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One in every five tourists in India is a Bangladeshi

Indians have many misconceptions about how Christians live in Pakistan. We are very close, most of my warmest childhood moments were spend with Christians.

I remember one Pak Xtian friend was asked by an Indian Hindu at Uni what he thought of Muslims and Pakistanis.

He said, “ we are Christian in our religion, but culturally we are Muslim.”

I thought it was a beautiful sentiment.

Most of their women wear hijab, guys sport beards, and both men/women wear crosses on their necks, but otherwise you can’t tell the difference culturally. We are the same.

You are talking about educated folks, the uneducated as usual are staunch fundamentalists.



Lollo! Many Hindus in Pakistan drink wine but tell me one case of a Hindu getting killed for drinking wine .But here are hundreds of cases of lynched by a Hindu terrorist for eating Cow meat .I do not have any problem if Hindus kill Muslims for eating Beef but officially declare India as Hindutva country .I will welcome your Decision .Second thing ,If Bangladeshi are intruding your Country then this is your blunder of your Security agencies .How can a Person cross a Border without being detected by a Soldiers in Mass migration .You have Thousands of troops on Pakistani side but where are your soldiers at Bangladeshi border???Why do not they stop those people ???

I honestly think the whole 'Bangladeshi invasion' theory is a political ploy by Indian political parties (such as the BJP) to whip up religious fears and garner votes. Bangladesh economy is doing far better than in WB, Assam and all other Indian NE states. Bangladeshis have little reason to migrate to these areas, plenty of jobs at home.

OTOH - there are tons of illegal Indian migrants working in the garment factories around Dhaka, from all areas in India. Bangladesh is India's second largest income remittance source, not to mention largest tourist-dollar source.
Bangladesh is India's second largest income remittance source,
Where do you pull such figures out of? OTOH, it is Bangladesh that's the biggest recipient from India.


Bangladesh economy is doing far better than in WB, Assam and all other Indian NE states. Bangladeshis have little reason to migrate to these areas, plenty of jobs at home.
Why is it then every other day Assam police still catches dozens of illegal Bangladeshis in railway stations and bus terminals waiting to depart to other parts of India seeking jobs..
Officially Bangladesh has been India's 4th or 5th largest source of remittance (at about $4 Billion yearly since 2012 when the figure was calculated using central banking channels). However the figure would naturally be far higher now, as the Bangladeshi economy has expanded manifold. When you count Hundi and other illegal methods/means to transfer money between borders, this figure should at least double, if not triple by now. I stand by my claim. Whether you believe it or not is up to you.
Dear PM Modi, it is time to thank Bangladesh for embracing its Indian immigrants
World SNM Abdi Jun 07, 2015 18:42:55 IST

Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Modi - like Singh - won't be signing the long overdue Teesta Treaty with Sheikh Hasina because it's still unacceptable to Banerjee. In a sense, three Prime Ministers - Singh, Modi and Hasina haven't managed to get around one Chief Minister! Ah democracy can do wonders, can't it?

Honestly speaking, the Land Boundary Agreement which Modi and Hasina will sign in Banerjee's presence - and the presence of several CMs of India's north-eastern states nobody is bothered or talking about - is no big deal. Modi bared his ignorance of contemporary history when he compared the clinching of the LBA to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

BJP national spokesman, MJ Akbar, wrote in Times of India that the LBA will "erase a dispute as old as Kashmir". I'm sure that the erudite former journalist, who happens to be my mentor, wrote that just to humour Modi because Kashmir and the India-Bangladesh border are simply not comparable and should never be mentioned in the same breath unless you are trying to pull a fast one.

With nothing worthwhile to do in Bangladesh like inking the Teesta pact, Modi can still make an impact if he takes the trouble of getting down from his high horse and apologising for all the horrible things he said about Bangladesh while canvassing for votes last year.

I would rather not repeat those nasty remarks at this auspicious hour in bilateral ties, but Modi should also utilize the visit to apologise for Home Minister Rajnath Singh's orders to the Border Security Force to resume shoot-to-kill policy and come down so heavily on cattle smuggling that the price of beef goes through the roof in Bangladesh bringing down consumption of cow meat.

But the most sensible thing I would sincerely advice Modi to accomplish in Dhaka is to thank Bangladesh publicly and profusely for allowing an estimated half a million Indians to live and work there, making them according to the World Bank, the fifth biggest remitter of foreign exchange to India after the diaspora in United Arab Emirates, USA, Saudi Arabia and UK.

This may sound like fiction against the backdrop of the commonly-held notion of Bangladeshis swamping India and living off it. Modi's BJP' in particular never tires of portraying Bangladesh as the exporter of illegal migrants out to destroy India. But the truth is that Indians too are migrating to Bangladesh in search of jobs and are sending pots of money home contributing to India's prosperity for which we should be grateful to the Muslim nation.

