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Of unarmed hostages and two brave Commandos


Aug 7, 2009
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Of unarmed hostages and two brave commandos

Monday, October 12, 2009

By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: The standard operating procedure of not allowing any civilian or uniformed officer working at the GHQ to bear arms on the premises was cleverly exploited by the well-trained terrorists, who did not receive severe immediate resistance after some of them managed to break past the outer ring check post, reached thenearby located intelligence wing building and took hostage a large number of unarmed civil and military officers, reveal official sources.

The sources said that the operation was so well planned that while the terrorists were engaged with the army inside the GHQ, outside a group of their associates was busy calling media people on their cell phones within minutes of the attack. These journalists were informed that Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan men had taken control of the GHQ and had taken in a large number of hostages. The TV journalists in particular were told to air the news with the demand to stop military operation in Waziristan if they were interested in the safety of the hostages.

Reportedly, Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani, who was present at a public ceremony, was given the news about this attack with the information that some military officers had been taken hostage by these terrorists. PM Gilani got this news almost around the same time when the terrorists’ associates were making desperate calls to the electronic media to inform them about their control over the GHQ and demands to stop military operation in Waziristan.The sources said that the hostages were taken within 10 minutes of the operation, but the news was not released to the media.

A source said that there was huge confusion once the attack was launched at the first check post of the GHQ as no one knew who was enemy and who was solider. The sources said the snipers sitting at the top of the building also took some time to recover from this shocking attacks as initially they got confused when after exchange of firing, they saw uniformed soldiers coming towards the GHQ while raising slogans of Allah-o-Akbar. These snipers took them as their own presumably going to protect the officers present inside the building. But, once these terrorists started killing people in front of the offices, the snipers knew better and killed four of them on the spot. But, it was too late as in the meantime, rest of the attackers had managed to penetrate the GHQ building and entered the Military Intelligence office.

They took over 22 military and civilian officers of MI hostage in one room. One suicide bomber was made to sit among those unarmed civilians and uniformed officers. Sources said these hostages were later taken into the basement by gunmen, who apparently had good knowledge of the building layout, and this made the job of rescue forces even more difficult.

The sources said at one stage when it was felt that the commandoes might not be able to capture or kill the terrorists without some losses to human lives, the decision was taken to storm the room where they were being held. But, later another strategy was adopted as two brave commandos volunteered to come forward to face the terrorists to diver their attention, so that others could storm them. This strategy was said to have worked but not before two valiant commandos knowingly embraced martyrdom so that many others could live.


This brought tears to my eyes.
Rang laia ga Shaheed ka Lahu
I want these TTP bastards MASACARED MERCILESSLY! :angry:
I hope we take off the kid gloves and just masicare them!
There just HAS to be a very severe response to this attack , I hope the Army High Command takes the decision in this regrard.
We should use a Guilatine to cut their heads off and toss their soul less bodies over to india and afaggotistan
Im pissed and I want their blood! :angry:
But, later another strategy was adopted as two brave commandos volunteered to come forward to face the terrorists to diver their attention, so that others could storm them. This strategy was said to have worked but not before two valiant commandos knowingly embraced martyrdom so that many others could live.

Tears are in my eyes after reading this ! May Allah (swt) forgive all their Sins and grant them a Place in Jannat !

Guyz, these 2 brave soldiers gave the ultimate sacrifice which we should never forget. Is there any one here who is close or a distant relative of these Soldiers and their families?
I think we should send a BIG THANK YOU note to their families from Defence Pak and get it signed by as many members as possible, and not only Thank you note, we should also support them financially and honour them. That's the very least we can do considering what they have done for our nation.

Can Mods please consider this idea? Or those 'members' who are in Pak right now or who know where there Familes live. I am ready to contribute but i need somone in Pakistan to do this work please....

We should have a Big poster (signed by many defence pk members in urdu) be posted to their families? We need to do this or something Similar to let them know that we Respect, Honour and back our Army and their Sacrifices for PAKISTAN !
Rauf Klasra
the actions of the commando's are probably true, but whatever this guy writes should be taken with a large "grain of salt"
Please count me in for the financial support idea of the brave shaheeds.

May Allah bless them and accept their sacrifice and grant them place in janat.

