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On a par with China, India didn't inform neighbour about launch

Yep. And if they are willing to accept that and modify the NPT, we are happy to sign it. But as long as NPT doesn't give India the right to be a nuke power, we won't sign it. It's quite simple.

Agreed! If the modified terms are equal to all parties who have signed the NPT !

India's stand on NPT is nuke free globe. Not limited access to nukes. So India didnt sign NPT

I think the reason for india not signing it is because of Pakistan
Agreed! If the modified terms are equal to all parties who have signed the NPT !

Then the NPT would be unnecessary, if it gives everyone the right to possess nukes. The NPT is basically a treaty saying who can possess nukes and who can't. If it simply gives everyone the right to possess nukes, there is no need for a treaty.

India's stand is that it wont sign a treaty which gives some people that right and denies it to others. Either have a treaty that bans nuclear weapons all together, or have no treaty at all. Thats the idealistic view.

Pragmatically, I'm sure we would be happy to sign it if it gave India the right to have nukes but nobody else - since that would be in India's interest. Which is why the first five nuclear weapon states happily signed it.
Clearly our media is not different from western media so if they say you are evil you are evil to us.

Again, if you Indians think that we Chinese people are evil, that is your loss.

You need the "China threat" to justify military modernization to your votebanks. We all know it.

It's you that needs to hate us, not the other way around. And honestly, if one side has to live in hatred, I'd prefer it not to be us.
Again, if you Indians think that we Chinese people are evil, that is your loss.

You need the "China threat" to justify military modernization to your votebanks. We all know it.

It's you that needs to hate us, not the other way around. And honestly, if one side has to live in hatred, I'd prefer it not to be us.

There is no votebank in India for military modernisation at all. It is simply not an electoral issue. Neither politicians nor voters have any idea or concern about military affairs. Electoral issues are mostly development, jobs, "Bijli, sadak, pani" etc.
Agreed! If the modified terms are equal to all parties who have signed the NPT !

I think the reason for india not signing it is because of Pakistan
Pakistan didn't sign because of India. There is big lecture on India's stand on NPT but I not interest in talking about it. Google it Easy to find. Plus I am kinda boared of trolling today. So you have fun. I am gona take off.
PS: I hardly troll our Pak friends cuz I don't think time and effects are worth of it. But I loved to troll Chinese friends my fav is Megatron

Again, if you Indians think that we Chinese people are evil, that is your loss.

You need the "China threat" to justify military modernization to your votebanks. We all know it.

It's you that needs to hate us, not the other way around. And honestly, if one side has to live in hatred, I'd prefer it not to be us.

Hahaaha now it's my turn to say that you don't know about India. No election is fought in India in last 3 decades making china or Pak a threat. Trust me if you go and ask the 10 people in any city of India 9 will fail to tell the what jet India buy. Modernisation of forces started after china did it. You guies put up the ante. We just respond. That natural. Isn't it ?
Hahaaha now it's my turn to say that you don't know about India. No election is fought in India in last 3 decades making china or Pak a threat. Trust me if you go and ask the 10 people in any city of India 9 will fail to tell the what jet India buy. Modernisation of forces started after china did it. You guies put up the ante. We just respond. That natural. Isn't it ?

You're right, it's not the votebank.

It is the motivation for your lazy politicians and bureaucrats to actually do something regarding the military.

Even WITH the "China threat", you guys weren't even able to stockpile 2 days worth of ammo! And you only tested an IRBM just now, which is something we already had back in the 1960's.

Without the "China threat", you wouldn't be going anywhere at all.
Guanyin is probably one of the most worshipped dieties in China, especially in South China.

The original Sanskrit name for this bodhisattva, was supposedly "Avalokiteśvara". Originally from the Vedas.

It is a mix of both ancient Taoist and Buddhist philosophy... which resulted in the modern day form of Guanyin.


The Tibetan school of Buddhism considers His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama as the living form of Avalokiteshwara.
Well does China tell India about their own missile tests? Or tells India that they gave missile tech to Pakistan?

Cant believe this is made a thread. India doesn't need to tell China when China does tell India.
You're right, it's not the votebank.

It is the motivation for your lazy politicians and bureaucrats to actually do something regarding the military.

Even WITH the "China threat", you guys weren't even able to stockpile 2 days worth of ammo! And you only tested an IRBM just now, which is something we already had back in the 1960's.

Because India didn't become a full fledged nuclear weapon state until 1998. Whats the point of having long range ballistic missiles if they cant carry nukes? Not worth the development costs. Now why we couldnt be a nuclear weapon state before 98 is a different story. But as soon as we got that capability, our missile development has been going places. So our priorities in that field are all right. And despite our recent entry into the field, our latest missiles are world class in sophistication, especially agni 3,4 and 5. In their range class, of course.
Man, enough of this Agni Phallaic worshipping..nobody gives a cr_p..its business as usual everywhere.
Man, enough of this Agni Phallaic worshipping..nobody gives a cr_p..its business as usual everywhere.

Then why comment on a thread about it? And this wasn't your first comment either, was it? The reactions over the past two days both here and in the real world show that a lot of people do care. Including you.
easy. just place order for 0.6 billion mirrors from China!

I thought usa has labelled you as a "responsible nuke power"! Also if it is so why don't you sign the NPT!

It's funny to note that china remains an "irresponsible nuke power", even after signing the NPT.
You call this "keeping a low profile"? :cheesy:

Anyway, Deng Xiaoping's idea (Tao guang yang hui) is good for a country at such a stage of development. But it is tricky to implement it correctly.

Thats exactly what i was thinking we suck at keeping a low profile, Thanks to Indian media.
You call this "keeping a low profile"? :cheesy:

Anyway, Deng Xiaoping's idea (Tao guang yang hui) is good for a country at such a stage of development. But it is tricky to implement it correctly.

if your behaviour in the south china sea is called peaceful rise, then this is definitely low profile
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