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On the brink of Third World War

There won't be a WW3 because neither China nor Russia will intervene to save Iran. There is no military alliance against the West.

Mr. Nadir Mir needs to come back to reality.

Have to agree with this, though China will be badly affected since it receives significant amount of petro from Iran. China will have to go to another source, this is why they are probably emphasizing So China sea more.

Not Russia nor China is going to come to Iran's defense if Israel attacks. It's when capable nations under actual military pacts and war agreements are attacked do these multiple wars culminating in regional than possibly world wars. Not when single isolated though strategic countries are attacked.
Some people here really want World war to happen just for their fun.

Sorry .. If you want fun .. please go to Xbox or Sony playstation. :D
The world is inexorably heading towards war between the West and Asia. The dynamics are already in place and the wheels started moving a couple of decades ago. War is about power, domination, and wealth. When the balance swings, and politics fail, war follows.
A unipolar world is unhealthy. Therefore if some countries unite to challenge the west, it will be beneficial for everybody.
India will not be in any block, but will be strong enough to defend itself. :cheers:

I disagree...too many cooks spoil the broth.

Agree with the India part though.
I love how he writes with a poker face - "Pakistan is on high moral ground". Dude, Pakistan is below sea level. Osama was found in Rawalpindi. Almost every terror has a Pakistani connection. If you are on high moral ground; the rest of the world is in the moral stratosphere.
If pakistan speaks anything against Iran now it would be in trouble as India is already trying its luck in Iran and it seems to be going well for them in afghanistan, tajikstan and maybe iran it will get squeezed so its better not to speak at this time,
The Mayan Prophesy of 2012 as a ‘catastrophic year’ approaches. The US-Nato-India clash with Pakistan or US-Nato-Israel clash with Iran will lead by default or design to a multi-regional war.
This guy is a retired brigadier of the Pakistan Army? :woot: I can't believe the PA has such clowns in its ranks! This is nothing but clap trap and the wild imaginings of an idle mind, conjuring up incredible fictional scenarios. I think he's started smoking weed after his retirement since there is probably nothing better for him to do! :rofl:

If facts are bull, then I feel sorry for you guys. Go on, provoke the US, but don't forget this little war of yours is gonna affect Muslims worldwide, not only you lot

You are an apologist for a warmongering Arab who wants blood. Have you noticed whenever we mention winning hearts and minds or that we should talk friendship between all Muslims including Iranian and Arabs, the people who have Iranian flags thank those posts, the Arabs never do. That in itself should tell you something. If you want to support Sauds or Arabs that is your right but don't try to come over all nicely oh I want peace but the Iranians are to blame crap.

A unipolar world is unhealthy. Therefore if some countries unite to challenge the west, it will be beneficial for everybody.
India will not be in any block, but will be strong enough to defend itself. :cheers:

Not according to your army chief. You have no ammo. All money seems to have been spent on kickbacks

There won't be a WW3 because neither China nor Russia will intervene to save Iran. There is no military alliance against the West.

Mr. Nadir Mir needs to come back to reality.

So Russia and China will allow themselves to be contained through the back door??

No empires in past history have exchanged the baton peaceful from rising empire to falling empire. I hope things are different this time but what makes you guys think China's rise and American demise will be peaceful??
I ask members here to not generalize and say Arabs. The only Arab country left is SYRIA. SO PLEASE JUST USE THE NATION OR REGIME NAME.





One other thing it's not about Syria nor Iran they will just be the fuse. Sometime ago I posted this some of it relevant here:


One would have thought that Americans would have learned to be prudent about the unintended consequences of their actions by now.

After the case of Roe v. Wade which legalised abortion in America in 1973. Americans were surprised that some 15 to 20 years later that there were steep reductions in crime rates. Later studies have suggested there is a link between the two. Simply unwanted children often fatherless were more inclined to commit crime in their teens. When the learned judges made this decision to legalise abortion they could not have dreamt of the effect on crime rates.

The Pakistani ISI proved itself to be a master chef in the eighties in the way they created an unpalatable meal for the Soviets which not only led to the withdrawal of the Soviets from Afghanistan but contributed to the eventual collapse of the Soviet system,. The ingredients included in this meal were American & Saudi money,Waabbi ideology, American weapons. The Saudi American & Pakistani“friends” revelled in their success. However this “success” was short lived because in particular the Americans didn't want to get involved in washing the dishes. They were happy to provide the ingredients, assist the cook but cleaning up after dinner was below them.

