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Okay, you win!

DO you know how many Liberation movements are there in India. And by the way on which TV are you watching it. IBN for sure.

How much movement. You always claim movement but tell me in real how much movements are there ? Off course not Wikipedia as even moderator have suggested to ban this unreliable source. Also, tell me in deep about even 20-25 (of those 1000's).
Is using animal reproductive organ your only way to engage in a debate?

Incredible, indeed!

Don't take the animal's bark to your heart,talking is among humans.They can only be meek when you show the big stick.:sniper:
1.3B chinese can make our own choice, chinese establishd PLA and kicked KMT out of mainland 60 years ago,if it's necessary, we can do the samething to CCP,

That was what I wanted to say earlier. If the CPC compromises Arunachal or South Tibet at the cost of Aksai Chin, it will be a betrayal to the Chinese nation, because CPC must not decide what compromises should be made on behalf of the Chinese nation. If the entire nation thinks China must take back South Tibet, CPC should do act in accordance with the desire of the nation. Now I dont know what the entire Chinese nation thinks over South Tibet. But if CPC makes compromises while keeping the entire nation unaware of the compromises, CPC members will be treated as traitors.

And then there will be an urgent need to build up a patriotic nationalist
party in China, because it seems that CPC does not have the required fervor of patriotism and nationalism. The new party might be named as the Nationalist Party of China which does not care about socialism or communism, but cares about the Chinese nation and her sovereignty with territorial integrity.

I fear CPC might betray the nation by making compromises.
How many Chinese in China are aware of South Tibet? I guess many of them dont care about South Tibet. Why? This is because of the Communist party which does not allow the flow of information unrestricted to all the Chinese citizens. This unawareness is the weakness of China, because consolidation of national power and solidarity of national consent are absent in China. Without patriotism and nationalism, you cannot gain strength in times of emergency. Now the communists lack patriotism and talk about social harmony which is an absurd Utopian ideology. That is why the restricted Chinese media dont have the patriotic nationalism as Indian media have. The restricted Chinese media cannot build up a strong public opinion as quickly as the free Indian media builds. The communist regime itself is a great weakness of China.
On the contrary in India almost all Indians are aware of the Arunachal Pradesh as the free nationalist media help them know events from the Indian nationalist point of view. In my opinion Mao was more a patriotic nationalist than a Utopian communist. I dont know whether Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao have the amount of patriotism as Jhou en Lai used to have. Anyway, if this time CPC for in the name of economy compromises China's national interests, a Nationalist Party of china will replace the impotent authoritarian Communist regime in a bloody way to save the Chinese nation.

Just my analysis. My prediction could be wrong though.
A few days ago I saw in a Chinese news channel that Premier Wen Jiabao visited some schools in China on occasion of the teachers' day and told the pupils that they must learn to love and live in social harmony. It sounded hilarious. The world is very competitive and here such sweet sounding words have not value practically. Wen Jiabao is in fact weakening the Chinese nation by letting them live in a Utopian world.

Is not the authoritarian communist regime in China doing harm to the Chinese nation by keeping the one Child policy? What purpose this policy is going to serve at the end of the day? How can one deny the manpower and human resource in a market economy? Does the communist regime want to make the Chinese nation extinct? Who knows?

Just my opinion. I could be wrong though.
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How many Chinese in China are aware of South Tibet? I guess many of them dont care about South Tibet. Why? This is because of the Communist party which does not allow the flow of information unrestricted to all the Chinese citizens. This unawareness is the weakness of China, because consolidation of national power and solidarity of national consent are absent in China. Without patriotism and nationalism, you cannot gain strength in times of emergency. Now the communists lack patriotism and talk about social harmony which is an absurd Utopian ideology. That is why the restricted Chinese media dont have the patriotic nationalism as Indian media have. The restricted Chinese media cannot build up a strong public opinion as quickly as the free Indian media builds. The communist regime itself is a great weakness of China.

Wow,I guess you were completely poisoned by your national medias,if you don't know much about China,I suggest you make a trip to China,or else watch out your tongue,shut up your mouth is so easy and good to you,please don't show your guess any more.In China,almost everyone knows you were beat 47 years ago in your ignorant invasion to South Tibet,and now most of us know you will get a 2nd lesson by the same teacher:sniper:.
Wow,I guess you were completely poisoned by your national medias,if you don't know much about China,I suggest you make a trip to China,or else watch out your tongue,shut up your mouth is so easy and good to you,please don't show your guess any more.In China,almost everyone knows you were beat 47 years ago in your ignorant invasion to South Tibet,and now most of us know you will get a 2nd lesson by the same teacher:sniper:.

