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Okay, you win!

The strategy guy who argued to split "India" into 30 pieces not long ago made a sound point.

There was no so called "india" before British Raj; "India" is a synthetic name. There was no such a thing in history.

What has lived in peace with China since ancient times was NOT today's so called "India", but several independent Kingdoms (Hindustan was only one of them);

See the difference between now and then?

Ancient Kingdoms there promoted Buddhism and they were peace-loving; Today's "India" is just an imperialist dog who barks at every single of her neighbours:

1. They only remember their old master: the Brits. e.g. Think about "McMahon line" - what is that? It's no more than a thief and his trick to steal other people's land. Only one can draw a border there, including me - Speeder Line. Indians must also obey Speeder Line, right? Hey, it's British!!

2. Nowadays, the Brits are down. They take Russians as their new master. Haha, we all know how Russians F*** them as hard as the Brits. e.g. Just think about all those third-rated, over-priced, airplanes, AC, subs crap, etc...

This slave mentality is vividly reflected here also. Just look at how many "Americans", "Brits" and "French" here in this tiny forum, we pretend don't know who they really are as they all claim that India has nothing to do with them, while ferociously defending every single thing regarding to India. One thing we do know for sure: they all eat curry 365. What a coinstance! Cuz I can smell it right from here.

Therefore, the only way to eternal peace of the region may well be the exact way as that strategist suggested (wield as it might sound at the beginning) :

Break up "India" into pieces as it had always been for thousands of years.

Chinese strategists rock!
The strategy guy who argued to split "India" into 30 pieces not long ago made a sound point.

There was no so called "india" before British Raj; "India" is a synthetic name. There was no such a thing in history.

What has lived in peace with China since ancient times was NOT today's so called "India", but several independent Kingdoms (Hindustan was only one of them);

See the difference between now and then?

Ancient Kingdoms there promoted Buddhism and they were peace-loving; Today's "India" is just an imperialist dog who barks at every single of her neighbours:

1. They only remember their old master: the Brits. e.g. Think about "McMahon line" - what is that? It's no more than a thief and his trick to steal other people's land. Only one can draw a border there, including me - Speeder Line. Indians must also obey Speeder Line, right? Hey, it's British!!

2. Nowadays, the Brits are down. They take Russians as their new master. Haha, we all know how Russians F*** them as hard as the Brits. e.g. Just think about all those third-rated, over-priced, airplanes, AC, subs crap, etc...

This slave mentality is vividly reflected here also. Just look at how many "Americans", "Brits" and "French" here in this tiny forum, we pretend don't know who they really are as they all claim that India has nothing to do with them, while ferociously defending every single thing regarding to India. One thing we do know for sure: they all eat curry 365. What a coinstance! Cuz I can smell it right from here.

Therefore, the only way to eternal peace of the region may well be the exact way as that strategist suggested (wield as it might sound at the beginning) :

Break up "India" into pieces as it had always been for thousands of years.

Chinese strategists rock!

And you suck donkey dick

both statements make the same amount of sense
Here's a question to our Indian friends:

Say China agrees to let India keep the land - and - "Aksai Chin". Will Indians stop there? Or will they encroach on further land? :what:

I will accept it only if it is a final resolution agreed in UN with India, China signatory for Arunchal Pradesh & Aksai Chin. Aksai chin is north of Himalaya while AP is south of Himalaya. Both are separated by natural boundaries. So, No problem in that. We must understand, it's hard to get back Aksai Chin and better retain AP because another war is MAD in the growing power. But as I said, this is only possible if put for final signatures.
You are right. China is not going to give you anything. We will cut you in half and let you get a taste of what you did to Pak in 1971. I personally prefer to start with Sikkim.

Just make sure in process of cutting india dont cut your self. First solve your internal problem. Chinese muslims giving tough time to your communist army lol cheers.
The strategy guy who argued to split "India" into 30 pieces not long ago made a sound point.

There was no so called "india" before British Raj; "India" is a synthetic name. There was no such a thing in history.