Quoting World Bank figures, Diksha Madhok wrote in Quartz India last year that: "Bangladeshi workers in India transferred more than $6.6 billion to their home country. It's not entirely a one-way traffic, though. Indians working in Bangladesh sent $3.7 million, making the eastern neighbour the fifth highest contributor of remittance inflows".

Similarly, Economic Times reported in December that the "bulk of remittances comes from three different categories of countries: Middle Eastern monarchies, Western developed nations and next door neighbours such as Bangladesh and Nepal".

Similarly, Silicon India published a list of 15 nations sending highest remittances to India - UAE, USA, Saudi Arabia, UK, Bangladesh, Canada, Nepal, Oman, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Australia, Singapore, Bahrain, Italy and Malaysia.

According to Silicon India, nearly 500,000 Indians live and work in Bangladesh, most of them in the burgeoning readymade garment and textile industries, Information Technology sector and NGOs. Both the number of Indian expatriates and remittances are poised to grow, says the report.

The Daily Star, Bangladesh's leading English daily, wrote in March that besides the official figure of $3.7 million remitted home by Indian workers, "an almost equal amount, if not more, is sent through hundi and other illegal methods".

There is, naturally, a lot of heart-burning in Dhaka and elsewhere in Bangladesh over Indians bagging lucrative jobs. The Star noted that "while Bangladeshis generally do menial jobs in India and contribute to the economy through hard work in exchange for meager wages, most Indians are employed in attractive jobs in Bangladesh, earning handsomely and remitting millions of dollars to India".

"But what about Indians living and earning their bread in Bangladesh? What about well-paid jobs in Bangladesh that foreigners, mostly Indians, take away from Bangladeshis? Indians are employed with foreign companies, NGOs, garment sector, trading and almost all branches of business. They also have shops and business houses all over Bangladesh.

"Indians in Bangladesh do not do any specialised job but ordinary administrative work at all levels, for which there is no shortage of Bangladeshi candidates. For example, why does a British company need to appoint an Indian as a clerk or junior officer when there are many qualified people in the country who can do that job perfectly well? Bangladesh needs to control this."

Modi likes to address the diaspora wherever he goes. I don't know whether it is advisable for the PM to address an NRI gathering in Dhaka. But he should definitely acknowledge Bangladeshi generosity which has made it possible for half a million Indians to live and work there. If he can't bring himself to thank Bangladesh publicly, it will show us up as a Big Brother with no sense of gratitude.

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You are talking about educated folks, the uneducated as usual are staunch fundamentalists.



I honestly think the whole 'Bangladeshi invasion' theory is a political ploy by Indian political parties (such as the BJP) to whip up religious fears and garner votes. Bangladesh economy is doing far better than in WB, Assam and all other Indian NE states. Bangladeshis have little reason to migrate to these areas, plenty of jobs at home.

OTOH - there are tons of illegal Indian migrants working in the garment factories around Dhaka, from all areas in India. Bangladesh is India's second largest income remittance source, not to mention largest tourist-dollar source.
Yes , they are scared by the growing number of Muslims in Assam .They think it Muslims will demand a separate homeland .
Muslims in Assam
Learn about Assamese history first, Assamese speaking muslims have always been considered the sons of the soil. We have no issues with them, in fact they themselves detest the illegals from BD living in their midst. It doesn't matter whether the illegals are hindus or muslims, we just want them off our lands.
They think it Muslims will demand a separate homeland
And that will be the day the issue of illegal immigration ends forever, if you understand what i mean.
arent y'all basically the same genetic stock though?

Some Pakistanis CLAIM (air quotes) they have more infusion of middle eastern blood and hence they are better than the rest of the Indians.

For that matter - some North Indians are like that too.

It is pointless to argue with folks who claim themselves as 'superior'. Just walk away. This is 2019 not 719....

Some people are not too secure and need to put others down just to feel good....
arent y'all basically the same genetic stock though?

We are similar but not same. We are similar to South Indian people with some North Indian influence. Basically we are very mixed people. Islam is our religion but we are culturally not very Islamic. Our culture is strongly influenced by secular Bengali culture which is somehow Indian culture to be honest.
We are similar but not same. We are similar to South Indian people with some North Indian influence. Basically we are very mixed people. Islam is our religion but we are culturally not very Islamic. Our culture is strongly influenced by secular Bengali culture which is somehow Indian culture to be honest.
Not one to be dragged into this racial mumbo-jumbo as i find this utter b.s and also people from n-e have been called all sorts of names by north Indians in the past. Sometimes i feel that they and the martial race Pakistanis are both sides of the same coin and you find evidence of that on PDF too. Why can't we be appreciative of one another instead of these petty and cheap slurs.
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