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Official citation for Vir Chakra of WC Abhinandan V

Logged in after a long time and what do i find..windy is still at it :)

Hey come to think of it -- Hmm loosing half of your country ,loosing F16 to a wild board , shooting your own F16 down on ground ( you know that , dont you ? ).. Pak people never seem to amaze me with false sense of bravado. Abhi - yeah well he chased the a/c across LOC, engaged in combat , shot down F16 (yeah yeah , dont jump up n down claiming thats not the case. Unlike PAF we dont dedicate an entire memorial and museum showing a plane that was never shot down) and behaved professionally. By the way the truth will come out just the way it came out about the wild boar incident, F16

mishap, our soldiers are not there on Kargil and ofcourse - who can ever forget the famous dialogue of Gen AK Niazi - "We will fight till our last breath and blood" splashed on news papers - only to surrender next day ! Coming to think of it - Dont you have a Niazi in office now ?
How ironic that you logged in just to get it all off your chest....if your rant was worth any more than wall chalking in slumdog street then you may have deserved an answer.....so i will put a lid on all your blabbering with this to remind you of your so-called professionalism and how your warlords make pathetic efforts to keep you fools in the loop....you don't need to erect monuments since you have plenty of own wrecks to display as trophies.



Logged in after a long time and what do i find..windy is still at it :)

Hey come to think of it -- Hmm loosing half of your country ,loosing F16 to a wild board , shooting your own F16 down on ground ( you know that , dont you ? ).. Pak people never seem to amaze me with false sense of bravado. Abhi - yeah well he chased the a/c across LOC, engaged in combat , shot down F16 (yeah yeah , dont jump up n down claiming thats not the case. Unlike PAF we dont dedicate an entire memorial and museum showing a plane that was never shot down) and behaved professionally. By the way the truth will come out just the way it came out about the wild boar incident, F16 mishap, our soldiers are not there on Kargil and ofcourse - who can ever forget the famous dialogue of Gen AK Niazi - "We will fight till our last breath and blood" splashed on news papers - only to surrender next day ! Coming to think of it - Dont you have a Niazi in office now ?
And what truth are you talking about regarding the wild boar incident....this if I recall happened back in the 80s...
And do you think your Agni Pankh Patils are free from incidents....the mere fear of PAF has been causing your weekend warriors to nose dive like the Gnat or simply eject or even shoot down own aircraft flying in own backyard.

On this day in 1999, IAF scrambled two MiG-21s in response to a threat of air violation by the PAF.

18th August 1999

Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Srinagar AFB Take Off from Srinagar AFB No.2 in a two aircraft take off. Pilot was too close to No.1 and lost control in the slipstream and crashed after take off. ATC called out for him to eject. No1 in the formation responded to the wrong call and ejected Flying Officer G S Dhindsar

18th August 1999

Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Srinagar AFB. Take Off from Srinagar AFB No.1 in a two aircraft take off. Responded to a misguided 'Eject' Call given by the ATC to Flying Officer Dhindsar who was the No.2 Flight Lieutenant K S Deswal
Logged in after a long time and what do i find..windy is still at it :)

Hey come to think of it -- Hmm loosing half of your country ,loosing F16 to a wild board , shooting your own F16 down on ground ( you know that , dont you ? ).. Pak people never seem to amaze me with false sense of bravado. Abhi - yeah well he chased the a/c across LOC, engaged in combat , shot down F16 (yeah yeah , dont jump up n down claiming thats not the case. Unlike PAF we dont dedicate an entire memorial and museum showing a plane that was never shot down) and behaved professionally. By the way the truth will come out just the way it came out about the wild boar incident, F16 mishap, our soldiers are not there on Kargil and ofcourse - who can ever forget the famous dialogue of Gen AK Niazi - "We will fight till our last breath and blood" splashed on news papers - only to surrender next day ! Coming to think of it - Dont you have a Niazi in office now ?

Wow im surprised you were able to succesfully hit the post button through all those tears.

Funny you talk about professionalism and false bravado, while your AF chief is waving around wreckage of a missile begging the USA to come save them, or when your army chief threatens war on a weekly basis, or when your politicians screech day and night about Pakistan. It seems from these cases and your own, that Indians are not only habitual liars, but immensely arrogant fools whos greatest offensive capability is logging into Pakistani forums and typing delusional rants as a way to cover up their obvious impotence.
I would urge my Pakistani colleagues to not ridicule this action. As a sovereign nation, India has the right to provide citation to whomever they choose.

If you ask me, WC Abhi's conduct was nothing short of a pure bred professional and that of a gentlemen. Just because he was thoroughly defeated by a superior fighting force, does not make his conduct and bravery any less. If the defeated boxer gives his 10000%, and is still beaten by a superior boxer, you don't ridicule the defeated boxer. You take your hat off, and bow to his efforts. That's what i feel like is the situation here, WC Abhi gave it all, and we should respect that. He had his service revolver, he could have fired at the civilians but he refused to.