Why do you blame me? Blame your Communist government because your government is planning to compromise your South Tibet. South Tibet is actually the entire NEFA (North Eastern Frontier Province) or Arnunachal Pradesh. But your government is claiming the Tawang district only which is less than 20% of the entire South Tibet. Now guess who is deceiving you actually? It is your own authoritative communist regime which is deceiving you.
How many Chinese in China are aware of South Tibet? I guess many of them dont care about South Tibet. Why? This is because of the Communist party which does not allow the flow of information unrestricted to all the Chinese citizens. This unawareness is the weakness of China, because consolidation of national power and solidarity of national consent are absent in China. Without patriotism and nationalism, you cannot gain strength in times of emergency. Now the communists lack patriotism and talk about social harmony which is an absurd Utopian ideology. That is why the restricted Chinese media dont have the patriotic nationalism as Indian media have. The restricted Chinese media cannot build up a strong public opinion as quickly as the free Indian media builds. The communist regime itself is a great weakness of China.

1. many do know about south tibet
2. some do some dont
3. ur saying there is a lack of nationalism in china? really?
4. funny u say that the current govenment is the weakness of china many can argue it is also its strength, strength to make quick decisions, strength to have a vision lasting decades, strength to lift millions out of poverty, strength to create economical growth at historical unprecedented and some thought impossible levels, strength to turn the nation from "sick man of asia" to a nation that can challenge the sole super power of today in 60 years.

yes the rule was not perfect, cultural revolution, great leap forward, basically Mao in his later years but one can not forget all that it has done and continues to do(high 90s literacy rate, gdp increases, 8+ percentage growth in the worst global recession in decades, anyone?)
A few days ago I saw in a Chinese news channel that Premier Wen Jiabao visited some schools in China on occasion of the teachers' day and told the pupils that they must learn to love and live in social harmony. It sounded hilarious. The world is very competitive and here such sweet sounding words have not value practically. Wen Jiabao is in fact weakening the Chinese nation by letting them live in a Utopian world.

Is not the authoritarian communist regime in China doing harm to the Chinese nation by keeping the one Child policy? What purpose this policy is going to serve at the end of the day? How can one deny the manpower and human resource in a market economy? Does the communist regime want to make the Chinese nation extinct? Who knows?

Just my opinion. I could be wrong though.

Yes,you are wrong:chilli:
Let me give you several questions:
1.Do you think a father teach a son to beat others,to rob others is good?
2.Do you know why most of Chinese now lead a better lives than most of Indians?
3.Do you think the parents give birth to a child but even they cann't give the child a basic subsistence are responsable parents?

Please talk honestly.:)
A few days ago I saw in a Chinese news channel that Premier Wen Jiabao visited some schools in China on occasion of the teachers' day and told the pupils that they must learn to love and live in social harmony. It sounded hilarious. The world is very competitive and here such sweet sounding words have not value practically. Wen Jiabao is in fact weakening the Chinese nation by letting them live in a Utopian world.

Is not the authoritarian communist regime in China doing harm to the Chinese nation by keeping the one Child policy? What purpose this policy is going to serve at the end of the day? How can one deny the manpower and human resource in a market economy? Does the communist regime want to make the Chinese nation extinct? Who knows?

Just my opinion. I could be wrong though.

1. is there something wrong with leaders encouraging its later generation to be peaceful????

2. more harm is done eventually if the population has increased the way it was projected to

3.at the end of the day it will ensure people will have enough food, water, shelter, jobs, and living space

4.there is plenty of man power and human resources in china

5.no on the contrary to ur thinking the policy is there to make sure the population does not grow too much too fast, once growth stabilizes then the policy is unnecessary, debate is already starting on whether the policy should be kept.

6. as a side note the one child policy is a form of population control, it encourages people to have 1 child or if u want, pay a fine and u can have more. i do not specifically like this policy but something had to be done about the population, again this has to do with that long vision thingy the Chinese government has.
On the contrary in India almost all Indians are aware of the Arunachal Pradesh as the free nationalist media help them know events from the Indian nationalist point of view. In my opinion Mao was more a patriotic nationalist than a Utopian communist. I dont know whether Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao have the amount of patriotism as Jhou en Lai used to have. Anyway, if this time CPC for in the name of economy compromises China's national interests, a Nationalist Party of china will replace the impotent authoritarian Communist regime in a bloody way to save the Chinese nation.

