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OMG!! ultra hot : iran to build A-A missiles with 300km range


Apr 29, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Syrian Arab Republic
Deputy DM: Iran Working to Increase Range of Air-Based Missiles to 300km

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian aerospace experts are working on a plan to produce a new air-launched missile which can destroy targets as far as 300km, Deputy Defense Minister and Head of Iran's Aerospace Organization General Mehdi Farahi announced on Tuesday.
"In the last 6 months, we have seen the display of the air-based Qader and Nasr missiles as well as Fakour 90 missiles," Gen. Farahi said, addressing a forum in Tehran today, and added, "The project for the production of the air-to-air Fakour 90 missiles started in the (Persian) year 1390 (March 2011-March 2012) which passed the final tests during the 10-Day Dawn celebrations (January 31-February 11 of 2013) of the (Persian) year 1391 (March 2012-March 2013)."

"A while ago, the air-based Qader missile was also fired by an F4 fighter jet and hit the target precisely after flying 200km in range," he added.

"The next stage in the Aerospace Organization is (building) an air-based 300-km missile which we will witness in the future," Farahi said.

He also referred to Iran's strategy to develop its aerospace equipment, and said, "The world is moving towards building smart missiles and pilotless fighter jets, and thus, our approach is comprised of equipping and arming drones both from offensive and defensive viewpoints."

Farahi said the Aerospace Organization has defined "5 basic strategies for the production of missiles", which include production of anti-armor, cruise, ballistic, air defense, space and satellite-carrier missiles and rockets".

Iran announced on Tuesday that the country's experts are building a new long-range air-to-air missile system named 'Maqsoud' (Objective).

"Iran has accomplished construction of the mid-range air-to-air Fakour 90 missile and is now building Maqsoud missile system as its newest long-range air-to-air missile system," Deputy Head of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces General Mohammad Hejazi said, addressing a forum here in Tehran today.

He said that the Iranian Armed Forces are now working on 11 top level projects in the aerospace industry as well as 17 air-based weapons system production projects.

Hejazi also underlined that the targeting problem in the home-made air-based Qader (Mighty) and Nasr (Victory) missile systems has been resolved giving the Iranian Armed Forces a high maneuvering power.

Iran on Wednesday unveiled two new home-made air-based missiles named Qader and Nasr.

"By designing and building these air-based missiles for the first time in Iran, the Air Forces' fighter jets will be equipped with advanced air-based Qader missiles with a range of over 200km and air-based Nasr missiles with a range of over 35km and their operational and deterrence power will increase powerfully," Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan told reporters at the unveiling ceremony in Tehran.

He said the missiles which enjoy a high precision capability, specially in targeting vessels, high destruction power and high resistance against radio jamming can be fired rapidly by the fighter jets at even low altitudes.

The Iranian Armed Forces displayed the country's latest home-made missile productions, including Fakour-90, Qadr F, Qadr H and Sejjil missile systems, during the annual military parades in Tehran and across the country in September.

Fakour-90 missile is one of the latest state-of-the-art productions of the Iranian Armed Forces which is mounted on F14 fighter jets.

The Iranian forces also displayed various types of home-made ballistic and long-range missiles, including Sejjil, Qadr F and Qadr H missiles.

Also, the Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base exhibited its recently optimized long-range S-200 missile defense system as well as Ya Zahra 3, Rapier, Skyguard and Shahin (Eagle) missile systems.

The annual September 22 parades mark the start of the Week of Sacred Defense, commemorating Iranians' sacrifices during the 8 years of Iraqi imposed war on Iran in 1980s.

During the parades, the Iranian armed forces displayed different weapons and military tools and equipment, including different kinds of fighters, choppers, drones, ground-to-ground missiles, air-to-ground missiles, surface-to-surface missiles, tactical and armed vehicles, surface and underwater vessels, electronic and telecommunication equipment, light and mid-light weapons, different kinds of artillery and mortar-launchers, air defense systems and engineering and logistic equipment.

