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On Kulbhushan, India stands alone - isolated

well then do not worry and go ahead hang him of full public view on wagah border like yamricans did with saddam hussain and show the world that pakistanies are a "zinda quam"
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We are better than Americans. Don't you worry!

Had the Army wanted to kill Kulbushan, they would have done it silently, like they always do. They made it public just so the Indians trumpet it themselves for the whole world to see. And in the end, Pakistan will accept the appeal for mercy from him ending up with upper hand in the whole fiasco, while he languishes in some dark jail for the better part of his remaining life. That is one hell of a scheme to bring to life a dead horse
Spy is a very small thing. He wasnt a spy. He was operating terror networks and was coordinating them. This is a crime that deserves nothing less than death penalty.

I cant still understand swapping spies. This has happened in Cold War and it has happened between other countries as well. But you cant give away a terrorist.

By calling him spy, you are actually admitting you are complicit in his crime. Calling him a spy also belittles his crime. For being a spy for your country is actually a service to your nation's interests but being a terrorist killing innocent people, you are a cold blooded murder.

India being a big mouth, small mind country, will raise this issue around the world. This is doing great service to Pakistan. Pakistan will not be able to publicize this crime as much as India will do by being egotistical and pumped with nationalistic bravado and delusional power trip.
On Kulbhushan it is Pakistan which is alone and isolated, NOT a single country has spoken in favour of Pakistan's stance on Kulbhushan.
silient means favour.
let suppose we did wrong. than isn't it world responsibity to condemn.
we did right and no body objected.
Confession is called the "King of Evidence"
Now as far as those saying that confession is extracted through torture they have not read Pakistan's constitution nor Army Act. Any investigation officer who uses torture to extract confession will also be subject to Court Martial. Neither Pakistan's constitution nor Army Act allow for torture.
The dothead is going to die for his crimes, simple as that. If he was a smart dot head he would have never entered Pakistan. Simple as that. The man will die. He will die, and there is nothing that Indians can do about it.

ISLAMABAD: Defence Minister Khawaja Mohammad Asif has ruled out immediate execution of a convicted Indian spy and said three appellate forums are available to Kulbhushan Jadhav under the law.

He said that the trial of the Indian Navy officer — who was working for India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and was arrested in March last year — lasted three-and-a-half months. The charges he faced included spying for India, working against Pakistan’s integrity, sponsoring terrorism in the country and attempting to destabilise the state.

Speaking in the Senate on Tuesday, Mr Asif claimed that Jadhav had the right to move the army’s court of appeal against his conviction within 60 days, followed by submission of mercy pleas to the army chief and the president.

However, a perusal of the Army Act, 1952 showed that under Section 131 of the act, an appeal could be moved within 40 days, and not 60 days.

Rejecting the Indian claims that Jadhav’s execution would be “pre-meditated murder”, Mr Asif said that due process of law had been followed in the case.

The minister made it clear that elements involved in terrorist activities and those conspiring against the security and integrity of Pakistan would be allowed no concession, whether they lived in the country or came from across the border.

Pakistan’s high commissioner in New Delhi had already responded to India’s reaction over Jadhav’s conviction, he said. The government, the armed forces and the people have all resolved to defend the motherland.

He said that 200,000 troops had been deployed to the country’s western border and 80,000 to the Line of Control.

The minister said that no other country had suffered as much at the hands of terrorists as Pakistan, but added that its successes against the scourge of terrorism were also matchless.

Military alliance
The defence minister told the upper house of parliament that the much talked-about Saudi-led military alliance had not yet been established and that its terms of engagement and reference had yet to be given a final shape. A meeting of defence ministers of 41 proposed members of the alliance would be convened in Saudi Arabia in May where such matters would be finalised.

He said the government was committed to abiding by the parliament’s resolutions and declared that Pakistan was not going to become part of any alliance against Yemen. “We will become part of an alliance which is solely against terrorism,” he remarked.

Islamabad felt that Saudi Arabia had no intention of forming an alliance against any third country, Mr Asif said.

Pakistan, he said, would use its status as a nuclear-armed country for reconciliation among Muslim countries. Islamabad would be ready to play the role of a mediator, if needed.

Pakistan enjoyed brotherly relations with Saudi Arabia and its army was already in the country under an arrangement made in 1992, the minister said. The country’s air force and navy also had a presence in the kingdom.

About the appointment of former army chief retired General Raheel Sharif as head of the alliance, he said that under the rules a military officer had to seek a no-objection certificate (NOC) if he wished to serve abroad after retirement.

The previous PPP government, he said, had given an NOC to the former ISI chief retired General Ahmad Shuja Pasha to become adviser to the UAE government after his retirement.

He said General Sharif had yet to apply for an NOC. However, a letter had been received from the Saudi government about a month and a half ago in this connection, he said and added that “we have agreed in principle” over Gen Sharif’s appointment as chief of the alliance.

All concerns expressed by Iran in this regard would be removed, said the minister.

He referred to the recent visit of PM’s adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz to Iran and his meetings with the authorities there.

Mr Asif held the United States as responsible for creating divisions within the Muslim countries. “They support the ones who follow their agenda and those who resist become Qadhafi, Saddam and Bashar al-Assad.”

Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani directed him to place before the house the contours of the military alliance and terms of engagement before their ratification by the cabinet.

Meanwhile, the parliamentary leader of the PPP in the house, Taj Haider, raised the issue of abduction of Asif Ali Zardari’s aides and the opposition staged a walkout in protest after Minister of State for Interior Baleeghur Rehman expressed his ignorance about details of the cases.

Published in Dawn, April 12th, 2017
It's possible that the rest of the world doesn't care about Yadav either from India's or Pakistan's perspective. Far as the rest of the world is concerned, this is is between India and Pakistan and they like to keep it that way.
As far as i know and believe, if Kulbhushan Yadav was a terrorist or even a spy (i guess spy is good enough for Pakistanis to lable him terrorist), then Pakistan would have been parading Yadav naked in front of United Nations, OIC etc any forum you name it instead of silent court proceeding with capital punishment in a hush.
We are better than Americans. Don't you worry!

Had the Army wanted to kill Kulbushan, they would have done it silently, like they always do. They made it public just so the Indians trumpet it themselves for the whole world to see. And in the end, Pakistan will accept the appeal for mercy from him ending up with upper hand in the whole fiasco, while he languishes in some dark jail for the better part of his remaining life. That is one hell of a scheme to bring to life a dead horse
we all know that your army did this to gain attention both from indian counterparts and USA & UNO who were ignoaring both pakistani establishment and its so called narrative and "indian involvement in balochistan" which now they have managed to bring to world notice but "ONLY" till something big happens next ;) :haha:

so the fact is one ex soldier if is murdered then does it means we will forget it ... what next what will or what kind of licsence it will give us then ... think about it :azn: :sarcastic:
He is defensive all throughout the video about how Kulbushan's death sentence is not a result of the Pak army ISI agent/Lt. Col. Muhammad Habib Zahir caught in Nepal, who he calls either "bewakoof" or "ambitious" but not a spy.

I'm guessing he must be really important if Pakistanis are willing to risk fake-posturing publicly about "hanging" Jadav.

Don't worry, India won't follow in Pak's footsteps, we will pressure you indirectly and covertly through diplomatic and "other" means. Confessions are idiotic and hardly give the image of credibility.
So you think Najam Sethi makes policies in Pakistan ,He makes assessments and some inside source .Kulbushan case has become a matter of national pride and poor retd Col on his basis Indians are jumping lets see how things fold for better
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