May Allah bless their families and give us strength to stand next to these folks in this trying time.


---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

Rauf Klasra
the actions of the commando's are probably true, but whatever this guy writes should be taken with a large "grain of salt"

You are absolutely right.
Please count me in for the financial support idea of the brave shaheeds.

May Allah bless them and accept their sacrifice and grant them place in janat.

May Allah bless their families and give us strength to stand next to these folks in this trying time.


---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

You are absolutely right.

coun me in too.
Rauf Klasra
the actions of the commando's are probably true, but whatever this guy writes should be taken with a large "grain of salt"

The action indeed is true. I mentioned this earlier, when I was told by a "resource" that it really happened. A great courage and guts are required to perform such an action, great belief in God is required.

I salute the SSG commando who according to news cushioned himself in front of terrorist's firing and the other SSG commando shot the bomber.[/quote]


KIT Out:pakistan:
No doubt, these brave soldiers got eternally life.
"tumhain Watan ki Hawain SALAM kahti hain.....!!!!"
I know the fact that Army take's care of thier own people and there is no doubt that their (soldier) families will recieve Financial Help from Army. I was just watching ARY now and heard that 5lakh rupees have been given to the families. Don't know if it was true or not.

But we Pakistani Nationals should help our Fallen Heroes, they died for this country and to protect us from these rats and therefore it is our responsibilty to atleast say Thank You to their families and give some sort of Financial Help. Most of these families are from Villages and are not very wealthy. I am sure Financial Help will be very much appreciated.

One of the Soldier who died left behind 2 little chlidren and his wife. Now just imagine how hard will it for his wife to take care of her children and family now !

I am going to ask once again. Is there anyone here who know where their families live? Or somehow related to them? I am ready to help and there are other people out there who will not hesitate to help. But we need someone (who is in Pak right now) to do this job and deliver the money & thank you notes to them somehow. I know it's very hard but can someone please try it? Allah will Reward you for this InshAllah.

If theres anyone who think he/she can help or have better Idea than this, then please come in this thread and post here. Thanks a lot. :)
I concur, heard the same from reliable resources that 2 SSG commandos volunteered to divert attention while exposing themselves to maximum terrorists and willingly risking a very high probability of death...all to buy time for their team mates to finish the bastards off!

Just saw the families of the martyrs and tears flowed in my eyes to see the emotions and the pride which the dependents reflected in their tribute...

I wish we as a nation develop the guts and the integrity to ensure that we condemn such terrorists and their supporters in all forms and remember the many lives lost willingly to protect Pakistan and fellow Pakistanis...

Salute to our martyrs, the likes of them should make any parent proud...whose presence alone should be a testament to the fact that this nation is not deficient in patriots and honorable sons...

It is time we honor our martyrs by not falling into the trap of the TTP supporters who oppose any action that makes Pakistan strong...

Destroy TTP and make them an example for generations to come...kill them like the dogs they are...that should be the only course of action for us...

Long Live the memory of our martyrs...our enemies do not know what they have done...the blood of our martyrs will only make us a stronger nation in the future...Inshallah!
It is time we honor our martyrs by not falling into the trap of the TTP supporters who oppose any action that makes Pakistan strong...

Destroy TTP and make them an example for generations to come...kill them like the dogs they are...that should be the only course of action for us...

Long Live the memory of our martyrs...our enemies do not know what they have done...the blood of our martyrs will only make us a stronger nation in the future...Inshallah!

I am amazed that how we just say things. It maybe is because we do not get an idea about the sensibility of the events.

It is very easy to launch an attack. Orders na, just orders. From COAS to Corps Commander Pesh. Permission to launch a strategic attack on the rebellions and terrorists in Waziristan is granted on the following grounds. Intel confirms the presence of such such notable terrorists in the vicinity. This this div and this this unit is spared to take part in this op and it is ensured to fully utilize Airforce resources against the enemy. D Day ........... Execution .............. No civilian, you are weapons free, clear to engage, shot at sight, no friendly. :sniper:Thats it. what next???

Thats important. Whats next? You consider me a supporter of TTP I dont care for I know I hate those ******* bastards more than you. But the time is not ripe. Decisions must be taken wisely.

