 5 young women is sexually assaulted while in college, we must do more," the White House said in a fact sheet.

According to the report young people are especially at risk with nearly half of female survivors were raped before they were 18, and over one-quarter of male survivors were raped before they were 10.

College students are particularly vulnerable, one in five women has been sexually assaulted while in college, the report said.

Repeat victimisation is common with over a third of women who were raped as minors were also raped as adults, it said.

Men and boys, however, are also at risk, the report said, adding that one in 71 men or almost 1.6 million have been raped during their lives.

Other populations are also at higher risk of being raped or sexually assaulted, including people with disabilities, the LGBT community, prison inmates (of both genders), and the homeless, the report said.

Undocumented immigrants face unique challenges because their abusers often threaten to have them deported if they try to get help, the report said.

The White House said its Task Force on Protecting Students from Sexual Assault will provide schools with best practices for preventing sexual assault, improve transparency of the federal government's enforcement activities, and coordinate among federal agencies to hold schools accountable for confronting sexual assault.

"The Task Force builds on strong steps the Administration has already taken to combat rape and sexual assault on campus.

In 2011, Vice President Biden and Secretary Duncan announced first-of-its kind guidance to ensure that educational institutions fully understand their obligations under Title IX to respond to and prevent sexual assault," the report said.

One in five women raped in US: report | NDTV.com
This for India to calm down........If you know what i mean:rofl:
Innate quality? In the West, we call that 'difference without distinction'. Less polite would be 'bullshitting'. Anyway, we now cement the fact -- INDISPUTABLE -- that the West have nothing to do with the sorry social strata and conditions that plagues your 'glorious' India today.

LOL. That you do not have the IQ to understand far superior cultures is no reason to get upset and call them bullshit. West today has lesser social mobility than India and more people confined to ghettos. Just ask the blacks and hispanics and the so called trailer trash community.

And yet the plight of women, particularly Dalit women, have at best got marginally better, and at worst, no better at all.

Oooooooooo, so much heartbreak for the Dalit women and none whatsoever for the 200,000 languishing in American prisons.

Heck...The influx of American women into India would be a blessing for India. Human rights organizations modeled themselves after Western/American organizations, not Indian. Indian women would see what true freedoms are like.

What human rights do you talk about when institutionalized rapes are passed off as bodily searches of sophisticated societies. What human rights when 90% of cases are settled on plea bargain when the Americans are far too poor to afford legal defence and the state arm twists them into going to jail on threat for more harsher punishments. What human rights when black men in a car crash walking to seek help gets shot 10 times and the white man who shoots him is declared innocent while a black woman firing warning shots in the air is given 20 years prison term. Shame on your society and your so called human rights. Indian women are queens compared to the American women.

It was hilarious that you brought on Hindu goddesses as proof that Indian women status is superior to the Western model. If I tell Western/American women that the Christian sects 'respects' women because the male dominated religious hierarchy portrayed angels as females, I would be laughed off the planet. But that idiocy is exactly what you have done and in the end, you and your fellow Indians looks the intellectual fools that you are.

You fool, Indian goddesses are not portrayed as dumb angels which is equivalent of the dumb blonde that titillate Western males. Indian goddesses are fierce warriors and vanquishers of evil and the Indian males bowing to them is acknowledging the female superiority. Wealth, power, knowledge are associated with women in the Indian society. This is something beyond the comprehension of male chauvinist Judeo-Christian society which has now turned rabid feminist. Balance and harmony in a society will ever be beyond the likes of you.

And I gave more than goddesses as an example, Indian history is full of real life Queens, woman warriors who lead men in the battlefield, business women, scholars, etc., etc., precisely because there were never any constraints on women achieving anything in the Indian society.

How do you know that there is an afterlife anyway, let alone there are 'gods' and 'goddesses', male and female deities? For all your extolling superstitious nonsense as proof of superior Indian gender equality, may be those female Indian goddesses are nothing but biatches whose main purpose in the Indian afterlife is to service the male gods, the same way Indian women have that 'innate quality' that make them second class citizens in this life.

When you do not have any idea of Hinduism, it is better to shut up than open your mouth and confirm you are a fool. Hinduism is not Christianity or Islam to talk about afterlife beyond pearly gates. Your equating Hindu goddesses with angels in the sky just shows how stupid you are. Your commentary on Indian women being second class citizens is equally asinine. As I said do not extrapolate your Judeo-Christian societal views on a civilization that is the exact opposite of it and far far superior.

Do you know what 'institutionalized' really mean? It mean state sanctioned and supported. Your evil caste system is exactly that -- institutionalized discrimination and bigotry.

Good you seem to understand what "institutionalized" means. Now open your eyes and see that rapes are institutionalized in USA with US state and federal agents given full authority to insert that hand into the private parts of every person they interrogate without the persons consent.

