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One dead in clashes between Taliban, Iran border forces: Afghan police official

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Iran and taliban just signed an oil deal.

Its in Irans interest that the taliban actually turn into a semi-competent government. That can stop the glow of migrants and drugs over the border

Its also highly in Talibans interest to have workable ties with Iran at a minimum. As they seem to be serious about turning into an internationally recognized government.

So who benefits from this? The same evil entity that just got kicked out of afghanistan in absolutly humiliating fashion.

Taliban is not a security threat to Iran besides possible random terrorist attack that would be met with 100x brute force.

This is saudi/american/zio provocation. With their many many terrorist elements that they have in the country.

The US empire is the biggest and most destructive parasite “state” on earth. Everything they touch turns into absolute shit
Taliban by far has the biggest potential of turning into a security challenge that Iran will face in the next 2 decades.

And blaming everything on the US/Saudis or Israel is the mindset of "My Uncle Napoleon".
Incidents like these show how incompetent the Taliban are and their incompetence could be quite troublesome for their neighbors.
Only if they succeed at nation building, in that case their irredentist claims extend to Pakistan too.
In my experience, uneducated, highly ideologized fools are more dangerous.
Even if they fail at nation building, but Afghanistan remains unstable and a mess like it is today, they will still pose a serious security challenge to Iran.

Obviously, the nature of their security threat will not be a full-scale war with Iran, but rather terrorist acts and border clashes, and failure to cooperate with Iran over common issues.
Well we Pakistanis are used to suicide bombings and constant terrorism. Apparently you guys are doing a good job at enforcing your border.
And we need to take measures to ensure that it will remain as it is or else we will suffer the same fate.
loool.. What kind of cringeworthy thread am I reading mann.. Some border guards shoot at each other and here I am seeing some Pakiii-Iran lovers and Iranians labelling this as something taken out of proportions...

This is just laughable.. Iran wants no conflict with Afghanistan rest assured nor does NATO nor does Pakistan rest assured it is stragetically nightmare to fight them.. 40 years of war was never a fluke where they won all their wars. Don't make the Afghans of an enemy that it is not..

Why you posting as if Kabul has sort of given command to attack Pakistan by some cringeworthy pakistani posters here... Never go fully retardeeed..

Understand how the world politics work....
Taliban by far has the biggest potential of turning into a security challenge that Iran will face in the next 2 decades.

And blaming everything on the US/Saudis or Israel is the mindset of "My Uncle Napoleon".
Incidents like these show how incompetent the Taliban are and their incompetence could be quite troublesome for their neighbors.

The taliban are not an iron tight centralized government.

They have barely won their war, and havent even fully consolidated.

If we see any sort of large scale attacks ordered by the taliban leadership… then Iran will unleash hell on them.

And ballistic missile/drone/atgm/airstrike the taliban leadership while creating a shia militia of hazaras and tajiks and de-facto take control of the north of the country by proxy

The biggest loser here would be the taliban and they know it. Especially since they now have return address for any attack.

It is in Irans interest that afghanistan has some sort of functioning government.

A lawless afghanistan where terrorist elements can be used to attack is what the west sees as their interest post -defeat.

Iran knows what its doing.
loool.. What kind of cringeworthy thread am I reading mann.. Some border guards shoot at each other and here I am seeing some Pakiii-Iran lovers and Iranians beating their chests...

This is just laughable.. Iran wants no conflict with Afghanistan rest sort nor does NATO nor does Pakistan rest assured it is stragetically nightmare to fight them.. 40 years of war was never a fluke where they won all their wars. Don't make the Afghans of an enemy that it is not
Titanium is that you? The mujahideen won because of US, Saudi and Pakistani support. The Taliban won because of help from... You know what country....

The truth is that Afghans have always needed help from outsiders in the last 40 years to win their wars.
The taliban are not an iron tight centralized government.

They have barely won their war, and havent even fully consolidated.

If we see any sort of large scale attacks ordered by the taliban leadership… then Iran will unleash hell on them.