Whats the rush??? Some say DD is T - 48 hours, some say a week more but what next. More crying families, more tears, more martyrs, ..... What do you think is it easy to give life? Easy to get yourself in front of bullets knowing that your life is the price of the freedom of hostages? One, like me, must consider, why me? I have this and that to do, death? not now. I am so young to die.

But this is not what our boys, brave and bold, think. They are ready for action, they left their mothers' laps to sleep in the heavinly lap, to live forever. They are ready... Indeed, no question about their rediness. But why lose more men is my Question?

You dont have resources, your forces are scattered, a major op is in progress, political conditions not excellent, international burden increasing day by day, US and India wants us to launch an immediate attack, why? India such a friendly to us? They want us to go to Waziristan in these conditions to get traped. Things will stretch. Emotions can not win wars, strategy and belief can. Belief says? I am ready. Strategy says? Not now.

Rationality, hope, wit, resources, concentration and one at a time..... Keys to success in a military operation which you choose. Not talking about a war. Once you have favourable conditions, **** those bloody bastards and **** them as you like, kill them as dogs or swines whatever you like. But I must say again TIME IS NOT RIPE

correct me if I am wrong.

KIT Out:pakistan:
I am amazed that how we just say things. It maybe is because we do not get an idea about the sensibility of the events.

It is very easy to launch an attack. Orders na, just orders. From COAS to Corps Commander Pesh. Permission to launch a strategic attack on the rebellions and terrorists in Waziristan is granted on the following grounds. Intel confirms the presence of such such notable terrorists in the vicinity. This this div and this this unit is spared to take part in this op and it is ensured to fully utilize Airforce resources against the enemy. D Day ........... Execution .............. No civilian, you are weapons free, clear to engage, shot at sight, no friendly. :sniper:Thats it. what next???

Thats important. Whats next? You consider me a supporter of TTP I dont care for I know I hate those ******* bastards more than you. But the time is not ripe. Decisions must be taken wisely.

Whats the rush??? Some say DD is T - 48 hours, some say a week more but what next. More crying families, more tears, more martyrs, ..... What do you think is it easy to give life? Easy to get yourself in front of bullets knowing that your life is the price of the freedom of hostages? One, like me, must consider, why me? I have this and that to do, death? not now. I am so young to die.

But this is not what our boys, brave and bold, think. They are ready for action, they left their mothers' laps to sleep in the heavinly lap, to live forever. They are ready... Indeed, no question about their rediness. But why lose more men is my Question?

You dont have resources, your forces are scattered, a major op is in progress, political conditions not excellent, international burden increasing day by day, US and India wants us to launch an immediate attack, why? India such a friendly to us? They want us to go to Waziristan in these conditions to get traped. Things will stretch. Emotions can not win wars, strategy and belief can. Belief says? I am ready. Strategy says? Not now.

Rationality, hope, wit, resources, concentration and one at a time..... Keys to success in a military operation which you choose. Not talking about a war. Once you have favourable conditions, **** those bloody bastards and **** them as you like, kill them as dogs or swines whatever you like. But I must say again TIME IS NOT RIPE

correct me if I am wrong.

KIT Out:pakistan:

I think those little details called stratagem and guile are known to me as well and i am not the one to ask PA to launch an operation against their judgement...however they need our 100% support and not be called the toadies of foreign forces...a view propagated by many in our country till TTP took extreme measures more openly...my issue is the lack of gratitude our people have displayed in the past by adhering to conspiracy theories alone...many called PA as bombing their own and killing their own...utterly pathetic...that is what i wish had changed earlier...it took far too much death and destruction for many to even call their enemy as enemy...

Pakistan should take action on its own terms, however inaction as proposed by our religious parties and their allies is something unacceptable...

The strategy has to be sound and with 100% intent to finish the fight...
ALLAH shuhdaa ko Jannat-ul-Ferdaus main jaga ata faramaye "Amin"
and they did their job leaving a message.....
kuch nay wada pura kia aur kuch wada bhool gaye.........
yes shuhda ka karz hai ham pay.......
Brave sons of soil.....no doubt the its tragic story of few brave men. But Pak has lot of these type of stories, some were unable to surface, because of situation and media restrictions by ISPR. Where ever civilian comes out in peace, their is always some one sacrifice behind that.
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