Given the overwhelming representation of the minority community in the greatest American institution, i.e. the prison system, one can well see how free of institutional discrimination and bigotry the US is.

You also demonstrated a gross failure in understanding the legislative making process. Looks like that 'innate quality' is more pernicious than feared.

Yeah like your innate quality which says there is more crime in America because there are more laws and homicide and theft in America is different from homicide and theft elsewhere.

Aaaahhh...The default 'too complicated' defense and diversion. Your 'glorious' India have a group of religious nutjobs whose diet contains rotten human flesh. And we Americans are supposed to be the 'shame to the world'.

People who grow up eating basically 6-month-old to 1-year-old meat should not really be commenting on others food habits. Those "nutjobs" are beyond societal bonds and have the freedom to experiment with themselves anyway they please. Learn something about true freedom before you talk about freedom.

The rest of your post is just about crime which is far lesser in India than anywhere else in the world and no amount of demagoguery on your part is going to alter that fact.
LOL. That you do not have the IQ to understand far superior cultures is no reason to get upset and call them bullshit. West today has lesser social mobility than India and more people confined to ghettos. Just ask the blacks and hispanics and the so called trailer trash community.
The caste system in India is more socially mobile than what we have in the US? :lol:

Your fellow Indians must be cringing in embarrassment.

Oooooooooo, so much heartbreak for the Dalit women and none whatsoever for the 200,000 languishing in American prisons.
Why not? We Americans have plenty of compassion to spare while your 'glorious' India is perfectly content with the status quo as indicative that such a clearly inhumane system have been in place for literally thousands of yrs.

What human rights do you talk about when institutionalized rapes are passed off as bodily searches of sophisticated societies. What human rights when 90% of cases are settled on plea bargain when the Americans are far too poor to afford legal defence and the state arm twists them into going to jail on threat for more harsher punishments. What human rights when black men in a car crash walking to seek help gets shot 10 times and the white man who shoots him is declared innocent while a black woman firing warning shots in the air is given 20 years prison term. Shame on your society and your so called human rights. Indian women are queens compared to the American women.
No sane Indian would agree to this.

You fool, Indian goddesses are not portrayed as dumb angels which is equivalent of the dumb blonde that titillate Western males. Indian goddesses are fierce warriors and vanquishers of evil and the Indian males bowing to them is acknowledging the female superiority. Wealth, power, knowledge are associated with women in the Indian society. This is something beyond the comprehension of male chauvinist Judeo-Christian society which has now turned rabid feminist. Balance and harmony in a society will ever be beyond the likes of you.

And I gave more than goddesses as an example, Indian history is full of real life Queens, woman warriors who lead men in the battlefield, business women, scholars, etc., etc., precisely because there were never any constraints on women achieving anything in the Indian society.

When you do not have any idea of Hinduism, it is better to shut up than open your mouth and confirm you are a fool. Hinduism is not Christianity or Islam to talk about afterlife beyond pearly gates. Your equating Hindu goddesses with angels in the sky just shows how stupid you are. Your commentary on Indian women being second class citizens is equally asinine. As I said do not extrapolate your Judeo-Christian societal views on a civilization that is the exact opposite of it and far far superior.
Yeah...Am sure those Dalit girl-childs who were raped are comforted with that. You are truly a cruel woman.

Good you seem to understand what "institutionalized" means.
Far better than you do.

Now open your eyes and see that rapes are institutionalized in USA with US state and federal agents given full authority to insert that hand into the private parts of every person they interrogate without the persons consent.
If you are in prison, you are guilty of a crime and contrary to your low IQ understanding of the justice system, bodily searches are not rapes. But since you want to frame it that way, I guess those Dalit women and little girls who were raped, according to our context of the word, must be interpreted by YOU as being bodily searched by those men, right? Yeah...Those men used their penises to search a five yr old girl for contraband.:lol:

Demand immediate investigation of rape and murder of Dalit girl in Haryana - Amnesty India
She was 20 years old. On 24th August, she had come to Jind in Haryana to attend an exam to be a teacher. She did not return home that day.

Her mutilated body was found near a canal the next day by the police. There were cigarette burn marks on her body and indications of sexual violence. Her family suspects her to have been kidnapped, raped and then murdered.

However, the police hurriedly conducted an autopsy. The autopsy states that it was neither rape nor murder.
So tell us, what 'crime' was this woman guilty of?

Never mind that rhetorical question. In your 'glorious' India, a woman is guilty of the crime of being a woman. And YOU, a woman and a Dalit woman at that, with your denial and delusion, is openly betraying your sex and your fellow Dalits. Congratulations.

Given the overwhelming representation of the minority community in the greatest American institution, i.e. the prison system, one can well see how free of institutional discrimination and bigotry the US is.
If the minority committed the majority of the crime, then it will be statistically inevitable that there will be more minorities in prison. Math must have been a rough class for you.

