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One dead in clashes between Taliban, Iran border forces: Afghan police official

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The porous nature of the border is for Pakistanis to understand as they face similar challenges.

Iranians are just milking the fact that they can bully war torn country.

Each of Pakistan's neighbour and beyond is involved in sabotaging Pakistan. You don't need to brand it under Afghan umbrella.

Iranians will flip on a standing dime. You wouldn't.

Iranian people have always been friendly with Pakistanis and we have deep historical and cultural bond with each other for centuries.

Don't forget Iran was one of the first countries to recognize Pakistan in 1947 and even provided us with military bases in the 1965 war against India. Afghans on the other hand never recognized us and assassinated Liaquat Ali Khan.

But yes I do agree with the fact that the current gov. in Iran hasn't been all to well with us. But its not just us. Iranian people dislike this mullah regime as well. They have an educated population who have been losing potential and suffering a lot economically.
You Iranians are a great and proud people who know how to deal with the afghan vermin and other foreign threats. Above all, Iranians do what is best for Iran. As a Pakistani, I admire and somewhat envy Iran and your political set-up.

PS Keep the afghan vermin out of Iran. In Pakistan we let the afghan scourge spread all over and they are now destroying our nation. Please don't let that happen to Iran.
Iranians are good people. They do what is best for Iran indeed.

We Pakistanis must learn to put Pakistan and Pakistani interest first. Stop this ummah chummah thing. We will do what is best for country and our people. Fu*k what other people are thinking/going to say.
You Iranians are a great and proud people who know how to deal with the afghan vermin and other foreign threats. Above all, Iranians do what is best for Iran. As a Pakistani, I admire and somewhat envy Iran and your political set-up.

PS Keep the afghan vermin out of Iran. In Pakistan we let the afghan scourge spread all over and they are now destroying our nation. Please don't let that happen to Iran.
Brother, the problem is not the Afghan people.
Afghan people are also tired of the situation of their country. It's not like they want to go to foreign countries and get treated like dirt.
It's not like they want to live like this. But what choice do they have?
Afghanistan has been a failed state for almost half a century. You can't expect Afghans to be the brightest candles on the cake.

The problem is the incompetence of our countries to positively affect Afghanistan against extra-regional interference.
Ever since the British annexed Afghanistan from Iran, the country has been unstable.
Then the Soviets came and ruined the country's infrastructure. Then the US-supported extremism and later occupation came and made it worse.
The best thing for Afghanistan is the balkanization of the country by its neighbors.
If they haven't been able to sort their shirt out after over half a century of civil war, they will never sort their short out.

I continue to say that Iran should create a buffer zone in Afghanistan and send over 4 million refugees in Iran there.
Then we can provide them with proper education and healthcare. It's a win-win situation for both sides, even if there's resistance at first.
The policy of non-interference does not work. It hasn't worked for half a century and it won't work now either.
Next time Iran should use them to test new suicide drones and kill a bunch of them together if they cross red lines like claiming Iranian soil or shooting towards our citizens or border guards.
I wonder how things would have been if Iran would have actually entered in 1998. Even 9/11 could have been avoided possibly.
I believe Iran's interference should be limited to a buffer zone only, consisting mostly of Persian and Shiite regions of Afghanistan that are more likely to join us, plus regions that give us some sort of control and influence over the Helmand River to ensure our water rights in Sistan and Baluchistan of Iran. Iran has historically had influence among militias and warlords in provinces like Herat.

Occupying Afghanistan is very costly and difficult. But a buffer zone can be established and used to give Afghans proper education, healthcare, and a place that they can call home without instability and security issues. Even the issue of discrimination will be resolved when they live in their own buffer zone among themselves.
Millions of Afghans can live in such an autonomous region, protected by us. It will be a win-win situation for both of us.

I believe that Afghans, given proper education, can actually become an influential group of people again.
Afghanistan is part of the Greater Khorasan, which has been known for intellectualism, philosophy and poetry.
Recently, I guess a few years ago, an Afghan immigrant at Sharif University won a gold medal at a national math Olympiad held by the Iranian Mathematical Society. And Sharif University hosts many students that have won medals at the International Math Olympiad. Iran is quite strong in mathematics and an Afghan winning such a prestigious prize in Iran shows that Afghan people have potential, they just don't have proper opportunities.
I believe Iran's interference should be limited to a buffer zone only, consisting mostly of Persian and Shiite regions of Afghanistan, plus regions that give us some sort of control and influence over the Helmand River to ensure our water rights in Sistan and Baluchistan of Iran.

