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On a par with China, India didn't inform neighbour about launch


Jan 10, 2011
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India did not formally inform China about the launch of its intermediate-range ballistic missile Agni-5 from the Odisha coast yesterday, although it did notify all the other big powers about the event. According to government officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, China was the only permanent member of the UN Security Council that Delhi did not speak to about the launch.

In fact, in the wake of the highly successful test that makes India the only developing country on a par with other missile powers like the US, China, Russia and France, and brings most of China under its radar, the ministry of external affairs continues to deliberately down-play the event. The Agni-V launch finds no mention at all on its website.

The officials pointed out that a general notice to marine traffic (NOTAM) had been issued and certainly with the Indian media widely talking about it, “there was nothing secret about the launch of the Agni-5.”

Delhi’s refusal to beat its chest is part of its recent pragmatic approach to foreign and security affairs, borrowed from the Deng Xiaoping school of thought, that it should keep its head down while pursuing a goal of making India a country to be reckoned with, which includes the maintenance of high economic growth.

According to Srikanth Kondapalli, professor of Chinese studies at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi, “Even if you have hundreds of Agni-5 missiles, the fact is that a nuclear weapon is a political weapon, it is a deterrent, it is never going to be used. However, the successful launch of the missile demonstrates to the Chinese that if you cross the red lines, India will have to think twice

That is why, government officials said, Delhi would continue to engage with the Chinese government as if it were business as usual. “The Chinese respect strength. We are not here to poke each other in the eye, but to continue to engage as equals,” one official said.

The officials, who said they were happy that missile man and Defence Research and Development Organisation chief V K Saraswat had been much more restrained in his reactions this time, noted he had said the Agni-5 needed a couple of more validation tests.

Over the next three months, Indian and Chinese officials and experts will meet on three occasions to talk about diverse issues, from a conversation on trans-border rivers and consular matters, as well as a maritime dialogue in which everything from deep sea mining to keeping the Indian Ocean lanes secure and free for trade traffic.

The decision to keep the Chinese engaged flows from the highest echelons, from none other than National Security Adviser Shivshanker Menon, former foreign secretary and China hand. At the same time, Delhi has decided to ramp up its engagement with the US and Japan, both powers keenly interested in the rise of the East Asian power.

Only a few days ago, US pointperson on China Kurt Campbell concluded a dialogue on East Asia with his Indian counterpart in the MEA, Gautam Bambawale. Both sides discussed a range of issues from Myanmar to the failed North Korean missile test to the transition of power in Beijing this year.

The US, of course, describes its interest in Asia as a “strategic pivot,” while India, much more reticent, prefers the ‘Look East’ umbrella designation.

Besides the East Asia dialogue, now in its fifth round and having lasted more than two years, and in which officials from the ministry of defence, as well as the National Security Council Secretariat participate, the deepening India-US engagement can be seen in the upcoming trialogue with Japan, slated for next week in Tokyo.

No wonder US State Department spokesperson Mark Toner said he wasn’t surprised by India’s Agni-5 test launch, admitting the US had known beforehand. India has a solid non-proliferation record, Toner added, and engages with the international community on non-proliferation issues, in what amounted to a thinly-veiled endorsement of India’s missile test.

Russia’s Pravda newspaper, once the official organ of the state but now privately owned, noted that India was now ‘capable of striking Beijing and Shanghai,’ while Germany’s Deutsche Welle news-site described the Indian military as making “strategic strides.”

The international reaction was in sharp contrast to the angry positions taken by some of the Chinese media, notably the Global Times, widely stated to reflect the more nationalist as well as righteous positions mostly articulated in China’s powerful People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

A cartoon in the Global Times, illustrated by Liu Rui and called ‘Fire from the Sky,’ probably best captures this nationalist mood. The cartoon depicts a missile with the Indian flag on it that has crash-landed on an ocean bed, while a startled mermaid is busy protecting sundry whales and other ocean life.

Kondapalli noted that the official Chinese reaction to India’s missile test was fully restrained and mature (both countries are “emerging powers, we are not rivals, we are cooperative partners,” said spokesman Liu Weimin) and described the contradiction as the “turbulence of a rising country.”

At a time of shifting power equations in Beijing, the Communist Party of China’s general secretary-designate Xi Jinping, as well as outgoing general secretary Hu Jintao, will be the only two civilians in China’s all-powerful Central Military Commission, Kondapalli said, pointing out that China’s generals will continue to dominate a section of the rhetoric for some time to come.

The PLA is believed to have its own ballistic missile programme and is said to have considerably aided both Pakistan and North Korea in the creation of their own missile programmes. That is why the failure of the recent North Korean missile launch is “so interesting,” the anonymous Indian officials said.

But they also admitted that India should look carefully at the patronising tone adopted by newspapers such as the Global Times, instead of dismissing them out of hand.

In a widely-quoted article called ‘India being swept up by missile delusion,’ the newspaper said, “China understands the Indian desire to catch up with China. China, as the most appropriate strategic target for India, is willing to take India as a peaceful competitor.

