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OIC agrees to recognize East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital

Honestly Muslims around the world should just start funding the Native American minority in the U.S to take over America and push Americans out of their homes and businesses because "it was once their land a long time ago." LMAO lets see how Americans like it when they have to experience what Palestinians had to. Americans are absolutely the most hypocritical people in the WORLD. Here they are still funding Israel every year with hundreds of millions of dollars.... Beyond EVIL!
Nice. Now more military cooperation, nuclear cooperation in time for their attempted destruction of Al Aqsa.
It does not matter what oic recognise as long as who maintains the control. Unless Israel can be beaten back from Jerusalem by brute force along with its supporters only than can this oic statement actually mean something and can be incorporated in its true spirit. Till than its hogwash and a lip service.
You seriously think you can win with military force
I don't think so, i am sure.

It is not necessary for Muslim countries to engage, they should open boundary of west bank to Iran then Israeli days are over. Simple as that

Hezbollah solely can wipe Israel off the map, let alone Muslim countries
Something is always better than nothing.

And if more countries recognise Palestine, then more problems for Israel to usurp the Palestinian Land.

And for sure, even in America people's nose is getting full of Zionists and they are not only hating Trump, but also the Zionists and Netanyahu.

Also Europeans turned very much against Netanyahu and Israel due to this episode of Jerusalem and illegal settlements.
So everything is okay now? So when will OIC members establish their embassies there?

You should know, if you are honest person, that, had it not been for Uncle Sam--whose govt has been hijacked by a certain Lobby--that almost ALL the countries of the world, including most European countries, would recognize E. Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine right now. Being from the 'Biggest Democracy in the World', you should respect that. But... oh well.
You really shouldn't expect much from Americans they are literally worse than Nazis. That's not an exaggeration, that's a fact. They literally murded millions of people and their only justification is "well they weren't using the land." That's like going to someone's backyard, murdering the family living in the home and saying "well it's okay because they couldn't defend themselves and they weren't even using most of the land." It's really not a surprise that Americans support these illegal settlements they built their homes like this. I have to live among these Nazis for the rest of my life and watch them commit these vile acts and go unpunished.
You should know, if you are honest person, that, had it not been for Uncle Sam--whose govt has been hijacked by a certain Lobby--that almost ALL the countries of the world, including most European countries, would recognize E. Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine right now. Being from the 'Biggest Democracy in the World', you should respect that. But... oh well.

My post was meant to be sarcastic. OIC declaring East Jerusalem capital of a country that does not exist; and it's a city completely occupied by Israel. So what's the point of this declaration other than to make members of the OIC appear to be doing something rather than what they normally do, which is nothing. It's statement meant to placate the masses.
pakistan might have a missed a trick here - with Turkey staking a claim for leadership of the Islamic nations. Pakistan could have used it nuclear power status to have led the grouping joined with turkey and said "any change in status quo, would result in status quo of islamic nations not being nuclear armed".
My post was meant to be sarcastic. OIC declaring East Jerusalem capital of a country that does not exist; and it's a city completely occupied by Israel. So what's the point of this declaration other than to make members of the OIC appear to be doing something rather than what they normally do, which is nothing. It's statement meant to placate the masses.

Actually, IF the UNSC declares in some binding resolution that Israel must vacate the land occupied since 1967 then Israel technically becomes an occupying force which must vacate that land. My understanding is that, during Obama's late term, he was considering 'abstaining' from such a resolution--perhaps pushed by France, being very angry with Netanyahu. But Obama couldn't risk his head--perhaps literally!!

I think, even if occupied, many countries will recognize E. Jerusalem as the Capital of Palestine. It's a push back--and every inch counts.
Good Move, nice statement. let us see what practical actions are done.

I am not extremist but may be for these situations, Islamic teaching makes more sense where it says how to deal with wrong, bad, evil etc. mentioned three categories.
You really shouldn't expect much from Americans they are literally worse than Nazis. That's not an exaggeration, that's a fact. They literally murded millions of people and their only justification is "well they weren't using the land." That's like going to someone's backyard, murdering the family living in the home and saying "well it's okay because they couldn't defend themselves and they weren't even using most of the land." It's really not a surprise that Americans support these illegal settlements they built their homes like this. I have to live among these Nazis for the rest of my life and watch them commit these vile acts and go unpunished.

North American Indidians suffered under the clash between hunter-gatherers and
modern civilization (farmer/settlers) during the period between Columbus and the end of the nineteenth century.
It is estimated that around 30,000 Indians were killed in 40 different wars,
but it could be as many as 50,000. That is far from the numbers mentioned in Your Troll post.

Basically all of the Middle East and also the rest of the world are guilty of the same crimes.
If You own land, it is originally stolen, and you are thus guilty of a crime.

I suggest You calculate how many were killed and enslaved by the Ottoman Empire during
it existence.

The Ottomans imported large number of slaves, and no trace of them can be
found in modern Turkey.
Either they were killed, or neutered to deny them getting offspring.
Either way, it was genocidal.
The Ottomans killed orders of magnitude more people than the Americans over its existence.

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