Yeah like your innate quality which says there is more crime in America because there are more laws and homicide and theft in America is different from homicide and theft elsewhere.
Har...You do not even understand the words 'innate quality' that you brought on.

People who grow up eating basically 6-month-old to 1-year-old meat should not really be commenting on others food habits. Those "nutjobs" are beyond societal bonds and have the freedom to experiment with themselves anyway they please. Learn something about true freedom before you talk about freedom.
Here in the US, we have laws against using human remains for any purposes without expressed legal exceptions. But in your 'glorious' India, we see men who not only eat human flesh but ROTTEN HUMAN FLESH and they are tolerated. What 'glory'...

The rest of your post is just about crime which is far lesser in India than anywhere else in the world and no amount of demagoguery on your part is going to alter that fact.
Then you should have no problems letting the world sees more of those crimes...

Let us continue...

Growing crimes against Dalits in India despite special laws | India at LSE
A. Ramaiah discusses why caste-based violence in India is increasing despite a history of legislation against caste discrimination.

Har...Your fellow Indians have no respect for basic human rights, so how can we, those in 'inferior' Western societies, expects you to respect any laws? Try showing more pictures of Hindu goddesses. May be it will placate the discontent, after all, most of the Dalits are illiterate any way, right?

What else...

Subhuman lives - Dalits in India
...Dalits continue to be barred from entering Hindu temples or other holy places...
What...??? How can Dalit women feels better about their rotten place in Indian society if they are prevented from seeing all those 'glorious' Hindu goddesses?
The caste system in India is more socially mobile than what we have in the US?
What has caste system got to do with social mobility? There is no barrier to jobs or housing or education regardless of caste. If anything there has been affirmative action policies for the lower castes for the last 60 years or so. This has been true across spectrum. In fact I hardly meet an Indian who ever asks me about my caste unlike dumb Americans who seem to be reading out of some 1880s literature and keep haranguing about caste system.
What has caste system got to do with social mobility? There is no barrier to jobs or housing or education regardless of caste. If anything there has been affirmative action policies for the lower castes for the last 60 years or so. This has been true across spectrum. In fact I hardly meet an Indian who ever asks me about my caste unlike dumb Americans who seem to be reading out of some 1880s literature and keep haranguing about caste system.
Yeah...I guess all those websites about Dalit discrimination and caste system in India are all liars.
Yeah...I guess all those websites about Dalit discrimination and caste system in India are all liars.

Mostly they are. It is called as atrocity literature, where for political motivations they keep casting all sorts of crime as caste conflict.
Why not? We Americans have plenty of compassion to spare while your 'glorious' India is perfectly content with the status quo as indicative that such a clearly inhumane system have been in place for literally thousands of yrs.
Yeah plenty of compassion with 2.4 million in prison. The word compassion should not belong in the same sentence as an American.

No sane Indian would agree to this.

All sane Indians agree with me. The rest have been blindsided with atrocity literature from US propaganda machine.

Yeah...Am sure those Dalit girl-childs who were raped are comforted with that. You are truly a cruel woman.
You are a pompous dimwit

If you are in prison, you are guilty of a crime and contrary to your low IQ understanding of the justice system, bodily searches are not rapes. But since you want to frame it that way, I guess those Dalit women and little girls who were raped, according to our context of the word, must be interpreted by YOU as being bodily searched by those men, right? Yeah...Those men used their penises to search a five yr old girl for contraband.

Yeah when the police officer flags a person for speeding on the highway and then proceeds to do a cavity search, that is justice and not rape. There are far more women raped in USA and far more pedophilia, so instead of shedding your tears for the Dalit women in India, take care of your women first please and yeah stop calling women demeaning terms.

FBI Rescues 105 Children From Sex Trade - Friends of Ours
Massive pedophile ring busted; 230 kids saved - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News
Hundreds arrested as Canadian police smash worldwide paedophile ring - Americas - World - The Independent
Now what where you saying about 5-year-old girls and penises?

The Death of the Family | National Review Online

"Entire new categories of crime have arisen in the wake of familial collapse, like the legions of adolescent daughters abused by Mom’s latest live-in boyfriend."

If the minority committed the majority of the crime, then it will be statistically inevitable that there will be more minorities in prison. Math must have been a rough class for you.

Yeah minorities commit more crime because the system is so fair towards minorities and there is no bigotry at all. It is just the criminal gene minorities carry :rolleyes:. Shameless.

Har...You do not even understand the words 'innate quality' that you brought on.
Innate quality as in talent. Obviously you have none.

Here in the US, we have laws against using human remains for any purposes without expressed legal exceptions. But in your 'glorious' India, we see men who not only eat human flesh but ROTTEN HUMAN FLESH and they are tolerated. What 'glory'...