Not in the wildest dreams of the Americans could they foresee the unintended consequences.

With the demise of the Soviets the world entered a unipolar world with just one superpower America. But the seeds of destruction of the American empire had been sown by the Americans themselves.
1. It is now commonly accepted that the Americans were complicit in the creation of the Taleban/Al qaeda Frankenstein[ii]. The defeat of a superpower by irregulars was clearly a lesson that Osama & co took to heart. If they could destroy the Soviets why not the Americans?
2. It was the designation of Pakistan as a frontline state in the eighties by the Americans against Soviet expansion that enabled Pakistan to avoid first sanctions and second avoid a destruction of nuclear facilities by Israel/India/America a la Saddam’s Iraq style. Simply American actions allowed Pakistan get through the most sensitive stage of developing of nuclear weapons [iii].

The attack on the twin towers by Al Qaeda was not chosen as a random target. It was specifically chosen because it was recognised as symbol of western capitalism[iv]. Osama wanted to bleed america to death. He wanted America to leave arab lands because they would no longer be able to afford to finance wars in distant lands.

America’s disproportionate response to the twin towers attack; the invasion of Iraq & Afghanistan is estimated to have cost in the region of 4 trillion US dollars [v]. No one can deny the macroeconomic [vi]effects of the attack itself.
Osama it would appear has died but it would appear Americans are being bled to death. Today America has official unemployment standing at 9.2% in reality nearer 17% [vii]. One in six in america on food stamps [viii]. America today has a unsustainable deficit of $14 trillion plus.

If the US dollar was not the reserve currency America would be bankrupt as the French finance Minister Giscard d’estaing said in the sixties the reserve currency allows America the exorbitant privilege. This is what allow Americans to undertake quantitive easing aka printing money and get away with it.

There are two countries in the world that could destroy the US dollar as reserve currency overnight that is Saudi and China. If Saudis refused to accept the US dollar for their oil or if the Chinese started dumping the dollar that would be the end. However Saudis and Chinese would not be left unscathed themselves by these actions. If US dollar was not reserve currency a gallon of petrol in America would go over $100. Americans would be unable to fuel their weapons of terror like the F16’s. Even if Saudis and China were to take no action but continue decreasing their reliance on the dollar I estimate that the tipping point for the US$ will be reached within 10 years [ix].

Has Osama in death succeeded. Will historians in future years look back and say he struck the first fatal blow at Pax America

Clearly we are rapidly approaching the end of Pax America. America is on the demise and China is on the rise. Sometime in the future China will take over the role of world leader. This is inevitable as the sun rises. Its just a question of time. In the past empires have clashed and there has always been war and misery whenever the baton is exchanged. You may well think that America and British empire exchanged the baton peacefully. But this is not the case. Only Hitler and the Germans stopped direct hostilities between the British empire. In fact in 1930 America was making preparations to attack the British[x].

The big question is can Americans accept the new world order where they and white English speaking countries will not have the edge and control world resources.
We live in a world today that is often described as a global village. To me this just means that a steady osmosis has been taking place since the early nineties. Its like mixing water with a dye. It was happening because the dye and water were in contact, but the effect of the global village is to shake the bottle and mix the dye and water quickly and completely at a quicker rate. It is inevitable that this osmosis will see a redistribution of wealth and resources. The richer Americans will get poorer, the poorer Chinese will become richer etc. It is unlikely that the average Chinese will be as rich as the average American today. But the Chinese will be better off and the American worse off. The Americans or Europeans will will face greater difficult in adjusting as they are not used to hardship.