The Iranian armed forces also displayed the tactical troposcatter system which is an advanced home-made communications system unveiled by Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli in September.

Also, Nebo tactical radar system, Kasta surveillance radars, Matla' al-Fajr local radar system, national radar, a model of Shahab (Meteor) cosmic radar, a model of Samen radar, optimized Sky Guard radar system, high-altitude S-200 missile system, home-made Mersad missile system armed with indigenous Shahin (Eagle) missiles, mobilized Hag missile system, home-made mid-altitude Ya Zahra 3 missile system, and the low-altitude Rapier missile system were among the other weapons and military equipment on display.

The Iranian Armed Forces also displayed Saafaat electro-optic tracking system, mobile 35 and 23 mm cannons, mobile tactical communications vehicle, vehicle equipped with chemical decontamination system, DZ vehicle and communication system, Kheybar tactical vehicle, Same' van built by the air defense base and central communication shelter manufactured by Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base in the parades.

The Iranian Armed Forces have recently test-fired different types of newly-developed missiles and torpedoes and tested a large number of home-made weapons, tools and equipments, including submarines, military ships, artillery, choppers, aircrafts, UAVs and air defense and electronic systems, during massive military drills.

Defense analysts and military observers say that Iran's wargames and its advancements in weapons production have proved as a deterrent factor.


Is it A/G or A/A missile? If it's A/G the title is wrong
Something like K-100 or R-37..but the question is,is that range of tail chase mode or head on??also,if intended to use against maneuverable aerial target,actual range will be significant less.
Something like K-100 or R-37..but the question is,is that range of tail chase mode or head on??also,if intended to use against maneuverable aerial target,actual range will be significant less.

u maybe able to compare it with K-100-1 but R-37 is out of the equation ! u cannot compare a missile built in 2014 with a missile built in 1980 no matter which country built it!

plus tell me how is it significant less to have a missile capable of downing of a fighter like f-22 from 300 km away , while it cant do anything in response ? the only good point for that fighter would be that the pilot has enough time for ejection !!:)

EDIT: one of the other significant strategic advantages of this missile will be its AWACS KILLING capability :D

if f-22 and awacs are took away from us army , whats left ?
u maybe able to compare it with K-100-1 but R-37 is out of the equation ! u cannot compare a missile built in 2014 with a missile built in 1980 no matter which country built it!

plus tell me how is it significant less to have a missile capable of downing of a fighter like f-22 from 300 km away , while it cant do anything in response ? the only good point for that fighter would be that the pilot has enough time for ejection !!:)

I'm just saying it,not comparing it.actually this kind of missiles generally made to destroy AWACS and other kind of platforms,and not Fighters which is highly manoeuvrable.thats why I asked the question.this kind of missiles generally destroy slow moving aerial target while keeps own fighters out of harm.
I'm just saying it,not comparing it.actually this kind of missiles generally made to destroy AWACS and other kind of platforms,and not Fighters which is highly manoeuvrable.thats why I asked the question.this kind of missiles generally destroy slow moving aerial target while keeps own fighters out of harm.

although not quite the same range , but AIM-54 is a missile in this category , and it has only fighter kills , no awacs incident

and the kills include highly menueverable iraqi planes ; from wiki :
Cooper claims that the IRIAF used the F-14 actively as a fighter-interceptor, and at times as an escort fighter with the AIM-54 scoring 60–70 kills

anyhow i think we shall wait a little more for the updates :D

p.s: where are all the trolls ?? i dont see them post neither in here nor in the shahed-129 thread :D lol at them :D
Hamman 10 bro calm down on the coolest Muslim country, that shit is for UAE.
2-Iran is very far from an S-300 level air defense system.

hmmm . i remembered u....

1- so uae isnt even near our level of awesomeness :D

2- he yeah right ! and u know so because ... ?!? lol bro !! please stop this ...... let this thread remain trolling free :)

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