And ballistic missile/drone/atgm/airstrike the taliban leadership while creating a shia militia of hazaras and tajiks and de-facto take control of the north of the country by proxy

The biggest loser here would be the taliban and they know it. Especially since they now have return address for any attack.

It is in Irans interest that afghanistan has some sort of functioning government.

A lawless afghanistan where terrorist elements can be used to attack is what the west sees as their interest post -defeat.

Iran knows what its doing.

I can agree with you in one thing... That Iran wants a strong Afghanistan but the other parts is basically non-sense creating militias bla bla only so that they can get masscred ala Yemen in worst famine. Iran doesn't want to play by militias anymore and have walked away from that and only causes internal suffering to their allies..

Besides any country in the area has to live side by side with the Afghans or fight them there is nothing in between and they certainly don't beg for peace it is either given to them on mutual basis or it is basically a fight to the end.. The afghans don't mind entering into a 100 year war with the Iranians or anyone in that matter if that is the path they want it
Iran knows what its doing.
No we do not know what we are doing. Taliban's adventurism and monkey behavior on the border is left unpunished. This latest act is exactly because of our failure to do anything.

Let me not even talk about the situation with Israel that we are facing nowadays. Wake the f up.
The taliban are not an iron tight centralized government.

They have barely won their war, and havent even fully consolidated.

If we see any sort of large scale attacks ordered by the taliban leadership… then Iran will unleash hell on them.

And ballistic missile/drone/atgm/airstrike the taliban leadership while creating a shia militia of hazaras and tajiks and de-facto take control of the north of the country by proxy

The biggest loser here would be the taliban and they know it. Especially since they now have return address for any attack.

It is in Irans interest that afghanistan has some sort of functioning government.

A lawless afghanistan where terrorist elements can be used to attack is what the west sees as their interest post -defeat.

Iran knows what its doing.
So, you are saying that we should allow the Taliban to consolidate its power? How does that serve our interests?

The window of opportunity for solving the problem of Afghanistan will not remain always open.
With a fertility rate of 4.3, the population of Afghanistan will soon reach 60 million people. The majority of them will be young, illiterate and brainwashed by radical Taliban ideology. And I can't see how that's a good outcome for us.
Having a 60 million failed state who has millions of refugees in your country is not really a desirable outcome, no matter how you look at it.
Titanium is that you? The mujahideen won because of US, Saudi and Pakistani support. The Taliban won because of help from... You know what country....

The truth is that Afghans have always needed help from outsiders in the last 40 years to win their wars.

I am just stating facts.. They have fought for 40 years and have patience and consistency.. Nobody wants to fight them in all honesty when it comes to the stragetic and conventional level it is a huge undertaking which doesn't encourage others. Including Pakistan.. Our military officials and intelligence will never sanction a war with them due to military conventional reasons.

Now they have grown much stronger and growing each day.. It doesn't mean they are after wars themselves either but they are certainly gamed for a prolonged war that could potentially go on for 100 years
I am just stating facts.. They have fought for 40 years and have patience and consistency.. Nobody wants to fight them in all honesty when it comes to the stragetic and conventional level it is a huge undertaking which doesn't encourage others. Including Pakistan.. Our military officials and intelligence will never sanction a war with them due to military conventional reasons.

Now they have grown much stronger and growing each day.. It doesn't mean they are after wars themselves either but they are certainly gamed for a prolong war that could potential go on for 100 years

Stronger?????????............afghanistan may be facing a famine/starvation in the not too distant future:

You believe in this western masturbation shxt because they lost the war and have been writting bitter articles ever since... Their economy has actully improved you will never see that mentioned anywhere

Not saying you are wrong but do you have any evidence to back up those claims? If so could you post the links here?
Not saying you are wrong but do you have any evidence to back up those claims? If so could you post the links here?

Their GDP have increased plus they have carried out mulitple construction across the country in quick succession and road building etc etc clean the whole country. They have made more advance in 1 year then the garbage regime before them did in 20 years... You will never hear this in western media..
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