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On Kulbhushan, India stands alone - isolated

All the evidence that Pakistan has on Kulbhushan was made into a report and handed over to the UN to prove India's involvement in Balochistan. Why did that die off instantly? Why is no one convinced that India is infact spreading terrorism in Pakistan. Because the evidence was infact inconclusive. If the evidence existed it would have been a major diplomatic victory for Pakistan. This is the same evidence that is being used to hang him, evidence that no one believed previously, evidence that we only know parts off. Have an open mind and you' ll see the holes in this case.
On Kulbhushan it is Pakistan which is alone and isolated, NOT a single country has spoken in favour of Pakistan's stance on Kulbhushan.


Expecting other countries to say "Oh yeah hang that bitch???"

Indians and their stone age logic.
An interesting observation, on terrorist Kulbushan:azn: Yadev's death penalty, Indian outcry has no international audience. No country has spoken for India nor endorsed Indian stance. Even "traditional" Indian allies are silent.

Foreign offices of the world

There has been no statement, no support from any foreign office in the world in the favour of India / Indian claims.
On Newspapers
  • New York times has described Kulbushan as "spy operating terrorism ring".
  • Washinton Post however has taken a neutral position, calling Kulbushan a spy - but don't be surprised because article was "aided" by Ashok Sharma in New Delhi.
  • English Newspapers: The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent - No coverage.
  • RT (Russia): No coverage
  • Al-Jazeera: Interestingly has given Indian stance a favour by describing him "spy" and hiding his terrorist activities. They even describe his crime as "planning, coordinating and organising espionage activities." [Note]We know Mian Nawaz Sharif has close relationship with Qatar (Where Al-Jazeera is based) and has kept totally quite on Kulbushan. It might be another Nawaz Sharif act that Aj-Jazeera is only describing him as apy. I find resource of this news is Pakistan rather than India.
So here you go, Nirandra Modi, Sushma Suvraj and Ajit Kumar Devol had pulled this favour for Indians. On Kulbushan's case, India is practically ISOLATED :azn:

The fundamental difference apart from any thing is "Pakistan regards Indian as a country where blind in enmity unable to do the same for Pakistan". Action speaks louder then words. The reality about Pakistan is there from the day one. All the neighboring countries Indian has except China, Pakistan is unique, in Indian struggle to undo Pakistan India will be no more and this is what India know very well.

Any upcoming war between two countries make both countries weaker. A weaker India is like a Weaker USSR and what happened to USSR will happened to India. In the West and the East, India is badly failed to stop uprisings for a long time, take it or leave it, they are there as a reality.

On the other hand Indian officials have their recorded statements in their media regarding promoting state terrorism and disintegrating Pakistan. But on the ground what is Internationally excepted reality is defeat of India supported terrorist and they are on run mostly operating from Afghanistan.

The dramatization of every terror act in India expose itself in few following months, what left is empty words and embarrassment. Kulbushan's case is no difference in this instance the "military Field General Court Martial under the army act for his alleged involvement in terrorism and espionage" to prosecute the SPY is almost same in both countries. Now make him a businessman will not work here.
It has always been india and pakistan, this time we have given a tight knot to their Mighty Hanumanian Coconut headed monkeys tail. :nana:
On Kulbhushan it is Pakistan which is alone and isolated, NOT a single country has spoken in favour of Pakistan's stance on Kulbhushan.

Keep Saying That To Comfort Yourself.Non Country Has Issued Any Statement In Your Favour
we all know that your army did this to gain attention both from indian counterparts and USA & UNO who were ignoaring both pakistani establishment and its so called narrative and "indian involvement in balochistan" which now they have managed to bring to world notice but "ONLY" till something big happens next ;) :haha:

so the fact is one ex soldier if is murdered then does it means we will forget it ... what next what will or what kind of licsence it will give us then ... think about it :azn: :sarcastic:
yeah we are just capturing attention along side indian secrets file and terrorists
An interesting observation, on terrorist Kulbushan Yadev's death penalty, Indian outcry has no international audience. No country has spoken for India nor endorsed Indian stance. Even traditional Indian allies are silent.

Foreign offices of the world
There has been no statement, no support from any foreign office in the world in the favour of Indian.
On Newspapers
  • New York times has described Kulbushan as "spy operating terrorism ring".
  • Washinton Post however has taken a neutral position, calling Kulbushan a spy - but don't be surprised because article was aided by Ashok Sharma in New Delhi.
  • English Newspapers: The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent - No coverage.
  • RT (Russia): No coverage
  • Al-Jazeera: Interestingly has given Indian stance a favour by describing him "spy" and hiding his terrorist activities. They even describe his crime as "planning, coordinating and organising espionage activities." [Note]We know Mian Nawaz Sharif has close relationship with Qatar (Where Al-Jazeera is based) and has kept totally quite on Kulbushan. It might be another Nawaz Sharif act that Aj-Jazeera is only describing him as apy. I find resource of this news is Pakistan rather than India.
So here you go, Nirandra Modi, Sushma Suvraj and Ajit Kumar Devol had pulled this favour for Indians. On Kulbushan's case, India is practically ISOLATED :azn:

Now go ahead and execute the punishment and see for yourself who will become Isolated or not ?? :p:
So you think Najam Sethi makes policies in Pakistan ,He makes assessments and some inside source .Kulbushan case has become a matter of national pride and poor retd Col on his basis Indians are jumping lets see how things fold for better

Oh no, I never said that.
Its just a very realistic opinion of a Pakistani journalist.

Its not about pride, its about exchanging prisoners, they decided to hang him right after the "poor" "retd" col. went "missing"? If that doesn't speak volumes about the info the "poor col." has then I don't know what does.
If India has got him, that means we have a whale in our hands, and possibly tipping the scales in our favor specially if pak is willing to risk hanging or not hanging Jadav.

Its going to be a real slap if they don't hang him or worse yet exchange him years later.
Either way lets indeed see.
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Its not about pride, its about exchanging prisoners, they decided to hang him right after the "poor" "retd" col. went "missing"? If that doesn't speak volumes about the info the "poor col." has then I don't know what does.
If India has got him, that means we have a whale in our hands, and possibly tipping the scales in our favor specially if pak is willing to risk hanging or not hanging Jadav.
Yadhav will be hanged and there is no denial or other way as he is involved in sabotage ,terrorism and highest level of breach a terrorist can do ,for poor Lt Col he made a choice of going for betterment of his career ,if he has to be put under knife we can accept it and my sympathies are with the family ,also there is nothing new which was not accepted from Indians since they are already killing innocent people in Kashmir so an other in the line of country ,All destinations lead to certain death
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