Occupying Afghanistan is very costly and difficult. But a buffer zone can be established and used to give Afghans proper education, healthcare, and a place that they can call home without instability and security issues. Even the issue of discrimination will be resolved when they live in their own buffer zone among themselves.
Millions of Afghans can live in such an autonomous region, protected by us. It will be a win-win situation.

I believe that Afghans, given proper education, can actually become an influential group of people again.
Afghanistan is part of the Greater Khorasan, which has been known for intellectualism, philosophy and poetry.
Recently, I guess a few years ago, an Afghan immigrant at Sharif University won a gold medal at a national math Olympiad held by the Iranian Mathematical Society. And Sharif University hosts many students that have won medals at the International Math Olympiad. Iran is quite strong in mathematics and an Afghan winning such a prestigious prize shows that Afghan people have potential, they just don't have proper opportunities.

No, Tajiks and Nuristanis only as well as friendly Pashtuns live in the buffer zone.

Everyone else can duke it out in a never-ending battle royale. Pakistan's suffering should be a clear warning to us.
I believe Iran's interference should be limited to a buffer zone only, consisting mostly of Persian and Shiite regions of Afghanistan that are more likely to join us, plus regions that give us some sort of control and influence over the Helmand River to ensure our water rights in Sistan and Baluchistan of Iran. Iran has historically had influence among militias and warlords in provinces like Herat.

Occupying Afghanistan is very costly and difficult. But a buffer zone can be established and used to give Afghans proper education, healthcare, and a place that they can call home without instability and security issues. Even the issue of discrimination will be resolved when they live in their own buffer zone among themselves.
Millions of Afghans can live in such an autonomous region, protected by us. It will be a win-win situation for both of us.

I believe that Afghans, given proper education, can actually become an influential group of people again.
Afghanistan is part of the Greater Khorasan, which has been known for intellectualism, philosophy and poetry.
Recently, I guess a few years ago, an Afghan immigrant at Sharif University won a gold medal at a national math Olympiad held by the Iranian Mathematical Society. And Sharif University hosts many students that have won medals at the International Math Olympiad. Iran is quite strong in mathematics and an Afghan winning such a prestigious prize in Iran shows that Afghan people have potential, they just don't have proper opportunities.

Afghans in Iran are all farsi/tajiks/hazara so very very different then pashtuns, their region was called Khorasan. Afghan identity is imposed on them. Taliban are all pashtun and unfortunately we share border with taliban/pashtun side.

Obviously now taliban rule Afghanistan so Iran will have to deal with pashtuns on border as they will continue to provoke. Its the only thing they know, you will not come across more retarded people on earth.
I don't see any buffer zone, that can house millions, working. The terrain is treacherous and the cave dwellers are addicted to suicide bombings. No one is willing to spend even a penny on such an endeavor.
Iraq also suffered from sectarianism and suicide bombings.
Yet, Muharram is held in Iraq relatively safe thanks to the IRGC and its militias in Iraq.

I don't see why we can't have something like Hashd-Al Shaabi or Hezbollah of Lebanon in that buffer zone.
I don't see any buffer zone, that can house millions, working. The terrain is treacherous and the cave dwellers are addicted to suicide bombings. No one is willing to spend even a penny on such an endeavor.

Opportunity and stability provides options for people.

Currently Afghans have neither. They think their only option is to fight so that they can leave this miserable world and perhaps find something better in the next.
Afghans in Iran are all farsi/tajiks/hazara so very very different then pashtuns, their region was called Khorasan. Afghan identity is imposed on them. Taliban are all pashtun and unfortunately we share border with pashtun side.
You're right. We host Pashtun Afghans as well but obviously to a much lesser extent.
Iran and taliban just signed an oil deal.

Its in Irans interest that the taliban actually turn into a semi-competent government. That can stop the glow of migrants and drugs over the border

Its also highly in Talibans interest to have workable ties with Iran at a minimum. As they seem to be serious about turning into an internationally recognized government.

So who benefits from this? The same evil entity that just got kicked out of afghanistan in absolutly humiliating fashion.

Taliban is not a security threat to Iran besides possible random terrorist attack that would be met with 100x brute force.

This is saudi/american/zio provocation. With their many many terrorist elements that they have in the country.

The US empire is the biggest and most destructive parasite “state” on earth. Everything they touch turns into absolute shit
We need a regional solution to reduce their misery so this spastic behavior against their neighbors end, quoting an afghan "we have only men and stones", they really have nothing they need regional support to survive. Now they are pegging their tents in posh areas of Islamabad especially parks. Islamabad is filled with them since the Taliban takeover and according to these latest mohajireen they are pushed out of their homes by Taliban to make way for whatever the fk Taliban wanted to build their.
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