Just my analysis. My prediction could be wrong though.

ur views are noted,
1. good for the indian media

2. Mao was definitely not a Utopian communist(he knew that a world communist party would not exist and he and the russians had their differences), the world he lived in was terrible, civil war, invasion, more civil war. but one need to hope for the future so yes he was very patriotic, misguided at times but patroitic

3. the current leader is very much working for china dont worry about that(it is nothing like the pakistani government)

4. economy is also a national interest of the Chinese nation and people, that is not to say they will compromise on either one

5. so the government of Taiwan will come to saved the Chinese people from the impotent communists? hmm, i distinctively remember the nationalist government being kicked out basically by the common people as they are corrupt and impotent and thus the common man sided with the communist so u may have ur ideas backward. as far as records are concerned there are highs and lows of communist rule but overall, millions are better off because of it and so far they are ruling very well through this global recession.
1. many do know about south tibet
2. some do some dont
3. ur saying there is a lack of nationalism in china? really?
4. funny u say that the current govenment is the weakness of china many can argue it is also its strength, strength to make quick decisions, strength to have a vision lasting decades, strength to lift millions out of poverty, strength to create economical growth at historical unprecedented and some thought impossible levels, strength to turn the nation from "sick man of asia" to a nation that can challenge the sole super power of today in 60 years.

yes the rule was not perfect, cultural revolution, great leap forward, basically Mao in his later years but one can not forget all that it has done and continues to do(high 90s literacy rate, gdp increases, 8+ percentage growth in the worst global recession in decades, anyone?)

You did not read my analytical posts carefully. I said Mao was a patriotic nationalist and whatever he did, he did to safeguard the national interests of China. We mislead people by saying that Mao was a communist. No, its not true in my opinion. Mao was a patriotic nationalist. He cared for his own motherland, he did not care for dictatorial Communism. His regime might have killed some people, but they were internal enemies of China.

The present communist government in China is different from the past communist government. In the past the communist government was patriotic nationalist, but the present communist government does not appear to be that patriotic nationalist.

Tell me why the restriction on giving births? The natural disasters and man made disasters are killing many Chinese people. Now if the mortality rate continues to grow, there will be a time when China will face lack of human resource. For example, apart from the Sichuan earthquake, the Swine Flue will affect tens of millions as your Xinhua is saying. If such great number of people die (hope they do not), the population will drastically shrink which might cause scarcity of PLA soldiers and workers in factories. What will you do then? You will be compelled to import workers from other countries. This way, the Chinese nation will be reduced and foreign Western people will rise. Already a great number of Western people are now going to china to do jobs due to the economic recession. But I see many Chinese people are jobless as foreign workers are swallowing their jobs. Even Western workers are better paid than the Chinese workers in China, a friend told me.

Why this self destructive policy?

And also, what if your government compromises your South Tibet? Are you sure, your can stop your government in doing that?
Why do you blame me? Blame your Communist government because your government is planning to compromise your South Tibet. South Tibet is actually the entire NEFA (North Eastern Frontier Province) or Arnunachal Pradesh. But your government is claiming the Tawang district only which is less than 20% of the entire South Tibet. Now guess who is deceiving you actually? It is your own authoritative communist regime which is deceiving you.

Well,first,i didn't blame you,second i just told you sth you didn't know.

But now it seems you don't want to shut your big mouth,do you know at the beginning i try to control myself not to use the word "ignorance" on you?but here you keep slandering China with your exact ignorance.

Besides,we love our goverment because China is getting more and more powerful especially compared to India,cuz most chinese are leading better and better lives than you Indians.Don't you agree only action speaks louder than words.

At last,here how about your goverment?How about your caste society system?How about your terrible poverty rate?:no:
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Yes,you are wrong:chilli:
Let me give you several questions:
1.Do you think a father teach a son to beat others,to rob others is good?
2.Do you know why most of Chinese now lead a better lives than most of Indians?
3.Do you think the parents give birth to a child but even they cann't give the child a basic subsistence are responsable parents?

Please talk honestly.:)

1. Be pragmatic. Learn what survival of the fittest means.

2. Yes Chinese live. No doubt about that.

3. If parents can afford to give births and then raise the children, why should the state bother? The state is not going to feed them, the parents are responsible to feed them. So its their headache. Also giving births is a fundamental right.

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