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One in every five tourists in India is a Bangladeshi

Close the border to these bhikare. India does not want you here.

Nalak wali Sakra do you have any idea how many poor of India is surviving on these tourists from India when they are spending billions in India?

:lol::lol::lol: Close the border!! Instead your Government built the largest visa processing center in Dhaka to attract more tourist plus special Eid Shopping visa package :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Nope, the food you eat is virtually a recipe for angina pectoris served on a plate, besides being one dimensional. Indian or for that matter Bangladeshi cuisine has a lot more variety and is much healthier. There is no concept of a Pakistani 'thali' or a full 3 course meal in Pakistan unlike our Assamese or Bengali cuisine.

Ignore Indian jealousy.

Pakistani food is one of the best cuisines in the world, and many of our BD brothers and sisters know it well.

Tourism is starting in Pakistan .Pakistan is taking measures to revive tourism in Pakistan .Pakistan has issued visa on Arrival for 175 countries .I do not know about Bangladesh weather they are included or not .Second thing about the security ,the security Situation is far better from previous days .Pakistan should engage Bangladesh for tourism and Bangladeshi people should chose Pakistan instead of other countries .

Political situation between Hasina gov and Pakistan is not good.

In sha Allah, with the next government in BD, we can start our ties on a new footing.

Meanwhile, I encourage all BDis from US, Canada, Australia, UK, EU to visit Pakistan.

You will be surprised at the hospitality, scenery, and great cuisine. We also have a very strong Islamic and Mughal heritage. Muslim tourists will want to see those places.

Pakistan is totally safe, don’t believe media propaganda.
Ignore Indian jealousy.

Pakistani food is one of the best cuisines in the world, and many of our BD brothers and sisters know it well.

Political situation between Hasina gov and Pakistan is not good.

In sha Allah, with the next government in BD, we can start our ties on a new footing.

Meanwhile, I encourage all BDis from US, Canada, Australia, UK, EU to visit Pakistan.

You will be surprised at the hospitality, scenery, and great cuisine. We also have a very strong Islamic and Mughal heritage. Muslim tourists will want to see those places.

Pakistan is totally safe, don’t believe media propaganda.

Pakistan is underated place however we need not f.ck this up there should be Govt wide courses to educate the public on how to deal with foreigners and to set up a full functioning hospitaltity industry, if we cant western tourists quick we have big market in front of us East and SouthEast Asia which has seen growth in the outbound tourism sector plus the sigh the Gulf Arabs states too we just need fix our mindset and end the a..skissing and make its potential industry that will bring in reserves
Nope, the food you eat is virtually a recipe for angina pectoris served on a plate, besides being one dimensional. Indian or for that matter Bangladeshi cuisine has a lot more variety and is much healthier. There is no concept of a Pakistani 'thali' or a full 3 course meal in Pakistan unlike our Assamese or Bengali cuisine.

Its funny you speak about health while you drink cow piss and brush your teeth with cow sh!t. You guys are one dimensional thinkers.
You dolts in Pakistan are geographically closer to the cow belt in India than us in the north east and remember that your ancestors did the same. India is not a puny 4-state country like your Pakistan, richness of culture and diversity here is something that you will never experience in your country.

Absolutely, it is a meat lover's paradise, there's no denying that. I was talking about the health aspect of it from my overall experience of interactions with your patients as well as gleanings from medical literature and journals.
Whole world eats meat and it has nothing to do with health .The european ,American and Middle eastern Countries are eating eat and guess what they are far more healthier than your people. Their average age is greater than Indian.Weather it is non veg or Veg food ,you have to be careful .
Whole world eats meat and it has nothing to do with health .The european ,American and Middle eastern Countries are eating eat and guess what they are far more healthier than your people. Their average age is greater than Indian.Weather it is non veg or Veg food ,you have to be careful .

He is talking about hygiene I believe.
Whole world eats meat and it has nothing to do with health .The european ,American and Middle eastern Countries are eating eat and guess what they are far more healthier than your people. Their average age is greater than Indian.Weather it is non veg or Veg food ,you have to be careful .
Meat should be an indispensable part of our diet, consumption of meat in itself can never be unhealthy. Hygiene is a different issue altogether. What i was referring to was the usual composition of the average Pakistani diet and how it predisposes people to a host of non communicable diseases, something backed up by both empirical evidence and scientific research.
One in every five tourists in India is a Bangladeshi
Syed Samiul Basher Anik
  • Published at 12:56 am April 21st, 2019

Bangladeshi tourists outnumbered tourists from European countries

One in every five tourists to India is from Bangladesh, with most tourists traveling to the country because of holiday and recreation purposes.