What has lived in peace with China since ancient times was NOT today's so called "India", but several independent Kingdoms (Hindustan was only one of them);

See the difference between now and then?

Ancient Kingdoms there promoted Buddhism and they were peace-loving; Today's "India" is just an imperialist dog who barks at every single of her neighbours:

1. They only remember their old master: the Brits. e.g. Think about "McMahon line" - what is that? It's no more than a thief and his trick to steal other people's land. Only one can draw a border there, including me - Speeder Line. Indians must also obey Speeder Line, right? Hey, it's British!!

2. Nowadays, the Brits are down. They take Russians as their new master. Haha, we all know how Russians F*** them as hard as the Brits. e.g. Just think about all those third-rated, over-priced, airplanes, AC, subs crap, etc...

This slave mentality is vividly reflected here also. Just look at how many "Americans", "Brits" and "French" here in this tiny forum, we pretend don't know who they really are as they all claim that India has nothing to do with them, while ferociously defending every single thing regarding to India. One thing we do know for sure: they all eat curry 365. What a coinstance! Cuz I can smell it right from here.

Therefore, the only way to eternal peace of the region may well be the exact way as that strategist suggested (wield as it might sound at the beginning) :

Break up "India" into pieces as it had always been for thousands of years.

Chinese strategists rock!

as far as i know there is 6 pieces waiting to get seprate from china. Latest one am watching right now on tv news. China gotta stop riot buddy. Things getting out of controll. It seems powerful chinese muslims are gonna take control of your red army lol. i admire chinese muslims power. They indeed making communist to kneel on their feets lol cheers. Communist gotta respect muslims specially when pakistan is their best buddy. Dont you think? Cheers.
as far as i know there is 6 pieces waiting to get seprate from china. Latest one am watching right now on tv news. China gotta stop riot buddy. Things getting out of controll. It seems powerful chinese muslims are gonna take control of your red army lol. i admire chinese muslims power. They indeed making communist to kneel on their feets lol cheers. Communist gotta respect muslims specially when pakistan is their best buddy. Dont you think? Cheers.

NO OFFENCE BUT SAME LOGIC,is it means that we should celebrate the muslim warriors' self-sacrifiesing victories in membuy?
Arunachal is Indian territory. What is disputed is the Chinese occupation of Tibet.

To answer the OT, If China gives us Aksai China and recognizes the McMahon line then we would have no problems.

avarice without noticing the fact
as far as i know there is 6 pieces waiting to get seprate from china. Latest one am watching right now on tv news. China gotta stop riot buddy. Things getting out of controll. It seems powerful chinese muslims are gonna take control of your red army lol. i admire chinese muslims power. They indeed making communist to kneel on their feets lol cheers. Communist gotta respect muslims specially when pakistan is their best buddy. Dont you think? Cheers.
DO you know how many Liberation movements are there in India. And by the way on which TV are you watching it. IBN for sure.
DO you know how many Liberation movements are there in India. And by the way on which TV are you watching it. IBN for sure.

Friend i do accept that. Its a democrasy. If india was communist there wasn't any liberation movements in india left lol. China aint democrasy but still they are powerless in front of power of chinese muslims. Even though alot chinese muslims getting killed. If muslims gets killed in india or in america than pakistan raises voice. What happen now? Why not raising ur voices? How can a muslim see other muslim die? Just because china your boss? Listen buddy your pakistan gotta raise voice atleast and protest and warn china to give muslims equal rights. Pakistan should learn from other muslim nations who raises their voice against china and its brutality. Ok? Keep frndship aside and tell china to stop killing innocent chinese muslims specially womens. Not even single pakistani member raises its voice on china's brutality in this forum and thats very sad. i seen the all news. May be pakistan not showing the news because it dont wanna upset china. Come out of china's grip and fear. Raise your voices and tell china this must end. Cheers.
Friend i do accept that. Its a democrasy. If india was communist there wasn't any liberation movements in india left lol. China aint democrasy but still they are powerless in front of power of chinese muslims. Even though alot chinese muslims getting killed. If muslims gets killed in india or in america than pakistan raises voice. What happen now? Why not raising ur voices? How can a muslim see other muslim die? Just because china your boss? Listen buddy your pakistan gotta raise voice atleast and protest and warn china to give muslims equal rights. Pakistan should learn from other muslim nations who raises their voice against china and its brutality. Ok? Keep frndship aside and tell china to stop killing innocent chinese muslims specially womens. Not even single pakistani member raises its voice on china's brutality in this forum and thats very sad. i seen the all news. May be pakistan not showing the news because it dont wanna upset china. Come out of china's grip and fear. Raise your voices and tell china this must end. Cheers.