Logged in after a long time and what do i find..windy is still at it :)

Hey come to think of it -- Hmm loosing half of your country ,loosing F16 to a wild board , shooting your own F16 down on ground ( you know that , dont you ? ).. Pak people never seem to amaze me with false sense of bravado. Abhi - yeah well he chased the a/c across LOC, engaged in combat , shot down F16 (yeah yeah , dont jump up n down claiming thats not the case. Unlike PAF we dont dedicate an entire memorial and museum showing a plane that was never shot down) and behaved professionally. By the way the truth will come out just the way it came out about the wild boar incident, F16 mishap, our soldiers are not there on Kargil and ofcourse - who can ever forget the famous dialogue of Gen AK Niazi - "We will fight till our last breath and blood" splashed on news papers - only to surrender next day ! Coming to think of it - Dont you have a Niazi in office now ?


Weren't you the guy who came to PDF on Feb 26, and were talking big, how PAF was caught with its pants down and Pakistan was taught a lesson.


I would urge my Pakistani colleagues to not ridicule this action. As a sovereign nation, India has the right to provide citation to whomever they choose.

If you ask me, WC Abhi's conduct was nothing short of a pure bred professional and that of a gentlemen. Just because he was thoroughly defeated by a superior fighting force, does not make his conduct and bravery any less. If the defeated boxer gives his 10000%, and is still beaten by a superior boxer, you don't ridicule the defeated boxer. You take your hat off, and bow to his efforts. That's what i feel like is the situation here, WC Abhi gave it all, and we should respect that. He had his service revolver, he could have fired at the civilians but he refused to.
Well I have said it before and will go on repeating it that as far as Abhinandan is concerned, he proved professional to the core, how he kept his composure even under life-threatening circumstances and never changed his tune even after returning back to India, all credit to him but it's the GOI and MOD which are creating the mischief just for own face-saving.


Vir Chakra Citation of the Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman brings out more details on how PAF’ offensive formation of JF-17s and Mirage-III aircraft Strike package were forced to miss their Targets when they dropped their payload in hurry after going to into tactical chaos after seeing a pair of Mig-21Bis Interceptors rushing towards them.

Vir Chakra Citation confirms what has been said by Indian OSNIT Community that one of the high flying formations of Three F-16s fired an AMRAAM BVR-Air to Air missile at the wing-man of the Varthaman which forced him to take aggressive maneuver against attacking F-16s. The first missile missed its target which allowed Varthaman to get missile lock on its R-73 WVR-CCM which ultimately took down PAFs F-16B over Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) before he too was hit by another AMRAAM fired by another F-16.


PAF’s claim that only Two AMRAAMS were fired has been debunked by India’s OSNIT Community and it is reported that at least 4-5 AMRAAMs were fired both at pair of Mig-21 and Su-30MKI with callsign ” Avenger-1″ which PAF claimed to have shot down but was displayed intact by IAF at Air force day flying formation.


Vir Chakra Citation of the Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman brings out more details on how PAF’ offensive formation of JF-17s and Mirage-III aircraft Strike package were forced to miss their Targets when they dropped their payload in hurry after going to into tactical chaos after seeing a pair of Mig-21Bis Interceptors rushing towards them.

Vir Chakra Citation confirms what has been said by Indian OSNIT Community that one of the high flying formations of Three F-16s fired an AMRAAM BVR-Air to Air missile at the wing-man of the Varthaman which forced him to take aggressive maneuver against attacking F-16s. The first missile missed its target which allowed Varthaman to get missile lock on its R-73 WVR-CCM which ultimately took down PAFs F-16B over Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) before he too was hit by another AMRAAM fired by another F-16.


PAF’s claim that only Two AMRAAMS were fired has been debunked by India’s OSNIT Community and it is reported that at least 4-5 AMRAAMs were fired both at pair of Mig-21 and Su-30MKI with callsign ” Avenger-1″ which PAF claimed to have shot down but was displayed intact by IAF at Air force day flying formation.

Just a single point on that display part, I am not saying that PAF shot down SU30 but just to elaborate that you do realise IAF can paint any SU30 with call sign Avenger-1 and display it as all of SU-30s looks the same or am I missing the point here that Indians are really stupid?


Vir Chakra Citation of the Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman brings out more details on how PAF’ offensive formation of JF-17s and Mirage-III aircraft Strike package were forced to miss their Targets when they dropped their payload in hurry after going to into tactical chaos after seeing a pair of Mig-21Bis Interceptors rushing towards them.

Vir Chakra Citation confirms what has been said by Indian OSNIT Community that one of the high flying formations of Three F-16s fired an AMRAAM BVR-Air to Air missile at the wing-man of the Varthaman which forced him to take aggressive maneuver against attacking F-16s. The first missile missed its target which allowed Varthaman to get missile lock on its R-73 WVR-CCM which ultimately took down PAFs F-16B over Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) before he too was hit by another AMRAAM fired by another F-16.


PAF’s claim that only Two AMRAAMS were fired has been debunked by India’s OSNIT Community and it is reported that at least 4-5 AMRAAMs were fired both at pair of Mig-21 and Su-30MKI with callsign ” Avenger-1″ which PAF claimed to have shot down but was displayed intact by IAF at Air force day flying formation.

All missiles of MiG 21 were found intact and displayed publicly.
Just a single point on that display part, I am not saying that PAF shot down SU30 but just to elaborate that you do realise IAF can paint any SU30 with call sign Avenger-1 and display it as all of SU-30s looks the same or am I missing the point here that Indians are really stupid?
Callsign can be assigned to any aircraft, its not a physical attribute. Doesnt have to be painted. Indians can call any XYZ jet Avenger 1 its upto them.

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