The west and or Americans use notions of democracy and human rights to try to gain the moral high ground which in reality is just an anaesthetic to soothe the collective conceience of the remnants' of the population of the Judeo Christian empire. When the writer refers to a country the reference is to the relevant countries government. The writer feels the necessity to say this because although America prides itself in that it is a democracy its foreign policy is dictated by a displined small number of American Jews (hense the demonising of Pakistan the only moslem country with nukes) with the majority of American people living in the ignorance fed on a daily diet of propaganda from the likes of Fox news. In the UK 75% of the electorate chose not to vote or vote against the present incumbent. Yet the govt can and does lead the UK into war. It is asserted that if such a thing as democracy existed wars would not exist. People do not choose to go to war. Governments decide to go to war. It is submitted the western notions of fairness and human rights are just a cloak for their nefarious designs.

Its with this background that we have to see American actions in the rest of the world including Iraq Afghanistan and Libya. It would seem that Syria Pakistan and Iran could soon be recipients of the American way of life in the near future. If Americans were to succeed in having their way in Afghanistan and Pakistan it would seriously threaten China bearing in mind that India is already friendly towards America. It would be a serious setback to Chinese in that supply routes could be closed by America at will.

China & Russia are probably the only two militaries that can afford to take America on and make Americans think twice. I say this because China & Russia are the only two countries that can threaten the American mainland with nuclear weapons.

I am not suggesting that they would necessarily win against America but they could certainly cause Americans unacceptable damage.

One can not help notice that when Russia took action against Georgia who Americans and Nato were making friendly overtures to Americans and Nato did little to help Georgia who they had earlier encouraged to be boisterous towards Russia. The American therefore can be pragmatic when pushed and their bluff is called.

American sabre rattling on Iran is not being ignored by Russia & China. Both have prevented Iran from being completely isolated. The Chinese and Russians were not happy with what happened in Libya and are unlikely to be conned again. The movement towards Syria by Russian assets and the refusal by Russians to accept missiles near their borders must not be ignored as the wishfull dreams of power by a former superpower.

With Putin about to be re-elected in Russia makes the way for a more assertive Russia when it comes to America. The only time there seemed that coordination was lacking between Medev and Putin was on the Libyan action and it was clear that Putin thought Nato’s actions were unacceptable and likened Natos actions to the Crusaders [xi].
I believe that the Chinese & Russians are keeping a close eye on what is happening and may coordinate their actions to prevent this

The danger is that Americans and Europe are in financial crisis and may need to get more adventurous in their search for stealing third world resources and influence and may use force. Will they risk the ire of China and or Russia? They will not in my opinion accept a new order that is not dominated by American, European and white English speaking countries? Could they? Will they risk WW3 with nukes?

Many will see a war hot or cold unlikely, because why should China or Russia risk their own assets for Pakistan, Iran etc? Could China not just keep rising without a war? My take is that the west can see what is going to happen ie if they dont take some sort of action they will no longer lead the world. If they keep managing to get away with their adventures in due course China & Russia will be targets.
Lawrence Freeman from the Executive Intelligence Review magazine [xii]has stated that

“President Obama is acting on a British geopolitical plan to force a confrontation with Russia and China, a military confrontation of which Syrian and Iran would nearly be the ignition point. But the real goal is a war to stop the progress that Russia and China are engulfed in” .

I think in the face of this alliance Russia has a key part to play and America when it realises its losing may try bribing Russia. After all the Russians are white at least.

Will Russia & China have the foresight to prevent American and Nato from stealing and controlling the world resources before its too late?

JJ Donohue, Steven levitt
[iii]http://www.npolicy.org/userfiles/image/Could%20Anything%20Be%20Done%20to%20Stop%20Them.pd f
[xi] Video: Putin likens Libya air strikes to 'crusades' - Telegraph
So Russia and China will allow themselves to be contained through the back door??

They have no choice at this point in time.

The flaw in the OP is the mistaken assumption that, just because Russia, China (and others) resent Western domination, therefore they will put their cities under the gun for each other. There's not much love lost among the rising powers either -- they all have their own bilateral unresolved issues.

Already, you see the Indian position articulated here: let the others kill each other while India watches from the sidelines and then moves in to gather the spoils. The same philosophy guides the others. China, in the forefront, is in the Western cross-hairs and has the least options to 'wait it out' but they, too, are not particularly eager to engage Western military might.
I ask members here to not generalize and say Arabs. The only Arab country left is SYRIA. SO PLEASE JUST USE THE NATION OR REGIME NAME.

You can say many bad things about Saudi regime, but at least they never shelled own people with artillery.
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