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Official citation for Vir Chakra of WC Abhinandan V

Just a single point on that display part, I am not saying that PAF shot down SU30 but just to elaborate that you do realise IAF can paint any SU30 with call sign Avenger-1 and display it as all of SU-30s looks the same or am I missing the point here that Indians are really stupid?

Only Hindu Indians. Muslim Indians are very intelligent and do not believe this crap.

We know there was no F-16 shot down.
i think we need to replace the "enemy ac into tactical chaos" with "our command in chaos leading us to shoot our brothers in arms down" and adding "couldnt" before "shot down" and adding "all missiles were unfired"

rest looks pretty good

Only Hindu Indians. Muslim Indians are very intelligent and do not believe this crap.

We know there was no F-16 shot down.
as a aviation fan i still dont know about the su 30 unless PAF gives us evidence, but we all know about the F16 story after seeing the un fired BVRs on the mig21, and the fact that mig was jammed (per IAF) and the verification reports from USA...
last but not the least F16 stayed well behind doing fighter sweep and aim 120 comfortably out ranges the mig 21 Rs..so there is no way the mig even came into firing range ..

i dont know why indian want the mig21 to shot down the f16s, they should have said the mirages or the su30 shot it down and we would have had some discussion..
A citation, which is shameful, as well as shameless, at the same time.:lol:
when you ask about this question the answer is "do you not believe our army"
when an Indian asks about ti its" are you anti national" thus deep down even they know the truth..

the reason why you hear the other things..our migs were jammed..we dont have secure connection....our BVRs were out ranged..f16s are superior to anything we have..blah blah..
after all the above its simple maths..this maths explains why IAF refused an order from Modi to reply ..it couldnt it was out ranged by PAF f16s(& probably the sd10s as well) and was out seen by PAF 7 AWECS....we have more AWECS, better jammers, better BVRs than india..IAF knew it had no chance in short battle..

IAF has thus gone to drawing board you will see it fixing things

1. it will get meteor
2. it will get more AWECS
3. it will try to find or fund a better russian missles for su 30s

IAF hopes once rafales are in with meteor than it can match or outgun PAF in short battle..the answer form our side has to be better jammers and better BVRs if possible and if china releases it the PL 15 or AIM 120 D
I would urge my Pakistani colleagues to not ridicule this action. As a sovereign nation, India has the right to provide citation to whomever they choose.

If you ask me, WC Abhi's conduct was nothing short of a pure bred professional and that of a gentlemen. Just because he was thoroughly defeated by a superior fighting force, does not make his conduct and bravery any less. If the defeated boxer gives his 10000%, and is still beaten by a superior boxer, you don't ridicule the defeated boxer. You take your hat off, and bow to his efforts. That's what i feel like is the situation here, WC Abhi gave it all, and we should respect that. He had his service revolver, he could have fired at the civilians but he refused to.

NE, how are you ? When i was active - we have had several conversations. Good to see you active.
Above post is well said. Abhi is a thorough professional - a second generation pilot. I would say impulsive but pilots are like that. Its not trivial that he crossed LOC in pursuit of a enemy fighter.


Weren't you the guy who came to PDF on Feb 26, and were talking big, how PAF was caught with its pants down and Pakistan was taught a lesson.



Actually not ! I did came into PDF and did post after Feb 27 , but then life happened and had personal emergency. Anyways just wanted to say hi.

How ironic that you logged in just to get it all off your chest....if your rant was worth any more than wall chalking in slumdog street then you may have deserved an answer.....so i will put a lid on all your blabbering with this to remind you of your so-called professionalism and how your warlords make pathetic efforts to keep you fools in the loop....you don't need to erect monuments since you have plenty of own wrecks to display as trophies.

Windy..windy..you are equating monuments to war time actions. Goes to show whatever i wrote was absolutely correct on the mark. When will you end passing the wind.
Windy..windy..you are equating monuments to war time actions. Goes to show whatever i wrote was absolutely correct on the mark. When will you end passing the wind.
Well, it so seems that most of the trapped wind has traveled up and affected your brains, my friend it seems you have missed the whole point of my post....I mean which other airforces will go so low to the point of paint own wrecks in enemy colors and display them as war trophies just to fool their own public.....but then we are talking about the Indian air force.
NE, how are you ? When i was active - we have had several conversations. Good to see you active.
Above post is well said. Abhi is a thorough professional - a second generation pilot. I would say impulsive but pilots are like that. Its not trivial that he crossed LOC in pursuit of a enemy fighter.

Actually not ! I did came into PDF and did post after Feb 27 , but then life happened and had personal emergency. Anyways just wanted to say hi.

Oh shit man

Sorry to hear that. Hope all is well at your end man.
Complications with daughter and it is still is an issue. Once in a while - i log into these forums to divert attention. Hope all is well

Very sorry to hear that bro, my prayers are with the little angel. Daughters indeed are precious. As we say in urdu 'Betiyan sabki sanjhi hoti hain'

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