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Oil Sanctions Cost Iran $40 Billion in 2012


Jan 28, 2012
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Iran lost an estimated $40 billion in 2012 in oil export revenues, the International Energy Agency (IAE) reported today. Meanwhile, oil production in January hit a 30-year low. (Rëuters, 13 February)

Iranian oil output fell to 2.65 million barrels per day in January, and the fall is likely to continue, the IEA said in its report. In 2011, before the oil sanctions, Iran produced 3.7 million bpd.

On 6 February, a new round of U.S. sanctions went into effect, barring Iran from repatriating earnings from its oil exports, depriving the country of much needed cash. The countries that buy Iranian oil will have to retain their payment for the oil and Iran will be able to use the proceeds only to buy goods in the countries where it exports its oil, effectively bartering oil for locally produced goods at those countries.

“For Iran, the latest expansion of sanctions is expected to further undermine government finances as its oil export earnings are now effectively locked into the buyers' countries,” the IEA said.

Oil Sanctions Cost Iran $40 Billion in 2012 | Uskowi on Iran - اسکویی در باره ایران
As far we know, there were no sanctions on oil and as far i know there were no sanctions on any thing at all... even stuff which could be used in centrifuges with slight software tuning.

Nice attempt to pose as vicitm... and fool Pakistanis.
Ignorance clearly knows no borders or nationality.

I'm in no mode to prove any thing to you... since every one knows it, especially you... no point in playing ignorant.

It is on record that it was Iran who threatened to reduce oil production and actually did it on his own accord.

I still remember OPEC countered Iranian threat with increased oil production, later Iran announced to hit the oil tankers going through the gulf and some oil refineries in eastern Saudi Arabia.

Iranians have free licence to ridicule instead of discussing. continue :yahoo:



Iran continues oil exports to EU through private consortium
Ignorance clearly knows no borders or nationality.

See where the ignorance lies.. Mr. loud mouth.

Next time keep your misinformation to your self. and no thanks.
Ignorance clearly knows no borders or nationality.

No; it would be "Wishful ignorance".

I'm tired of these zombies making their comment against Iran on every occasion they get. Seems like they are programmed to do so.

But this specific comment is hilarious. Which proves the commentator have no idea of the realities of the world.
As far we know, there were no sanctions on oil and as far i know there were no sanctions on any thing at all... even stuff which could be used in centrifuges with slight software tuning.

Nice attempt to pose as vicitm... and fool Pakistanis.

I'm so sorry for you as you have lost your capability to think properly because of shock from a drone attack in your house.
There was a report Yesterday on NHK news that Iran is facing shortage of Medicines...
There was an interview of an iranian woman who was taking Imported medicines for cancer and now cant get them or is too expensive to buy...
Is that true?
ANY way... sanctions have been hindering iran for a long time and thus more will follow soon. However never the less iran has kept itself stablized even after all of this and this deserves credit. IF you guys want to sell stuff then we will be happy to buy it off you if our politicians would grow a pair.

Iran threatens to stop oil exports, considers anti-Europe sanctions

Iran suspends oil exports to France, UK

Asia is Purchasing Nearly all of Iran’s Oil

Iran: Oil exports may stop if sanctions tighten

Rather then fooling pakistan they are all fooling America if that is true then and what is wrong in dabbling in irans resources.. we need gas and they have gas and they want to sell it to us and we have more gas shortage then ever. I say get it and then sell it to china through the pipe line. :azn:

WOW i come on this forum after a week and Pakistani,s are against iran. Am i imagining things or did i miss something???
Let them continue to eat those garbage(saudi/us/islaeli propaganda against Iran); surely one day they will repent for their mistake. Though I hope n pray Allah give them knowledge and show them the right path.
Thanks for your support brother. We never attack other people, country but when we are attacked we will retaliate with help from Allah

btw, i am always happy to hear from bangladeshi brothers. you showed your fighting spirit in your independence war
OMG...this batman guy is realy serious!
moron!check the time those links were published!:hitwall:

but anyway thank GOD Iran haters are all stupid here...

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