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On the brink of Third World War

I wouldn't underestimate the GCC and Arab countries, they have made a lot of strides in the defence field and spent a lot of money on ToT. You must always prepare for the worst and expect your enemy to have the advantage.

Of course, they will have the blessings of USA and israel in their war against Iran, but in the end who will suffer? Muslims; Iranians and Arabs, meanwhile all israel will have to do is walk into Arab countries and take what it wants at will with no opposition.

Well there is a policy known as divide and rule and we guys seem to be suckers for it
I wouldn't underestimate the GCC and Arab countries, they have made a lot of strides in the defence field and spent a lot of money on ToT. You must always prepare for the worst and expect your enemy to have the advantage.

Of course, they will have the blessings of USA and israel in their war against Iran, but in the end who will suffer? Muslims; Iranians and Arabs, meanwhile all israel will have to do is walk into Arab countries and take what it wants at will with no opposition.

we believe in the concept

"Know your enemy better than your friends".
we will know how to deal with those snakes.
great article
The situation is too complicated to be "just Iran", you have to take into consideration the spillover effects of such a conflict and the region will be completely unstable and out of control. One conflict will trigger another causing a regional war or perhaps a global war involving all major powers.
of course russia and china wont shut up and look the other way for ever the us and nato plan is to target any growing power in the world but they forgat one thing that the world is just too big to be controlled this way now you have iran pakistan egypt algria brazil venzwella south africa are rising and you can see that shavez challange the west the days of the us controling the world are over they have 2 options
1 pull back to the us and start a new policy and focus on economy to stop the bleeding they have everywhere afganstan iraq and save their economy
2 gamble and keep their policy of shoot first and ask qustions later and risk all or nothing and nucler war and possbly going bankrupt
we should know that the us citzins will not remian silent if the prices of food and houses keep getting higher becouse they are just printing money and that will result in inflation
They think their GCC is some sort of super power.
it's just a few sheikhs and a camel.:rofl:
in case of war they would have to import everything from west, and the west loves milking them.
we will be making missiles like candies and firing at them.

how will they fight back?

Compared to Iran!? yes, they are altrasuperpowers. UAE alone is a superpower for Iran.
If Israel is not involved in the Iran conflict, as in the Iraqi war, it's unlikely to draw other on Iran's side. But then if Israel did not ignite the conflict it's unlikely the United States will go to war with Iran.

So you're saying Iran will be isolated fighting on its own and if it starts the conflict the USA will not intervene on behalf of Israel? I find that hard to believe in today's geopolitical atmosphere.
Iran can't handle an all out war with NATO...no matter how tough you think you are.
You don't even have nukes yet

and why even if that was true do you need to say that. You feel better now?? and you message me to take it easy on Arabs. Perhaps you should take a leaf out of your book and take it easy on our Iranian brothers. Just remember Iran does not need to win, just cause enough damage. remember Hezbollah v Israel 2006
and why even if that was true do you need to say that. You feel better now?? and you message me to take it easy on Arabs. Perhaps you should take a leaf out of your book and take it easy on our Iranian brothers. Just remember Iran does not need to win, just cause enough damage. remember Hezbollah v Israel 2006

Did I say Death to Iran or something? Showing you the truth, don't act tough until your 100% sure you can handle the war.
Think about it....
A war starts, Iran lauches missiles at Israel or something but after a few days, weeks or months, the country suffering the most will be Iran. Iran doesn't even have enough support on world platform, not enough allies to even assist you, not even a strong economy

EDIT: Why commit suicide to "inflict damage". What is common Irani man gonna gain from that?
So you're saying Iran will be isolated fighting on its own and if it starts the conflict the USA will not intervene on behalf of Israel? I find that hard to believe in today's geopolitical atmosphere.

I was saying if Israel doesn't initiate the conflict, there will be no war. And if Israel does initiate a war, perhaps some Muslim countries might contribute to Iran's cause.
and why even if that was true do you need to say that. You feel better now?? and you message me to take it easy on Arabs. Perhaps you should take a leaf out of your book and take it easy on our Iranian brothers. Just remember Iran does not need to win, just cause enough damage. remember Hezbollah v Israel 2006

forget this guy man , he called me an Iranian hater because some time ago I said we love pre islamic persian history.
he is a Iranian hater.
Did I say Death to Iran or something? Showing you the truth, don't act tough until your 100% sure you can handle the war.
Think about it....
A war starts, Iran lauches missiles at Israel or something but after a few days, weeks or months, the country suffering the most will be Iran. Iran doesn't even have enough support on world platform, not enough allies to even assist you, not even a strong economy
and isreal will attack iran how ?
by air force flying from isreal to iran they must pass on syria or iraq the 2 are iran allay
Did I say Death to Iran or something? Showing you the truth, don't act tough until your 100% sure you can handle the war.
Think about it....
A war starts, Iran lauches missiles at Israel or something but after a few days, weeks or months, the country suffering the most will be Iran. Iran doesn't even have enough support on world platform, not enough allies to even assist you, not even a strong economy

EDIT: Why commit suicide to "inflict damage". What is common Irani man gonna gain from that?

dying for our nation is a pride, not that you would understand that.
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