In the year 2017, India received 10.04 million foreign tourists for the first time, where Bangladesh accounted for 21% arrivals with 2.16 million tourists, according to India Tourism Statistics 2018 published by the Ministry of Tourism of the Indian government.

The amount of tourists flocked to India from Bangladesh is even higher than the number of total tourists who arrived in India from all Western European countries.

The other top sourcing countries in India in 2017 include United States of America (13.72%), United Kingdom (9.83%), Canada (3.34%), Australia (3.23%), Malaysia (3.21%), Sri Lanka (3.03%), Russian Federation (2.78%), Germany (2.68%) and France (2.49%).

An insights into Bangladeshi tourists to India

A decade after independence, Bangladeshi tourists numbered merely 192,509 in 1981. Although the number of visitors was around 500,000 each year from 2001 to 2012, it showed an upward trend from 2013.

Most Bangladeshis flock to India mainly because of holiday and recreation purposes, accounting for 83.7% visitors in 2017, followed by 10.28% for medical purposes, 4.66% for business and professional purposes, 0.67% for Indian diaspora and the rest 0.66% for other reasons.

On average, Bangladeshi tourists stay for 14.5 days in India. Among Bangladeshi tourists, 70.5% are male and 29.5% are female. A majority of visitors - 25.6% - are in the 35-44 year age group.

An astounding 85.6% of visitors take land routes, with over half of all Bangladeshi tourists - 54.3% - disembark at Haridaspur. Air travel remains the preferred mode of transport among only 14.4% of all visitors.

The Indian High Commission in Dhaka says the travellers from Bangladesh previously confined their visit to West Bengal, the golden triangle i.e. Delhi-Agra-Jaipur and pilgrimage to Ajmer Sharif, however now there has been a perceptible change and people of Bangladesh are venturing to various parts of India.

Travellers from Bangladesh are now also going to the Indian northeast, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Jammu and Kashmir, and to South India where Bangalore and Mysore are rapidly becoming favourite destinations, it adds.

The Indian government last year lifted restrictions for Bangladeshis from visiting Sikkim and Ladakh. Both countries are also planning to launch cruise ships for tourists soon.

Currently, the largest ever Indian visa centre in the world is in Bangladesh, and equipped to issue an average of 5,000 visas every day.

Two passenger trains - Maitree Express and Bandhan Express - run between the two countries. Maitree Express runs four days a week between Kolkata and Dhaka. Bandhan Express runs once a week between Khulna and Kolkata.

There are direct bus services on the Dhaka-Kolkata, Dhaka-Agartala, Kolkata-Dhaka-Agartala, and Dhaka-Shillong-Guwahati routes.

Major cities in India and Bangladesh are connected by air through several non-stop flights operated by both state-owned carriers and private carriers.


Four time rise in tourist in 4 years. This is amazing.
Meat should be an indispensable part of our diet, consumption of meat in itself can never be unhealthy. Hygiene is a different issue altogether. What i was referring to was the usual composition of the average Pakistani diet and how it predisposes people to a host of non communicable diseases, something backed up by both empirical evidence and scientific research.

Who told you that meat is unhealthy ???Do some research and then comment .Vegetables or Meat should be taken in balanced quantity .The people who eat meat in other countries are more healthier than an average Indian and live longer life .
Who told you that meat is unhealthy ???Do some research and then comment .Vegetables or Meat should be taken in balanced quantity .The people who eat meat in other countries are more healthier than an average Indian and live longer life .
Do you have any problem in comprehending simple English sentences? Seek professional help asap, i would be inclined to suspect your intellectual ability or the lack of it but it might be of organic origin too.

What part of "Meat should be an indispensable part of our diet, consumption of meat in itself can never be unhealthy." in my previous comment failed to penetrate your numb skull?
Do you have any problem in comprehending simple English sentences? Seek professional help asap, i would be inclined to suspect your intellectual ability or the lack of it but it might be of organic origin too.

What part of "Meat should be an indispensable part of our diet, consumption of meat in itself can never be unhealthy." in my previous comment failed to penetrate your numb skull?
I do not need consultation not me .All i say is that meat has nothing to with healthy or Unhealthy .I see Indians on Youtube commenting on Pakistani food videos and spitting venom when they see Meat dishes .All is about respect .I respect Indian culture and food .You respect our culture and food .Do not bring healthy or Non healthy things in this matter .
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