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On a par with China, India didn't inform neighbour about launch

if your behaviour in the south china sea is called peaceful rise, then this is definitely low profile

We don't need to keep a "low profile" anymore, since the cat is already out of the bag.

We kept a low profile for the last 30 years though, and it paid off. We were able to sustain double-digit growth for three entire decades. :cheesy:
We don't need to keep a "low profile" anymore, since the cat is already out of the bag.

We kept a low profile for the last 30 years though, and it paid off. We were able to sustain double-digit growth for three entire decades. :cheesy:
please read what i have written properly before replying to me.
In terms of being peaceful, why don't we both check the Global Peace Index? :D

Global Peace Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China - #80

India - #135

We haven't had a war with anyone for over 30 years. How about you?

Other than getting rid of infiltrators, we havent had a war for 41 years. Those were "non state actors", as your friends would say.

So it all depends on what you call war and peace. Our tanks haven't fired in anger since '71. Yours did in '89, against your own people.
Other than getting rid of infiltrators, we havent had a war for 41 years. Those were "non state actors", as your friends would say.

What a liar. :lol: What about Kargil? And what about in 2001 after the Indian parliament attack?

Even as recently as, 2008 you declared that another attack on Mumbai would lead to war with Pakistan.

Several Mumbai blasts later, and what happened?

So it all depends on what you call war and peace. Our tanks haven't fired in anger since '71. Yours did in '89, against your own people.

Did you forget the Sikh massacres of 1984, in which tens of thousands of innocent Sikhs were butchered by mobs from the Indian Congress government?

Whereas the death toll from the 1989 Tiananmen incident was only in the hundreds, even according to the Western media.
indians will always come up with some excuses, keep talking bs, but just refuse to accept well defined and measured internationally recongized indexes.


they all live in their own dreams.

Excuses,BS, wet dreams... what else do we have here from the high iq frustrated Chini today?
What a liar. :lol: What about Kargil? And what about in 2001 after the Indian parliament attack?

Even as recently as, 2008 you declared that another attack on Mumbai would lead to war with Pakistan.

Several Mumbai blasts later, and what happened?

Did you forget the Sikh massacres of 1984, in which tens of thousands of innocent Sikhs were butchered by mobs from the Indian Congress government?

Whereas the death toll from the 1989 Tiananmen incident was only in the hundreds, even according to the Western media.

Kargil is precisely what I ws talking about. We were evicting infiltrators, not waging war against pakistan. We did not cross an inch into pakistani territory. Thats not what a war between India and pak would be like. And according to your pakistani friends, it was all done by non state actors. And after the parliament attacks also we didnt go to war, we only prepared for it.

Yes, we declared that we might go to war, but your question was whether we had actually gone to war. You were boasting that you hadn't gone to war for 30 years, and asking about us. The answer is that we havent done it for forty years.

And the anti sikh riots were riots, not a war with tanks and cannons. And it wasnt done by the military or by the government, but by rioting mobs, many of them from the congress party. In India, a political party and the government are not the same thing. And the military certainly had nothing to do with it. In China the government, the military, the CCP are all one and the same, but thats not how it works here. Tiananmenn square was a military operation, with uniformed military, paramilitary and police all taking part, with tanks rolling down the square and crushing people. You can watch videos of that all over the net, if your government allows you to. And your government has the right to do that kind of thing if people ask for a change in government. Not so in free countries. Yes, riots have taken place in India, but your question was when we went to war. Dont change the topic and bring in irrelevent ones to suit yourself.

You ask what happened after several bomb blasts. Nothing happened, we didnt go to war. That was exactly what I said, wasnt it?

Here is your original question again:

We haven't had a war with anyone for over 30 years. How about you?

The answer, as I said, is that we havent had one for over forty years.
Well we did it pretty well, since no country gave a $hit about the launch. Even Pakistan simply played it off. India should just keep quiet and not do too much chest thumping. Otherwise it will create too much unwanted attention. Specially the Indian Media who has a reputation of blowing things out of proportion.

We have to give out an warning because the air traffic around the area has to to be diverted due to the launch.

We all are blaming the indian media, but one thing is for sure, due to there continious rant of A5 as chinese killer, US and there allies are convinced that it is not for them and they are not having any issue.
i'd like to make the point here to my compatriots, though off topic , that while we get a bad image of the chinese due to all the trolls getting multiple orgasms on pdf, not all chinese are like that . i've got a chinese friend who's an exchange student , and he's a very decent guy . We hang out together, and he's among as good a friend as you'll ever find. There's no animosity, and initially, he we were both guarded in our behaviour coz he had the idea that we secretly hated each other's countries. As time passed, we really got to know we werent that different anyway. Now we just mess around and kid each other on everything . eg. ' a couple of days earlier , he was sitting on my bag, and i was like ,' get off my bag, ***** , its not aksai-chin.'

I think that while, due to the 1962 war, we are still wary of china , and its aggresive policy towards us DOES make us feel threatened, things would be a lot better, if the two countries did take on an attitude of the need to form a lasting friendship. Mistrust, and enemity, CAN be eliminated if you go out of your way to make things better and frankly, i dont even CARE what guys like hong-wu say. There CAN be a better future where there's a feeling of brotherhood and trust between our peoples. Both india and china are to blame, for where we find ourselves today.

If we go OUT of our way to make an effort, and the leaders of both countries, publicly make an effort in this regard, things CAN be better. While i AM very much in favour of keeping our defense capabilitiies up as a safeguard against any aggression, i just bloody hope that SOMEDAY, both of our countries grow more sense.
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