keep ranting if you are so happy to biase the truth , the world with clear mind know that bbc and cnn cannot be fully trusted and just use your brain to think about it...who are really victims of the unrest in xinjiang?? it is all the local people living there!! the unrest starters were entering the city to create havoc for the local society, and the chinese inhabitants in urumqi will try to mess up their relations with local uighurs?? no, i think they had been coexisting quite well until recently the separatists funded by some foreign superpower attempting to defame china and make the muslims world hate and fight against china, and the western world will take sanctions against china...buddy, where is your critical thinking skill and analytical thinking ability?? you know this is an important skill for us to survive on this everchanging landscape which is arena for the games of the superpowers..fortunately there are some people see through the conspiracy and move on with the win win trend...stop making demagogic speech when you are totally being toyed by strong media propanganda rather than using your head to think for a more rational answers..
Friend i do accept that. Its a democrasy. If india was communist there wasn't any liberation movements in india left lol. China aint democrasy but still they are powerless in front of power of chinese muslims. Even though alot chinese muslims getting killed. If muslims gets killed in india or in america than pakistan raises voice. What happen now? Why not raising ur voices? How can a muslim see other muslim die? Just because china your boss? Listen buddy your pakistan gotta raise voice atleast and protest and warn china to give muslims equal rights. Pakistan should learn from other muslim nations who raises their voice against china and its brutality. Ok? Keep frndship aside and tell china to stop killing innocent chinese muslims specially womens. Not even single pakistani member raises its voice on china's brutality in this forum and thats very sad. i seen the all news. May be pakistan not showing the news because it dont wanna upset china. Come out of china's grip and fear. Raise your voices and tell china this must end. Cheers.

it's always funny when you guys are talking about democracy,if people's lives are getting better everyday,no matter how many dalais or rebiya supported by some dirt countries ,no matter how hard other countries defame our democracy,china will never split up, if more and more people are joining the "slum" party everyday,even if there is no any outside forces,even if india always talk about how perfect her democracy system is ,she will screw herself.i wonder if you ever noticed the response from the overseas chinese when some dirty countrie deframe china with made-up excuses,those chinese are living in every democrasy country,lots of them were living in china before,why they were crapping those so-call "free media" everytime if "BBC " are telling nothing but truth,1.3B chinese can make our own choice, chinese establishd PLA and kicked KMT out of mainland 60 years ago,if it's necessary, we can do the samething to CCP,don't need indian's "nice concern" about our rights.....hundreds communists lost their jobs every year because their behavior piss off netizens,is this democrasy?chinese vote representatives from sewer workers,farmers,businessmen and people from all trades and professions,then they reflected and solve our issue everyyear in NPC ,and they vote almost everything,is this democrasy?

BTW,you played dirt very suck,even an idiot can see you are instigating troubles between china and pakistan, it's not chinese muslims been killed ,i even doubt those riots are muslims,here is vedio about how they threated chinese muslims joining their massacre,enjoy it
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Here's a question to our Indian friends:

Say China agrees to let India keep the land - and - "Aksai Chin". Will Indians stop there? Or will they encroach on further land? :what:

I always thought we didnt claim anybodys land..!! What is your point.?? Britishers made india and pakistan..!!! Now we both love this concept..!!! My love 4 britishers stops there.!!!!! So don't accuse us 4 this situation..!! We have got a country.. now n we are entitled to defend it..!!!! I respectfully request you to let us leave in peace..!!!!! And don't bring in all the other BS..!!!
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