Adding: “Due to historical reasons, China and India are sensitive toward each other. But objectively speaking, China does not spend much time guarding against India, while India focuses a lot of attention on China. China hopes India will remain calm, as this would be beneficial to both giants

On a par with China, India didn't inform neighbour about launch
Delhi’s refusal to beat its chest is part of its recent pragmatic approach to foreign and security affairs, borrowed from the Deng Xiaoping school of thought, that it should keep its head down while pursuing a goal of making India a country to be reckoned with, which includes the maintenance of high economic growth.

You call this "keeping a low profile"? :cheesy:

Anyway, Deng Xiaoping's idea (Tao guang yang hui) is good for a country at such a stage of development. But it is tricky to implement it correctly.
I don't think India has any agreement with any other nation other than Pakistan to inform about ballistic missile tests.
You call this "keeping a low profile"? :cheesy:

Anyway, Deng Xiaoping's idea (Tao guang yang hui) is good for a country at such a stage of development. But it is tricky to implement it correctly.

Well we did it pretty well, since no country gave a $hit about the launch. Even Pakistan simply played it off. India should just keep quiet and not do too much chest thumping. Otherwise it will create too much unwanted attention. Specially the Indian Media who has a reputation of blowing things out of proportion.

I don't think India has any agreement with any other nation other than Pakistan to inform about ballistic missile tests.

We have to give out an warning because the air traffic around the area has to to be diverted due to the launch.
You call this "keeping a low profile"? :cheesy:

Anyway, Deng Xiaoping's idea (Tao guang yang hui) is good for a country at such a stage of development. But it is tricky to implement it correctly.

Our Chinese friends can help with that. We are counting on you.
Well we did it pretty well, since no country gave a $hit about the launch. Even Pakistan simply played it off. India should just keep quiet and not do too much chest thumping. Otherwise it will create too much unwanted attention. Specially the Indian Media who has a reputation of blowing things out of proportion.

Could be, but on the other hand, it got a lot of attention for an "IRBM" launch.

Our Chinese friends can help with that. We are counting on you.

Actually, if we make a big attention-grabbing mess out of our foreign policy, that will increase the spotlight on India too. As other nations try to find a counterbalance. :P
I don't think India has any agreement with any other nation other than Pakistan to inform about ballistic missile tests.
From the post...
The officials pointed out that a general notice to marine traffic (NOTAM) had been issued and certainly with the Indian media widely talking about it, “there was nothing secret about the launch of the Agni-5.”
off topic chinese phrases are often hard to translate for non-chinese, even if they know a little of it. literally Tao guang yang hui, doesnt it mean some thing like , "hide splendour, nourish obscurity" ? can some one elaborate?
off topic chinese phrases are often hard to translate for non-chinese, even if they know a little of it. literally Tao guang yang hui, doesnt it mean some thing like , "hide splendour, nourish obscurity" ? can some one elaborate?

This particular phrase is quite hard to translate into English.

The most direct translation would be: "Hide brightness, nourish obscurity."

The underlying meaning is essentially this: To conceal one's strengths and bide one's time.
Could be, but on the other hand, it got a lot of attention for an "IRBM" launch.

That's because this particular "IRBM's" range happens to be only juuuust short of ICBM range. And because everyone (including the chinese) know that its range can easily be hiked up to ICBM range. For regular IRBMs, there wouldnt be so much interest.
This particular phrase is quite hard to translate into English.

The most direct translation would be: "Hide brightness, nourish obscurity."

The underlying meaning is essentially this: To conceal one's strengths and bide one's time.

great.it does remind me of chanakya's seven forms of statecraft. most people know only four but there are seven.

the seventh one is indrajaal, which here refers to "feigning weakness"
Silly Boy,Still crying over it. :fie:
Its ok na...we will tell you next time. :smitten:
the seventh one is indrajaal, which here refers to "feigning weakness"

Genghis Khan was quite famous for this kind of trick.

He would often get one of his cavalry units to "feign retreat"... and then turn around and charge back into the enemy as they advance.

Extremely high-risk strategy. If they didn't pull it off perfectly, a "feigned retreat" can often turn into an actual retreat.

(Though of course that is a tactical battlefield move. While what we are talking about on this thread is more in terms of long-term national strategy.)
Didn't chinese secret agents snooping pdf? A5 was not secret, every one knew months ahead.

looks like china has gonemad they don't know how to react. some reaction from chinese.
1. OMG its a ICBM.
2. India downplayed tue range.
3. A5 failed, it deviated from path.
4. USA and europe must fear, they are in A5 range.
5. India didn't told is.

why china why? what do you want? A5 js very normal low range missile why u wanting to make it demon?
This particular phrase is quite hard to translate into English.

The most direct translation would be: "Hide brightness, nourish obscurity."

The underlying meaning is essentially this: To conceal one's strengths and bide one's time.

Nice phrase. Some times I like Chinese thinking when it is not about killing or destroying anyone or anybody. Nice quote

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