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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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Now this is getting beyond confused.

All this while, various Hindutvavadi storm-troopers have been accusing me/us/Indian secularists of sucking up to Islam.

Now I'm told I should be abusing Islam instead.

Would someone read the script and tell me my real lines?

That is completely insane. I can't believe what I'm reading.

:))) thats what i meant . The Indians majority of them believe YOU are NOT a True secular unless you hate Islam you cant be true secular. You will be called pro-Islamic.

So by their definition you are a SICKULAR not Secular
"Sikhism is a cultural identity rather than religious one" OEY YAWAY SIKH,HOLI BOL<KITE KOI KHALSA NA SUNN LE.

oh khalsa te main gangu teli!!!
wadde wadde dha te asi:devil:
You are now officially a kafir and a traitor to Mullahs of Pakistan. Good luck.
they know I'm not.

So you just pressed a button and stopped hating India?


BTW, what does being secular have to do with hating or loving India? Could you please explain that part?
it doesn't have anything to do with it lol.
since my absence from the forum i had a change of heart on these things lol
they know I'm not.

it doesn't have anything to do with it lol.
since my absence from the forum i had a change of heart on these things lol
Oye kahin jon bhai nai sahi tou nahi kaha ???

Idher aa mera bacha tujhay ghaur se dekhun !!! :lol:
This is really a cavil, on an outstanding post, but the treatment of the Sikhs changed dramatically as they grew larger. When they were still a small sect led by Gurus more involved with their spiritual journey, they were actually quite in the good books of the Mughals. The turning point was perhaps - I write this as an amateur of Sikh history - the torture and execution of Guru Arjan Dev. Before, there was mild to benevolent indifference.

Sir, I had meant the post-Guru Arjun Dev trajectory of Mughal-Sikh relations. It happened right at the start of Jahangir's ascension to the imperial throne. We then had ShahJahan, Aurangzeb, and Azam Shah, etc... For the bulk of Mughal rule Sikhs were persecuted as anti-imperialists. I only mentioned them so that someone does not point out that Mughals persecuted Sikhs on religious grounds.

You are very correct of course in what you have pointed out.
1. Pakistan needs a moderate PATH as advocated by Islam and Quran.

2."Secularism" as advocated by some countries is another extreme.

3. i say both Conservative Extremists and Secular Extremists both are a threat to humanity.

4. Secular Governments fail to guarantee what you said in your last line.

5. Islam is NOT just about religion its has a complete model for governance/defence/finance. The certain phrase by the west "Church and Politics" in my personal view does not apply on us. They dont have any such model presented by the church.

Lastly i will say welcome to other extreme from the earlier extreme :)

Am a moderate so i think i am left out :P among many of you two extremes
Nicely put. But the OP would never had the courage to answer these points.. he was clueless before as he is now.
So what else do you know of this apart from wiki telling you the definition?
Enough that if I put it all here, I would get an instant ban..
What happened to your assertition that dhimmi is a French thing??

How many Secular countries have Muslims as Head of the State ?
US under Barak Hussain Obama
Turkey under Erdogan
Bangladesh under Sheikh Hasina.
India under APJ Kalam as president.
Malaysia, Indonesia..
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5. Islam is NOT just about religion its has a complete model for governance/defence/finance

And what is the Islamic Model of governance ?? Monarchy , dictatorship etc. are Islamic , Democracy is unIslamic (As per traditional/orthodox/Mullahs` Islam) ...

What is Islamic model for defense ?? Extremists say that suicide bombing/killing innocent women/children is perfectly Islamic .. Is this the "Islamic model of Defense" ??

And Islamic model of finance can not be implemented in the "contemporary world" ...

what is it your point ??
i have always supported a conservative islamic pakistan, but recent events and experiences in my life have changed my mind quite a bit. from here on i am official a liberal Pakistani and will always advocate for a secular democratic Pakistan.
i would like to apologize to some of the secular members on here for anything i might have said to them to make them mad or angry.
I hope you know what liberal means and what secular means. There is a lot of confusion among pakistanis about these two words.
For example what is your view about a captured TTP terrorist? should he be tortured or killed or given fair treatment afforded to any pakistani?

Enough that if I put it all here, I would get an instant ban..
What happened to your assertition that dhimmi is a French thing??

US under Barak Hussain Obama
Turkey under Erdogan
Bangladesh under Sheikh Hasina.
India under APJ Kalam as president.
Malaysia, Indonesia..
obama is not muslim.

off with his head....
And what is the Islamic Model of governance ?? Monarchy , dictatorship etc. are Islamic , Democracy is unIslamic (As per traditional/orthodox/Mullahs` Islam) ...

What is Islamic model for defense ?? Extremists say that suicide bombing/killing innocent women/children is perfectly Islamic .. Is this the "Islamic model of Defense" ??

And Islamic model of finance can not be implemented in the "contemporary world" ...

what is it your point ??
Do you know how HAZRET UMAR(rz un) WAS ELECTED,what was his Political,Economic and Defence systems.? If not,then study it first,please.
Houston we have a problem :rolleyes:
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