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On tape: Gun battle at 14000 ft

inferiority complexed man does this nepali looks to you like an indian?he has mongloid features and is nepali
what indian?

in continental USA and latin america too there are red indians,,,,but there is no indus river in USA......why then do you claim that the word indian is derived from indus river that flows in Pakistan?

this guy in the picture is a nepali..........he is a mercenary,,,,,karai ka fauji,,,,,,,,his country is nepal but for more salary that he will get in nepali army he is willing to serve either in british army or in indian army.

can a gurkha fire a bullet from that crooked knife?

no he cannot fire a bullet from that knife but i bet the pak army sure can :bounce:
inferiority complexed man does this nepali looks to you like an indian?he has mongloid features and is nepali
what indian?

Our CM Pawan Kumar Chamling with Gurkha youth leaders.


Majority of gurkhas, Bhutias, Sherpas and others are from the state of Sikkim, from Darjeeling and from Uttarakhand and nepal-India bordering towns. A

You lot really love ranting through rears don't you?

There goes your stupid race-oriented logic.

this guy in the picture is a nepali..........he is a mercenary,,,,,karai ka fauji,,,,,,,,his country is nepal but for more salary that he will get in nepali army he is willing to serve either in british army or in indian army.

Pakistani troops aid Bahrain's crackdown - Features - Al Jazeera English

You were saying?... :lol:

can a gurkha fire a bullet from that crooked knife?

Normally, they prefer coming in front of enemies and slitting their throats with a smile on their face.
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