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Official citation for Vir Chakra of WC Abhinandan V

Mighty Lion

Oct 3, 2018
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May Indin General Public and armed Forces have many such Morale boosting events, Ameen ...

Further I am surprised to 'Truthfulness' of Indian government in general and its Air Force in particular that they at last not only accept JF-17 as "Advance Fourth Generation" fighter aircraft after almost one and half decades but also explicitly mention that it successfully manage to Enter inside the airspace which India claim as their own and came back Unscratched after the action ....

I want to Thank India for exhibiting this high state of truth, it will help us to sell our jet in future; I suggest PAF should consider some marketing commission for IAF from sells of JF-17. Thanks again India, we appreciate this help and will alway remember it.
May Indin General Public and armed Forces have many such Morale boosting events, Ameen ...

Further I am surprised to 'Truthfulness' of Indian government in general and its Air Force in particular that they at last not only accept JF-17 as "Advance Fourth Generation" fighter aircraft after almost one and half decades but also explicitly mention that it successfully manage to Enter inside the airspace which India claim as their own and came back Unscratched after the action ....

I want to Thank India for exhibiting this high state of truth, it will help us to sell our jet in future; I suggest PAF should consider some marketing commission for IAF from sells of JF-17. Thanks again India, we appreciate this help and will alway remember it.
Nowshere in the citation is it mentioned PAF crossed LoC.
Also we always said compared to MiG-21, JF-17 is more advanced.
Gangadeshi subhumans are now trying to defeat likes Arab dictators in fake propaganda.
Begharat nation besharam government....... their credibility is a good as Baghdad Bob..... after all Abhi none done fought in 1965 war as well and destroyed Sargodha single handedly......
And when Abhinandan after getting shotdown ejected and landed in Pakistan territory, the first thing he asked was if ''This is India''!!!....so yea the citation is certainly telling the truth.... however, not knowing your location, getting shotdown, getting thrashed by the crowd, lose your aircraft, dignity, uniform slurp some tea and become a hero in India...well two people come to mind.



And when Abhinandan after getting shotdown ejected and landed in Pakistan territory, the first thing he asked was if ''This is India''!!!....so yea the citation is certainly telling the truth.... however, not knowing your location, getting shotdown, getting thrashed by the crowd, lose your aircraft, dignity, uniform slurp some tea and become a hero in India...well two people come to mind.

Logged in after a long time and what do i find..windy is still at it :)

Hey come to think of it -- Hmm loosing half of your country ,loosing F16 to a wild board , shooting your own F16 down on ground ( you know that , dont you ? ).. Pak people never seem to amaze me with false sense of bravado. Abhi - yeah well he chased the a/c across LOC, engaged in combat , shot down F16 (yeah yeah , dont jump up n down claiming thats not the case. Unlike PAF we dont dedicate an entire memorial and museum showing a plane that was never shot down) and behaved professionally. By the way the truth will come out just the way it came out about the wild boar incident, F16 mishap, our soldiers are not there on Kargil and ofcourse - who can ever forget the famous dialogue of Gen AK Niazi - "We will fight till our last breath and blood" splashed on news papers - only to surrender next day ! Coming to think of it - Dont you have a Niazi in office now ?

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