Considering all you American eat 1-year-old rotting meat packaged in your McDonalds and other sandwiches, what the ascetic in India eats should be the least of your concern. First try to find some fresh meat to eat for yourself.

Really it is getting boring talking to a dimwit like you. I just do not have the patience to pull out report after report of your society's depravity.
Yeah plenty of compassion with 2.4 million in prison. The word compassion should not belong in the same sentence as an American.

All sane Indians agree with me. The rest have been blindsided with atrocity literature from US propaganda machine.

You are a pompous dimwit

Yeah when the police officer flags a person for speeding on the highway and then proceeds to do a cavity search, that is justice and not rape. There are far more women raped in USA and far more pedophilia, so instead of shedding your tears for the Dalit women in India, take care of your women first please and yeah stop calling women demeaning terms.

FBI Rescues 105 Children From Sex Trade - Friends of Ours
Massive pedophile ring busted; 230 kids saved - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News
Hundreds arrested as Canadian police smash worldwide paedophile ring - Americas - World - The Independent
Now what where you saying about 5-year-old girls and penises?

The Death of the Family | National Review Online

"Entire new categories of crime have arisen in the wake of familial collapse, like the legions of adolescent daughters abused by Mom’s latest live-in boyfriend."

Yeah minorities commit more crime because the system is so fair towards minorities and there is no bigotry at all. It is just the criminal gene minorities carry:rolleyes: . Shameless.

Innate quality as in talent. Obviously you have none.

Considering all you American eat 1-year-old rotting meat packaged in your McDonalds and other sandwiches, what the ascetic in India eats should be the least of your concern. First try to find some fresh meat to eat for yourself.

Really it is getting boring talking to a dimwit like you. I just do not have the patience to pull out report after report of your society's depravity.[/quote

Seems to be you are online. Do you know any good Indian Political discussion forum.

Yeah plenty of compassion with 2.4 million in prison. The word compassion should not belong in the same sentence as an American.

All sane Indians agree with me. The rest have been blindsided with atrocity literature from US propaganda machine.

You are a pompous dimwit

Yeah when the police officer flags a person for speeding on the highway and then proceeds to do a cavity search, that is justice and not rape. There are far more women raped in USA and far more pedophilia, so instead of shedding your tears for the Dalit women in India, take care of your women first please and yeah stop calling women demeaning terms.

FBI Rescues 105 Children From Sex Trade - Friends of Ours
Massive pedophile ring busted; 230 kids saved - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News
Hundreds arrested as Canadian police smash worldwide paedophile ring - Americas - World - The Independent
Now what where you saying about 5-year-old girls and penises?

The Death of the Family | National Review Online

"Entire new categories of crime have arisen in the wake of familial collapse, like the legions of adolescent daughters abused by Mom’s latest live-in boyfriend."

Yeah minorities commit more crime because the system is so fair towards minorities and there is no bigotry at all. It is just the criminal gene minorities carry:rolleyes: . Shameless.

Innate quality as in talent. Obviously you have none.

Considering all you American eat 1-year-old rotting meat packaged in your McDonalds and other sandwiches, what the ascetic in India eats should be the least of your concern. First try to find some fresh meat to eat for yourself.

Really it is getting boring talking to a dimwit like you. I just do not have the patience to pull out report after report of your society's depravity.
Seems to be you are online. can you tell me any good Indian political discussion forum
Seems to be you are online. can you tell me any good Indian political discussion forum
Actually if you are on twitter, you will be more updated on Indian political discussion. Apart from twitter, I get most of my feed on PDF only.
Actually if you are on twitter, you will be more updated on Indian political discussion. Apart from twitter, I get most of my feed on PDF only.

what is the reason, Indians don't have any political discussion forum
what is the reason, Indians don't have any political discussion forum
There is Bharat Rakshak and other such sites, just I am not aware of them perhaps. The common man is hardly interested in politics in India. But twitter has taken over the political discourse and has been a huge factor in molding opinions. In fact, the main stream media seems terrified of twitter as of now.

This is a good site for you to start with. He also has a twitter handle which is rather prolific and keeps one abreast of the wheeling dealings going on in the Indian political scene.

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There is Bharat Rakshak and other such sites, just I am not aware of them perhaps. The common man is hardly interested in politics in India. But twitter has taken over the political discourse and has been a huge factor in molding opinions. In fact, the main stream media seems terrified of twitter as of now.

This is a good site for you to start with. He also has a twitter handle which is rather prolific and keeps one abreast of the wheeling dealings going on in the Indian political scene.

I agree with you. The common Indian man is not interested in politics. I think this is good for the country. People should focus more on their development and their future rather than politics and politicians.
I think this is also a gift of democracy that it took common man away from politics.
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